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5000 plant grow

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
No lack of interest, just people haven't been on... shoot them PM's and wait patiently.


Active member
Theirs no way i`m down for the money part....that`s just about as much heat...if not more then the grow itself......IMO. to many un-control aspects. But if you people want to give it a go then fire away...........but be warned! I`ve added some weight to this years grow..........A tried and tested heavy yielder that grows as fast as corn and has all 3 of the aspects i`ve been looking for....flavour/yield/stone..........plus..the Auto-Afghani and some boreal strains............She`s gonna get wild on the East Coast of Canada.


pothead6 said:
ok first off if u have any objections to this post in other words telling me its inpossible then dont post i mean no dis respect i just dont need bad vibes lol

ok this year i am planing a 5000 plant grow yes i know this is massive but i have the land and resoureses to do this soo ya now the way i figure it is if i get like 6000 or soo seeds then i should be able to get 5000 plants in therory now i look at it this way 5000 / 2. male / female

now in thery that should be 2500 females now i want to clone each plant 5 times thus 12500 now that is really far fetched but hey im gona try now the way im will be growing this is gg so it wont be my land so if the plot gets busted o well. i have not figured out a way to plant them so they wont get spoted but hey i got like 7 months to plan sooo any help would be really nice but please dont post saying o well this is imposible or anythign negaive thanks

o and pass my kittie around >^_^<

lol good luck bro.. why would you want that much weed???? i mean going for a lb a plant and 2500 or sumthing about 5 clones making 12500?????? why would you need 12500 lbs of pot???? i mean were are you going to dry it or cure it... or keep it lol?


people that ask these questions, and then try to go do it, are the reason why pot growers are hated.

there is ABSOLUTLY NO REASON AT ALL to have a grow this large unless you are:

A) supplying lots of coffee shops in amsterdam (or the shops in Cali)

B) a seed breeder and working on breeding many different strains.

(IMO, choice A is even pushing it)
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
So that means the entire world should not be able to smoke unless they grow it themselves?

If not for large ops......there would be no supply.....Prices would triple (supply and demand)......

There's not a grower that exists that has not at one time or another received compensation for his wares.....

(Or should we all grow for free, give it away, and eat set up costs, supplies, power, labor, ending up actually paying othes to take out product?.........ie: "Here's a z.....it cost me $60 in expenses, out of my pocket, but, you can have it for free"....

Why don't we just cut out the middleman altogether and just empty all our bank accounts and just give money to everyone who smokes instead?....same principle....

Fat Tone

Found the Answer to all the question about WHY you would grow this much. Also lets you know what type of area is suitable for this Mission. How and where you dry it and everything.


Read the link to the first chapter (I think its better.

Take Note to WHY he does this. Do you still think their is absolutly know reason to grow this much?
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New member
Should be interesting

Should be interesting

Anyone can grow a large patch but to successfully harvest it is another story. I look forward to the outdoor threads starting.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Rebsi steps in from the shadows......Maybe with have a contest............See who can grow the biggest patch and successfully harvest it.

im up for the challenge
since Pothead6 didnt produce any pix for 08 ill conclude that it didnt start off, but he can join in on a 09 competition instead

i did some small test grows in corn in 08
mostly to get seeds for 09 but also to try out the theories about commercial growing in corn.
had 7 spots in corn but lost one to a farmer that harvested early
i gained the experinces and not least the seeds to pull of a commercial grow here

no proper auto genes around here so ill harvest only once
but im planning a 1000+ plant grow, males included
as i havent found any reliable partners yet im not going to harvest it as pot but dry it and make hash from it with pollinators

im going to use early local strains and genetics as Danish Passion, Early Dane, Royal dane, my own erocket/danish passion x Royal Dane and other early strains and genetics from the nordic region
also some semi AF genes im testing for a fellow danish breeder

unfortunatly i have no acces to auto afghanies and the earliest afghani here finishes mid October here and they start harvesting the corn early October but all the strains and crosses mentioned above was grown in Corn 08 so they are definatly going to finish here
well the Leb27 needed 1-2 weeks more to mature seeds when i harvested them, but pulling them with roots allowed me to move them back home and let the seeds mature in buckets with clean water.
not running the leb27 in large number this year for the same reason but might make a field with some of them with others to make a cross
maybe with nordic afghan or others

im up for the challenge
whos joining?

Done. Can I play too? :smoke:........

How about some rules?....Gotta have rules....without rules we have chaos :smoke:.....multiple pics, high resolution, can be counted by any party clearly, harvest time pics only? (veg means nothing, could lose whole plot at any time....).....anything else?.....maybe some finished product pics?.....all pics one post? (Maybe a sub category?...plant count/weight?....just for laughs?....)

Make the thread. I'm in. Let's meet back in the fall :smoke:

Actually I think that's a pretty fuckin cool idea........:smoke: Something new....something different..(which is fuckin rare........:smoke:....)

I'm fuckin in man......I'm in spring mode :smoke:.......

i dont want to post exact harvest in grams and money etc as its a big security risk if used as evidence
but there will be plenty of harvested plants to show and some of the end product also
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Mr. Stinky

what a thread.... while i have my doubts that this fella pulled it off, i dont doubt that he could do it. a few thousand mid sized plants easily spread randomly thruout a handful of cornfields and good guerilla spots. growing it in an area like mine with plenty of rain isnt a huge deal. the huge deal comes around mid september:1help: without any real connections, its simply not possible to move hundreds of pounds without going to jail... even if you could find the help to cut, dry, cure and pack it, moving it will be the issue that defines how much you actually grow.

i think someone said it before, probably julian, that you start your plan with the harvest/sale capability, then you work backwards from there. just use ur head:joint:


I am trying to figure out the most effective planting method for this style of grow (commercial). There's a balance that must be struck between soil prep/ time/effort and yield. Basically an evaluation of different planting styles efficiencies.

I haven't gone over Julian's Massive Commercial Outdoor thread in a while but I seem to remember him being a big advocate of the gas powered augers as well as the one-piece steel spade shovels. The auger is definitely the way to go so long as you can work around the noise factor. One could possibly have a custom exhaust connected to the auger to really muffle it or just be real safe.

I had also been thinking about patches that were completely tilled and planted SOG style. I figured the plants smaller stature would make it so the soil would not need to be amended as deep. I was thinking about coupling this planting style with either the photoshock method and clones or feminised auto ak. I'm honestly trying to acquire a photosensitive auto right now. I have seeds from a photosensitive auto ak but I have not tested them yet. I would really like to try Easy Sativa, Biddy Early, Nigerian Nightmare, Royal Dane, and Gunnar whole little line-up there. I also plan on running Green House Seeds Great White Shark, and KC Brains KC 33.

Aside from those I have a few other strains that I want to try outdoors this year; one in particular is Alpha Diesel(Rez) x Northern Lights(Sensi). I have a really good feeling about this cross, Alpha Diesel really packs the stinky weight on and Northern Lights is a legend in itself. I haven't personally tested it but it was gifted to me recently with recommendation and I know someone who runs Northern Lights in my area with relative success, though I believe he runs KC Brains version. I'm also considering trying the photoshock method with kali mist if I get ahold of some seeds.
As far as amendments are concerned I'm thinking coco bricks, guanos, green sand, rock phosphate, and a few other high concentration amendments. I've been interested in trying a product like AN Heavy Harvest or the Home and Garden equivalent I forget it's name(it's European I believe).

Again, my main focus is going to be efficiency. I think that the most efficient route possible is the photosensitive partial-autos out there like Reibsi's auto affi. I'm going to try and find something in the genetics that I currently have but as I said we will be acquiring some more genetics as the season comes closer. I'd really like to try out JonnyHash's Timewarp x Lowryder but I'm having difficulty getting ahold of the beans. I'm going to try and locate some various auto f1's if I can. Hopefully all goes well. Good luck everyone.


Have fun with that good luck is all i can say seen alot of guys goe down hard doing over 1000 but 5000 all i can say is hope u got lots of money for lawyer.
ha ha im sorry and i know you said dont post anything saying its impossible but yeah sounds pretty fuckin impossible. Like it was almost legit until you said cloning all of them. Now your just not making sense. Plants are hard to clone when theyve gone into flower so i always take clones in veg then flower to see if i have a mother or not. I dont think you can keep track of 12,500 clones. Not to mention all the manhours and time and money and you dont even know how your gonna keep the plot from not being seen?? sorry to be negative but maybe you should just focus your efforts on something you can do and only grow a couple hundred really bomb plants that you can manage and not have be seen?