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A Guide to Fishsticks


Bug Scissor Hand
Anyone herd of Kratom?. I got some coming to try.

Hammer, I have been doing quite a bit of reading on Kratom..just like my cannabis I would grow my own so I know what I get. Starting from seeds is cheap but takes a long time until plants mature...one can get cuttings though. Cuts are expensive but worth it if one wants to raise a tree or two. You climate is great for it. The govt is moving to make it illegal but there is already a bill introduced to keep that from happening.

Processed Kratom is sold at all the vape shops and convenience stores around here

ive been reading up on it ,seeds dont have a very long shelf life, & yea cuts r pricey


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Growing Kratom isn't a viable options for most. All you need is a reliable company that tests there Kratom. If you have Netflix watch the DOC about it. "a leaf of faith"

For a 4-6" cut cost about 76$.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Its a tropical. Its hard to get them going, and its hard to keep them going. The plants are expensive online and sometimes they don't take. I bought 3 varieties to try out and see which one I want to grow.

Last week I made some very addictive Italian sweet pepper jerky on the smoker grill. I marinaded wide long sweet pepper strips in spices, toasted sesame oil, garlic, basalmic, and fresh cracked pepper.

So today I ran by the Farmers market and got several pounds of peppers and Spanish onions to make more. I will be smoking it indirect with mesquite chunks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
nap time here...

went and rode,came home and watched the final vuelta espana stage,had a sammich so now off to napville...

got garden chores later and a bunch of running around to do tomorrow...then back to the trim job for a day of breakdown then 3 days later the trimming starts...


Hi ho here we go
I'm back from Rehab from an infection...

I'm back from Rehab from an infection...

So it's been about Seven Weeks since I smoked.

When I got home at about 11 am, my son rolled a joint of my Girl Scout Cookies and we smoked it with my wife.

It was better than any smoke I can remember. I haven't had a tolerance break in ten or twenty years.

I then took a nap for seven hours and then watched the S.C. Trojan get beat.

I'm feel great but need to regain some of my strength and balance.

It's almost time to pop some seeds :plant grow: :party:


This guy blends in pretty good from the distance....munching on a banana plant leaf


Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Afternoon all.

Making a pot of chili verde today with some fresh roasted Hatch chili I bought the other day. Actually had someone roasting in a parking lot way up here in Michigan. Got a nice Niman Ranch pork shoulder cubed up, tomatillos and garlic roasted and everyone is in the le creuset Dutch oven gettin happy. Just need to go to the store for some tortillas and a lime.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
tomatillos? green chile stew only needs pork,onions,green chile and some stock...must be some kinda fancy "sante fe" style!

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
The giant plant to the back is a Nevilles haze cross. I think it has Headband and something else in it. Its a volunteer.

Its going to yield pounds of spicy sweet bud


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
looks like theres going to be a a group ride along the rio...for this one we get dropped off at the start and then picked up at the end...94 miles...with a stop in the middle to eat as we will be back in town so it should end up being 100 miles total...


Active member
So it's been about Seven Weeks since I smoked.

When I got home at about 11 am, my son rolled a joint of my Girl Scout Cookies and we smoked it with my wife.

It was better than any smoke I can remember. I haven't had a tolerance break in ten or twenty years.

I then took a nap for seven hours and then watched the S.C. Trojan get beat.

I'm feel great but need to regain some of my strength and balance.

It's almost time to pop some seeds :plant grow: :party:
Hope all is good with you. I know those hospital visits take a lot out of you.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Gonna be trying out rapid rooters tomorrow for the first time. Kinda getting burned out on the aero cloner.

Unc, do you use a dome and heating pad? What rooting hormone are you using? Got any other tips?

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I grabbed 50-70 cuts from the grow house this after noon. They are in vases right now. I have to put them in trays tomorrow morning. More tedious work

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Back in the early to mid 70s, we mostly got Mexican weed, and some Columbian red. It was a real treat when someone would come up with some Thai sticks.
We would cut class from high school, and go across the street to a park with lots of giant Valley oak trees and a small creek running through it.
We would all climb high into a oak tree with a base almost 3 feet across.

Up in the tree, we would carefully unwrap the Thai stick hemp string, and load a small pipe with the sweet fragrant incense buds. We would each get a big lung full and hold it for as long as we could.

Everything would instantly change way up high in that tree, Everything became bright and cheerful. The world had new meaning.
And then it was story telling time...,. My favorite story was the one about the giant Thai plants in Thailand that grew year round. They were trees 15 feet tall, and required tall ladders to harvest the delicate sweet buds that we were smoking.

Here is the tree today. The base of the trunk is now 4' x 5' across. Its enormous. We sat mid way up, 20' above the ground on the big limb that goes to the left and is level. I did a large weed leaf carving and mounted it up there.

And the creek was right below us, 10' behind the tree. We used to get high and fish sometimes, between classes


That's beautiful Dr. P

Morning folks....time to get moving

Dome usage should be dictated by climate I believe...unc lives in a dry climate, I have better luck w/o a dome since the humidity is always 50% ish.
One tip I have learned is to make a small hole with a skewer and use it instead. Tighter fit around the stem. I use the powdered rooting hormone from HD.

Rapid Rooters are an easy reliable way to clone for sure. Name brand Rapid Rooters...I have tried others with not so much luck.



$$ ALONE $$
I took cuts from the HK at week 3 flower from the very lowers. Im having a hell of a time rooting them. Its been like 20 days and still no bumps. Ive changed the water already.
All I need is 1 to root and Im good.

Im very concerned for rot. I cut out minimul rot so far.... but it looked like, at the very tips of the colas, the white hairs had that greyish look to them, and thats not good at all. Thats were I seen the rot I cut out. At the tip tops of the buds. Right on top of there heads. So...the discolored greyish hairs are abit scary...especially when heavy heavy rains are coming again from the remnants of the hurricane.

Only half way done. Im praying I didnt make a huge mistake growing the HK outside in New England. It will be devastating if all 8 rot.
If it works out?.....Itll be the best decision I made.
No guts no glory! No risk, no reward, and all that jazz.......:violin:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

pretty much the usual going on today...got a bunch of stuff to do,a trip to the grow store...had exactly enough bloom nutes last night,down to the very last teaspoon...need to get cloning gel too...and yet another grocery run...

tomorrow its off to the trim job for a day of breaking plants down...hopefully enough people show up and actually finish the leaf plucking part off...last time was a total clusterfuck since half the people were apparently just there to do endless dabs and not any actual work...

gonna have to put in some long days,the local mountain bike race is sunday so i gotta get up early and ride out there to volunteer which basically means directing traffic along the course and heckling the riders...and getting high all morning!

getting cooler out week by week...almost to the really nice part of the year...

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