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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


In Vino Veritas

Hah.. can't believe im up this early.. ****ing dogs..

I used to be a vegetarian (vegan really, but eating meat all my life then doing it for 3 years isn't really "vegan") heh.. I got over that shit.. The only tofu I could eat was a friend of mine, she would make the greatest tofu-nuggets.. Man JUST like chicken..crazy. She is having a hard time now with cancer :\ beautiful lady, heart of gold..

Dude I LOVE the way that table is looking. Are you going to trim it down some? You know I'm not very into that whole trimming em in flower thing..

Since you don't seem to travel much out of the coco forums.....what'cha think?

I'm starting to get a little sign of nute burn, but I think its the foliar not the feed.. I'm also noticing some leaves are just eaten away, like is a bug came in and ate them.. Its damn near impossible for it to be a bug up here.. I'm thinking whatever is in the Pirate is doing the re-constructive work.. Do you get anything like that with heavy Floralicious spraying?
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20kw dreams

No, not with FL. Those are looking nice though. I like the tile floor in your room, and those B/W bags. What's your pH on a pour-thru?

I put mine if flower on Monday. I and hit them with Phosphoload for the last 5 days, so they grew out a little bit, but they've stopped dead in their tracks now. I could def tell tonight the Phosphoload was doing the trick, and they already started budding. I was kind of worried about the PL, cause I've never used it before, but it looks like I hit the nail on the head, cause I got the effect with no burn...unless it creeps up. I changed the rez out tonight and flushed 'em good. I'm using Cutting Edge this time around through 4 weeks or so, then I think I'll switch over to the PBP bloom or something organic. The only additive I'm throwing in right now is House&Garden "Bud XL", but only because I have a couple sample bottles laying around. I've got a bunch of other crap laying around too, and I want to use it up just to get it out of my way.

I got another dehuy workin in there now with the CO2 too. The temps outside came down enough at night so the air cools my lights better, and temps are staying right on target with the dehuey running. Should be able to go this round without budrot killing me, plus the CO2 can run. It's lookin' out to be "the best run yet!"(famous last words) I do have a couple holes in my canopy though.

In Vino Veritas

Thanks dude, trying to hurry em along, 6 more days of veg. I covered the tile floor with a couple sheets of black plastic and a waterproof canvas. I ****ing hate the mess. I can't wait to be in coco. I organized them by height and width so they can make better use of the light, I also raised it a little. I need to finish light proofing the door, the back pressure from the fan is making it hard.. I don't think zippers would help but I have some on order.

kinda bright, but this is the eating away I mentioned. Looks better the edges aren't so crispy.

a little burn.

I grabbed one of the side ones to take some upclose shots. Remember I told you the moms went totally black colored.. Check em out in veg..they stay purple all the way through.. A lot are showing, a lot arent..

I just realized we will be a week or two apart come harvest.. These take about 55 days, but I let em run a little extra..
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20kw dreams

Have you done a pour thru on your ph? If I was to take a wild guess, I would say somethings off for sure. Not that they look bad, but up close they look like somethings just off tilt. I'm betting it's the ph..probably too low..how hard is your water, and what is the ph going in? Maybe overwatered a tad and the roots aren't doing too good. How do the roots look.

I'm not trying to worry you here or anything, just putting the eye of judgement on them:D

I think the bright ass light makes them look all yellow too, which they didn't look like int he first pic..

Dumpty dumb...so is this just our personal thread here or what! Maybe I should take some budshots, eh? I've got a chemistry test tomorrow, so this is just a quick stop, but I'll take some pics...then spend a week trying to upload them:D


In Vino Veritas

Hells yea, some bud shots would be nice..

I'm undecided on buying two 4x3 tables, or three 2x4, or one 4x6. Or just saying **** it and building it myself - I need 4x6 of table max. If I build it would get tossed when I leave here, the plastic tables make it easier to transport, multiple tables would make feeding different genetics easier since I can just have a small 25gal res for each.. Coco slabs for sure, I want to feed recirculating..and re-use my coco. I'm also thinking about cutting my veg time way shorter to take advantage of the space, more like you. How many per slab do you run?

My water is like 260-280 (off memory, tested it a few weeks ago), but remember I added lime to the mix, think it could be the lime? Yesterdays res was at 6.5, today it was at 6.2. I need to check my run off but you're probably on to something, lime will probably drop it into the 5's. Most of what was in the res today was yesterdays run off and some left over mix. I used a good dose of T-Harz and didn't want to just toss the 4gal I had left over, I added some epsom to it today so I just gave em a small top off (2cups of solution each). I thought it may have been mg. When I transplanted it was pretty shitty working with these soft bags - I've always used plastic pots. It wasn't the smoothest, but I wasn't a butcher either. The roots were thick and white but not very dense. I would have expected more roots.. To me they look better today, the only pic I took today are the ones of the single plant I posted earlier, picked her at random. Some are a lil better, other look a lil more stressed. The yellow is the brightness adjust on the camera, they are all the same color as that single plant - not light or dark.

Shit better in here than in my thread, it's just me talking to myself. **** it, gives me something to do, lifes been pretty slow.. Crazy view count in here bro.. I haven't had a problem uploading daily for the last 48hrs. So cut the crap and show me some fire.

Good luck on that test, what else you got planned to do??? :D Heh..

Ohh..I think I ****ed up!!

I added to one qt of water a bottle of Pirate, and 8ml of Floralicious, for foliar! It's supposed to be 3ml, I dosed it like it was for a feed. I don't want to toss it due to the fact the Pirate is in it.. Suggestion? Cut with another 34oz of water?

Damn I always got way too many questions...
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Active member
I'm still here and log in everyday to check out what's going on..it's just that the pic upload was been f**king up and you guys are having a good Q&A session..so I'm just smoking this sour and enjoying..regards :rasta: :wave:

20kw dreams

I'll get some pics tomorrow. I need to foliar, which is when I take the pics. I can get some finished budshots right now though, give me a minute..assuming the pics work..

I would just cut it with water until the FL level is down. I always used the FLBloom at 5ml per gal. For that matter I use the FL+ at 5ml too.

I dount its your ph if you've been checkin it, and it's inline like it is. It's prob just a little transplant shock. They look good though if theeir all the color of that last pic. The red stems I get whenever they have any kind of shock, but not usually from a Mg or P def like you hear people say.

20kw dreams

Uh, oh...you guys are going to be mad...I took some pics of the finished Sour D...but then when I went to upload them, the batteries died...and the charger wasn't plugged in:

If I'm up late enough I can get them up, but I prob won't be

Morning though, I swear...

In Vino Veritas

I barely slept waiting to see some bud shots from you.. Hah..I'm ****ing with you.. Dude no worries, get that test banged out. I ended up spraying and passing the fook out.

I should of put there that my concern with it was the Pirate, I made a full dose. 1x 2oz bottle for 1x qt of water. So I figured it would be best to cut it in half with more water. I sprayed em at mid night when the lights cut. They look nice and perky this morning. I assume the pirate will be ok, regardless I'm going to make it rain on them hoes.

/stay safe

20kw dreams

Well, they wouldn't upload anyways this morning, but the pics came out shitty. The flash was too bright, so they are just little white blurs.

That pirate is fine. It's like that hydrogaurd I use at full strength, even though the rec dose is 15ml/gal. You can't hurt plants with beneficial bacteria/fungi/etc.

No way! Did you post 2 times in a row Redwood?


20kw dreams said:
Well, they wouldn't upload anyways this morning, but the pics came out shitty. The flash was too bright, so they are just little white blurs.

That pirate is fine. It's like that hydrogaurd I use at full strength, even though the rec dose is 15ml/gal. You can't hurt plants with beneficial bacteria/fungi/etc.

No way! Did you post 2 times in a row Redwood?

Pics , Pics , pics ....good PICS ! :spank:

20kw dreams

My camera's broke Terran, jesus...I'm gettin spanked for having a broken camera!:biglaugh:

It's so bomb it's solid white!


I'll try again tonight, with no flash
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In Vino Veritas

I don't know what the **** you're talking about, the pictures of the table look GREAT! Is that Pottery Barn? lol.. ****ing with you... Looks like the flash sort of made it focus on the table? Does your camera have a macro option? The bud looks good. The broken up on the bottom left and the nug on the top right came out a little out of focus but you can see.

I had an epiphany last night..

2gal buckets.. I cut out a 2" hole at the bottom of the bucket. Cut a square piece of coco mat (for being simple and not wasting mat), place at bottom of bucket, fill the rest with loose coco. Then top feed them. I can't think of a space saving way to collect run off other than tables, or double-buckets with 1/2" drainage? I want to recirculate, 2" holes would mean fast drainage and drying enough to feed daily.. Not sure of what system yet (you can help hah), but I like the idea of reusing my coco.. I was thinking I could keep the enzymes steady and cut out the cube, pop the new one on roll a few rounds like that..

Dunno since its about coco felt appropriate to share over here.. This is going to get messy..
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20 whats up bro. thank you so much for the kind words and thoughts bro. just still waitin kinda to hear some good news so i can breathe easy again. i been neglectin my show but its at the point where i ain't gotta do much anyway. i took these pics last week and since you don't feel its neccessary to post nug shots for your thread fans, heres a couple. the rest i'm takin down friday i ain't got a choice really but they're ready. fri. will be 75. thanks again bro and i'll pm ya and IVV when i get some good word on my girl. :joint:


20kw dreams

It's gram/post RR! Why do you think IVV and G post so much:joint:

People do that IVV, as far as reusing the slabs, and it works, so hell ya. That coco pot is a great idea. Those mats would definately catch the coco. You know, some people don't even use enzymes when they reuse the coco.

Holy crap G, that shit is ridiculous! That shit'll make you feel better. Everything will work out for you I'm sure. Just hold one of those buds under her nose, that'll wake her up:headbanger: Might want to trim it first though...lol

YES, I HAVE A MACRO! You've seen some of my pics! I was just getting good at using that piece of shit camera, but all the settings and shat are only accessible on the screen, so I can't see what I'm doing. I can't even erase the pics! One of these days, I'm going to fill up the card...then I'm really ****ed!

Here's soome better pics. I've got enough to start the new thread, and the pics seem to be uploading better...soon as I have the time.

I just found out my original Mg values from epsom salts were double what I was using, so I ended up giving them 50ppm Mg. No Mg defs for me! I was getting somoe wierd burn on my AK, and some wrinkly leaves, but I thought it was the phophoload. Then, sombody pointed that out, and it explained everything.

They're looking great though, with the exception of a few holes in the canopy. I'm thinking of throwiing in a couple plants I have stashed it to fill in those holes...but I wouldhave to hit them with Phosphoload so they are on target with everything else, and they would still be a week behind..

Here's some pics

New ladies

Sour D

And some Critical Mass

I know, they suck, but they're better then the last ones

And the coffee table is a real-deal antique cedar chest I picked up at a garage sale for $20...it's nice...and it cures herb nicely:D :headbange

20kw dreams

Sup Pug,

I don't know yet, but it's not that good really. 1lb per light or so, prob a little more, but not much. That's after mold, premature, high humidity, etc. I think they really started to slow down after the buds got big and couldn't breath proper. Some of those buds were HUGE! but they never had a chance to dense up:badday: oh well, there's always the next run.

Luckily, I only ever COUNT on 1lb per light. In my real world experience, that's a decent yield for a good grower. All this g/w shit people around here talk about is pretty extreme, although I've come close to it in the past, everything has to go pretty good all the way through to get above .5g/watt

SoooooooOOOOOOO HEY! The new threads up!:woohoo: It's in the grow diaries forum. Link's in the sig.

I think this thread can be considered


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