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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!



well 20k i went into my room tonight and yep, got a lil nute burn goin on with the nl stuff. its not bad but its there regardless. i had em at 1.6 maybe 1.7 last night and been runnin 1.6 for a week or so. noticed just the slightest tip curl and burn a few days ago and thought they could keep takin it. but they're tellin me to back off so tonight i got em real good with around 1.1 to 1.2. the big indi girls seem to luv 2.0 but i will back them off also. i'll flush everything in a couple of night or so with a good dose of the grandmas. the nl5xhaze has got 21 days to go might try to give her 25 how should i start doin my nute stregnth on em? i was gonna put em back @ 1.4 after the next flush then what? they really really sticky too bro!!!!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
20k - That's a toughy. I'd go with your first instinct. Water + Big Dense Buds = Mold, always, at least in my mind. I'm just not sure that there would be enough beneficials in the foliar to counteract all the opportunities the mold would have to take hold. Maybe if I was running some Class 4 Biohazard Hepa Hood or something, but I vote no.

gdawg - Yeah, that's the way I've run mine :D Raise 'em up to just a tad burn, then back it off a tad and let em run :D


thanx nitetiger! i was wantin to see what they'd take anyway, i'm thinkin around 1.4 for that strain. thanx again ya'll good folks sure have helped me turn my show around i tell ya what. 20k your guess would be better than mine on the foliar bro!!


20kw dreams said:
My foliar is 2ml Purple Maxx, 5ml Floralicious(2.8-0-0 +, 5ml Nitrozyme(0-4-4) just to balance the NPK of the FL+ for flowering, a dash of Potassium Silicate, 60mlPenetrator, and I'm going to start adding in 10% Hydrogaurd to try and avoid Bud-Rot. I hit it around every week or so, give or take a couple days, usually give a couple days.

Thats for a 1gal or 5gal batch ?

F'licious+ is pretty fantastic but have found they really mean 1ml per gal ....5ml is super strong per /gal . Usually just add 1ml of F/L+ and also enough of some complete veg (or bloom) formula to create 350-500ppms in the qtr spray bottle with some surficant. Foliars are the way to go to keep plants & root zones happy during a rinses too....nice to talk "foliars" they can be very strategic.

* Friend gave me a sample bottle of Liquid Light ...here we go again ,
another "catchy name" to get the $$$$ out of their wallets ! lol
( lots of money in selling agri~ chemicals with catchy names & labels <G )

....the instructs recommending 4tbs per/ ltr so tried it @ 1tbs on some young plants . Whoa ... could see some definite leaf~reach~ reaction even at 1/4 strength and at full strength couldn't imagine what would happen , lol. Think i'll just stick with f'licious and if ever need a quick "greening" up just give them a squirt = 1/4 GH nitro @ tsp/qt ....at 350-500ppms , that usually fires them off nicely <g

Think GH has it definitely sown up one additive in the foliar dept ----> Floralicious Plus .

(never tried silica yet )
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20kw dreams

I haven't had a prob at all using the FL+ at 5ml.

I tried the Liquid Light at full strength, and it scared me. It didn't do anything either, just made them look like they were doing something.

In Vino Veritas



Damn, I wanted to comment on how great all your shit looks but you know that.. So I'll ask how you guys are doing? 20k, what's popping with school?

Maybe you guys can give me a little constructive criticism on these... I think they may all be female, I think I was able to self pollinate the last run of ladies - 80% positive. Not totally sure but something weird happened that has never happened to me with these genetics. Pretty much all of them had to be helped out of the seed. They also all had retarded looking first leaves. They all still have their cotyledons, they are being fed full strength lucas (flora-nova bloom, 6ml per gallon) - 4 feedings so far. Check out some of the deformities from the single finger leaves. These were like this before I started feeding.. These are 8oz styrofoam cups, for a mix I used miracle grow seedling formula cut in half with equal parts perlite. I wanted to transplant them today, won't have time. I will probably HAVE to get to it in the next 2-3 days, next weekend may be too late. They will be going into 1gal bags..w/ equal parts peat/perlite/verm.

All 28 of em, the ones on the left are the extra uglies and way behind...


20kw dreams

Well, they look good, but not that good. I would say they look a tad stressed, prob from overfert? You know you don't get burns on seedlings as much as you just get an ill looking plant? May just be using bloom though. Why aren't you using the grow? Where is the Fox Farm Ocean Forest? That shit is prob expensive out there, eh? All the good soils are made in Cali bud. I read some research recently that showed the whole high P for rooting thing is BS, and High N ends up making plants root better because they have healthier foliage, which in turn gives the plants more energy for growth, so dump that Bloom fert. They don't look bad or anything though, but you asked for criticism:biglaugh:

So, I've got some news...last night there was a little Halloween party thing in my apt complex, for the people that live here, 10 units. Well, I went over there after it was kind of winding down. I ended up going over to the apt managers apt afterwards. She is a pretty cool older hippy lady. Anyways, she took me aside to tell me a little secret: My house stinks like herb:) Wasn't really a big deal, but she totally called me on growing. Apparently my neighbor even said something to her, and the owner mentioned it after he went over to the neighbors one time to fix something...or something. She def doesn't know the extent of it though, but basically just let me know I need to get the smell under control. I'm gonna pick me up a big carbon scrubber and fan, and one of those 8" ozone generators next weekend. It's cool for now, but this Sour D just wreaks. I can't imagine how bad it's gonna be when I have 5 people trimming this shit.

On another note, it's faced me with the realities of how important it is to get this shit out of here pronto. My family needs the space anyways. Right now all 4 of us sleep in the same Cali King bed + a twin next to it, all packed in together. You should see our room, it's like solid bed..lol...So I'm actually hoping to be in a new space around Dec 1st, prob start looking in a couple weeks:woohoo:

Anyways, so the dehumidifier is a bust. Works pretty good when the lights are off, but when the lights are on it's just crazy. It basically just cranks the temps up and triggers the fans. I end up with a 85-90F room with no added CO2. I'm going to keep it and see if the stronger fan I'll be getting now helps.
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gzus 20, be careful man ur scarin me

....a friend of mine swears by the sour d as the best herb of all time :D i'm skeptical but willing to try it hehehe

20kw dreams

lol..I scare myself sometimes. I mean, who the hell is so relaxed about the manager of their apartment complex knowing they grow? Me, I guess. Not much I can do about it though for now. I'll just go about my plan of moving this shat out of here, and hope everything works out for the best.

The only bad thing I could say about Sour D is that it is a 10 weeker and can stretch. Other then that it is just about perfect from a growers and smokers perspective. It is a heavy, but lively high, super potent, fast growing, extremely easy to grow, has an amazing smell and flavor...albeit a bit strong apparently:smile:...and high yielding. Hit it with Bushmaster and it'll finish in 8! I hit it a little too weak with BM, so it did stretch and it's not going to finish faster I don't think...hopefully at 9.

Today is day 42 BTW. I haven't foliared for over a week, so I'm going to do that and take some pics prob Tue. Dehuey is out of the room, sitting in the hallway and waiting to go back to Sears. I'll just go with CO2 up until buds are getting fat, then pull it out.

If I've got the cash, an AC and nice commercial dehumidifier is going into the new place, if I can get it.

Hey, what do you guys think: better to buy in top line air cooled hoods but have fewer lights and an AC/co2/dehuey, or do a couple runs with bat-wings and just vent the room but have more lights and then upgrade later?


Active member
20kw dreams said:
lol..I scare myself sometimes. I mean, who the hell is so relaxed about the manager of their apartment complex knowing they grow? Me, I guess. Not much I can do about it though for now. I'll just go about my plan of moving this shat out of here, and hope everything works out for the best.

The only bad thing I could say about Sour D is that it is a 10 weeker and can stretch. Other then that it is just about perfect from a growers and smokers perspective. It is a heavy, but lively high, super potent, fast growing, extremely easy to grow, has an amazing smell and flavor...albeit a bit strong apparently:smile:...and high yielding. Hit it with Bushmaster and it'll finish in 8! I hit it a little too weak with BM, so it did stretch and it's not going to finish faster I don't think...hopefully at 9.

Today is day 42 BTW. I haven't foliared for over a week, so I'm going to do that and take some pics prob Tue. Dehuey is out of the room, sitting in the hallway and waiting to go back to Sears. I'll just go with CO2 up until buds are getting fat, then pull it out.

If I've got the cash, an AC and nice commercial dehumidifier is going into the new place, if I can get it.

Hey, what do you guys think: better to buy in top line air cooled hoods but have fewer lights and an AC/co2/dehuey, or do a couple runs with bat-wings and just vent the room but have more lights and then upgrade later?

That's my take^^ and you folaired up until almost week 5?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
20kw dreams said:
Hey, what do you guys think: better to buy in top line air cooled hoods but have fewer lights and an AC/co2/dehuey, or do a couple runs with bat-wings and just vent the room but have more lights and then upgrade later?

Have you thought about meeting in the middle? You could do like I did, and DIY some A/C hoods (in my case Reflected Cool Tubes). Then you could have the larger number of lights, and then update the hoods later. Just a matter of what you'd like first - lights or hoods :D


if you're going to end up using hoods, just do it right from the start. no sense in taking "steps" unless you like wasting time :chin:

what's your take on bushmaster decreasing potency? user error? i've got a fresh bottle and my stonehedge clone is a perfect candidate......vigorous, high yield, 9-10 weeks, tolerance resistant, a toddler could clone it :D she just explodes during stretch

do you think strains like these ^ might be suitable for 12/12 from clone?

20kw dreams

Rooted - I think 2ml for 2 days at 2 weeks just wasn't enough, but then I used it 2ml/2days/at 3 weeks on the other table, and got totally different results, and the Sour D rocked up, so I don't really know. I know 3ml for 4 days worked well and it was alot harder to burn. The 2ml for a longer period of time may work as well, without burning. I was really how low I could go, and hoping to get just a tad of BM influence in the stretch area, without getting any of the potency loss. It works well with Sour D though apparently, and I'm not seeing a potency loss. That plant you've got sounds like a good candidate for sure. Anything over 9 weeks that stretches is prob perfect. Watch the potency though. 24% or so of the strains I've used it with, it makes them lost a considereable amount of potency.

You def can't use BM and flower clones. Sounds like a good candidate though otherwise. IME the strains that take a couple weeks to get going in flower are those strains you want to flip early.

Wasting time? What if I could run 6 more lights for a run? Is that wasting time?

Nite - Yeah, I don't even know how much money I'm going to have. I may meet somewhere in the middle. No DIY stuff for me. I can't resell anything I make...unless I made it all super nice, and in that case I might as well just buy a nice reflector for the time I would put into it.

And have you guys seen the new reflectors? They have a hinge for the lens with a wingnut, so you can unscrew the wingnut and open the lens to clean it and chage the bulbs. They came out with them the day after I bought my 8" air-cooled.:rolleyes:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Ah, I didn't know you were looking at resell value :D

It would be a bit tough to sell my homemade reflected cool tubes :biglaugh:


hey whats goin on 20k. that sux about your op stankin up the complex. sour diesel place sounds like a good show to me. i had a landlord once that claimed he knew my situation, he just tried to put the ol money squeeze on me. i just had some some shady folks move into a house next to me that has been vacant for months, so i'm anxious on makin my move. i would go for the more light deal, its about to be winter time cooler temps for awhile maybe...i'm thinkin myself of gettin 2 more digi 600s and a couple more 400mh's. what kind of reflectors are ya talkin about? i love the silverstars but i'm game for somethin better. my next op is gonna be a pod-like, super enclosed and sealed, dedicated window a/c. its gonna be in a new climate so i'm sure their will be a learning curve for me. well really just be hotter i already have to deal with high humidity. i also will have to r/o my water so will end up with some def. issues i'm sure. well i know you anxious to chop too, don't do it early 20k! this is a pic of that cross @ 45 days. it is so triched out and the smell is unreal, like the tart apple now&later candy smell. it has about 20% of the hairs have turned orange ima let it go 60+ regardless, gotta get me a magnifier...


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I'm tellin' ya man, $10 at Radio Shack will do wonders for narrowing your harvesting windows :yes:

20kw dreams

That shit looks super frost. I'm talking about those 8" Hydrofarm and Sunsystem air cooled hoolds. They didn't used to be sealed up all that nice, but now they are tight as can be. I actually had to caulk around where the 8" flange meets the reflector on mine, cause the weld didn't seal proper. It was on 2 different brands too. BS. Now they fixed it though.

I'm not gonna keep them forever Nite. Once I get the money up to buy a piece of property I can have a greenhouse on, then that's it for indoors for me. I would much rather work with natural light, definitely supplemented, but I won't need the kind of light you need indoors at all.

I'm going to go ahead and give them their last foliar tonight before the are hopelessly compact. I'm going to go ahead and SUPER charge it with beneficial. My humidity is steady at 65% or so. Piranha, Tarantula, and Hydrogaurd are all going to be in the mix with the Purple Maxx, KSi, and FL+. Lots of pics.

I'm going to get the new filter pretty soon here too, so lots of work to be done.


dang all my reflectors are 6inch except one that is 4inch and about to be replaced. i might do 2 6inch fans pullin through 3 reflectors each on the next setup. right now i got a 4inch pullin through all 4 reflectors, i know i need more..but its workin for the moment. tonight i'm flushin with some grandmas then puttin the nlhaze girls on 1.4 for another week then final flush with grandmas for a few days, then plain water for 3. the indicas are swellin up huge i may bump em up to 2.1 tonight and let that be thier max for the run. they don't show any signs of burn yet. oh and ya i know nitetiger but there aint no radio shacks round here. may look on ebay. 20k i give ya props for handlin ya business where you're @, aint no way i could keep my funkness odor under control and you got more lights!!! i too dream of greenhouses......

In Vino Veritas

Heh.. they are looking a little shittier today, mainly just uneven coloration but they are growing.. Need to transplant, still.. The reason I'm using bloom is because its what I have.. I still need to pick up a bunch of shit at the shop and I hate making trips.. So since I dont need to be there, I'll just wait it out. Week or so tops.. They would be eating better if they weren't under shitty tubes.

Dude people have been hitting great numbers with traditional methods forever. Make the investment that will give you the best turn around and then you can resell at a decent price.

How much space? 1k for every 5x5 box, properly lined up so you have light over lapping. Cooled or not depends on your weather and your location.. I'd get an a/c and keep everything as sealed as possible.

You know how it is dude, some shit is worth spending the $ on, some isn't. What is your time worth? What is your peace of mind worth? How much more $ is it really??? Sometimes it's just ****ing cheaper to spend the flow on it.

Any commercial mix for planting like ff, or promix, is 30-40 for the 1.5cu-2.0cu bags...the problem is where you have to go to get it.. Walking out of the shop with 20-30 bags feels wrong. RW is really the easiest thing, big black plastic looking box..plus a box with a couple jugs..

By the way, your story about the land lord... Not ****ing cool, in any way. Glad she is a cool lady...stay safe bro.

gdawg, tight work dude...

ran some water through em, let em soak from the bottom.. see how it is in 24hrs..

stay safe gentlemen.

20kw dreams

My SD's don't seem like they are filling in. There's stem in the buds. You can't really tell from the pics, but they are def not full and dense. Not that Sour D gets all super tight or anything anyways, but this is different. I hit them with PK a few days ago, so maybe it'll turn them around. I think I may have let too much scrag shit fill in the underneath, and it's taking away from the tops. I guess I've got 3.5 weeks to go:) They are loosing their luster though for sure.

More bad news too. I busted my camera tonight. I had it in my pocket while I was working, and something cracked the LCD. It still takes pics, but I can't see them until I upload.

I posted them anyways. One of them came our real nice, the 2nd one, but you can tell I can't see shit.

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