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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


In Vino Veritas

I jumped in that MJ thread..good discussion but I'm still weary. I'm about to say **** it and run GH 3 part nice and lite since it would be coco. I really want to **** with something different though..

So let me get this straight.. For veg inoculate with an enzyme product, then Pure Blend Pro Grow w/ 3ml Cal-Mag. For flowering Pure Blend Pro Soil Formula w/ 3ml Cal-Mag. That's it? That would be like running all that stuff you made me decipher including a p/k boost? So many things work that it gets soo complicated, but I want to do something new so I guess I gotta tread a little water before I get going.

20kw dreams

No, not quite.

Enzymes and innoculants are two different things. Enzymes help eat up organic materials like dead roots that pathogens might otherwise live off of. Not necessary in coco really I don't think. Innoculants would be beneficial fungi/bacteria that live in symbiosis with the plant, by colonizing the root zone and protecting the roots from pathogens, while assisting increasing nutrient uptake. They do this in exchange for sugars the plant produces in the roots, which the plant makes more of because it's getting those added nutrients. Mycorhizzoa and Trichoderma are the most common of these. From my understanding, the Myco's help assist nutrient uptake more, while the Trich's defend against pathogens better. This is why I'm going with the T-Harz now, which is Trichoderma Harzianum, the single most beneficial specie as far as protection from pathogens.

A good example of when enzyme are more necessary, is say you have root rot. In that case, the enzymes eat up dead or weak roots, so pathogens don't have a weak place to access. Another use for enzymes is to break down old dead roots when reusing medium. They definately never hurt to put in, but if you have healthy plants and a healthy medium, it's not necessary. The beneficial fungi's aren't necessary either, it's more a preventative root strengthening. Fungi's are generally used in the hort industry only when dealing with a root pathogen outbreak, or for plants that generally get root probs easy, like say poinsettias.

Now, the Cal-Mag is right, but it's more like this

Veg - PBP Grow + CaMg + Innoculate + Liquid Karma
Flower up until 4 weeks from finish - PBP Hydro Bloom + CaMg + Liquid Karma
Flower 4 weeks from finish to flush - PBP Soil Bloom + CaMg + Liquid Karma

Basically, I was adding PK to the Hydro Bloom, then starting the Soil bloom later. By starting the Soil Bloom earlier, you can just ditch the PK, since it's essentially the same thing.

Then on top of that you could add Silicate or Blackstrap Molasses.

Blackstrap even has alot of Ca and Mg, and in the right amounts, so you could pull the Cal-Mag if you use that, and it has an ASSLOAD of carbs, micronutrients, K(which isn't in excess as much now since excess K has been flushed out over the week or more in veg), and vitamins.

PBP is pretty simple. It's pretty much a 2 part, since you have to use the Cal-Mag, but then again some people use it without Cal-Mag. Then you have Liquid Karma, which is pretty much an all in one additive used all the way through.

Then they have Sweet, and Silica Blast, but I would use Molasses over Sweet now, and then Silicon is totally optional, but def makes the plants a little hardier and less prone to rot, which is funny because now that I think of it, this last run was the first time I didn't really use it, but as a foliar a couple of times.

If you want pretty simple, but you don't want to miss out, go PBP(all 3 throughout cycle) + CM and LK. Buy a bottle of Blackstrap to keep handy whenever you feel like it.

Another thing though, is that I think Floralicious Bloom is better then LK. When I used that, I just didn't use any additives in veg.

I think I just talked myself into doing PBP + Cal-Mag, FLB, Blackstrap, and Silicate

ANOTHER thing you could do, is just use the grow into the first week or so of flower, and go straight to the Soil Bloom + CalMag. This would make me hesitant though, cause you might end up with too much of an N def before harvest time. You would have nice tasty bud though that didn't need much of a flush or cure.


Active member
I've used the super expensive Hygrozyme as an enzyme and the only thing I noticed was my pocket getting lighter. I never had root rot tho. I could see it helping for that.

I also ran hydroguard which is a beneficial. Saw no difference from that either.

I've also added myc to my soil mixes. Saw no difference.

I think the readygro slabs have that trich stuff in em.

I used Sweet and molasses for several grows. Saw no difference

Silica and Seaweed are two additives I have seen NOTICEABLE good results from.

I don't agree that PBP is simple cuz you need to supplement with cal/mag which complicates it. I just hate Botanicare now though. I feel like I wasted 2 years on their products. Should of ditched em days ago. I know people have great results with em, but they just weren't happening for me.
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20kw dreams

This is my experience. I ran PBP for over 2 years solid, and loved it. Then I moved here, and was having MAD root problems. I was always using Hydrogaurd. I was having these root probs in my NFT system. Hydrogaurd didn't help, Cannazyme, Hygrozyme, Sensizyme, SM-90, etc etc etc trying stronger strengths, combos, etc. Nothing worked. THEN I picked up this Rootshield stuff. It is a commercial brand of Trichoderma Harzianum. BAMM!! Healthy new roots growing out of the nastiest ball of slime you've ever seen. By this time the plants were sitting in a corner being experimented on. I was using Advanced's Piranha and Tarantula cause it was the closest thing I coul dget at the hydro store. So Cutting Edge came out with T-Harz, which is much cheaper then Piranha and Tartantula, and you're not buying a bunch of crap, just the good shit.

Yes, Botanicare puts Rootshield brand T-Harz in the Ready-Gro. Silica and Kelp are also in the Ready-Gro. Coincidence? I think not:D

What kind of probs were you having with PBP?


Active member
Yah I should take that back cuz technically I never did that bad with Botanicare. I always pulled around 1lb per 1000. I just always was having trouble getting the cal/mag dose right everything was always too much or too little. I never had a problem free grow nute wise with the stuff and I always felt like I was chasing my tail trying to fix it.

That being said I was a newer grower and I was using the Botanicare line in Pro-mix. And that medium sucked so maybe it was more the pro-mix than anything. I bet the Botanicare line would rock with the readygro slabs once you get it dialed.

Plus I love those readygro slabs and DUH they are made by Botanicare so I take the above back. Maybe the trich and kelp are a part of the reason why those slabs rock so much!

In Vino Veritas

20kw, you've enlightened me. But technically can't you inoculate enzymes, just like you would spores and microbes? I don't know shit about this, but I used to play with fungi :D and now I like to fiddle with yeast. So I was under the impression that inoculate is just a word for introduce then colonize.. Either way I had no clue what they did in the soil, sounds worth it to me. Makes great sense too.

Between Aeric's pictures all the talk, and the damn AN website i'm really interested in AN, Monkey Juice, and all their supplemental additives. Am I being a sucker?? When I go full Coco I'll try their shit out but keeping it simple. ****ing colorful advertisement..

For now I'm going to go with the..
Veg - PBP Grow + CaMg + Innoculate + Liquid Karma..
Flower up until 4 weeks from finish - PBP Hydro Bloom + CaMg + Liquid Karma..
Flower 4 weeks from finish to flush - PBP Soil Bloom + CaMg + Liquid Karma..

I'll sub LK for FLB, I'd rather use Blackstrap since people are all hyped about it right now, and I'll grab some Silica Blast or something. What are my inoculant options in case they don't have T-Harz? That's it I'm decided..time to go to the hydro shop. :D

Uhm.. I can use this in my current mix right? I have like 15gal of peat/perl/verm (1prt each) left over. To it I will add 4cu of something. Figure I can throw in another 2 cu of peat, and 1.5 cu of perlite. What do you think about that?
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crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Enzymes are not alive. Think of them as a biological acid, dissolving and catalyzing.

Because they are not alive they cannot colonize.

Peace, Love, & Coco


for those having troubble with botanicare products, I suspect you are just adding too much crap :)

Per Gallon:
10ml PBP
3ml CalMag

From newly rooted clone to harvest, in coco, rockwool, or promix.

If your girls are extra extra extra hungry (I have never had an extra hungry girl) up the PBP to 15ml. But as I said, I grow some "heavy feeders" that never need or want more than 10ml. In coco I never exceed 800ppm, or EC 1.6. As you said meduser, I used many products in the past too and all of them seem to lower my yeild due to making my reservoirs less stable, and create generally more work for me. Simple, and Stable reservoirs kick ass... "set it and forget it!"

I second your notion on kelp, silica, and I will add fulvic acid, and molasses.

20kw dreams

Yeah, I'm a sucker too though. It's easy to get caught up in their hype for sure. I forget which, but use the AN product that is the fungi as an innoculant. Shit's expensive, so I just and water it in cause it takes less then filling a rez.

I think I may end up going Fert Injector system in the new grow-op. That pretty much means I can only use stuff which can be mixed together. That would open up some door though as far as using straight certified organics, cause you don't have to worry about a rez getting all nasty.


i'm back folks.. dang computers ain't my thing, but my cuz is a whiz and worked me through it. in vino how did it go with the board? neptune thats the same regimen i use, plus the molasses after week 4. 20 whats on the tables? i'll get back tonight with some pics. 60 days was yesterday but the nlhaze is still not ready and i've decided to let it go till the incans are ready, another 14 days or so. everthings swellin nice.

20kw dreams

Nice to see you back up G. The threads been kind of dead. I'm not even trying to take any more pics until I get a new camera. It sucks when I go in there and take 20 pics, just to have them all come out all shitty.

The new crop is still on schedule for flower on Sat. I stressed them the **** out for a few days there, but they are back on track and new growth is healthy.


hey 20 just saw on another thread the strains ya runnin next, nice selection bro. that big shiva looks good and the bubblegum too. 10 bucks for babies is sweet. what did ya decide on the new thread?

In Vino Veritas

g! what's up dude, glad to see you back.

panel turned out ace. I wasn't able to wire the far left 120v outlet because I ran out of wire. What I'll probably do tomorrow is run 10/2 from the 30DPST to the Timer, then take that 12/2 to wire the last 120V outlet. This way my breaker-timer will be wired properly for future upgrades, and i'll actually be done (right now its everything i need until i get out of here just not really 'done'). Heh.. I live perfecting the art of minimal effort for maximum results, i'm a really efficient slacker.

20, you're going to link to the new thread? i looked, didn't see shit though..



in vino that looks tight dude, you did ace it and i bet you're lovin it. time to fill in them plugs, heh. how the lil babies lookin? i got to cull through mine in the next week and pick the ones for the trip to the new show. i gotta say this is going to be my best quality/yeild per light yet. thanx to everybody on here for helping me and making it possible. so much info on here like online college or somethin. i'll be takin pics of the harvest and look for a smoke report from nuski in the next three weeks or so. hes a long distance buddy, not for long though bro, and i told him i want a honest judgment, if my shit sux, say it. wish i had a tester that could compare to the club stuff in cali goin around, but if its anything like what was @ glamis last year then i still gotta step it up some. dang most of my boys are leavin out tomorrow. they're bringin a part of me with em. 20 whats up with the new thread? can i post some harvest pics in it? will this one be closed? are you high on some ak right now? peace brothers

20kw dreams

OMG those plants are looking beautiful, and so packed in there with their tops so nice....beautiful

Yeah, it's 1kw Bubblegum, 2 kw HinduKush x Skunk1, 1kw Candy Shiva, 1kw BigShiva, then 1kw 1/2 AK, and the other 1/2 randoms.

No link, no thread. I'm keeping it here until I get another camera. They're not looking too impressive. Remember this pic
Well, they look like that. I think I'm going to stop cutting them back that far, cause it def slows them down for a few days. They were too crammed into the veg area, and they either got crowded, or too big and lanky. It's working out in the end, sue to the allowable height differences between my lights, but it will be nice when I move and just sit everything on a nice drained concrete floor:D

I'll post a link when I get around to it, prob next week. I got a crew coming over tomorrow to trim a few lbs for me, then I'll go get me a camera and take some winner pics before the herb goes out, after they leave. I prob won't be online when they are here. I trimmed about a 1/2 oz or so, and it looks a bit premature, but frosty as ****. I had a patient test it, and he said, "fock, that's some good shit" when he smoked it. The hairs just weren't turned, so it looks a little premature, cause the hairs are like this funny peach color, although as far as the potency, smell, and flavor, you wouldn't be able to tell a bit.


In Vino Veritas



Well since 20K is recycling pictures (hah) and probably busy as **** and happy as hell today I'll do a little sharing..

thanks g, again I appreciate you walking me through that shit. sucks I had help right next door but couldn't get it from them...sort of part of being where i'm at I guess. IC is more like a friendly neighborhood with the coolest library - EVER!

Overhead shot of all 27, 2 are in 16oz cups and were transplanted to late they are stunted - I thought they were dead really..**** em.

Same spot, just kneeling down so you guys can see the canopy thickness, or lack there of. They are under 4 tubes, and I've fed them once in the last 2 weeks. Need to pick up bulbs today, or Monday. I am finishing the ventilation this weekend.

Check out the thickness though, I really enjoy these genetics. You get the BB look now, then the cali-o bleeds through in flower. They have a sweet fruity odor, like wine. They get stinky as **** a few weeks into flower.

I have a little of this def going on about 3-4 of them, only the lower leaves.. I think it's a combination of an old nute burn, and a current N def. I'm feeding with FloraNova Bloom, and haven't even done that in about 14 days. The mix is just peat/perlite/vermiculate and some lime. So they might be hungry.. The mix is staying too wet and a few of them have that sorta drowned look..no food or water till I get the lamp up need the heat and growth stimulation...

Tell me what you guys think..I've decided that since I do so well with the Lucas formula I'll just buy some Floralicious Bloom, T-Harz, and to that add Molasses. I've always just ran micro/bloom/epsom in rockwool and in this mix minus the lime/verm (first time adding lime and verm).. So I'll keep things simple.. Right now I want to try going coco, then using PBP and maybe MJ, and the Canna line seems cool, and i'm so undecided I ain't doing shit but confusing myself and trying to follow someones recipe. Instead of running new nutes and risking ****ing up, I've said **** it for now. I'll try some additives with my usual base, and see how it goes. Make sense? If I go full coco next round I will decide what nutes then :D I'm learning a ton though. The idea would be to be able to do it like you 20k, by reading the contents of the bottle and watching the plants I know what does what and what does and doesn't work.. I also used to understand plant nutrition more - I started in organics with just guanos..when I went pro I switched to Lucas and never looked back.. You should have seen some of the barbarians I had pulling it off nice with that base... Man im so ****ing stoned its ridiculous right now...

I'd like some feedback from you 20 in regards to if this is all I need...my base will be GH Micro/Bloom (Lucas formula, running to waste)

GH Floralicious Bloom - bloom booster
Cutting Edge Solutions 'T-Harz' - inoculate medium
Blackstrap Molasses - sugar for T-Harz, a few vit's and stuff, and CaMg (I can sub for Epsom, right!??)

What about a PK13/14? Or would FLB handle that?

Lol.. I was about to simplify it and just run micro/bloom/blackstrap and get some t-harz for the medium. 140.00 for a qt! I'll just grab a couple 2oz bottles for 15.00...

Alrightyyyyy..back up into the attic.

Ohh.. can I hard-wire a Sunleaves universal mogul-socket to the Sunlight Supply ballast?? I don't have the right cable for the sunlight supply, I don't want to go back to where I left it... Figure it should be fine, just a matter of removing the female adapter in the ballast, cutting the male adapter off the mogul-socket and using some wire nuts and a way to hold it in place so it doesn't get yanked out..

Edit: the green color in rl is soo much deeper. but they are getting lighter due to the hunger.. they can tuff it out a day or three more, they need to dry out those bags..
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in vino are you talkin bout this in coco? stoner.... 20 get a camera already man! the ol man came by tonight and i let him see the show. he had'nt seen it in a few weeks and was blown away. he kept lookin @ the nlhazex and was like "why's it so white lookin?" i just laughed and said naw, look closer. this is gonna be a good one folks, i'll take plenty of pics and keep updated.

20kw dreams

I've decided no camera, but I'm going to take soome more pics tonight, and start the new thread. I don't want to buy a cheap camera again. The camera I want, which is the Canon Rebel, is too expensive for me to be blowing money on when I'm trying to move.

The trimming went kind of OK. People are ****in slackers...and stoners...They only got 2 lbs done in 2 days. I also had them only doing the little shit. The crops not looking too hot though. Lots of little shit. A good chunk of the big stuff has mold in it. It looks pretty premature I must say, only because the hairs are more of a peachy color then orange/red/brown. That being said, it was rated a 7 across the board on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being my 818/SFV Kush, 5 being average. It could have been a 9 no problem, but it had to come down early. So, while it looks premature its still pretty good. The flavor is greeny, but I expect that to come out with a couple weeks cure time.

I still have all the tops to trim myself, so the appearance of the finished meds may not look so primo in 1/2lb bags once the tops are thrown in...hopefully.

IVV - You can def wire that socket up to your ballast.

Stop neglecting those bitches IVV. Shame on you:D

And the T-harz 2oz bottle does 25 or 30 gals if I remember correctly.

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