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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


In Vino Veritas

is most of Rez's shit sativa dom? I'm trying to avoid that.. Most of what goes around is hazeish like stuff and mostly nobody finished it right. I haven't seen good work in volume in a long time, once in a while a half oz of something decent will roll by.. I miss my stash gentlemen...

20, my rw is always moldy mid to late flower even with 50% rh..not super moldy but there is always some.. I keep the air flow to a minimum when I spot it so I don't kick it up into the lower buds. Your current structure is the problem I think, you can't really do what you need to control the environmental variables. You're going to be fine no matter where you go.. Doing some research though, commercial properties seem scary.. :X

Alright, so Hashplant it is.. Maybe some K.O Kush from Sannie since for some reason I really want to try it.. I'm going to look into Rez's genetics.. Everyone raves about em..but like I said I really want to avoid anything hazy or long flowering.. Double Strawberry Diesel, says that its the end of the project.. That makes it sound interesting to me, in 2-3 years it could be the next hot shit.. 65-75 days sucks though..

You guys go to bed way early.. Hah.. I gotta be up in 3hrs..
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20kw dreams

Why do you say commercial properties are scary? I had a pretty big grow in a waregouse a couple years ago, and it was great. Commercial properties are most often under the management of property management companies, and they don't give a shit what you do. Noises, electrical, building shit, etc are all ordinary occurances.

This mold is crazy though. Are you just talking about algea? cause most people have algae, but this is a brown and white mold. Funny thing is, I never get PM?:confused: I think another part of my problem is that my plants take up just about 1/2 the total volume of the room. Now that my plants are all gone and the room is pretty much empty, my humidity is still 63%, which means it really wasn't higher then ambient in there.

Yeah, **** the 65-75 days. I may get into longer flowering strains once I'm more stable after the move, but for now I just want this shit flipped.

****, I'm not usually in bed till 3am or so.

20kw dreams

The photo upload is acting up again. WTF? Reminds me of the good 'ol days back at overgrow:biglaugh:

20kw dreams

Q for you guys: Should I just continue this thread with the next grow? Or start a new thread?

In Vino Veritas

From reading over a few conversations sounds like being in a commercial spot sort of voids your immunity (it wasn't lawyers or anyone qualified). I think you're better off though, because you're right it's more discreet. Around here that's unheard of, cribs by the dozen though.

Yea I get the green funkies on my 3" cubes, and then it turns into powdery mildew.. I thought it was the same shit, it gets white and brown spots and is chalky feeling. I've pulled out my spikes, and set em in the slab when they are a half way into flower because they were getting nasty this way it stays dry but the root system is plenty big and it soaks up. I've always wondered if spraying alcohol on it would kill it?

I've been having crazy problems with the upload, I was thinking the same shit.. Heh.. It's working good today though.

I say new thread, this place (IC) is pretty slow in regards to user participation. Part 2 would be fitting. You're going to crank one more out there, or you're planning to document the move?

20kw dreams

Sup ampersand? You lurkin or what?

Being commercial doesn't avoid your immunity at all. Same difference, except there won't be any children living in a commercial spot:smile: I've got way more then enough cards to cover it, and everything will be posted proper.

Oh, I need to do another run here. If all goes to plan, I'll be moving into the other spot while this one is in mid flower, when there isn't much work to do. I should have everything setup and built over there, then harvest here, then this just gets shut down and reset back up there, so they will overlap by a few weeks or so. I can't really afford to just shut everything down, especially when I don't really know how easy it's going to be to get into a spot. That's why I was just thinking of continuing the next run here on the same thread.

Your white/brown stuff and the green stuff are two different things. The white stuff isn't PM, it's mold spores. PM only lives on/in plants, while the mold lives off nutrients/water in the rockwool, as does Algea. Algea is pretty harmless, but many molds will atack weak, dead, or non living tissue, which is why it is so bad, cause if you have enough mold in your area/space(or mine at least), it's bound to find a weak spot and spread from there. Moving the stakes is a pretty good idea. I was actually just going to put them into the coco this time, instead of the rw blocks.

20kw dreams

Sup Nubie Biath? WTF's up with all the lurkers? Are all you guys just watching and listening, without posting or what?

Good to see you postin though...****ers:smile:

Nubie Biatch

Active member
I'm currently stalking NZjay as well. :muahaha:

Seriously though, you are running a smooth op. I'm learning from everyone else here and using your techniques to get my grow up to a respectable level.

Been watching your thread since it started. Gonna keep on till you have some jars full of sweet dank. :headbange


they comin out of the woodworks ain't they! ya i say part2 theres too much good info goin on around here.


20kw dreams said:
Sup Nubie Biath? WTF's up with all the lurkers? Are all you guys just watching and listening, without posting or what?

Good to see you postin though...****ers:smile:

Hey, it happens. At least your thread is one of the top viewed in this sub-forum(for being such a young thread to note). Cant say that about the rest of the threads in this sub-forum(regardless of thread date). You should be happy about that.
Help Spread Some Coco Loving...

P.S. Come Out to Play Lurkers, Comment on your fellow coco brethren and their hard work...
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20kw dreams

Oh, it's just my sense of humor Kosmo. Funny too with you. I know you've been around for a while, but don't post.

Don't think I haven't noticed the level of views and posts of this thread compared to others. It's actually one of the reasons I was thinking about starting a new thread, cause I was thinking about starting it in the grow-show forums.

I am more then happy to amuse, entertain, and supply a place of learning for all of those lurkers out there.

Here's a message to all the lurkers out there

Join the conversation. I know for a fact everyone here has started out not knowing WTF they were doing, definitely including me. My first grow, I pulled .125/watt...as in 1lb over 2kw's. I am king of trying different shit, from aero to strait Ocean forrest. I have learned a RIDICULOUS amount about other people, as well as my own experience. I am MORE THEN HAPPY to help other people with whatever questions and problems they might have. In fact, the real reason I spend so much time here on IC, is because I feel it is my responsibility to assist others in the way that I have been assisted.

In the end, it is your morals that must guide you...and you should be able to OVERGROW THE WORLD!! without fear of wrongful persecution. That being said, do your part, and expect me and others to do theirs, as it is our duty.



20kw dreams said:
Oh, it's just my sense of humor Kosmo. Funny too with you. I know you've been around for a while, but don't post.
Yea, sence march 2006 lol :D to funny.
i spend a good amount of time just reading all these grow journals/threads. But yea i dont post much(if at all). idk i guess i just like to see what people say lol. you know learn a thing or two before pushing the old post button... Iam gonna start another thread soonish here, a 100% coco coir bed show. be sure to spread some coco loving :D

20kw dreams said:
Don't think I haven't noticed the level of views and posts of this thread compared to others. It's actually one of the reasons I was thinking about starting a new thread, cause I was thinking about starting it in the grow-show forums.

cant wait..
Coco again i hope?!? :D

20kw dreams said:
I am more then happy to amuse, entertain, and supply a place of learning for all of those lurkers out there.

Here's a message to all the lurkers out there

Join the conversation. I know for a fact everyone here has started out not knowing WTF they were doing, definitely including me. My first grow, I pulled .125/watt...as in 1lb over 2kw's. I am king of trying different shit, from aero to strait Ocean forrest. I have learned a RIDICULOUS amount about other people, as well as my own experience. I am MORE THEN HAPPY to help other people with whatever questions and problems they might have. In fact, the real reason I spend so much time here on IC, is because I feel it is my responsibility to assist others in the way that I have been assisted.

In the end, it is your morals that must guide you...and you should be able to OVERGROW THE WORLD!! without fear of wrongful persecution. That being said, do your part, and expect me and others to do theirs, as it is our duty.


great post bro :D
We(Growers) are the scientist, the researchers, the shaman, for this wonderful, uncharted plant. make the most of it, and share what you;ve learned on the way...
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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
A nice grow, thread, this year I saw COCO getting outperformed by a bubbler system,so I will be mixing the 2 up in a few experiments next year and hope to do a thread half as good as this !

Best of luck



Active member
I've been sleep on the lawn chair in the back enjoying the show. I'm subscribed to so many threads on various forums I don't even realize half the time that I haven't posted. Enjoying the show though 20k and I think you should keep this thread going, because it gives ppl that are new to the thread some insight into your thought process. All the time I come across threads that are 15+ pages and I slowly read thru it. Either way I'll tag your new one....nice pull despite the rot also. Had the same issue my last run of Straw D...my fault though, I let the ambient humidity get out of control..55 etc.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor

You should know you got love from the lurkers!

We're all proud of you being organized enough and brave enough to post your show.

Start up a new thread, though. I hate those 50 page threads to nowhere with 2 1/4

grows on them.

Also, big up to SLO!

I was down there on vacation recently and I think I'm in love!

Peace, Love & Coco

In Vino Veritas

Dusty Bowls said:
what i think is grim is putting mold out as medicine.

Damn, I've been banging my head for 12 hours now trying to figure it out. I'm going to have to ask. Who the **** asked you anything? I've looked up and down the page, and nope not one question for you. Nice gallery, too bad you're a prick.

20kw dreams said:
Join the conversation. I know for a fact everyone here has started out not knowing WTF they were doing, definitely including me. My first grow, I pulled .125/watt...as in 1lb over 2kw's. I am king of trying different shit, from aero to strait Ocean forrest. I have learned a RIDICULOUS amount about other people, as well as my own experience. I am MORE THEN HAPPY to help other people with whatever questions and problems they might have. In fact, the real reason I spend so much time here on IC, is because I feel it is my responsibility to assist others in the way that I have been assisted.

In the end, it is your morals that must guide you...and you should be able to OVERGROW THE WORLD!! without fear of wrongful persecution. That being said, do your part, and expect me and others to do theirs, as it is our duty.

You mean Lurkers, and Paranoid ****s (like me). :D Seriously though, my sentiments exactly. I appreciate you sharing on here, how else are we to learn to Overgrow?

20kw dreams

You guys are great, really...you got me all teary eyed..lol...

I've been trying to post up harvest pics, but the upload is giving me all kinds of shit. You guys been having problems?

My order of BOSS blocks is supposed to be in today, so I'll be poofin those up and easily placing the RW blocks on those to root out for the rest of the week. If all goes well, the room should be back in flower by the end of the week. I would already have put them into flower, but that I always like to give them a few days in veg to root out into their final medium.
