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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


In Vino Veritas

20kw, is the Purple Kush from SR71 as good as it looks? You know where I could find that in seed?

20kw dreams

Sup guys:wave: WTF was up with IC the last couple days?

No PK from seed. It's a clone only from one of the clubs here, far as I know. I think Soma's Lavender is pretty similar though. It's not a fast one though. Slow to start and slow to finish. I don't grow it, and won't. Apparently it's better then it looks, but not for me.

I wouldn't **** with all that shit in your mix. IMO, just go straight coco, or peat/perlite. No lime with the coco. Lime is used in peat to compensate the low ph of peat, although you could probably just use your tap water and be fine with peat. Most commercial ferts don't contain Ca, so lime is used because it also compensates for the ph issues. I would try it with tap, let it sit for an hour, then pour a couple oz's through the pot and check the ph. Adjust accordingly and keep doing it.

The crop is not bad at all. I didn't lose that much to rot, probably 2oz or so. I always get rot, but usually just a little right at the very end, so I was checking and caught it rather early. I was just sweating because it was spreading so damn fast.

I pulled all the tops down the other night on all the sour D, AK and SS...3 nights ago...then pulled the rest of the plants of 3 lights last night. I always cut the fan leaves off when I harvest. I'm hang drying the tops with a small heater on low and fan blowing over them. The mold never seems to spread after you pull them.

I have a dry bud I sat on the counter, by the stove in my kitchen, the other night when I was pulling tops. You totally can't tell a bit it's a bit primature...so it's not really primature I guess. The only difference I think is that it's not AS frosty as it could have been, but still pretty frosty...maybe AA instead of AAA...and probably would have gotten a little more stinky. It's not even cured though, so it'll probably get better on the aroma side. No-ones smoked it yet. I'm going to let some out for testers next week when he lot of it is dry, then fully release it as my patients think it's done. The AK from the last run hit it's peak cure a couple weeks ago, so everybody is still diggin on that....I love that AK BTW.

Do you have pix of those concrete mixin tubs gdawg? I could definitely use to find ways to make things cheaper for the move.

You guys know what those cooler things are that they use in commercial refrigeration? They are those heat exchangers that have fans on them that water runs through to cool the air? You guys know what I'm talking about?


hey 20 i don't have a pic but i will look for a link in the design forum, i seen em in there but it was months ago. @ lowes there @ the end isle with all the concrete stuff. thick tuff and perfect size, well the walls are perfect. be nice if they made a 4x8. 12 bucks and home depot has some, but smaller. in vino hows that board coming?


dang 20 i went to look @ the girls tonight and my cross looks like it will be ready in the next few days. that would put it around the 55 day mark. but i'm just starting my final molasses flush and rinse, so they will get another 10 days at least. finally found my cutting of it and it is healthier than the other babies. i plucked a seed off it tonight and it is black and mature. glad to hear your losses were minimal. what strain ya pumpin next? are those units like the swamp coolers my buddies in vegas run? from what i heard they don't remove moisture from the air, where the window type a/c does. but thats what my bud told me out there, and we were super baked on some blue diesel. i was so lucky i took this cuttin :laughing:

20kw dreams

That's awesome. Sounds like your strain turned out nice. Swamp coolers actually put moisture INTO the air. I used a swamp cooler when I lived where it was 20% humidity outside, and it works great, but it would suck here.

I'm rethinking my SFV Kush and Blue Moonshine x Critical Mass. The CM takes too long to finish, and the whole point is to try and turn the BM and SFV into yielders, which for me includes the time factor.

I got the pics up finally, and I'll take more tonight, maybe even try and get a good one.



ya that was some nasty lookin rot. the stuff hangin looks pretty dang done to me. were ya able to do any kind of flush on em? dangit i was gonna take a pic of that seed and its gone no tellin where. what does the sfv stand for? you lucky ass 20k!

20kw dreams

SFV = San Fernando Valley Kush. Some say it's the real OG kush, others say it's just some damn nice shit. It's alot like the diesel, but doesn't yield as good, and finishes faster. Maybe I should try to cross them with the Sour D? I would have to basically suffer through a 10 week grow though just to find 8 week keepers.

Yeah, it was done, but not RIPE, you know? The hairs weren't turned orange/red/brown, and there was def a little more frost and trich development. You could tell cause when you look at the trichs, alot of them aren't even mushroomed yet, let alone amber.

All that bad stuff just went into the fan leaf pile. I'll let my little brother sift through it later:smile: I'll probably have to pull more chunks out in the final trim. It all turned out all right though

Your seed run off or what? Better tie her down next time you find her She's probably on her way over to my place:biglaugh:


man that kush sounds killer! look i just picked up some federation romulan on the weekend special on the bay. have you ever tried any? just wonderin what it tastes like. i keep sayin this is the last pack i'm gonna buy, then i get all stoned and see somethin i've been wanting for awhile and well, you know how it goes.

20kw dreams

I've grown out some romulan, but I don't know if it was the federation, and I don't even remember what it tasted like. Was like 16 months ago or something. I remember it didn't yield that good, but was super nice.

In Vino Veritas

Still hungry.

Still hungry.

20k, I wasn't able to upload the last few days, do you use a proxy? I use a free proxy suite, it pretty much breaks up your internet request over different proxies and then puts em back together in your browser.. I don't want to post the name of the software, it's free and readily available but I don't see any info on here about it...I take comfort in that. Let me know and I'll fill you guys in. If you do use it be careful because some nodes have been reported to collect data so they don't know where you are coming from but they can record your final destination and user/pass.. I'm not worried since I only use it for here.

I agree about my mix, for the sake of simplicity and my current cheapness i'll just mix in another 4cu of peat...should be fine. I usually do peat/perlite and use straight tap..first time using lime too so you're probably right about that.. Coco is for sure on the next run, I like simple nutes so I need to look into a simple solution..

You can make honey oil out of that moldy bud.. let it dry, then do it up.. giasmarius does that with all his moldy shit.. the butane kills most of everything and it doesn't end up in the final product..or so he says nobody even knows if the volatiles in butane completely evaporate..I think it's worth it though.. that's a few grams of oil for the head.

I was wondering why you trim like that, we usually just take one down at a time and clean it all up.. then hang to dry then snip the buds off into the bags.. I'm going to do it like you're doing it, I think it would give me a little ooomph.. ;) not that it's happening any time soon, these won't be done till mid feb at the LEAST.

The only thing I don't like about the tubs is that the edges are concave so you can shovel all the mix in and out - you lose space.. Also the 3x3 is sort of small for a 1000, then again I think 5x5 is optimal under a 1k - personal opinion.. What if you use em as planting beds with maybe a drain and a layer of gravel? I'm thinking of building my own tables custom for my space, pond liner, then pots with coco in there.. top feed and a shallow flood..

What are you planning for cooling with that thing? Think they are called chillers..

Looks beautiful with all that work hanging upside down..

gdawg, actually I haven't had time to do anything I'm going to start right now.. I was waiting for you to get back to me on the busbar question in my last pm.. Can I use ANY, or does it HAVE to be the one the box suggests? Electrical supply is way out of my way today.. Little bitches look nice!

I need to pick up some genetics too, something indica though.. I used to have LUI, Chocolate Chunk, and Herijuana, lost em to some bullshit.. Since what I have is cali-oxblueberry I don't want another berry...but Hashberry looks nice.. Hashplant too, maybe some LUI, dunnoo... suggestion?

I like Sannies genetics..http://www.sanniesshop.com/
The Jackberry looks awesome, and so do the heriXkush crosses.. I don't know..

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oh ya the tables are small, but the price.. i will be using them for my next setup but on the girls i scrog, so i think they will do. 6x3 plumbed together. beds may do great for a scrog grow. but i like to be able to move my other girls around. you mean a bar for your grounds right? you can use any, if it does'nt fit in your screw openings, self tap that bitch in there. your timer i'm not 100% sure on, but i'm thinking your outgoing hots leave the 3rd and 5th slots, no wait i aint sure i'm bout to call the exboss. be right back

20kw dreams

I'll get some nice pics up one of these days. I'm going to go get a new camera once I get paid:smile:

I was def having problems with pics, and yes I am using a proxy, just the one that comes on firefox, nothing too fancy.

3 x 3 is too small for the 1kw lights, but they have somo 2 x 3's at Home Depot. I could line those up so it's 4 x...15 or whatever. I'll prob be better off just making my own trays with wood and pond-liner too.

I'm going to post a thread in the design forum here soon, and I expect you all to be there:point:

I would cool the room with it. They just use water to cool the air instead of refrigerant and a compressor. They use WAY less energy, but more water. Assuming I'm in a small industrial place, and I end up paying my own water, then it might be a better option.

I just trimmed like because all the mold was in the tops, so I just wanted to get the tops down fast. The tops are relatively easy to take down compared to the plants weaved in the netting.

Go with Hashplant. Definately Hashplant. I think that is one of those winner strains. Good all around, flavor, high, yield, and potency. I bought a pack of those a while ago and people have been bugging me for more ever since, and that was out of like 15 strains. I had a Heri x OG Kush. It was a clone, so I don't know where it came from, but the Heri and the Heri x Kush were both really nice. Tough decisions for sure. When I bought seed that one time, it took me a month, and 3 pages of notes before I finally decided.

Check out reservoir seeds for sure, and seedbay.

I'm giving that bag of trim away, prob a trashbag full...prob an oz of bud in there if you pick it apart, and don't mind smoking the buds I flattened with my sneakers:smile: Not worth the time dealing with, and it's in my way.


Active member
I figured out the Grandma's molasses numbers by using PH's spreadsheet. It's not with me right now though so I couldn't tell you what it broke down to. I know it had a surprising amount of K in it and different brands had very different amounts of Mg and Ca.
I've tried both the molasses and sweet and honestly I'm still not sure about carbs. I may give em another shot someday though. They definetly don't make or break a grow that's for sure.


Active member
Sux to hear about the bud rot again man. Your right that stuff must live in your area so you are constantly battling it. I've never run a dehumidifier with the lights on cuz of the heat issue only during the dark cycle. You should probably lay off all the spraying since your room is so humid as is. Also Pico did have good results with that Santa fe model so like others have said maybe try that? I always thought sulfur was for PM not budrot, but I could be wrong. Honestly I would never do a sulfur burn though after buds start to form. I know people do though so hopefully it won't affect em noticeably. Also what about the BM? Do you get rot when you don't use it? Budrot is supposed to be one of it's negative side effects. I used it and didn't get any budrot, but I've never had budrot only seen it on a friend's outdoor before. Only losing an Oz or 2 out of that much isn't so bad, but the fact that they can't fully ripen cuz your worried about rot must be a PITA. Anyhow I'm glad you made the most of it and your all good.


Active member
The thing with the Halloween party and your landlady made me laugh.

I always thought you were crazy when you said in you earlier threads you didn't find a carbon filter to be necessary! Hahah
Yah carbon's a must. That's great she was so cool about it and let you know.


sensi hashplant 20? i was gonna suggest a pacck of rezs' double straw diesel, i seen some back up.40$) i've got one pack and almost got another then went with the romulan. i can deal with yield, i just want the best tastin, stoniest shit i can grow. ya i don't think the grandmas will make or break a grow either but so far i can tell a difference so i'll see how it tastes. my 2 strains is pretty much all i've smoked for about two years so i'll notice if theres any difference. ain't got no dank hookups its pretty ironic. they try to sell me "killa mids" everytime i go get my smokes at the mart, i just kinda laugh it off and shake my head. if i can find the sack i got last year from them i'll take a pic you will laugh your ass off. i used it to threaten my buddy i didn't think was appreciatin my skills.

20kw dreams

meduser180056 said:
Sux to hear about the bud rot again man. Your right that stuff must live in your area so you are constantly battling it. I've never run a dehumidifier with the lights on cuz of the heat issue only during the dark cycle. You should probably lay off all the spraying since your room is so humid as is. Also Pico did have good results with that Santa fe model so like others have said maybe try that? I always thought sulfur was for PM not budrot, but I could be wrong. Honestly I would never do a sulfur burn though after buds start to form. I know people do though so hopefully it won't affect em noticeably. Also what about the BM? Do you get rot when you don't use it? Budrot is supposed to be one of it's negative side effects. I used it and didn't get any budrot, but I've never had budrot only seen it on a friend's outdoor before. Only losing an Oz or 2 out of that much isn't so bad, but the fact that they can't fully ripen cuz your worried about rot must be a PITA. Anyhow I'm glad you made the most of it and your all good.

Yeah, no more spraying after 3-4 weeks into flower, then bust out the 130pint dehumidifier and just let the temps go high. I do get rot without using BM, and the same amount. I don't really think it is the BM that does it per say, but the density of the buds as a result.

Dude, you guys should have seen my RW cubes when I pulled them out. THEY were covered with mold too! It's crazy I tell you, the shit is jsut everywhere here. On top of the swamps I was talking about, I'm maybe 1/8 mile from the beach, so I get all the mist and fog and shit.

But I'm moving, so I won't have to worry about it after this grow:smile:

nice to hear from you meduser. I was wondering where you went. How things going? Got any pics?

G dawg Of the ones IV mentioned, that was the only one I know was good. Now, shat like the Straw x Diesel is exactly why I mentioned Rez's seeds:)