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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!



2 elbows in 2 days? shit i can almost do that, well you say small bud though. i know, i was thinkin too IVV ain't pimpin his bitches right!!! whats up with that IVV? haha, 20 your new lineup looks great man. i'll be tearing my show apart in about 10 days. so much stuff to get, 2 more digi 6ooS, 3 more silverstar hoods, another 400 or 2, gonna go with the cns on the next run too. i'm gonna go with 1 gallon bags too, my girls are just getting way too big on me. you're already a few days in 12/12 huh? be a while for me again.


i took a lil nug early. puffed a little today but too early to tell if its a keeper.

20kw dreams

Shit G, that's looking good! But where is the orange light we've come to expect from you pis:D

It was more like 1 and a half days, but 4 people. it was all the little evil stuff. I wanted to get it out of the way so I could concentrate on the tops:D

No, I'm not into flower, and not going to be for a few days now. I was going to flip them this weekend, but I decided to let them go a few more days, then hit them with BM right at the onset of flower, instead of waiting. It may be the reason the BM effects quality on some strains may not be using it period, but I usually hit flower, then use BM like 1 to 2 weeks into flower, so the effects of whatever is in that shit may only effect potency because it overlaps resin production. I'm thinking maybe if I use it earlier it won't be so likely to decrease potency? The Sour D and AK both aren't hardly effected negatively, but the Critical Mass is for sure.

Nubie Biatch

Active member
20K - Quick Question: "What did you use for the scrog netting?". I'm planning on setting up a scrog screen similar to yours.

Muchas Gracias!

In Vino Veritas

Man oh man, today was a sweet day!!

I too am tired of neglecting my bitches (not due to my usual lazyness, i was genuinely unsure of what I was going to do..)... I decided to run what I have left and work with it..

So I am going to finish veg with some 10-10-10 generic fert I have here last pint bottle so it's gotta go! I only have a week or two max of veg. I want them to get stuffed on N since i've been starving them..

Picked up 30x 3gal poly bags.
2x 2oz bottles of CE T-Harz
1x 2oz bottle of CE Pirate
1x qt bottle of Floralicious Bloom
1x 1000W MH

I got the Cutting Edge shit free, it expired Oct 31st but the dude tells me it's fine. The pirate stinks like high hell, the T-Harz is non-stinky. I was surprised to find out they carry the whole line, owner says he thinks he is the only person round this way. Pirate is supposed to be stored in the fridge, does it matter it wasn't?

I finished my ventilation.. I'm hardwiring the MH now.. I have my pens soaking.. My Hydrometer beeps when I pop the batteries in and acts like their dead, it's a new pack. She's been with me for many years, I hope she is ok. I think it may have to do with all the dust in the room today from all the sheet rock cutting I did. The plants have been in the new air-flow for well over 12hrs, I think they like the fresh air.. They look really nice.

So..20.. How do I baby-scale my T-Harz inoculation? 2gallons of water is about what they can take between all of them.. I want to mix up some floralicious for spraying them, maybe add some pirate to it.. :D I got some reading to do..
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IVV bout freakin time man! you're gonna end up in a forest of trees! what kind of ballast did ya go with? a digi maybe? no doubts your shows gonna be good bro. 20 ya maybe no more orange pics just harvest shots! that netting is tight, like how ya got it framed and stretched out. 20 any ideas on decent yeild i should expect per 600 light? i'm hopin for a p/light, plus the lil 400 in the middle to get me there. two more 600s would of been nice...

In Vino Veritas

G, dude I've got 4x 1000's, 3 are Sunleaves 1000W HPS's, 1 is a Sunlight Supply HPS/MH. I just didn't have bulbs.. Heh.. I got a story of how I got here! Been through some shit and just glad I'm good now, and I can move on and continue to do what I love to do even if it's not crazy wattages - then again i'm trying to get back to quality over quantity.. All this gear is from 2004/2005 and it was used maybe for a full year maybe two? It's like a quarter of everything..

Waiting on my first temp check.. Going to finish this beer, light a bowl, and check back in.

I didn't comment on your picture cause I wanted to wait until I updated... That looks lovely.. I was caught off guard with the non-hps lighting.. Have you checked out the little tutorial on NiteTigers thread on removing HPS yellow? Damn man, now you have me saying "I can't wait to harvest!" I'm going 12/12 by the 31st of this month 100%. I ain't going past Jan with this shit...

I was thinking of opening a thread to document this run, still not sure.. I like to be hidden within the comfortable walls of my online friends threads.. :D Dunno if 20 wants to do his own thing though :p

I think that picture is from the start of this run he just had, he hasn't taken pictures of the new crop.. At least that's what I think, 20 said he wasn't going to trim them before they start..

20, you think them working so slow was because of the fact you gave em the bottoms to work? Is that a $20/hr gig? That's what's expected round here. Blind folded bus ride and all.. :\ Heh.. I got another good one 'bout that. I mean do you guys really clean it up? Because 2 days for a couple of elbows is ludicrous.. Sucks about them going down early and you taking the hit for it... Next round is going to a beautiful thing, new year, new hopes and dreams. Keep hope alive my man. Though you don't seem easily shook, which is good.

****ING PIECE OF SHIT UPLOAD! I can't show you guys shit...just yet.

This shit says no chlorinated water, is 24hrs enough for it to evaporate - does the volume affect the rate at which it evaporates?
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20kw dreams

ah, it was pretty hardcore what they were trimming. And yes, I am know for my maticulous trimjobs. I figure 1oz an hour under normal conditions, this was all little shit and they ere doing just over 1/2oz an hour. $15/hr+ food and drinks. The tops I have left I'll be able to trim up 4 times that or more, plus the time goes by faster when you get alot of weight for your time. I didn't give them anything good...well, I threw them a bone once, but that was it:D

G - I stapled the netting to a 1x2, then screwed the 1x2 onto the wall. Then, I the close side is tied to the 1x2's, to keep it nice and tight, like spiraling between the netting.

You don't want me to guess your yield bud. I'm consistently hitting 1lb per light, which sucks balls, but I'm always like, "oh, this shit is going to be 2lbs no prob!: then I'm like WTF! constantly disapointing myself. Once I get moved I can do alot of things I can't do here though, like grow them taller. I would say you could hit 1lb per light, but a safer bet would be 3/4lb, but then again you've got that 400 kicken, so I could def see lb status.

Nubie - It's 6" square bird netting, sold at all the hydro stores around here

Yeah, I just tryed to upload photos too, and it's giving me the bullshit

IVV, if you just want to make it a community grow thread, I'm down. You want in G?

Heres another consolation photo


IVV chit 4 1ks thats a good show man. i know ya'll got me with the pics, i read the tutorial (good one nitetiger!) but i don't have that dang ol photoshop. 20 i feel ya on the trim for the little stuff. i hate that shit and everytime i think i'll trim the girls up enough on the bottom but i still end up with too much popcorn. IVV the 31st i'm gonna hold ya to that bro! thanx for the props on my cross. still kinda early to tell but i don't know if its gonna have that special taste i'm looking for. its got the look, i can deal with the yield and under 60 day finish time, but so far its not impressed me. so maybe i gotta make a cross country ride next spring to get a gdp or hk cut or two. maybe its just cuz i live secluded in the boondocks but the quality and strains are just better out there hands down. if some killer does come around here, 9 times out of 10 it was sent from out west. sorry folks just rantin cuz i'm bout to have to go through 40 or 50 seeds just to find 1 or 2 keepers and that will take a year or two. the clubs are a true blessing for ya'll. dang i just took a fresh rip and it is starting to get a lil tastier. i do have some hopes for the dstrawberry diesel, theres a grow along thread in the rez seeds forum and quite a few people are growing it. by the time mine are budding i'll have a good idea of the keeper to look for. personally i think rez might be a prick and got too many issues with that greenhouse dude, i wish they'd have a pay per view cage match and get it the **** over with allready jeez. but if his gear is legit then i'll be in his corner. with diesel

In Vino Veritas

Damn it feels good..

Damn it feels good..

gdawg, I have that many available to me.. my space is 7.75 feet by 6.5 feet, i'm only running 2k. 4 would fit, but make it impossible to walk in and make my ventilation requirements a pain in the ass to meet - due to structure. I need to do all my 'work' in the room too..but maybe 3k in the future? :D

20, you know me and my posting.. You run the show, I'll drop a sampler once in a minute. :D Pretty much what's going on in here.. Even though it feels weird the three of us are constantly talking but I know many others are just watching...creeps. ;)

What do you think about the full Cutting Edge Solutions line?

Are those traditional KB's? I love em big, but at that wattage 6 weeks veg sucks.

Quite honestly the room still isn't done. I still have to seal the door with some plastic, and the attic door also. The door has to wait until I got everything I need in and out of there. The attic needs to be done after I set up my ballasts up there..but it's the only way up and I need to be able to check what my stink factor is..still thinking.. My temps are great, but I'm sucking in some attic air, so they could be a little better.

8" intake, it's a 15 foot run from the central a/c..drops 3' down so the cool air gets introduce lower than the hot air is. When the ac is on, the room is one degree cooler, when it's off its about 2 degrees hotter. I never keep it higher than 70-74 here so we're good..

Lights off..frosty goodness here we come..

Here is my naked scrubber, I washed the sleeve yesterday I got to put it back on. 60lb scrubber, 640CFM can-fan.

My rigged Sunlight Supply Switchable..

What we're here for.. 5 rows of 5, within 4'x4' under the 1000W MH - bulb is 4' from the ground. From the floor to the tops its about 1.25-1.5 feet. So there is about 2.5-3 traveling distance for the light.

Lights go out today at 6PM, but the room isn't sealed in regards to light. Not much should get in through the door jam, but?? What do you guys think??? Leave em on till I get it done, or **** it and put em on 18/6?

Also the temps in there now are 73F and 45% humidity. I think the little water they had left is just about gone.. I may get some to some really thirsty bitches....I'm going to foliar them now...**** it. I'll feed in the afternoon (i need non-chlorinated water).
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IVV chit that looks good bro. nice and convenient how the crawl space access is close. are you runnin a dehuey? i'm a stoner and forget alot. not sure on your strains but a scrog would boost that yield and keep the height under control for ya. chit you know whats up i can tell. if you feel the a/c line isn't coming in hard enough, you can get a cheap ass inline @ home depot to put in it. if you are worried about attiic stank, make one of those little bucket/fan with the ona in it, put it up there on a 30/30 timer and forget about it. mine were about 6bucks for the fan, free buckets, had the crystals left over from outdoor projects but 10$ years worth, and the ona. my bottle was 20 bucks and lasted me 2 months running 2 setups. ya i get kinda creeped out too cuz all the views on the thread but not many talkin. i will start a thread when i get to the new spot, not long!!!, and keep it in the coco forum. from the ground up. props on your setup IVV. 20 wheres them nug shots? i'm sure theres a nug right in front of ya right beside the bowl in between the snacks!


whats up folks. man today was a good day. want to give a big shout out to nuski. :headbange bro that takes a huge load off my shoulders, and i was really sweatin that issue. nuski is a super cool cat guys and will be doing a report on my gear in about two weeks. he takes better pics than me too, so check it out. got a call earlier from my buddy going through some chemo treatments. hes a tough old bastard and been dealin with this shit on and off for 2 years now. just a month ago we were hikin up and down the mountain fishin @ the river. and he ain't got but one lung and was hangin with me. so i'm pretty anxious on the meds to finish up to help my ol boy out. if ya out there lurkin mil' soon bro, soon. he took this pic last month

In Vino Veritas

Thanks homie! No dehumidifier, just a 6" 640CFM getting pushed up into the attic, intake is 8" semi-passive since when the a/c is on it's pushing in. It's Cali-OxBlueberry, from seed, possibly feminised. Keep in mind they've only been under flouros. Now under the MH they will thicken up really fast. Two more weeks of veg, I plan to spread them and crank up two HPS's over em. I expect em to finish at about 4-5' high. The total space is 7 wide, 6.5 deep, and 8.5 high. I was going to set up an ozone gen up in the attic...dunno if that would stink too much though, I hate that ozone smell, makes me feel like the air is thick.. I'll probably have to change out my carbon soon too - this shits been used for almost 2 years still works fine though.

The power blew yesterday (transformer for my block? They were dark from 1PM yesterday to 12:50PM today). So.. Since there was no power the smell was all over the place, luckily i'm here alone right now.

Ohh, I said **** it and decided to open a thread, I'm not running coco so I put it in the soil forum...http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=74390

I fed them, and want to throw an update up, but the stupid picture upload ain't working...they look really nice, and much bigger too ;D food helps :p

20 must be stuffing a turkey with trim :p

g, your boy is a trooper... best wishes, i've had a couple close people lose the battle to cancer.
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20kw dreams

No, the whole family caught the flu, including me. That, and I can't upload pics. I would start the new thread, but I can't get the pics up...****in BS...that's OK, the next thread will be more concentrated since it'll be 5 weeks into flower by the time they get the server working proper:D

What's up with cancer anyways? That shit sucks...Hope you're 'ol boy pulls out G.

Sat a banana in your backpack? Or are you just happy to see me:biglaugh:

lol..no turkey...for us. You know Thanksgiving is actually the celebration of the constitution? It has absolutely nothing to do with pilgrims and all that BS. They don't want people to have a full day to appreciate the constitution. They might get the wrong idea...maybe notice it's getting shredded...


20 whats up man. aw hell i seen ol boy today when i was in town with my buddy gettin a bite to eat. that tough ol bastard and my buddys' ol man were just gettin back from a river fishin trip. i had just talked to him the day before and told him to come by and see me, but he was in the bed and said it'd be a couple days before he was feelin right again. i showed him this spot @ the river near my house earlier this summer and now every time i talk to him he wants to go look for arrowheads and fish. and its a freakin hell of a hike down there and back. you know them ol guys are, pissy and tough hehe. ya that sux the pics won't upload, i got a couple of frosted out nug shots minus the orange for ya. theres been a flu like shit goin on round here. most of family got it including me and its 3 weeks before we started feelin right again. hope ya'll get over it quick and have a good t-day. when ya think the lights gonna change? IVV told us the 31st on his, right. i'm a hold him to it. hes got a tight lil thread started but its over in growin in soil or somethin.... i thought there was just a bunch of old dudes over there. 20 i'm still jeolous of the babys' you got lined up. have a good holiday bro!

In Vino Veritas

damn 20, not even a little tofu-rkey? I just ate, mainly pork though - we do it a little different out here.. ;) damn picture situation sucks. I can't upload squat..

hope you guys feel better! (visit my thread, I know it's in the soil forum but...get over it. :p)

g man, I promised by the 31st. So since a man only has his word and his balls.. I put em on 18/6 yesterday. Today I transplanted to 2 gal bags (i asked for 3gal, but whatever). I'm bumping up my nutes next feed.. They are looking REALLY nice. I plan to foliar every day until 10 days after 12/12. Since its 7 days away i got some growin' to do. the only thing that sucks is if I end up having males, and flip em so small (small to me) I'll end up with a pretty bare room.. Regardless i should have enough, maybe I'll scrog em or some shit if I have to kill some off..

heh.. quit busting my balls about the soil, I had no choice..well I did I just didn't have the mean$ to make a better choice.. I'll be in coco or rw next run. This is the most bumping sub-forum on the site. ****ing soil sucks, I got a dusty mess in that damn room.. Been mixing perlite and vermiculite all day, feel like i've smoked 3 packs of cigarettes..

edit: I HATE soil. In fact I won't ever use coco that isn't prepped in a slab or block. It's just a pain when you work in these urban settings. I really hope I can get blocks, I plan to run my mothers in them.
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20kw dreams

Well, I was lucky enough to get these through. These were from a week ago or more. They are much happier since these pics. I'm not starting a new thread till the pics are uploading better. I have newer pics, but these ones were uploaded a week ago, just not "processed".

Enjoy, these are like day 1 or so of flowering



Active member
Clean ass setup 20kw! Im planning on doing a scrog my next run. Im in the process of setting up at my new location. What was your final weight on the last run?

20kw dreams

I'm playin internet checkers with some fool, and fe just can't bust a move right now, just like IC's pics...

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