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5000 plant grow


Old School Cottonmouth
technically yes. if half were female. and you were the luckiest SOB on earth with a commercial strain that puts out no runts.

but still. way too ambitious.

@MT. glad to hear about the hazes. yeah weed prices here are crazy. you can gets lbs of schwag for 400-1200 depending on quality.

crappy indica nugs from canada that are often less potent than the schwag still cost around 4k a lb. go figure.

thats what they do though. they send the crappiest of the batches further and further south because the price goes up and quality control doesn't exist. The further you get from cali/canada the higher the prices go
Just wondering are you getting into this to make a shitload of cash or do you love the plant. Growing always works out best when it is a labour of love.


Old School Cottonmouth
pothead6 he might sound mean but seriously. I been growing since I was 13 and it'd be pretty tough for me to do a 300 plant grow.

I mean if I lived in boondocks canada I'm sure I could. But guerilla growing in a state as populated as mine I really doubt I could.

for real real. How many plants have you grown in your life? I don't think you understand how difficult it is. People that think growing pot is like potatos usually haven't done it. and VERY few of us live in an area so nice we can just plant and leave.


quote=pothead6]i beleave u are right i think i may just sit down and do the math to how many plants per how many pounds per how much $ i think i may scale this grow down by alot the 5000 was just a random figure that i wanted to go for" a goal" now i think i will scale down to about 200-300 max that is a shit load of weed but my problem is that i cant veg inside for a month i may be able to but idk they way i look at the 200-300 plants is possibly 2 pounds per plant roughly if i top the shit out of them and super crop them the way i look at that is 150 plants will end up being female so 150 x 2 pounds per plant so 300 pounds of weed that is alot now some one please tell me if these figures are wrong now 300 pounds at 1 pound sells for 4000 so 300x4000=1,200,000

are those figures way off or are they about right ?[/quote]


i cant help but figure now, but this whole thread sounds like BS, 1st post, and this one...immediately after ****ing controversy...

pothead, to ME man, you come off as very careless, clueless, and arrogant on the web, or....****...i dunno man...2lbs per plant? on 150? dude...c'mon, id love to see it happen, but i hope you got some serious sun and a lot of time to give to these ladies...

ahh...wtf am i saying, sounds like crap to me, just MY words on what I see...


ICMag Donor
Who has you thinking that you can get 2 pounds per plant on 300 plants? I know people that have grown forever and have barely gotten a pound plant.

My advice? It's easy to see you know nothing about growing. I'm not saying this to be mean. You should concentrate yourself on a 20 or 30 plant grow and learn what you're doing and what is a realistic figure. You sound nuts thinking you're going to avg 2 lbs a plant on 300 of them. It's not exceptionally hard to grow pot, but it can be hard planting, watering etc.....


your math is wrong because you don't know what you can yield in your particular area.

top? super crop? neither depending on who flys over... start'um early, let them get big, you still havnt mentioned what strains your running... how much do you think a haze-skunk hybrid would yield after 4 months of full sun veg?

you GUESSED at 5000 plants in the first place and it took 100 posts of people yelling at you to bring it down to 300?

Tom Hill

Active member
Twighlight zone thread, of course it can be done & is done & those sights are too damn low :) I remember when I first started posting & folks were saying not to expect anything better than a qp average, lmao, goes the ten pounder :)


tomhill said:
I remember when I first started posting & folks were saying not to expect anything better than a qp average, lmao, goes the ten pounder :)

lol, either im damn stoned or thats a fine dream to have right there

Edit: ::sees pic:: lol :laughing:

guess a bit of both


New member
I dont know about a 5000 plant operation. You would probally be growing some pretty weak stuff due to an inability to care and tend for the plants. Quality over quantity my friend...

I was actually informed on an operation around my area where a large amount of plants were being grown. This operation was only 1,000 plants, but the amount of work being done was very time consuming and risky and by about 10 people. This operation was busted recently. I could not imagine how long 5,000 plants would take to care for. I suggest you rethink your goals and switch to something you can deal with yourself.


motaco said:
pothead6 he might sound mean but seriously. I been growing since I was 13 and it'd be pretty tough for me to do a 300 plant grow.

I mean if I lived in boondocks canada I'm sure I could. But guerilla growing in a state as populated as mine I really doubt I could.

for real real. How many plants have you grown in your life? I don't think you understand how difficult it is. People that think growing pot is like potatos usually haven't done it. and VERY few of us live in an area so nice we can just plant and leave.
:werd: Shit if it was legal my backyard would be a ****ing garden.


motaco said:
slarti come to the gulf coast. 4k a lb? lol. Sheeiiiit- try 6k for homegrown. as many as you want ALL DAY LONG. and please do because we're dry as a mofo here right now.

beasters are 4k a lb. you know the 1200 dollar lbs from canada.
Not really 3k is for beasters 4k is for the exotics around here.


look at all the views & responses from such a new thread :chin:

such vicarious pleasure :smile:


Grinding extra.
TheOneWill said:
Not really 3k is for beasters 4k is for the exotics around here.

We could argue prices all day. I once sold 1.6 grams of decent MJ to some crazy old rich guy for $100. He would pay over $1000 an ounce EASILY.


Old School Cottonmouth
The one will maybe "not really" where you live but where I live thats the goin rate. where are you buyin headband and trainwreck for 4k? Cuz on the GC from tex to fl thats what we deal with. and its not like I don't know people.

JJ as tom hill said its totally possible. In a really far fetched kinda way. I mean plants can get massive but its a matter of the logistics of it. where you gonna put 5000 plants the size of the one tom hill posted and not get caught ya know? not where I live I'll tell you that much.


Old School Cottonmouth
@ art of makin fire

ditto. I knew a dude sellin 1.5g for 100 bucks too.

crazy sativa though. Gotta figure price is actually about right though. if a heady indica that yields an ounce in 50 days is $20 a gram what is a sativa that yields a half as much in 160 days gonna cost?

if you're a commercial heady grower and are offering a pure sativa you gotta make it worth your while to grow it. Its one thing if its outdoor and massive plants and yield isn't a priority. If your a small commercial grower with 2 1000w lights than its a lot bigger deal.
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TomHill said:
of course it can be done & is done & those sights are too damn low :) I remember when I first started posting & folks were saying not to expect anything better than a qp average, lmao, goes the ten pounder :)

Holy shit nice tree you could get some firewood with that bitch...I do hope your just referring him to yield wise in can be cone... cause I think his sights are way to high with 5000 plants. Do you have a pic of 5000 plants :smoke: no really do you?
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