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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


Active member
Hey 20k nice thread here, I'm learning alot from all the discussions. Thanks for stoppin in my tiny thread too lol. The story about everyone sleeping in the same room...that's some serious dedication and major respect points!

That's the Sour D for ya....she really messed with my head...round week 7-9 she almost looks like she will be done in a week and blam she puts on new growth, she needs longer than most people give her. 10 weeks? LMAO! But she is super moody, maybe it was just my mistake. And the smell...a panic attack on a daily basis, one time a neighbor was literally circling around the house, poking at the bushes etc...looking for the skunk, knocking on doors, making phonecalls, the whole shpeal. Won't even touch her again till i got a double or triple filtration system, filter-airspace-filter-airspace-ozone lol good times.

In Vino Veritas

20k, 3 weeks you think? I think you've got more than that. They may pick up the pace though.. Are you feeding them hard still? You can get a few good strong feeds in before you need to start toning it down.. Id give that a shot.

Unless those things are bushes on the bottom, I don't think the pruning matters.


20k lookin good man. is a lil shakin goin on out there this mornin? be safe bro. i'm shootin for a chop around 3 more weeks too. actually my nlhaze should be ready in 2 weeks from tommorrow. without co2 she is done @ 60 so i'm gonna see how fat they will get. t-day fresh nugs!! this will be the first time in 6 years i haven't came to your wonderful state for 2 weeks of glamis sand dunes for thanksgivin with my buddies from vegas. it hurts me but you know what i got to take care of around that time, plus move shortly after. i was lookin forward to samplin some of that cali this year. my cuz went to san diego to watch the boost mobile pro last month @ trestles and scored some pk and then proceeded to tell me i need to step it up some.... hence my recent buyin spree of beans. keep em up 20k not much longer bro!


20k you do have a nice canopy goin there. and if ya got three to go it looks like they will be FAT! aeric whats up i've been peekin in your thread looks like you got some nice things yourself goin on over there. those cured nug shots were killer. heres a few shitty pics from day 46 i think :joint: i got a bunch tied up to surround the 400, may lower it some tonight

incan spirit the colas are fatter than my forearm(i'm skinny though) and got 4 weeks to go!

incan spirit (hemcy)



well if you can run 6 more lights then why bother asking? :bashhead:

sounds like i'm over the bushmaster, another $20 down the drain :D:D

are you using canna pk? :yes: that's good stuff, the stonehedge loves it

the d looks greasy man, can't wait to see some harvest shots

stay safe


20k where ya been bro? ya still stankin up the complex? if i was your nieghbor i wouldn't mind the smell. of course together we'd be reakin the whole block up :laughing: i'm so anxious to do my chop my and move its killin me. i've been havin problems with my regulator since day 1, it keeps goin up on the flow and drained my last tank in 3 nights :cuss: its not the hydrofarm flow bubble type some other piece of crap and the dude charged me 190 before tax no timer :cuss: and hes out of town for two weeks its pissin me the f off. so monday i'm takin my tanks an hour away to get em filled @ some gas place, well, the old man is :headbange if i go in there twice a night and adjust the flow i can manage but it sux. my closest dro shop is like 2hrs away. i got a couple pics tonight this cross is freakin killa! so frosty and appley smellin its nuts. luckily i took 1 cuttin and i seeded the bottom of it pretty good. ima let it go 60-65 days. i think i been addin too much grandmas cuz i been havin to tie up all these chunky ass frosted freakin buds that are fallin over! :jump: thanx krome! hit us up with an update 20k. your fans are waiting :laughing:


20kw dreams

I was out of town for a few days. uuhhhh....so I got back and found good and bad in the garden. After not seeing them for 4 days, I could definitely tell they were swelling up a bit. I think just seeing them everyday made me think they weren't doing anything.

But there is some bad shit going on in there. I found a few bud-rot spots in there, and took down a few tops to see what was going on back further in the tables. Basically, there is small spots of botrytis in just about all the tops. So, what to do.....I've been on the internet all night exploring my options. Nothing new, unfortunately

Basically, it comes down to: Neem, Beneficials, Sulfur, or Copper....Neem doesn't really work for Botrytis though, unless you ask someone who is selling it...and I'm def not using copper...and I just used beneficials, and look where it got me...so I guess I'm going to have to set my sulfur burner off. I hate to do it, this late in, but I'm not seeing a solution. The tops I pulled down were definately not finished. They are potent enough I'm sure...frosty as all hell..but not ripe yet. Another 2 weeks at LEAST...

I don't know...I'm pissed, and stressed...if it's not one thing it's another, I swear fto god...

20kw dreams

My canopy is thick as **** under those tops. Everything was scrogged pretty heavy since there are only 9 per table. Def going to be some heavier pruning next time around on the undergrowth. Pruning is the biggest PITA to get right, and it's different with every strain. The Sour D's that were runts on the other 2kw side are much nicer then the scrogged plants.

There's no smell now after getting the good carbon scrubber. I was gone for 4 days without really being around the smell of my grow, and I couldn't smell shit when I walked up to the door.

So, I called my patients, and I'm going sulfur burner. Everyone said the same thing: Do what you got to do, we'll just have to deal with it if it's a little harsh on the throat. I checked the MSDS, and Sulfur is an irritant, but nothing worse...still sucks. Hopefully it won't be that bad. I'll do a heavy wash before harvest, hopefully that'll help.
So sorry about the mold dood. ****ing hate that shit. Some strains, just aren't fighters. What was RH when you got back? Got that in check? I feel for you man, really sucks.

On a positive note, you notified the patients, and went and checked the MSDS, super-caregiver you are!


Active member
I commend you on doing the right thing and notifying your patients. I had mold my last run with my keeper Straw D...I know how you feel..chopping beautiful colas down, it crushed me.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Ugh, mold sucks, I hate to hear about that. I gotta agree though, very cool to talk to your patients and see what they wanted.

Break out the sulpur, time to kill some mold :cuss:


dang bro that freakin sux. i will be inspectin mine tonight for sure. i almost hit em with the sulphur evaporater a couple of weeks ago just for preventive, wish i had now. i've never had problems indoors with budrot, so i must have a good strain cuz my humidity has definatly gotten out of hand in the past. keep ya head up 20k!

20kw dreams

My RH is steady around 65%. too high for sure. I've had it on all my strains about this time, but most of them are ready to be pulled at 7-8 weeks, while the sour D has 3 weeks to go:sad:

I just have alot of molds and crap around here. There is a bunch of nasty sloughs(like a swamp) by where I live. When I first moved here I was running my Home Depot gutter NFT, and despite running my water temps down at 65F steady, I had nasty pythium that just wouldn't go away. I always have mold on the top of my rockwool, there is a big patch of mold on the sheetrock downstairs...etc..etc..

Just another reason to get the shit out of my house, and into somewhere I can run A/C and Dehuey's.

Bud is going to be bomb though no doubt. Actually, it may turn out that the sour D flavor might actually go with the Sulfur in a wierd kind of way:rolleyes:...maybe:smile:

I ran the Sulfur burner for 24 hours solid. Funny thing is, I don't feel like I have to worry about letting the humidity get high when the Sulfur is running, so I can cvrank the CO2 up:smile:

Peace out ya'll

Dusty Bowls

what up look in to a santa fe 100 pint dehumidifer and it will fix your problems for the first 5-6 weeks of bloom you want your RH on the high(upper 60s) side to promote nute uptake w/o much work and to promote vigor and long fiber production opposed to short fiber production. and dropping it at the end to promote intense resin production

Dusty Bowls

also next time dont ruin the whole batch by burning sulfur close to the end, no one wants to smoke that..not even vaporized sulfur. cut your losses and move on to the next one and fix the problem so it doesnt happen..thats just my 2 cents good luck looks like theres a lot of potential here but with some rearranging and better circulation you could do a lot better.

Dusty Bowls

also if you cut the hormone paclobutrazol aka bushmaster out of your feeding program you probably wont ever get mold again in your nugs


whats up 20k. i checked my girls for mold and mildew last night no signs of any. the incan stuff was what i was worried about. next run i think i'll burn sulphur for 10 minutes maybe around week 3 12/12 just as preventive. hell the haze stuff is just showin hairs around then. you tryin another run with the same setup? good luck bro it sux when we get so close and then some shit like this happens. the trials of a true farmer. my stuff is lookin killa i'm havin to tie up all my nlhaze buds they are gettin dense. my cross is just goin nuts with the powder stuff. when i move i may trash the nl(keep one clone though!) and try to work with the cross. i located the clone and it is super healthy and bigger than the others. the smell on this girl is takin on this ferment almost alchohol like smell behind the apple. nuski i know you're readin this you betta find out why ya can't post or i'll have to find a new tester for the smoke report! calm down bro, it'll be there t-day or the week after. 20k any pics of the mold damage?

20kw dreams

Except the dehuey was putting my temps too high. And there is the fact I didn't use BM last run and still got the mold. And there is no "cutting your losses" when you've got a family to feed and patients to serve.

So, I went in there last night and the sulfur didn't even do shit. The mold looked 3 times worse. The high humidity that developed from closing the room to run the burner apparently counteracted the sulfur + some.

I tagged a few spots and sprayed with pure hydrogaurd + 2oz Tarantula and Pirahna (4 x strength each). I'm going to check those spots tonight and see if it killed the mold or made it worse.

I'll get some pics of that mold, and of the room tonight. I'll prob be foliaring that hardcore biological mix tonight.

20kw dreams

Sorry if I came on a bit strong Dusty, but in the end you're right. I was just trying to save them if I could, but it turned out to not even work. Prob time to cut my losses. They are so full of N still though, which sucks cause it's going to add to the premature taste. I guess they'll get a nice full month cure before they go out, so that's good. They may come down tonight. or if not this weekend.


hey 20k man that freakin sux bro. are ya gonna try a new run? temps are gettin cooler around here thats probably savin my ass right now. supposed to freeze tonight thank goodness. i'm not sure but i think the sulphur is only supposed to burn when lights out. are all the strains affected? i feel for ya i've been lucky so far and not lost a run to disease or such.