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5000 plant grow


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
That many plants, at 23, and few trustworthy friends, if any ?


Like G54 stated, it's the harvest that's gonna be the bitch. You might want to downscale that - BIGTIME.


^^^^^ like they all said, over and over.

Why don't you save your money that you will spend in buying anything and just go tell LEO what you had in mind. That way you still have enough to get you out of jail for a short time. Starting at the very top, where few tread these days is not the place to begin. Only the best of the best can pull anything near that these days...you may have heard from some of them.

Not to dishearten anyone, but, c'mon, that would be a farm and you would need so much more... You wouldn't be here talking about 5000 plants, you would be a little more discreet IMO.

Start small, and tell no one. You have partners already.

In this particular instance, the best karmatic advice, and the best advice all around would be to not do it. No one here wants anyone busted. Those are positive vibes for you.

Good luck
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Well-known member
babaghanoush said:

You can trim an ounce in less than two mins...that's impressive!! 2lbs in an hour would pay around $300 dollars an hr...not too shabby!

You need to start a competition like the vineyard trimmers in norcal...Trimfest? LOL
When Ya' do something several hundred times a year........for 26 years ya' git' pretty good at it...."Clip-clip-clip" :smoke:

If Ya' keep pumpin' me fulla' Iced 6-shot Carmel Macciatto's and I can do it for about 6 hours.....my friends call me "The Machine" at harvest time...lol
And whats on my Scissors is mine


like others have said........if you have to ask how, its probably too big.

lets clear this up though. You may have dropped close to 2500 seeds last year in the dirt.........but how many did you harvest? (you said you did something half this size last year).

If you've just started thinking about how much this will cost to set up, not even including time and energy.........there's a biiiig problem.

do this real quick for me. go into excel and make a spreadsheet of what you think it will cost you per plant to grow.
each plant gets
1-peat pellet @ $.05
1/12-container of time release osmocote @$8.00
x-drip line @$x
x-water crystals@ x

then just multiply by how many plants you want to have.

it will cost you a lot to just get started.

you will need at least 1 partner for a grow that size. Get a 2 man post hole auger with a 10" bit too while you're at it if you have to dig 5000 holes anyway.

why would you go through all this risk with bagseed? as previously mentioned, it might not even finish for you. You should at least know what you're working with before you try to do anything on 1/10th this scale.

get your practice in now. do a 10 plant.......maybe even a 99 plant grow this coming summer. Learn some of the pitfalls to avoid, how to deal with problems, how to be stealthy moving around materials, etc.

SO anyway, what kind of lighting were you going to start your seeds under. Can you elaborate on your "paper bag method"? I'm curious because i've never heard of it before. COuld be great though.

What kind of climate are you in? Are the plants going to receive adequate rain over the summer or are they going to dry out?

I just feel like you didn't even begin to scratch the suface of this and you started talking about it becore you even tried to figure out if you could do it.

You don't need to cancel this account and get a new username though as suggested. Most of us dream big or have in the past.

I'd think 100 plants would be challenging to move without connections.........


A few have touched on it but the real issue isn't the logistics of a 5000 plant grow.

This guy's real problem is personnel security. Even if he solves all the problems mentionend above regarding land seeds, fertilizer, watering, and the hundred other material things......he will need a lot of human help...and therein lies the biggest problem with an operation of this scale: TOO MANY PEOPLE WILL END UP KNOWING ABOUT IT.

And if you don't understand why THAT is a problem, you have no business doing a 5 plant grow, nevermind 5000.


Less is Better in this case. One day you may reach your goal. But at 23, we all were there once, chances of loose lips are about 99% higher than when you are 35. Age and experience does play a role in keeping out of trouble.

Good luck


So let's say you get lucky and pull off this grow....maybe getting 500lbs of marketable weed. Have you a plan to unload it?

I assume you've done the math. Pounding it out to your friends won't work. That would take years. So that leaves marketing in large lots(Ideally just one lot). You only have a window of a few weeks or a month, if that long, to be rid of the whole lot...otherwise the word will get out about your business. How many people already know about your grow? How long do you think you can keep this a secret? How active is LEO in your area? Word sometimes gets out about serious transactions going on, and it often draws LEO's attention. You have a plan for that?

Large lots, say for arguments sake, 100lbs and up, means serious money, which means doing business with serious people.

Are you a serious person?
Do they believe you are a serious person?
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I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
pothead6 said:
they way i figured it is if i top it i could get a pound max but u really think that i can get 2 per plant ??
veg the plants indoor for a month put them outdoors for a full season and then yea, 2+ lbs is not out of the question. by doing it this way you will have less plants to take care of so you can treat the ones you have better meaning better finished product and probably a better yield.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
ok ay so i read through this thread and the problem seems to be that you have you heart set on a huge number of plants instead of focusing on how much bud you want and the quality of that bud. you can pull of a big grow. big enough to keep you and your friends in more than enough smoke for a year and enough to sell so that you dont have to work till next year. it can be done but 5000 plants is not the way to do it. figure out how much you want to yield for you and your buddies heads and how much money you want to make. think about it like a business how can achieve my goals without putting myself at greater risk and making myself do more work. lets say you do 20 large plants. at 2+ lbs per ( veg b4 putting out for season)thats 40 lbs of weed. keep 10 lbs for the year sell the rest at 3 gs a pop that 90K. do you think that you can live on 90k for a year... i know its not much but your only 23 so you have to start out slow lol. on top of all this you can break up your grow into multiple mini grows that way if one gets busted you have others (say 5 per plot/ 4 plots). even trimming that would be a bitch but a lot more doable. 5 small grows is easier to hid that one giant grow especially one of 5000 plants which can be spotted by a helicopter very very very very easily. this alos make irrigation easier. you could do 5 strains one strain at each plot that way not only will you have mad weed youll have variety.


Old School Cottonmouth
man 6 months is a joke to plan a two ton commercial crop. people spend years planning and setting up for grows 1/10th this size.

but you still didn't answer the question. you wanna have some for yourself, some for your friends, and some to sell. okay fine. but two god damn tons?

you do realize one ton is about 9 million dollars?

and why do you need tips how to germ and move plants. you said you did a grow almost this size a few years ago. do it the same way you did then.
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When I was 23 I didn't smoke pot; it was 10 more years before I tried it.

My dreams at 23 were more pedestrian. Even small dreams can go unfulfilled. Life happens when you have other plans and dreams.

The advice and criticisms posted here are based on the accumulated experiences of other dreamers. When we bring in our harvest, no matter the size, we have our dreams come true.

Don't have enough posts to send or read PM's yet. P/U when I do.


damn, ****ed up shit right, lol, 5000 plants...and asking questions....

whatever you do man, if you plant anything close to that number, dont plant more than a few next to each other at a time(unless late/mini plants), few here, few there, walk on, (there should be plenty of walking space if you wanna do 5k)

keep your mind set, work your ass like a dog, have a lot of trusty help, keep a green thumb, and a clear mind, and it could be possible...


MTweedman said:
So let's say you get lucky and pull off this grow....maybe getting 500lbs of marketable weed. Have you a plan to unload it?

I assume you've done the math. Pounding it out to your friends won't work. That would take years. So that leaves marketing in large lots(Ideally just one lot). You only have a window of a few weeks or a month, if that long, to be rid of the whole lot...otherwise the word will get out about your business. How many people already know about your grow? How long do you think you can keep this a secret? How active is LEO in your area? Word sometimes gets out about serious transactions going on, and it often draws LEO's attention. You have a plan for that?

Large lots, say for arguments sake, 100lbs and up, means serious money, which means doing business with serious people.

Are you a serious person?
Do they believe you are a serious person?

all in one lot...........it sounds great but you'd get half of what its wort and if one person, the one you're dealing with then, decides tosnag your product from you using a gun instead of cash.....then you have the issue of going all in and being totally out and worse than when you started.

anyway, i really think you should ideally have a bit of growing experience before risking a large op like this. I guess the plus side is that you have a few months to learn.
I will get back to the original post in a minute but where the hell are people selling 10lb plus size grows for 3-4K/lb as i need to move there, Anybody unloading multiple pounds at a time in this part of the world (eastern Canada) would be over the moon with joy if they got half of that. Now back to the original post.
I understand and i imagine almost everyone who grows has at one time or another thought about growing thousands of plants but then they do an experimental grow and end up killing (or having them killed, ripped, LEO'd, pollinated, molded) the vast majority and realize that while cannabis is a weed growing high quality cannabis is a lot of work (well worth the effort but still a lot of effort is involved) and in most parts of the world a reasonably risky endeavor and you need to ask yourself a lot of questions before you give it a shot.
First of what have you grown and how did it do in your chosen location, I am guessing not a lot as you are still thinking of using bagseed. IMHO bagseed is a bad idea apart from not knowing what your growing and weather the plants will finish in your part of the world (and yes this problem can be mitigated by only using bagseed from locally grown weed) the biggest problem can be that a lot of the seeds (probably most) result from some degree of hermaphrodism in the plants that it comes from as most growers (well the decent ones anyway) try to cull males and most pollination comes from those sneaky little hermi bastards (yes i am bitter).
How much Weed can you get rid off ( i know many people who grow a few pounds and to get rid off it in a timly fashion sell for about 100/oz) and at what price remember as the amount goes up that you are trying to move the amount of money you make per pound will go down sometimes quite precipitously.
Trimming sucks and if you don't want to involve an army of workers realisticaly figure out what you can handle on your own (or get into hash making) (not uncommen for people to get paid 15 or more per pound of trimming and inexperienced trimmers can screw up the bud or take a long time (ie 6-8 hrs per pound though at 150 a lb still a better wage than working at macdonalds)
As some have sugessted it can be better to grow a few well than a lot badly and i fully agree that that is the way to go if your only desire is to grow as much good bud as you can ( hell the only reason i can see for growing lots of plants is to give yourself some options when it comes to making crosses or finding the perfect mom).
It is ESSENTIAL to find a strain or a mother plant that works well in your location and this can take a while and like it or not the only way to do this is to experiment by growing many different plants.
Pothead i admire your enthusiasm but pulling of a large grow takes years of practice and research and quite frankly in my books (despite living in the reasonbaly non anti-pot part of the world) just isn't worth the risk and you need to weigh the risks in your part of the world. I too have many hundreds of acres of good growing locations but the work and risk of doing a large grow (ie more than a couple hundred small plants) is just to high to make it worthwhile but if you are determined to give it a go i will gladly send you a few hundred seeds of september finishing varieties to start you on your way with little risk of hermies.


irishSoCo said:
all in one lot...........it sounds great but you'd get half of what its wort and if one person, the one you're dealing with then, decides tosnag your product from you using a gun instead of cash.....then you have the issue of going all in and being totally out and worse than when you started.

anyway, i really think you should ideally have a bit of growing experience before risking a large op like this. I guess the plus side is that you have a few months to learn.

I agree about the growing experience. Best start modestly and work up.

Those who have been there will usually tell you that the fewer "transactions" you have to do, the better. And it doesn't matter what level you're talking about. The principle is the same: Each deal is an new opportunity for disaster.

It all gets back to people knowing your business. The fewer who know, the better.


Absolutely ****ing Impossible... Unless you have a crew of 50 employee's and tremendous capitol to start up and many many grows under your belt on a large scale to understand the process! Not to mention, it's ****ing against the law! Which means there are CAMP helicopters flying all over the god damn place, if you live in california, Lol. The laws are barely intact to protect us Prop 215 growers. Get a Job.


Old School Cottonmouth
slarti come to the gulf coast. 4k a lb? lol. Sheeiiiit- try 6k for homegrown. as many as you want ALL DAY LONG. and please do because we're dry as a mofo here right now.

beasters are 4k a lb. you know the 1200 dollar lbs from canada.


motaco said:
slarti come to the gulf coast. 4k a lb? lol. Sheeiiiit- try 6k for homegrown. as many as you want ALL DAY LONG. and please do because we're dry as a mofo here right now.

beasters are 4k a lb. you know the 1200 dollar lbs from canada.

Are you serious? 4K/lb for crap weed? That's outrageous. Ilive in the middle of nowhere and #'s go for under 2K as a rule. Indica dom stuff but OK weed. I am near CA though :) maybe that's why



My haze plants are getting big Motaco. Needing water every day in theri 1L pots :( No room in flower for maybe days or a week :( Pics from last nite in my gallery


C21H30O2 said:
ok ay so i read through this thread and the problem seems to be that you have you heart set on a huge number of plants instead of focusing on how much bud you want and the quality of that bud. you can pull of a big grow. big enough to keep you and your friends in more than enough smoke for a year and enough to sell so that you dont have to work till next year. it can be done but 5000 plants is not the way to do it. figure out how much you want to yield for you and your buddies heads and how much money you want to make. think about it like a business how can achieve my goals without putting myself at greater risk and making myself do more work. lets say you do 20 large plants. at 2+ lbs per ( veg b4 putting out for season)thats 40 lbs of weed. keep 10 lbs for the year sell the rest at 3 gs a pop that 90K. do you think that you can live on 90k for a year... i know its not much but your only 23 so you have to start out slow lol. on top of all this you can break up your grow into multiple mini grows that way if one gets busted you have others (say 5 per plot/ 4 plots). even trimming that would be a bitch but a lot more doable. 5 small grows is easier to hid that one giant grow especially one of 5000 plants which can be spotted by a helicopter very very very very easily. this alos make irrigation easier. you could do 5 strains one strain at each plot that way not only will you have mad weed youll have

i beleave u are right i think i may just sit down and do the math to how many plants per how many pounds per how much $ i think i may scale this grow down by alot the 5000 was just a random figure that i wanted to go for" a goal" now i think i will scale down to about 200-300 max that is a shit load of weed but my problem is that i cant veg inside for a month i may be able to but idk they way i look at the 200-300 plants is possibly 2 pounds per plant roughly if i top the shit out of them and super crop them the way i look at that is 150 plants will end up being female so 150 x 2 pounds per plant so 300 pounds of weed that is alot now some one please tell me if these figures are wrong now 300 pounds at 1 pound sells for 4000 so 300x4000=1,200,000

are those figures way off or are they about right ?

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