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5000 plant grow

Mr.Pyrex said:
try 1000 this season and if you can handle that, try 5000 next, simple as that
pfft, i say try 500 and if he some how in gods name pulls that off then try 1,000 but 5,000 is ****ing dumb unless you want seedy Mexican dirt weed. i say he gets seedy dirt weed with just 500 plants.

you guys realize its growers like this that bring on the heat with the police.... especially with helicopters. i say people wanting grows this big are just greedy bastards. just grow enough for the year and thats it. just be happy you want have to spend money on weed all year and look at the as your profit but people need to stop tryin to get rich off this plant. youll only end up in jail.
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what the shit

what the shit

I have no idea why I just wasted 20 minutes scanning through this thread. I guess it was semi humorous through the first one or two pages. I know you asked for no negative vibes but I think negative vibes are the only thing you need if you are seriously still considering a large scale grow. Every single post you have written has shown how extremely inexperienced naive you are. You might think people saying these things are assholes but we are truly looking out for your best interest. To stop you from spending thousands and thousands of dollars you don't even have and ultimately ending up in prison. What a waste of Ic mag internet space.

New Grower

George Hayduke said:
people need to stop tryin to get rich off this plant. youll only end up in jail.
99,9% who smokes weed can't grow it.. so someone should make it and others should pay for it if they can't produce it themselves. thatz a correct thing when you can help for people who need it. if I have no weed I'll also buy...

but 5000 plants is waaay too much cause you can't dry or trim 5000 x 100g weed (500kg). if you are a very experienced grower you can grow max (guerilla outdoor) 20 plants.




Eugene Oregon
D: Sorry to burst your bubble.
5000 plants is to much for an operation unless you have a 25 man crew of people working for you and a HUGE tank and a location that is so hidden just no.

Go for it but when I see you on the news weeping and they check your comp and get your IP and see your on this forum.. we will laugh.. but would be a shame.


anyone heard from dude lately?? maybe hes out digging holes, or doing his paper bag thing, or w,e lol

amusing read. tom hill wtf man?!?!?!?


Eugene Oregon
Okay I am just saying sounds to difficult for me if you suceed in this I will enjoy watching your grow mate


Mr C, I think people just get tired of feeding info on projects that are going nowhere.

I think 5000 plants could be done. Just like any large project, planning and resources would be required. However 5000 plants on several acres is just too risky. You would have to set up generators and water pumps, tons of plumbing etc thatwould just couldnt be explained. If you own the land, its going to be hard to explain that you didnt know 10 acres was covered in pot plants with all the infrastructure needed


Reality said:
lmao this kids funny... 5000 ahaha... who do you think you are, superman? :muahaha:

No....just someone who works real hard. Its not like 5000 is impossible by yourself or even more.....just depends how much work, time, effort you want to put into it. Which is where most people fail on these "dreams", sounds good on paper but when they put into play realize its too much for them and they don't want to do it.

I havnt read the whole thread but it seems like a lot of negative replys, and I bet most of those negatives are from people who gasp!! have never grown 5k in their life, so why bother responding if your all going to bash this poor guy? I mean even if he is just some kid or whatever thats no reason for negativeness...

Good Luck Buddy
Reinhold said:
No....just someone who works real hard. Its not like 5000 is impossible by yourself or even more.....just depends how much work, time, effort you want to put into it. Which is where most people fail on these "dreams", sounds good on paper but when they put into play realize its too much for them and they don't want to do it.

I havnt read the whole thread but it seems like a lot of negative replys, and I bet most of those negatives are from people who gasp!! have never grown 5k in their life, so why bother responding if your all going to bash this poor guy? I mean even if he is just some kid or whatever thats no reason for negativeness...

Good Luck Buddy
Well said,i know some one who pulls 600 P's by him self.At first i didn't believe him untill he showed me the pics on his cell,2200 plants/gravity fed irrigation awesome,said his prep work was about 3 monthes 10 hours a day and only 100 hours after planted then a little work at harvest running around,getting trimmers,vac sealing,selling ECT.....so theirs defentley work but lots of people break their back for alot less and just as much work so I guess it comes down to experience and the type of person that can do anything they put their mind to so i guess if one worked 4-6 monthes prep then 5000 could be grown but then you got to harvest/trim/sell a ton,that comes down to business and you lose just as much as you win in any business.


Reinhold said:
No....just someone who works real hard. Its not like 5000 is impossible by yourself or even more.....just depends how much work, time, effort you want to put into it. Which is where most people fail on these "dreams", sounds good on paper but when they put into play realize its too much for them and they don't want to do it.

I havnt read the whole thread but it seems like a lot of negative replys, and I bet most of those negatives are from people who gasp!! have never grown 5k in their life, so why bother responding if your all going to bash this poor guy? I mean even if he is just some kid or whatever thats no reason for negativeness...

Good Luck Buddy

ill be posting pics of the grow no one thought u could do it well the proof will be in the pictures


BritishColumbia said:
Well said,i know some one who pulls 600 P's by him self.At first i didn't believe him untill he showed me the pics on his cell,2200 plants/gravity fed irrigation awesome,said his prep work was about 3 monthes 10 hours a day and only 100 hours after planted then a little work at harvest running around,getting trimmers,vac sealing,selling ECT.....so theirs defentley work but lots of people break their back for alot less and just as much work so I guess it comes down to experience and the type of person that can do anything they put their mind to so i guess if one worked 4-6 monthes prep then 5000 could be grown but then you got to harvest/trim/sell a ton,that comes down to business and you lose just as much as you win in any business.

Yes, my point exactly, lots of people are willing to break their back and then keep going still. Of course soo many factors apply, some people just dont have the time etc. As for taking 4-6 months prep!? you could get way more than 5000, depending upon your stock. I think Julian has done the best of demonstrated just how easy and quick you get can get 500-1k out in a week to two weeks?

You can cut your lead time down alot using female seeds, say you had quite a few well germ em, veg em, get em out! a matter of months a single individual could literally have 1000s out....I have no doubt.

And Yeah harvest you might need just a little help but hey depends all how you want to do it too, only keep the nicest biggest and save on trimming time, the rest goes into hash etc. So yeah I'd say harvest is the biggest problem with many ladys.

Selling a whole another issue...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Yeah, but last one had 2 to help with planting and drilling in larger location, and, the rest, minimal holes.....no irrigation, so......less of a work load (shitload, but, less than full prep on every one all season)...

(upcoming.......same deal...different location, one of the same people...but, same deal....drill, 3 people to drill and plant.....etc....)

Single person digging manually......2200?....awesome statement of effort.........that's what made me pick up one (auger) in first place :biglaugh:....(I don't doubt it in the least.....many might very well understand a 10-20hr day.......seems fewer understand 90 of em in a row :smoke:...

I don't know what his bulk would go for, or expenses, but, in the end, call it 750k?.........guy didn't make enough if you ask me :smoke: Earned every fuckin penny and then some.......(stress from mid flower to bagged is beyond what most can understand.......least for me........)
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Yes alot of problems when doing a large commercial outdoor or indoor,from my experience with people that do such things you will take a loss.Prep time up here is short as theirs snow 2000+ft in febuary so on a good year march is the quickest you can start as all the good spots are off rural logging roads high up where their are 100's of small lakes off 1000's of km's of rural roads but it doesn't come with out a catch as the dense forest blocks valuable light and the high humidity reduced quality and yield,throw in a wet season witch happens often and you could easily lose 50% of your profits so around here one should increase numbers,i learned this the hard way last season.Buddy that pulled 600 is like a "mechanic" as he goes all out on expenses atv's,gens,irrigation but what really suprised me was how he structured his harvest for example he had 1 drying house 1 trimming and 1 stash,drying indoors is important around here as you tend to keep the fragrance and their for getting a better price but it's a security issue to.


ok so we now know this kid had some elaborate dreams and maybe he was thinking too large an op for probably one of his first outside grows but did all this negative info come from experienced outdoor growers. i know no-one wants to see this kid get busted but i was looking forward to see how he was gonna tackle these problems with a lotta help from our community
you don't have to set up irrigation lines and pumps to grow outdoors (optional)
6 moons to plan and prep, could be done
now he's brought the figure down to 300 which is still gonna be a lot of work but defo more manageable for him
if the location is gonna fit more plants then i would fill location to max

there is an outdoor grower on here somewhere (i'll try and find link) who grows massive numbers, no pumps, lines etc. just uses crystals and he seems to be very, very successfull, and he mentions working in very hot climates

pick the correct strain for your location, select mother plants and take many, many cuttings. DO NOT GO FROM SEED

don't be put off trying to follow your dreams, seems to me reading this too many have already


dunno how to post links :joint:
the dude i was on about,
username; julian.
thread; massive outdoor commercial grow
forum; cannabis growing outdoors

this dude knows his o/d growing
plants 500+ at a time
has many locations going at any 1 time
doesn't irrigate with lines or pumps, just uses water retaining crystals

you need to read his post

good luck and keep it simple


well he has already graced us with his presence :wave: and thats true I kinda forgot about your planting crew.....:bashhead: lol still people underestimate what a single hard working driven person can do. But yah when you get into the thousands your going to need a little help.

heres the massive outdoor grow thread should tell you all you need to know..Id suggest starting from p age one :biglaugh:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Reinhold said:
thats true I kinda forgot about your planting crew.....:bashhead: lol still people underestimate what a single hard working driven person can do. But yah when you get into the thousands your going to need a little help.
Well........everything broken into steps, and, you work your way backwards from harvest........

Example: 600 finished? (p's).......a lot but physical space it occupies certainly not a lot........while anyone who has every grown a 1/2 p plant outdoors know relation to that and finished product.....whole different ballgame....

starts?.....you could start 5,000 at one time under about 2-3k in a small bedroom.......

All breaks down into steps.....creating whatever mix your going to use?....certainly one person can handle their mix (2 would help a hell of a lot more.....)

Holes?....well, if dude spent couple months working daily on his prep....running his lines......see no reason not to see how one couldn't.....so.....issues would be taking em in and trimming....(bagging and curing would take all a persons attention.....depending on how much per bag......) so....you know....

What a single person can do is really underestimated.....

NOTE: I have done a lot of things with guys who do not trim all their stuff immediately........will work on the dry, cure....(hefties), and, as he goes along, he trims it with whoever little by little over months and months throughout the year...(and, frankly, I'm always surprised, his is always VERY nice...very slow dry...).so...yet another angle....a sick obsessed fanatic like me or others may feel the need to do everything, and get everything done, etc, but....lot of different approaches to make ones life easier....

Is threadstarter real?.....who knows....maybe yes, maybe no......Never hurts to learn as much as possible instead of starting a thread about it when not done (I started mine when already 40% into season.....and, in my free time here.....or anywhere....I myself read through everything possible about everywhere.....My situation little different, been doing lot of stuff for years...and, my thread not even really my thread...just fell right place, right time with indoor thread so though I would......)

Is threadstarter able to perform such?

Anyone on this forum is able to whether they realize it or not. (Time, location, physical ability, budget....Harvest time hopefully able to have help from friends.....family......whatever, whoever that's safe.......)

I've been putting off a little work for a week or so myself....have to get somewhere and transplant about 400 or so....have to do quick mix.......have to fill pots......have to water them all and arrange them......one person......400....(I have no idea what I am doing with that round either :biglaugh:....was supposed to go to a quick hit and run in with coco......but have another round going to do that.......too early right now for out........maybe send them over to another indoor space for quick hit and run.....really don't know.....

400. One person. One day. I don't see where any miracle comes into play....I've been avoiding it because know more work than I feel like doing, but, entirely possible.......

All I wonder about when I see such negativity is where has the work ethic gone these days.....(Now, I do understand it's other various things which have lead people to behave such in this case....faith in threadstarter, etc.......but, you know.....lot of people do a lot of things that surprise people all the time :smoke:.......One of my new guys.......with the greatest respect to him, because I love him like a brother and would kill and die for him on a moments notice......I mean, anyone here, literally...knows more, and is more skilled, and has more experience.....seriously.....

But......:smoke:......maybe that's the problem, because dude's going to be a serious majority and deciding partner within months on an op that might run in the ed 5,000-10,000.

Ask yourself....... :smoke:

If everyone here knows more....has more experience.....has more skill.....how is that possible????...

Answer is obvious.....

Figure it out

Minimal knowledge....not much success on smaller indoors(like 2k?).........has never grown a single plant outdoors.....

Majority partner, possible 7 figures within 7 months from now :smoke:

I am btw also toying with holding everything right now back and keeping them and doing smaller tree grow, more prep (aiming for 500+/- 3-5lb'ers.....) still undecided what I want to do with space.......have to walk the land first......look....think...absorb it before I make a decision, but,l if I hold onto everything....should have loads of 2ft bushes by May 1st......not sure though......trees, while rewarding and keeping numbers down....for me....and my approach and thoughts........eh.....far too conspicuous.........I'd feel safer doing 10,000 small ones in some cases instead of 500 big ones....visibility....profile.....ability to blend them and work them into surroundings, etc......

..............dude has got to learn what "serious" means....has the energy, will devote the effort...extremely healthy strong guy.......but...lack of "ferocity" is disappointing me.......I have to say.......and, I see it as an interesting ingredient that I haven't identified before in others....myself......


No fuckin game.........no fuckin bullshit...........150% effort 24/7 until your pulling the money out of the dryers and packing it....

While the margin for error may allow it in some cases.....and you may still be successful.....my view is.....there is no margin for error....
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Well-known member
Good luck with your efforts, I hope everything goes well for you. One thing I can say though is if you look around Tom Hill did massive outdoor plants that yeilded around 5 lbs and some more. If you wanted 600 lbs, maybe you could expierement and see how these big trees do for you. Just over a hundred plants could yield that same but also be more risky. Either way I'm rooting for ya.