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5000 plant grow


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I just posted up a follow up rant fairly similar to that in other thread..:smoke:

Interesting :smoke:

I'm sincerely humbled at the praise btw......


I think point you just made is extremely observant :smoke:

(Taking on a bunch of nameless, faceless people which hold absolutely no importance or influence on ones life requires much, much less resolve :smoke:.. good test though I guess :smoke: You can't address them.......well, then maybe back top drawing board :smoke:.....)

We touched on that earlier in other thread actually.......

(Above, "address them" meaning discuss project, outline project, ask or answer questions regard to project, which to me translation is "stand behind project".........if one won't.(or can't)....them how does one expect to get others in real life to stand behind it.....to risk their lives for it :smoke:

I never thought about it once until recently...(people here made me aware of it actually).......but...in life.......to push a project....to be able to have people around you to essentially say "I will put my life, and the life of my family in your hands...I believe in you...I believe in project.....".........well........something to think about for some I guess....

I never did before.......and it's extremely humbling..........beyond words....when I thought about it like that......even more ferocity bubbled up inside me....for them........to ensure their freedom...survival....safety........same point as other thread.......you make a mistake.....you call it wrong......other people go down.....people important to you....your family...their families...........

It's a great responsibility which weighs on one extremely heavy constantly.....(and should....)
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it all depends on what you can fit in your spot...some spots cant fit 8' tall plants, but could easily fit 2' plants and thousands of them, with an easy prep. if anyone wants to make alot of money with out a lot of input, julians style is the way to go no doubt


Well when ya think about it, 5lbs of seed scattered over 5 acres of land could yield plants in the thousand under optimum conditions with water soil and weather. I dont recall him saying he was gonna prep every hole. A massive SOG.
ive always wondered what would happen if you planted a seed in the ground without prepping the area (i.e. take 50 germ'd seeds, take them out with a pen, push the pen 1/2" into the soil, plant the seeds) it would be easy and if it went into an uncompacted area then you should be able to ge a pretty good yeild for just pushing the pen into the soil....

we are the most lazy cash croppers out there, arent we

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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I've never done that, but, many times I've just put 6" ers in 3" peat pots straight into ground with heavy top feed and turned out giants....(great soil, good rain)...maybe 3-4 hits to spot with a hand spade......if can't do it fairly simple with hand spade, ground probably too hard and not right spot....(for roots to easily penetrate.)

I can also say from extensive experience doing that....of course, yield not quite what they could be if heavier hole and prep (not bad at all.....1-2lb'ers on a 9-16 footers.....just not what they could be...) and that doing that early season, giants, your looking at serious tipping problems later on......

Should also be noted when doing that, slightly less animal (small) problems.....ie: Not larger area of freshly turned soil......undisturbed for the most part)

Which is why I kind start that later (earlier drilled, later straight in)...as not as much of an issue when smaller..., less tipping and weight issues...(less size and branching) when I get to latest, might even do Jiffy pellets straight into ground.....which is why I don't see why if right environment, numbers are such an issue.....my last rounds planting last year?, I was doing 100 in less than an hour.......(was busting my ass to do it)......but.....spade, twist, nutes, plant, water, next.....once on a roll was about 30 seconds each.....same when drilling and couple people......less than a minute a plant (actually much less because doing hole and planting as fast as they could drill them......first drills, second right behind him with nutes...and I always tend to plant cause I want a specific way, or, any combination......ie: first drills, I prep and plant, 3rd does cages, etc....

Edit: Also of interest regarding speed and efficiency is last year, for mid season, on couple rounds, we combined both and instead of drilling full depth, just did like a foot down or so......and, that way....I couldn't even tell ya....could have been doing 10 holes a minute....(1' x 1' instead of 3' down...just to turn a little soil, etc)......me and another planting 2 at a time as fast as he could drill right behind him......)
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This aint that big of a deal. If you had the seeds. Its just a weed.. It will grow with a little bit of water. Just farming. It wont be the bomb without care. but who cares? Dude go for it. Johnny appleseed it. Go big or go home. You can easily plant 250 per day with two guys after they seed. Thats 10 days of planting. No big. Go big. Buy a trimmer. Make a ton of hash have 2000 pounds of ok bud. Sell it for the same as mexi, 700 to 1000 a pound. It will be better than mexi but not much, without the proper care. but 2000 or even 500 pounds with a shitty harvest at 1000 bucks a pound is some cash. Have fun, work hard and try to get some sleep.


Surfnfisher said:
This aint that big of a deal. If you had the seeds. Its just a weed.. It will grow with a little bit of water. Just farming. It wont be the bomb without care. but who cares? Dude go for it. Johnny appleseed it. Go big or go home. You can easily plant 250 per day with two guys after they seed. Thats 10 days of planting. No big. Go big. Buy a trimmer. Make a ton of hash have 2000 pounds of ok bud. Sell it for the same as mexi, 700 to 1000 a pound. It will be better than mexi but not much, without the proper care. but 2000 or even 500 pounds with a shitty harvest at 1000 bucks a pound is some cash. Have fun, work hard and try to get some sleep.

someone who see's things the way i do


Active member
Rebsi steps in from the shadows......Maybe with have a contest............See who can grow the biggest patch and successfully harvest it.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
You guys take that contest with Reibis you best have some awesome patches !! .... This brother grows some mad patches :) Some of the most awesome threads on ICmag!! Heya Reibsi great to see ya posting up


Active member
HIGH.............Babbabud, "It`s good to see you to"......and thanks for the kind words....much appreciated. I`m biding my time here but i`ll be around when the Blue Jays sing.


Reibsi said:
Rebsi steps in from the shadows......Maybe with have a contest............See who can grow the biggest patch and successfully harvest it.
sure reibsi im in ,, i think i got u covered ,, hehehe ...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Done. Can I play too? :smoke:........

How about some rules?....Gotta have rules....without rules we have chaos :smoke:.....multiple pics, high resolution, can be counted by any party clearly, harvest time pics only? (veg means nothing, could lose whole plot at any time....).....anything else?.....maybe some finished product pics?.....all pics one post? (Maybe a sub category?...plant count/weight?....just for laughs?....)

Make the thread. I'm in. Let's meet back in the fall :smoke:

Actually I think that's a pretty fuckin cool idea........:smoke: Something new....something different..(which is fuckin rare........:smoke:....)

I'm fuckin in man......I'm in spring mode :smoke:.......
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
How about an entry fee to make it interesting....:smoke:..something small.....and fun.........say......$5k?.......everyone who participates has to kick $5k to winner?.....(ie: if your in, have to kick $5k to winner if you lose....being in is a commitment for $5k.....5k only a p for some...3-4 for others..........not a big thing when talking winning size required.........if not at least 20lb patch shouldn't be entering anyway :smoke:.....so...what's couple p's out of 25-50-100+ patch, etc......peanuts....(Blank money order with handle on it to prove sent)...

So....10 people enter?...winner gets 50k.......20 people enter....winner gets 100k, etc.....25 people, 125k, etc......30 people.....150k........etc.....50?......winner gets 250k extra...... :smoke:
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I'm disappointed.....that really gave me a different sense and feeling....(wasn't even sure would win depending on what spots I can do, don't usually do large single plots, and knew I might not win anyway...might have those swiss fuckers coming in with 5 acres..:biglaugh:.)....a challenge?.....now that's something new......)

Really gave me a new aspect which I found exciting.....:badday:...

Disappointed and a little surprised such lack of interest.....