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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


20kw dreams

No, actually the sour d on the other side that wasn't trained has no mold at all, nor the CM, SS, or AK.

20kw dreams

Well, guess I was wrong. Found a teeny bit of rot in the CM, but not the AK or the SS, which are finished anyways.

The Sour D is in the process of coming down right now. I've got the tops from 2 lights down already. It was the right choice for sure. Rot ate through 2 smaller tops, and is in most of them. The quality is good though, so I doubt anyone would know they are early unless I told them. I oven dried a bit to check it out.

It'll work out in the end. Any weight I might have lost will come back with starting the next crop 3 weeks earlier then expected. This'll actually expedite the move.

Back to work. I'll take some pics tonight, but I might wait till tomorrow to load them up



good to hear that your losses were not too bad. so what did ya think about the boss blocks? worth the dough? what kinda changes you gonna do on the next run about the humidity. that 100 pint would be nice but theres no way i could deal with the extra heat. i'm going to give the haze girls 12 or more days, and the incans around 20. they are all gettin sooo fat and dense i've spent the past few nights tyin up buds. thanx alot krome for cripplin my girls with obesity from your grandmas diet! 20k glad things are lookin better for ya bro!

20kw dreams

I just ordered 100 more:smile: They're more about saving time and labor than anything, but if you are going to use coco, then why not save the time and labor?

What's the "grandmas" diet? Sounds like it did you right for sure.

I'm not going to train them, that's number one, hit them with BM sooner so they don't bump the light and I don't have to train them. Then figure out the humidity thing before they get 5 weeks into flower? I'm thinking I'm just going to have to run higher temps to get the humidity down. I've been looking at these 120pint commercial models at HD, an I think I'm going top get one of those. One of the reasons I was so anxious to return that Kenmore(which is actually the same as your LG, LG makes the kenmore) was because apparently, from the comments on the sears site, it's a piece of shat, and won't last more then a year.

Anyways, I got some pics coming up. I can't get a good pic I swear to gad without that damn LCD. I'll work on some good close up shots later.


As far as the grandmas, it's a great product for real cheap. I usually add it in between feedings. You can really use it at the very beginning of the crop through to the end. I've found the best way was to put a bit of water into a container of some sorts (an old water bottle works great.) I usually use about 1 tbsp per gallon of water in my reservoir. Add the molasses to the little bit of WARM water in the bottle and shake it up to get them properly mixed. After thoroughly mixed, add it to your reservoir and then water your plants. I like to make as much as I need for that watering as the molasses seems to ferment if you leave it sitting for a few days. That's about it. I usually feed the plants with nutes, then the next watering will be with just molasses water. Then back to the nutes, then molasses. You may need to experiment a little as I don't use drip lines or coco. During the last weeks of the crop during the flush, I'll usually give molasses water the first week and follow up with plain water for the final week. I like to flush for two weeks. This should flush everything out. Hope this helps out. If you have any other questions just hit me up. Best of luck bro.
THIS WAS NOT WRITTEN BY ME. so i can't take any credit for your huge, stickier and frostier buds that WILL result. i don't put it my main rez, ive got a 18 gallon spare rubbermaid rez i use and just put my pump in it. i'm tellin ya 20, somethin is going on with the resin using this stuff. everything just seems sticky sticky. don't know about any taste difference yet, calm down nuski, but we'll see soon enough. i really don't know why everybody does'nt do this. anybody know of any negatives of this diet?

20kw dreams

Well, It does have alot of K and Mg in is, right? And lots of sugars. Now, let's take AN's Big Bud. What's in it? lots of K and Mg. AN's Carboload?: Lots of sugars on top of that, there are a bunch of micronutrients.

I've got a bottle of "Plantation" brand organic black-strap sitting in front of me. It says per 1 Tbsp:

353mg K
13g Sugar
8% Calcium
10% B6
8% Mg
20% Iron

....I'm going to go find out what the %'s are...Ok, so
Ca is 8% of 1000mg = 80mg/T
Mg = 8% of 400mg = 32mg/T
Fe = 20% of 18mg = 3.6mg/T
B6 = 10% of 2mg = .2mg/T

Then, I was looking deeper into it, and apparently it has 15% DV of Manganese and 12% of copper?

That's about .3mg Mn and .24 Cu

I'm getting levels of Ca and Mg from the internet 2 x what my bottle says though.

Anyways, it's probably just lots of sugars and K, Ca, and Mg in basically the right proportions. Plus, I'm sure there are lots of crazy flavorful organic molecules and other micronutrients.

20kw dreams

Oh, and my pictures won't load. It keeps telling me there is some problem reading the file? Never had that problem with this camera before? I'll try again in a bit.


Active member
mmmm carbs. Before ran em just in stages, at peak of flo usually, good results no doubt, but....ran em last time thru all of flo...WHOA what a difference, even trichs on petioles!

Dusty Bowls

20kw dreams said:
Except the dehuey was putting my temps too high. And there is the fact I didn't use BM last run and still got the mold. And there is no "cutting your losses" when you've got a family to feed and patients to serve.

So, I went in there last night and the sulfur didn't even do shit. The mold looked 3 times worse. The high humidity that developed from closing the room to run the burner apparently counteracted the sulfur + some.

I tagged a few spots and sprayed with pure hydrogaurd + 2oz Tarantula and Pirahna (4 x strength each). I'm going to check those spots tonight and see if it killed the mold or made it worse.

I'll get some pics of that mold, and of the room tonight. I'll prob be foliaring that hardcore biological mix tonight.

So let me get this straight, instead of chopping them as soon as you spot a problem you think its better to now have sulfur coated buds which a larger % are lost to rot and now covered in bacteria and fungus spores..holy shit remind me not to smoke your pot how the hell do you call yourself medical.

you REALLY should look in to the SANTA FE 100 PINT DE HUMIDIFIER.

ya may s urprise yourself

Dusty Bowls

20kw dreams said:
Sorry if I came on a bit strong Dusty, but in the end you're right. I was just trying to save them if I could, but it turned out to not even work. Prob time to cut my losses. They are so full of N still though, which sucks cause it's going to add to the premature taste. I guess they'll get a nice full month cure before they go out, so that's good. They may come down tonight. or if not this weekend.

dont worry im sure that extra dash of sulfur and beneficials will make em mm mm good

20kw dreams

Wow, aren't you a hater. You must have that statement in your sig for a reason. I see your posts are littered with off handed rude and cocky comments. Best of luck to you, but do yourself a favor and take your BS somewhere else.


20kw dreams

Hey Aeric, sorry bout that. Guy was buggin me. I get trichs on the petioles running the additives, but not that I know it's the additives. Are you guys running additives too, or just the Molasses with the base nutrient?

And I think I figured out that the numbers for the molasses can be converted to ppm by dividing by 1.5 or so to get the appx ppm.

That would make it something like 230ppm K, 80Ca, and 40Mg or something, I forget what the original numbers are.

20kw dreams

Oh, and BTW Dusty Balls, that Santa Fe company makes a really nice low profile 120+pint model for crawl spaces that I think will work great to hang from the ceiling. Thanx for the pointer. I'd give you K+, but I just gave you K-:biglaugh: woops!


Active member
He can be a real dick....but has actually helped me on a few occasions....such is life.

edit: forgot to follow up....the only thing different was running the carbs thru the whole grow. Clones, same setup, everything the same, last time they didn't have the trichs on petioles, so i assume it was the carbs....
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hey 20 how much do the sante fe dehueys run? the pic uploads are finally working again, lets see some buddage yo! i also thought dustys posts were kinda grim. aeric i'm thinkin of runnin the molasses through the whole run next time too.

In Vino Veritas

What's up fellas.. Been swamped with life lately. Some of it's been fun, some of it's been shit, all in all it's been real. I've been slacking, I need to get my power set up still.. Who's a bum? :\

I got my plants in 1gal poly bags, using a mix of equal parts peat/perlite/vermiculite. I HATE this mix. I can't believe I varied from my usual 2 parts peat 1 part perlite. I am wasting crazy amount of water just watering them. The liquids run right through this and barely retain. Bottom feeds work well, but I'm not ready for that so everything is sitting in rubbermaids.. Lucky they will be going into 3 gal bags in a week or two..I'll make a mix of equal parts peat/perlite and mix that to what I have left of the peat/perlite/verm mix (i have about 55gals mixed :\) or maybe just throw another 4cu of Peat into what I have the 1/1/1/ mix. I need it to hold more water...

I got my lights up, rest of the room cleared (i was sort of doing a few things in there, including storage).. All that is left is to buy a couple of things for the rest of the crop at the shop, and wire my load center - its already hung and ready to configure.

20k, are they down yet? I would separate them some (or trim off fan leaves like crazy).. Water less so the room dries out, and then see about killing the bacteria. No way you're going to handle it with buds staying sorta wet on top of them not being ripe. Sounds bad though...so maybe it's too late.

gdawg, looks lush in there... What molasses do you use? I think I'm going to give it a go.. I'll be using the lucas formula but I'll be watering with molasses ever watering except feeding. Sound alright?
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in vino why no coco? with the %'s 20 posted earlier i'm wonderin if i can slack down on addin the cal/mag or out altogether. i hate tryin to balance that shit out but my next run will be with r/o water most likely so i don't know.... evrything in my show is lookin good except that :cuss: in' regulator is pissin me off :rant: the molasses is grandmas, i got mine @ a couple differnt walmarts for 2.20 something i think. i'm going with straight molasses tonight on my haze girls for about 5 days and then doing a flush for 4 maybe 5. the incan girls have 3 more weeks they are freakin huge. they just started to show a lil tip burn a few nights ago @ 2.1, did a flush, molasses the next night, and then made em a new rez last night @ 1.4. everything looks healthy and stickyicky. 20 what strains ya gonna run next? clones from the club? lucky ass! :joint:

In Vino Veritas

Coco sounds nice (I use rockwool mostly but use peat/perlite in a pinch), but if I used it I would have to use slabs or those blocks like 20k. Something I don't have to mix or spread, or clean up after - I hate a messy op. Feed with a pump and some drippers, timed. I'd have to spend $ I don't have for this right now. Tables, black tubing, drippers, pump, then the medium itself. That's like 200-300 bucks. Though I'd love to! Right now 2cubic feet of peat is $7.99 4cubic feet of both perlite and vermiculite is $9.99 (i'll never buy verm again though). 1gal poly bags are 11 cents, 3gal are 18 cents, and 5gal are 25 cents. Nutes ain't shit, each gallon of GH 3-part is 20 bucks and I only use Micro and Bloom - I have enough pH up/down to sell - plus I use lime and my tap is great. I'm trying to come up you know? Next round we're going to get fancy.

I may even save myself a few more bucks by using Blazeoneup's soil method..a little different since I'm trying to cut certain corners.. In that case I may just supplement with compost tea, floranova bloom since i have lots of that, and a little molasses - ive been reading up.

I'm getting interested in a few things, coco for one, trying some new nutes/system, and hunting down the best possible indica I can. Next round will be funner right now it's get her done time.


yes but in vino for 15 buck a block the botanicare coco would fill app. 15-16 1gall bags, no perlite or vermiculite needed. and i'm about to have my best yield per light yet on reused coco! the heavy watering won't start till week 4 or 5. 18gall. rubbermaids are 5 bucks @ walmart, i use two of them, easier to clean than my expensive ass 40gall rez. the concrete mixin tubs @ lowes are 12 bucks for the 3'x3's. my tables sit on stacked milk crates. i cussed myself for buyin expensive tables. i just didn't know. the pump that runs my whole setup was 18 bucks @ the hydro store, probably cheaper on the bay. i hear ya on just tryin to get back started, but for like 80bucks easy you could set up one light over a drip setup recirc on coco. and oh i'd say a month from then you would be cussin the peat shit under the other light, i would almost bet on it. oh and nice lookin work on your control board, you should be proud and feel safe when its done.

In Vino Veritas

Damn, I hadn't thought about those compressed blocks. I used to use em for my tegu's. Good call...

I can't do much for them now, if I shake off all that mix they will probably get a lot of root damage, but I do need to move them to 3gal bags in a couple of weeks... I'd hate to throw away the 35 gallons of mix I have but I need about 52 gallons. I wouldn't feel so bad if I cut in half with coco..but then does the lime affect the coco? am I making a bigger mess by having so much in my medium? what do you guys think?

Thanks, though that board ain't shit without power.. Heh.. It's like when I look at my vaporizer but I only have enough for a bowl..TEASE! We'll get it sorted out in the few days. You rock bro.

Might as well share a little since you guys got this place full of porn..

I'm going to move all this wiring info to a thread I opened a month ago..this way anyone can grab the info.. Sort of step-by-step it..

gdawg, they are now about 6-7 weeks old.. I'll post an update of them shortly.. Just fed em strong today, they were looking a little yellow since I let off em since the last time - they were looking a little burnt about 2 weeks ago, they got about 5 or 6 plain waterings.. but now my mix sucks.. if its not one its another..

Be safe gentlemen, i'm finishing this steam beer and then finishing this joint, and then going to bed.. Unless I get a little ansy, then I'll be doing some wiring :D
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