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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


In Vino Veritas

Yea been having problems since late last night, I was able to get an upload done about 2 hrs ago. Try saving them from paint, I had better luck when I made the files smaller. Seems 1mb pics are becoming a pain?

You're getting that format bullshit error right?

20kw dreams

**** I'm tired of working on the grow. The Harvest/replant time of the every 2 months is a bitch. I got them all in and on the tables in the BOSS block. There is some issue..as always...the leaves are liek disapearing between the veins? I don't know, I'm not worried about it. I didn't set the ph when I pulled them out of the veg area and watered them, and it looks like a ph thing..all wierd... But so I ran out of water...cause I only have 90gals or so at a time, and it takes about 120 to fluff 100 8" cubes....SO, I gave them a light foliar and all 6 lights will be lit back up tomorrow night....after I find a new place to hang the 1/2 dried plants....which will get leaves all over the tables....so I'll have to vacuum between the plants...then put the feed lines back on....then I can get the netting up....then probably drink some beer...then be hungover....then it'll be time to fill up the rez and feed them...then trim out the bottoms again....then I should get to chill for 7 weeks or so:smile:

20kw dreams

Unable to read the format of file: /data/web/icmag/icmag.com/www/gallery/data/500/4183PB020054.JPG

This is what it's giving me..same camera I've used for the last 6 months or so...time for a Nice Canon Rebel..


Active member
20kw dreams said:
**** I'm tired of working on the grow. The Harvest/replant time of the every 2 months is a bitch. I got them all in and on the tables in the BOSS block. There is some issue..as always...the leaves are liek disapearing between the veins? I don't know, I'm not worried about it. I didn't set the ph when I pulled them out of the veg area and watered them, and it looks like a ph thing..all wierd... But so I ran out of water...cause I only have 90gals or so at a time, and it takes about 120 to fluff 100 8" cubes....SO, I gave them a light foliar and all 6 lights will be lit back up tomorrow night....after I find a new place to hang the 1/2 dried plants....which will get leaves all over the tables....so I'll have to vacuum between the plants...then put the feed lines back on....then I can get the netting up....then probably drink some beer...then be hungover....then it'll be time to fill up the rez and feed them...then trim out the bottoms again....then I should get to chill for 7 weeks or so:smile:

This is exactly the reason I took my plant numbers down...just reading that made me tired.

In Vino Veritas

I think what sucks is the amount of water you need to decompress those blocks. I assume you R.O, so you need to wait for the tank to fill. US Plastics online has a good prices, maybe you need a secondary clean water res! :D I'm sure you're going to use it at the commercial destination. Think about it, the amount of work needed now compared to what you will need to do for the next 7 weeks is pretty fair. I like your numbers, i'd still keep them a little further apart and veg em a little taller. Keep the tables lower, and the lights adjust the lamps as needed.

It's not your camera dude, it's the server. Keep trying, the server was just down for about 2 hours, might be fixed.. I have nothing to upload for now... I'm excited about seeing what it looks like in there. And I have no clue what the disappearing leaves could be? Like a thinning of the leaves between the veins? I always have really deep veins on my plants.. I don't worry about anything unless they slow down in growth, fade too much, or get too dark (pretty soon after they get burnt). Blah Blah Blah.. I've been having some Double Chocolate Stout since it's been cold the last 2 nights. I tried Anchor Steam for the first time last week.. I don't really drink enough to get drunk, 1-2 a night if that.

Btw, I got hairs! The ladies are showing signs of their womanhood - well I'm still waiting on about half the room to show. I hope to get the MH turned on this week/weekend.. The equipment is up, electrical is done, just need to set up my ventilation (bring in 8" feed from ac, set up 6" 640 +scrubber connection into attic). Otherwise I'd cook em. I'll probably be flipping them sooner than I thought, I won't be able to control the room if they get too tall. They are about a foot tall and at 26 of them in a 7'x5 spot...they finish at about 65 days, I let em get preeeeeety ripe.

Feels like it's going to get a lot more busy in here!!

20kw dreams

I have one, but it's only 100 gals, but I can only get 90 or so out of it, or maybe 110/100. They only give you a 5 gal tank with the RO unit. I'm getting...Oh, WTF? I didn't notcie that was you, just saw the pic...anyways, I'm actually going to have my water analyzed at the other joint first, then maybe just not use RO, or get one of those units that gives you a steady stream of water. RO is so wasteful though, so I will stop using it if I can. Especially since most of the water around here has mostly CA and Mg in it, and the coco might actually like it. They put Chloramine in the water here, which doesn't evaporate like Chlorine.

I need a camera cause I need a camera dude. Remember I busted the screen? And there's no regular eye thingy for taking pics, so I can't see WTF I'm doing...taking shots in the dark...literally.

The leaf thing is wierd. I've seen it before..I think it's ph, or maybe too much light, plus I pruned the crap out of them before I threw them under the 1000's...so maybe it's just stress...I don't know, but I'm not worried about it, it's always happened at the same time, is mniniamal, and they always grow out of it quick.

Sounds likw everything is coming together for ya finally. If you think you can flip them, you probably can. Of those 26 some might be males though? If they were all fem I would say flip them now for sure, but if 1/2 of them might be males then you prob want another 4" or so. they are going to take off like rockets now that they have a good number of biig leaves on them. Better flip them no then have to train and prune them later

In Vino Veritas

I meant a second one, maybe 55gal? Not sure what kind of trouble you'd be looking at to get that in there. They closed down my favorite torrent site, felt it was appropriate to dress up for her death.:badday: So yea I was thinking you should get a new camera, I was just remind...remembering you busted the..... Check out dpreview if you want to compare that to something else. Heh..i'm pretty burnt most of the time.. :joint:

I'm really hoping there aren't any males, I'm under the impression I made fem seeds. I don't know shit though. I did have 3 in reveg at the time, the leaves got super wide and they turned almost blue/black. Weird as ****. I never knew what happened to them tho, they were adopted.. Some look behind from the start, the same ones still do. I'm hoping 100% ladies, going to wait it out a bit. Still need about another week of work in the room. Also the space is 7x7x8.5, but the lamps are centered over 7x5, I got a little wiggle room :D I thought they wouldn't look ready until December.

Coco slabs, or blocks, or other? Monkey Juice or Canna or Other? I want efficient, and well rounded, and easy to get in and out and easy to manage.
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20kw dreams

HA HA HA...that's not even funny...trying to get another couple tubs in there....**** that...not now anyways....not worth it.

Oohh you madde females...I didn't catch that, but I was wondering how you seemed to be getting so many females. Blue/black? Sounds wierd, but sweet.

Go with these blocks if you can, or slabs. If your not going to be moving them around, as in you are planting them in their finish spot, then go with slabs. The BOSS blocks are nice cause you can move them around either to respace, pruce, cull, etc. Monkey Juice is the shit, no doubt. I'm not using it because my shop stopped carrying it, cause they said something was wrong with the batch, but I think it's BS, cause I know there are people still using it. I think it may be local distributor/retailer politics. there is a huge market over here, and 6..7 maybe 8 hydro stores in Santa Cruz, owned by 4 owners. Alot of shit goes on, cause they're all competing and using distributors as their little pawns or whatever. Maybe one of the store owners offered the distributor 1/4lb to tell the other shop MJ is recalled BS...I don't know, cause everyone else is carrying it, and the owner was using it himself. Canna is nice to, but you gotta add a little Mg, and it's imported, which for me = more energy to get it over. I think I'm going back to PBP this time actually...or cutting edge...but I like organics, and feel guilty for treating the last batch so bad towards the end...so I'm leaning towards PBP...

But I would go with MJ if I were you. Energy costs prob aren't that much more from Canada then they are from CA or Arizona(Botanicare)

One of my friends died, I don't know when exactly, but within the last week. I saw him last week, and he told me..and showed me..he was all ****ed up. I hung out with him for a few hours. He's had Lymphoma for a few years, and it had pretty much taken over his body. It looked like the only thing holding it in was his ribcage...............

There's a party tomorrow night in his honor..I got a text tonight from someone, I don't even know who. I don't really know how I feel about all this shit..death and all. It's like, honestly, I don't care..but at the same time he was a friend, but life will go on without him..as it would anyone else...

I asked him if there was anything he wanted to do before he died...like go somewhere or something...I was straight up willing to fly his ass to Brazil with his chik if that's what he wanted...but he was like...yeah, I would love to..but I feel like shit and I might not make it there...so he said the only thing he really wanted to do was have sex with his chik...(she was out of town when the Dr's gave him the 1 week notice and refused to give him further chemo)

What's ****ed up is he was bad for a while...real bad...then he found this place in Mexico that did alternative treatment. It was REALLY expensive...like 10k/visit x 3 minimum visits, each visit being 3 days. He scrounged up the money through his friends and a benefit show. He goes down there, and the shit heals him. Cancer was in recession, and he looked as healthy as he did when I first met him...healthier actually. Then he used up his 3 visits..nobody had the kind of cash he needed...then it was like BAMM he just spiraled downhill superfast.

Anyways, don't mean to be a downer...just needed to get that off my chest...

20kw dreams

So good new though...Pics uploaded finally..you know what's really funny though, is that I only uploaded 1 pic, but all the pics I have been trying to upload for the last 5 days ro so came up in the process list, which means IC was uploading them, just not processing them...wierd...anyways, here they are this was like 5 days ago

I forgot to mention, I got all the plants in and spaced...yesterday, then also got all teh drip lines in, the netting up, the drying plants moved to a different spot, then hand watered them to innoculate them with some T-harz. They are already looking much better tonight. I think I just stressed them a tad with un pH's water, transplanting, a little chemy fungicide spray on the rockwool for the mold, then pruning all within hours.

Hopefully the pics will keep uploading.


In Vino Veritas

Damn, best wishes to his family/friends. Sucks about the treatment, must be torture knowing something works and you can't afford it. I'm like you dude, not too shook over death. Something about it seems normal? I guess it's sort of one of the few things in life that is guaranteed. We had a death in the family last week, significant others great grandma, their a young family so lots of oldies still around. Then I just found out tonight a friend from high school passed away in a car accident right down the street. I hadn't heard from him since like 2000, a year ago ran into each other on the road and grabbed some beers and talked some shit...maybe talked to him once after that. Significant other saw the sign on the side of the road, down here they put up road signs when people pass in a car accident. He has a unique name, and in our area, so it's obvious it would be him. I don't know if to contact old friends, or his family? Same time I just rather not. 4am and I'm still grinding away.. Think I'll crack a Sierra Nevada Celebration and take a little toke, never know when you gotta go. We all got to vent sometimes.. :)

Looks lovely in there man, I love the precision. Out with the old, in with the new. Looks like you got quite a few in there. You know you got some trimmin' to do!

Alright, so Monkey Juice it is, and Blocks. I'd rather be able to move them around, than not. Unless they are raping me for Blocks compared to Slabs.. I'll find out in a day or two when I pay em a visit. I don't want a mess, so bags of coco, or coco coir blocks is a no no.

I think I need to buy some carbon, I'm going to fill up an empty scrubber I have, and get ready to refill my current one because I have been using it for 3 years without a change.

Dusty Bowls

In Vino Veritas said:
Damn, I've been banging my head for 12 hours now trying to figure it out. I'm going to have to ask. Who the **** asked you anything? I've looked up and down the page, and nope not one question for you. Nice gallery, too bad you're a prick.

You mean Lurkers, and Paranoid ****s (like me). :D Seriously though, my sentiments exactly. I appreciate you sharing on here, how else are we to learn to Overgrow?

you should read how i helped your boy or tried to and what a douche he was peace!


New member
hey folks gdawgs' hard drive is f'd up. he is steady workin and documentin. he wanted me to tell y'all all is good and he'll be back as soon as possible. peace and ya he's pissed.

In Vino Veritas

alagrow, thanks for the heads up. we'll be waiting..

20kw, remember this one?

20kw dreams said:
****, ****, ****!!! I just erased a long ass post.

Anyways, Botanicare is the shit. I love the stuff. My ph is always perfect. In fact, it takes 10 days for the ph to start getting whack, which I see as a sign of nutrient imbalance.

About half of the "additives" I use are actually nutrients. Cal-Mag and Canna PK 13/14 are straight up fertilizers, and not really additives, as they contain nothing but nutrients. LK is a mostly additive additive, but I think it has some N in it or something, which you should just at least take note of. I'm actually using Floralicious this run, cause I had it sitting around and wanted to get rid of it. While Floralicious is basically GH's version of the all around seaweed extract additive, comparible to LK, it does have a 1:1:1, which makes it a fert as well as an additive. Anyways, I think that is important to notice for newcomers. If you read my ppm's, they are at like 400-500 ppm after adding the additives, when I only run at like 800ppm's, but that is mainly because of all the ferts in the additives.

These are all the additives and/or, and why I use them. Some of them are necessities for healthy plants, and others just...helpful:D If you are starting out growing, I would suggest trying to keep your nutrients and additives to a minimum. This will make it easier to identify problems.

Superthrive (not necessary): Cause it's cheap, and old schoolers say it works. Helps root cell division and ease stress. Only use in veg.

Hydrogaurd(Helpful for root rotvprevention): I started using enzyme products cause I used to get root rot bad. I would recommend Cannazyme if you expect a hefty battle w/ root rot, as Hydrogaurd is a lightweight in this category. My rot was so prevalent, I got a water chiller. I did however not use Hydrogaurd this run, and although I don't have root rot or unhealthy roots by any means, my roots are not staying as sparkling white as they did when I use Hydrogaurd, so I will always use it from this run on, unless the SM-90 ends up giving my roots that brilliance

Canna PK 13/14(not necessary): GOD DAMN! THIS SHIT WORKS!! I have never had trichomes on the fan leaves by the end of the 3rd week into flower until I started using this shit. The buds really do get frosty as ****, and pack on the wieght. I use Bramsky's(I think) formula of 1ml/ltr from weeks 3-6, instead of the bottles recommended dose of 1.5ml/gal. He went through like 5 runs testing out different dosages over different periods, and found that to be the most effective. Actually, I start the first week of using it at .75 ml, and maybe the last week too. It is really easy to burn w/ this stuff, so watch closely for burns. If you are burning them, back the PK off to .5ml/liter. Use it though, or something similar at least. I have thought about using Hydroplex, but this shit works so well, I'm afraid to leave it:D

Cal-Mag(necessary if using R.O. water) - Because the PBP line is meant for tap water. If your tap is real bad, like over 300ppm, you should use RO water and Cal-Mag

LK, Floralicious(not necessary) - I think most people agree, including myself, that some kind of one of these seaweed based additives is a must for maximum growth. I view most of them the same really, and have not, nor really will try to, do a comparison. I like LK because they list the ingredients, but I like the nasty smell from the Floralicious.

SM-90 (not necessary) - A surfacent. This stuff helps to keep the roots, rez, and misters clean. sortIt does work as far as that goes. This is my first run using it, and I started using it just a couple of weeks ago. Pretty handy stuff. It is also suppose to be useful against critters of all sorts too, including mites, which are bad in my area, and destroyed my last crop.

I grow in a Lothar aero/NFT setup fitted w/ high pressure pump and misters.

Here's my routine: First, I add the additives. Like I mentioned before^, this will be about half of the PPM's. Then I add the Base nute(PBP) to reach the desired PPM. 300-350 early veg(6-8"), 500-600 bigger veg(10-12"), 750-850 flower. I adjust the nute level so that it stays the same, or goes slightly down every day. That is to say: If my PPM is say 800, and the next day it is 830, then I know it is too high, and I need to bring it down to say 750. At 750, it might be say 744 the next day, so I will leave it, and just keep check it daily. If it goes down too low, I will raise it back up. It is perfect if the ppm's stay close to the same every day, which rarely happens, as the plant goes through different processes and uses different amounts of nutrients.

I change my rez once a week. I drain it about 80%, and refill it w/ RO water and SM-90 on Saturday. I let that run overnight, and into the next day for a good flush. The afternoon or so the next day, I throw in the additives and Base nutes, and start the week all over.

Take note: My gallon of Cal-Mag is a little more then 3 x the strength in PPM's it says on the bottle. A rep at Botanicare told me I should go by the PPM's, and not the bottle. for me 1.5ml = approximately what the bottle says for 5ml. Everyone here should check that if they are having problems, because it was giving me serious problems before I called them up on it.

I have divided my flowering into 4 stages: Transition, Flowering, Finish, and flush. Basically, I use a mix of veg/bloom in transition, stop the superthrive and start the PK booster and straight PBP Bloom in the flowering, Stop the PK and PBP bloom and start the PBP"soil" bloom in finish, and run at 1/4 strength for a couple days to flush.

And finally, Here's my schedule, assuming an 8 week strain.
Superthrive - couple drops per gallon
Liquid Karma - 10ml/gal
Hydrogaurd - 15ml/gal
SM-90 - 3ml/gal
Cal-Mag - 1ml/gal
Pure Blend Pro Grow - Add to desired PPM

Transitional (week 1 & 2 of 12/12)
Basically, everything is the same, except use a 50/50 mix of PBP bloom and grow base ferts. I used to switch straight to bloom formula at the onset of 12/12, but I used a transitional formula of Botanicares "Triflex" series this time around, and definately am having much lusher growth as a result.

Flowering (weeks 3 - 6)
Start Canna PK 13/14 @ .75-1ml/liter
Stop Superthrive
Hydrogaurd - 15ml/gal
Liquid Karma - 15ml/gal
SM-90 - 3ml/gal
Cal-Mag - 3ml/gal
Switch from veg/bloom mix to PBP Bloom - Top to desired PPM.

Finish (weeks 7 & 8)
Stop Canna PK 13/14
Hydrogaurd - 15ml/gal
Liquid Karma - 15ml/gal
SM-90 - 3ml/gal
Cal-Mag - 2ml/gal
Switch from PBP Bloom to PBP Bloom "Soil" - Top to desired ppm
I think I may get some additive called "Overdrive" this time, but I don't know yet.

Flush(last couple days)
I just drain the rez 3/4, and refill w/ RO water. You may want to use an organic flushing agent.

I am also looking into cutting out the Cal-Mag from the finishing stage, as it is the only non-organic at that time.

I also mess w/ the lighting at the end of flower if I want a strain to "finish on time", and it appears as if it will not on it's own. This just means I cut the lights back to 8 or 10 hours, dependant on how much of a push they need, to hurry the gals up a bit. This is the method that makes sense to me, compared to the 48 hours dark thing. That's just me though, and is only intended to help them by a few days, or a week. I definately would never try to push a sative by 3 weeks or something. If you do, you'll most likely just end up w/ scragly premature herbs.

Holy cow! I just meant to post my schedule, and then I ended up writing all this! lol..

Well, there it is, anyways.

Can you use this in coco, would you modify it other than the timing for the genetics? I'm going to have to get nutes this week, figure just drop the floranova/3-part all together already. Then it's off to full Coco as the need for medium arises.

Another question, those Coco Gro Boss blocks are they 6x6 or 8x8? Also the bottom has a coco-mat, but does the bag have holes, a mesh, is it sealed and you cut it yourself like slabs? I'm going to call around before I start driving, you know the deal. If nobody can do it, I'll have to place an order online. :\

Did you see the tubs I posted? Crap, I've been up for 32hrs.

Edit: My brain is fried, I think there is too much controversy with the MJ. I want something easy to have a base line of, then a few "supplements" to help out the root zone, flower production, etc.. Basically not so simple as my Lucas, but not a money pit and time killer like Canna - and no questionable quality of products like Monkey Juice.
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20kw dreams

LOL..you know what's funny? I actually got my highest yield with that, slightly altered...I think there is the altered on floating around here somewhere.

I posted an MJ thread, but I haven't check on it yet.

Yes, you could use that with Coco...but wait a minute, let me go check...I would bump the Cal-Mag to 3ml in veg, then pull it out completely a couple weeks into flower. I don't think coco nutes are necessary in flower, cause the backload of K gets fully flushed by then. There are some slight changes I would make now. I've bee hearing(from hydro store) people are switching to the soil formula earlier in flower, but continuing use of CalMag. That makes alot of sense, sine the Soil is 1-4-5 or something, and the Hydro Flower is 2.5-2-5 or something. It offsets the N in CalMag, so you can continue the Cal-Mag addition.

Wow, I never thought of that really, but it makes total sense.

And ditch the SM-90, Superthrive, and PK13/14, since you would be using 1-4-5 earlier in flower...prob 4 weeks in or so. I was using PK 13/14+Hydro Bloom, but looking back, I could have just used the Soil Bloom.

That was in Low tech aero, then NFT. Your readings are low with PBP too, cause of the Organics, and also for me because hey are usually lower in straight water culture. So, if you are used to running 2.0 EC, then learn to back TF off. It may be different in coco though, so you should read up on what people are doing. I know people use PBP in coco for sure.

I had a prob with it actually, so I stopped using but, but I think the problem lie somewhere else. I made a few different changes at the same time, but I thinkl I actually should have blamed the problem on using too much kelp/myco powder directly under the plants....like from a shaker.

I also use innoculants now, which suer help against root rot. M current favorite is the T-Harz from Cutting edge, but Pirahna and Tarantula are good, although expensive and excessive, with alot of pretty much useless organisms. In coco though, you could skip the Hydrogaurd, just innoculate. In water culture, I would keep the Hydrogaurd.

Thanx for fillin us in alagrow, tell G to get his shit fixed, or I'm going to upload pics and remove them before he comes back:D


Very nice bro :jump: I knew you wouldn't have any problems with the coco :rasta: Congrats on the harvest and best of luck on the new one! :headbange
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