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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


20kw dreams

That pic is crazy. Looks nice, like fuzzy in that light. Looks almost like a B/W pic, but I can see a teeny bit of green. Like a ghost bud

So, you guys are going to laugh at this one. I actually didn't really have a hygrometer(humidistat) in my room. I had 2 little analog dial hygrometer's, but one was reading 60%, and the other 75%. So, I hooked up the dehuey, and although I could tell it was a little dryer, I didn't know how much it was helping. I had 3 hygrometers in a box, so I dug through them and put new batteries in them to see if they worked. Well, one worked, and at 90F with the room sealed I had 67% humidity lower in the canopy, near the canopy, in the aisle. That's not really low enough I don't think at all, and that dehuey is running 24/7. I'm going to have to trade it back from sears for the 70pint low temp model, and hope that helps some.


dang 20k that sux it ain't bringin it down enough for ya. i don't even have a hygrometer, i know, i know, but it really feels dry in there now. what kind of humidity #'s were you dealing with before? i too am jealous of ya'lls clone situation over there. but a lot of what i see on here is some great stuff genetically available, but sickly and weak healthwise for not great prices considerin. i am a master with the babies, i believe that would be my calling if i were to move out there. should'nt be more than 10 bucks max for a healthy clone 12-16" ready for 12/12. if it were up to me. so whats the nutes runnin @ these days? i took your advice and chilled on my bumps. they are lovin it. thanx bro.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
You know, I was thinking about something the other night I'm going to test out. That DE I use as a pesticide is also a dessicant, that's why it kills bugs.

I'm revamping my carbon scrubber anyway, so I'm going to add a layer of DE with my carbon, see if it helps with humidity.


going back to hugo r/w 20K?

Really the easiest route and will be going back to them too after this round of coco ...cutilene has far better drainage than the grodan for more feedings . Coco is nice but too much to toss at the end of each round thru time ... grodan really needs to rework their product for less retention --total waterlog.

....too bad we don't have smell'o'vision over the net and we could include the aromas of the rooms .

PS: That HS from SR is the easiest trim job ever seen , wake n bake potency too. :wave:
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hey 20k :wave: hope the dehuey's workin better for ya. ya terran coco is a bitch to get rid of, thats the main reason i got rid of the perlite, so i can dump it in the flower beds and so forth. seems to grow better without it anyway. heres a couple pics of whats goin on.... first off the nl5xhaze

the incan spirit

the cross


obese incan bud, everything around the mh is swelled up!!


20kw dreams

Hell no, no Hugo. It's prob the one media I've never used all the way through. I hate RW in general, but it serves it's purpose as a veg media. It's so easy to transplant it's ridiculous. It's trash though otherwise. Literally though, it has to go to the landfill when you're done with it.

So, I'm tossed about the Dehumidifier and CO2 in general. I don't have any AAA bateries, so I don't know what the humidity is, but the up so fast that the vent has to kick on pretty fat, which means the temps stay high, but the CO2 drops when the vents kick on. So, I reduced the temp level, but it might not even really go down, cause of the dehumidifier, and therefore the temps are too high, especially for the ambient CO2 levels. I think all in all, this backs up my original theory that CO2 is bullshit unless you are running AC, which I'm not. Venting with CO2 systems seems to be a big 'ol PITA.....but it's a good lesson for future setups.

20kw dreams

Hey Nite, That won't do a shit of good. It might reduce levels at first, but it isn't really going to do shit in the end, cause it can't hold near the water it takes to actively dehumidify a room. I mean, figure the mass of the DE, then figure the volume, then figue what is left for H2O. It's looking like a solid room can put out 15pints of water/24hrs/kw @ 50% humidity. If you change out your DE every hour I suppose you might get enough in there to work...but you'ld be better off just getting a dehuey...or not bothering.


oooooh, i did not know you were'nt runnin a.c. i bet there are some heat issues goin on. no way i could run mine without it, dehuey or not. does your's have the 2hr on/cycle? i was using that last week when outside temps were still kinda hot and it seemed to help a lil. get it all figured out 20k and then tell us your secret tecniques!!


I am using BM in a 4ml per gal hydro setup. This is the second day, do you reccomend me running 3 days or longer? How bout making a second batch after that? Do I have to re-apply or is it a 1 time use. Thanks Peace.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah 20k, I think you're right. And I was just talking about an experiment, my humidity is sitting pretty much where I want it. I think I'd be better served with more carbon than the DE

20kw dreams



Hey sticky:wave: 3 days is all you'll need. I've been finding you get results with as little as 2ml for 2 days. Use 1 time in the rez.

More carbon def never hurt anybody. You make your own scrubber?

No, no AC for me. I hooked it up when I first moved here, but I have really close neighbors, and it's just too loud. Someday though.

I was running the dehuey last night though when the fan kicked on, so the room couldn't really vent the hot air when there was just more coming in. Tonight I'm going to try running it on the CO2 controller, so it's only on when the CO2 is on. That will def help a bit. CO2 may have ran out again last night, so I may foliar tonight instead. I moved it to, so it's more centrally located. It's more towards the camera in this shot \/ This pretty much puts it in the center of the room, although now I have to crawl underneath it to get to all the CO2 and pump controls. Depending on how that goes, I may try the 2 hr on/off thing you mentioned G. I know the room will get humid as fock after 2 hours though, so I'm going to try and avoid that. I picked up 3 $8 digital hygrometer/thermostats today to, so I'm going to move them around the room tonight and see what the dynamics are with and without the dehuey.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah man, I do my own scrubbers. It's way to easy and cheap to buy them premade, for me at least.

20kw dreams

yeah. I've made a few. It's nice to be able to incorporate carbon into boxes and what not. My dryer has a nice 3" layer of carbon under the fan.

Here's a few picks I cropped a bit. I think if I got some high resolution close up pics, I may be able to get pretty close to trichome level. On a couple of these, you can clearly see the muchrooming shape. My plants are just barely starting to mushroom. That coating of powder on the buds is the glands, but they are just poking through the skin, like beads of sweat.



Q[UOTE=20kw dreams]I don't have any AAA bateries, so I don't know what the humidity is, did ya grab some triple a's! what was goin on before the dehuey? ya mine would get damp as hell towards the end of the 2hr off cycle and now i got it set low as hell so i can get it as dry as i can before it shuts off. it might be helpin i just started doin it. dang your'e runnin through that co2. 2 tanks will last me a run, but i don't have a controller/monitor. its on the wish list. i wish i would of done the bushmaster thing on my indicas, i even had a free sample but its kinda old. you can see how they arre startin to cone up. are you still foliar feedin? how late will you go and what are ya givin em?

20kw dreams

That pic with the orange in the background reminds me of some soft porn mag, like an old '70's playboy...:smile:

20kw dreams

I don't know what the humidity was, but it was wet in there. My hands would me moist, some of the poly was kind of moist, and the tables has moisture on them.

My foliar is 2ml Purple Maxx, 5ml Floralicious(2.8-0-0 +, 5ml Nitrozyme(0-4-4) just to balance the NPK of the FL+ for flowering, a dash of Potassium Silicate, 60mlPenetrator, and I'm going to start adding in 10% Hydrogaurd to try and avoid Bud-Rot. I hit it around every week or so, give or take a couple days, usually give a couple days.


i had water beadin up and runnin down the walls. it was a horrible sight and made it kinda uneasy to fall asleep that night. no wonder your stuffs lookin so good, i don't do any kind of foliar feed after about 1 week 12/12. and with just the pbpgrow.

20kw dreams

lol..holy shit...you were drowning 'em...yeah foliars work wonders. You're plants are looking pretty good though from here.

20kw dreams

I stop the foliar towards the end of flower though, when they dense up. I'm not sure which is better: To foliar dense flowers with beneficials or to just keep them dry. The beneficials kill off Botrytis, but the moisture feeds it, so it's really just a guess for me. I suppose if the foliar is full of beneficials though, the beneficials would be in the moisture living and killing off the molds....What do you guys think?

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