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5000 plant grow


dont waste your time with seeds.

use clones.

build yourself a bunch of cloner set ups

find some friends with clones right now, or even try to score a few good mothers along with clones, and start pumpin out clones and plant them as they root, run them 5 days in cloners, then put them in plastic beer cups, put them under bushes so they are shaded for a few days to get them use to the sun then plant, make enough cloners set ups to make you 500 clones every 5 days, once rooted, keep 5 days in beer cups then into ground. once you get them going you should basically have 500 clones to plant every 5 days. obvious your last 1000 plants may be small since you will be planting close to the end of vegging period and flower time will be starting.

how much of a window period do you have till you can plant outdoors, here we usually go by planters moon, first full moon in June. so I start preparing clones in april.

it would be nice if you had 2 months window period then you could have at least 2000 clones going into the ground that are 2 feet tall.

using seeds is a waste of time since half your plants may potentially be males, so why waste you time digging 2500 holes for nothing.

i am not sure if anybody already said this since I only read to page 6 of this thread.

but clones are the way to go, and I love the idea of using a fish for every hole, dynomite dropped into a lake or river will get you alot of fish in a hurry. or you could run a net across a river, I dont know if there is any fish runs there but here we get nice runs of different species just prior to plantin, but the fear of racoons and skunks digging up my holes keeps me from tryin this out but next year I will. I am gonna catch the gasperal run in May.
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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
this grow will never happen. this guy is out his mind. hell never have the time. why is he wasting ours posting this. i motion to abandon this thread. all i have SKIMMED is BS. there are some legit folks on here chiming in but this guy is wasting their time also. guess it give us something to do and talk shit about later. ha ha


New member
i good idea for doing such a large scale grow, would to be (if possible) plant along side a river, lake or marsh. i creates a linear pattern (less obvious from the pigs in the sky) and also alot easier to manage, with water access right there. This will be epic.
good luck with future grows.
toke hard.


but clones are the way to go, and I love the idea of using a fish for every hole, dynomite dropped into a lake or river will get you alot of fish in a hurry. or you could run a net across a river, I dont know if there is any fish runs there but here we get nice runs of different species just prior to plantin, but the fear of racoons and skunks digging up my holes keeps me from tryin this out but next year I will. I am gonna catch the gasperal run in May.

I just saw this part. Oh my GOD!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!

I'd love to see a 5000 plant grow in this area that began, or tried to begin, with a "fish in every hole".

I could sell tickets to tourists to come watch every bear in the county digging up this patch!! And honestly folks, bears, especially the grizzley bears around here, could smell a patch like this from miles away. Their noses are not to be trifled with.



It's very possible to do, all you need is.

Shit load of land (preferably your own and in one hell of a remote location)

Shit load of Cash, irrigation lines, pumps, neuts ect..

A VERY VERY wealthy dealer who would buy it off you.

A very loyal and very trusting crew of people.

It could be done in New Zealand (so many remote places) but you would realistically need at least a few million to get setup.

If you think of it like a Vineyard, you can think of how easily it could be done. Just needs to cash flow to get things started. An average vineyard would have over 10,000 plants. And can be run by 2-3 people easily.

If you had remote land, then all you need is a river close by/well dug, a tractor and lots of gas and you're irrigation needs are sorted. Have the neuts running through the irrigation line when needed. Holes could be dug with auger bit from tractor, its pretty simple stuff you just need the resources and man power to get it off the ground. Plant in rows so you could spray the plants using tractors.

Realistically no one on here could or would do it because of the security factor/penalties money involved and just the sheer size of the operation , but if it was legal to grow it commercially then shit the world is your oyster! My Hat goes off to anyone who grows 100 + plants.


yah I am finding this hard to comprehend let alone believe.

but hey who am I to doubt, so my hats goes off to anyone who achieves such great feet.

as for the fish, man I totally agree with the bear thing, not too mny bears around these parts so that wouldnt be my fear.

I still would love to try out 20 plants with a fish in each hole.


Active member
Raccoons or foxes will dig up the fish, guaranteed.

Where'd the "fish in each hole" idea come into play anyway? I hope it wasn't that story I told about the old guys who said the "best way to grow weed" was to put fishguts in the bottom of each hole,haha


Ganico said:
Raccoons or foxes will dig up the fish, guaranteed.

Where'd the "fish in each hole" idea come into play anyway? I hope it wasn't that story I told about the old guys who said the "best way to grow weed" was to put fishguts in the bottom of each hole,haha

Native American gardening pre-euro invasion and the swamp growing thread(s) mentioned it too

maybe im wrong there but just first thoughts


I once did 24 plants in my back yard, vegged indoors for 6 weeks under fluoros then into holes in the yard, and I'd spent 6 months preparing and conditioning the soil with ammendments. I'm at 53N so our season is quite short and it's hard to get really big plants here without a lot of work. Well, I put in a lot of work and got 17lbs from 22 plants, two didn't finish early enough and were destroyed by mould.

Thing is, I'm dirt poor, unless you know the right folks to move your lbs of weed, you end up having to deal it in smallish chunks, which is not why I got into growing pot. Looking back, growing that 17lbs was a big mistake and caused me a lot of trouble in one way or another. Considering you can easily get 20 quid for a 2g bag of decent buds, I should have made a lot of money. Well, like I say, if you don;t have connections, or want to risk your personal safety, it's impossible to get rid of all that weed. I smoked about 5 lbs of it and sold about 7 lbs, took me a year to sell 7lbs to friends and trusted folks tho, my closest friends ended up getting handfuls of weed free whenever they ran out of smoke.

If you're serious about growing many lbs of weed, then you should have everything worked out in minute details and shouldn't need to ask questions. Greed is always the best way to get busted. Much better to grow whatever you will smoke yourself and a bit extra to make some pocket money.

Where's Lougrew when you need him, that man has some of the largest balls ever known to the ganja growing world and great skills as a grower, he can tell us exactly how hard it is to grow harvest over 100 lbs, and he must have/had connections to shift 100 lbs of weed and not be bust and in jail.

On the topic of dead fish, I live next to the see and when I had a yard to grow in, I used to use a lot of seabird guano and seaweed I collected myself, I'd work it in the soil after the last frost so it was begun composting and breaking down into useable nutes by the time I planted out. I also used large amounts of rabbit droppings and a few bags of horse manure. I have a few friends who fish and I can always get hold of lots of fish parts - heads and guts etc. I used to add a few buckets of fish parts to my 10x12 plot, along with the other stuff. I used to dig the plot really, really deep when adding all the amendments, down to the clay layer which is only 2 feet down, and the topsoil is poor, so I pretty much removed all the topsoil and replaced it with compost and ammendments. Never had any wildlife issues, I had a simple chickenwire fence round the plot and never saw any evidence of rabbits, slugs were the main menace. I can't say exactly what effects the fish parts had as I used all kinds of amendments at the same time, but it seemed to work for me. Apart from rabbits, I can't think of any other creature we would have problems with here, Never saw any rabbits, badgers or foxes in my yard, just lots of wild birds and they never touched the plants.
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Active member
Hell, here you can't even use blood meal or bone meal without counting on something digging it up. But that's just here, of course it depends on where you are. Too many creatures here who would love an easy fish meal though, they don't usually run across fish buried in the ground, so it's just an invitation for em to dig. Even in the city you got dogs,cats, and raccoons as a factor. You just can't escape them raccoons here though,haha. And they use your faucets outside to drink and wash their hands, but you'll never know cause they are smart enough to turn it back off. I guess as long as they turn it back off and stay out of the garbage they're cool though. But the little bastards are too damn smart

* of course them huge holes most y'all on icmag dig may have something to do with it. The ones that are like 2' x 2' x 3' and shit, haha.
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I suggest finding a clearing in the bush/trees and plant along the edges. Skip digging holes, rooting clones and all that jazz and scatter your seeds. This will only take a few minutes one handful at a time. As for all the work involved, it's a weed and will take care of itself.

the most I ever started was 80. I had 80 plants once for about 3 weeks and then the rains came and everything was underwater.

Good Luck!


Active member
SirSmokalot said:
there are some legit folks on here chiming in but this guy is wasting their time also

I disagree! Many of us are quite interested in what the legit folks have to say. :smoke:

Also, with Thanksgiving upon us (in the U.S.), it seems a good time to point out that the Indians taught the first English settlers to put dead eels around the soil of their corn.
This was the most amusing thread I have read in a long time.

But seriously, throwing bagseed in the ground and leaving them alone is not the same as growing. And if you want to sell it, it has to be worth buying and smoking.

Many experienced growers ( seriously experienced ) have chimed in. Even the famous Tom Hill ( which seemed to pass over your head with his 10lb plant.) Listen to their advise. Start small.

Look, I have been growing for a few years now and it took 2.5 years for me to reach my original goals. Finding the right mothers, methods, and techniques. Dealing with all the problems that arise. Learning about your water, and many things you never imagined will come up. Mold, whiteflies, mites, fungus gnats. And that's indoors. You have drought, flood, smell, and loose lips.

And curing. Last but not least. A bad cure will turn the best weed into worthless schwag. I 've done it. How do you plan to cure.

Haha, my favorite is that you plan to harvest some 2 weeks early and then cure and sell , buy a house and cure the rest. My fastest cure is 3 weeks. But the bud isn't at it's finest for about 2 months. Buying a house? What about escrow? Your last 2 years income to be eligible for a loan? The bank will want to know where you got your deposit after looking at your tax statement.

And you just buy a house...that fast? The neighbors will never notice you loading in 5000 plants. They won't smell it either. Curing is the scariest time for me, because it reeks. One pound stinks up a room so bad, i have the door closed with a towel next to the door.

But you know, this has been a really fun read and I thank you for that. Seriously.

Tom Hill

Active member
Listen to the geezer pothead, value your freedom. Personally, I'd concentrate on doing less things, but doing them well. A garden that size, even clones from recently grown seeds WILL be seeded due to intersexed plants & then what will you have? 10 ta life or $200 lbs at best? Fook all that.
Best of luck,
Dr. Scanlin (the famous Dr. Scanlin, lol, one flew over)


New member
If you are in the U.S I would say plant 95 plants that you can take care of. Get a buddy, one, you can trust. rent a power auger and ammend holes with polymer crystals to ease watering, add bloom nutes in the bottom soil and veg nutes in the middle soil. and add just a little veg nutes to the top. Start some seeds now and find a good female and start clone flipping. Once you find a mom veg her out and cut her into 20 cuttings. Veg them and train each into 5 main branches. once they get big lightly scrape the sides of the branchs one at a time, apply a rooting hormone. Presoak a jiffy pucks that you cut in half while dry. Once wet put it around the stem and secure with a peice of plastic wrap. If you are locky and keep the plants health and the enviroment nice you will see roots form under the wrap. For best results cover the area with a light proof cover. Once roots appear cut the branches off and transplant to containers and veg. If you could FIM the tops and get multiple branches before you put them out you can change their profile. I say focus on large yeilding plants instead of numbers. Also pruning them to grow into colas will save trimin small buds. Just another crazy idea for ya. where are some pictures here or are you going to do EVERYTHING outside?
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motaco said:
The one will maybe "not really" where you live but where I live thats the goin rate. where are you buyin headband and trainwreck for 4k? Cuz on the GC from tex to fl thats what we deal with. and its not like I don't know people.
I deal with a guy off of St Charles street. In up town. Most of the stuff thats coming in is from Cali and Canada. Like 2 or 3 months ago there was some bad ass marble hash going around. It was about 300 a zip I think. My dealer told me he could get me a lb of frosted trimming for about 1000$. The guy above him is going to cali this weekend so maybe I'll get it an make some bubble hash. :)


motaco said:
well you're gettin better deals than anyone in louisiana then
Hey it ain't that bad. The only thing is when you get oz's of exotics it get expensive. The more I buy the lesser it is.

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