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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


20kw dreams

Yeah, I'm at...34 today, so your just a few days ahead of me. I'm doing Great, and the grows going great. Busy as **** though. I may get to chill tomorrow. I had an 8 week/4 credit English class that started last Mon, so I'm going to be cramming alot here and may not be around as much. I was getting behind in chemistry, but caught up there.

My answer to thinking I maybe should have pruned the bottoms out a bit, was to prune out alot of the bigger fan leaves out of the canopy. I'm trying to let more of the light hit those bottom buds so they develop better. We'll see how it goes.


20kw dreams said:
This Sour D is a REALLY easy clone T. All these clones came off one of my outdoor plants. It's one of the fastest roting clones I've ever seen. I got 150 or so to root in 5-7 days, no prob. The Critical Mass is kind of a bitch though.

Where did you pick that Sugar Shiva at? Did that come from SR? Is it the same as the Candy Shiva I picked up?

Love to see some monster colas on those SD's ... ;o)

Yes , that Sugar Shiva came from SR ....got it much earlier when think they first named it Sugar then settled later on the Candy baby nick & really is a nice stout sturdy one with alternate branching that seems to keep up with the HK pretty well . Posted a new pick over on Nep's SR thread of the SS in high early flower .

* Unfortunately the Big Shiva's little lingam gets left behind in the dust and swallowed up pretty easily by the HK girls ....plus didn't seem all that exciting at the finish as far as resin & stickiness goes or aroma , tho it is an ez grow . Do have one Bubblegum or two just stacking up might do something nice .

Now if we could just do a cross of the PK with the HK & get that fire~speed to rub off on the PK ....oh what a dream plant that would be . :redface:

Sugar Shiva just left of center surrounded by 4 other smaller colas
in sea of Hks which are on fire in 5 gal coco .

(they are loving lower nutes now but really ran them up in veg, then a good 3
day rinse into flower and now running @ 800ppms but the HK can take about anything <g)

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terran those really look good man. ya 20k bout time to start seein some sour d porn.

20kw dreams

I know, I know, but not tonight. I gotta go down south. They are pressing charges against my old roommate for cultivation. They are trying to pin him with all 24 plants, even though all 4 of our cards were posted. It's fockin BS. I swear to god they really are just trying to be a pain in our ass. They know they can't win this at all...I'll get some pics up tomorrow night though for sure.

I'm looking for a dehuey today. I went to Sears yesterday and they didn't have anything in stock, so I gotta call around to see where has them.

Those are looking damn nice Terran


hey 20k sorry to hear bout your buddy. have you checked the dehueys on ebay? they're really decent priced and i'm definately happy with mine. in retrospect i wouldv'e gone with a smaller unit and the low temp model. paid with paypal and recieved in five days. i've been leavin mine on the 2hr timer mode. the heat isn't too bad since i'm usin co2. good luck with your buddy today. oh and terran those are awesome, i read a lil bit of your thread. if i bought the hindu kush seeds from sensi will i end up with a pheno similar to the clone goin around out there. i don't have any kush in the arsenal yet.

In Vino Veritas

Terran, very tight work!

20kw, best wishes for your friend and you. Let us know how it pans out...

You could probably order on the Sears site and have them ship it to a local store - save you the shipping. Probably would be about the same if you requested them at the stores, to ship it over.


dang 20k my buds are starting to pack it on! i've got a nl5hazexincanspirit that is doing unreal. it is almost white with trichs and already poppin orange hairs @ 37days. and the smell...... just like green apple. i have to say i let my screen get out of control on me, especially one half of it. they just kept on and on stretchin. but i know my yeild will be great and next time even better. i got some new genetics to pop in the next month or so and i'm torn on whether to keep my nl5xhaze. dsd, swt#3, iss, mountain jam, what would you do???? i know i'm ditchin the incan, its a super heavy producer but just does'nt have the taste i want. i'm thinkin swt#3 and iss for the next run. i'll let all these folks on here do the dsd runs so i know what to look for. plus i got 2 packs of the swt#3. anyways hope all is good out your way. lookin forward to seein the progress.

20kw dreams

Actually, I ended up going to the other Sears here and picked up a 50 pint model. The first Sears I went to wasn't a full on Sears, but a Sears in the back of a K-mart:smile:lol. I didn't think the low temp one was necessary, cause it just dehumidifies down into the 40's, but my room should never go below 65F anyways, so that's no biggee.

Court was lame, and I got some bad news. Apparently one of my patients' recommendations had lapsed...since april. Not good. The case doesn't hinge on that though. Basically, what the sheriff's report said, was that they got to the backyard after kicking in the door, found the plants and the paperwork. When they searched through the house, they only found proof of residency for the address for my roomy. They basically said since my patients and I weren't living in the house, then the paperwork is invalid. This is in direct contradiction to SB 420, which essentially promotes cooperatives, which is exactly what this was: 4 people pitching in on rent and materials to grow their medicine. For the sheriff to try to say all members of a coop have to live at the grow location is a blatant excuse to harass med users.

Anyways, the public defender(which we are using unless it goes past the preliminary hearing) said the prosecutor sounded like he would drop it if I came up with proof I was paying rent there, which I have some checks to the roomy, and the landlord and the neighbors know I was staying there, even though I wasn't on the lease. Either was though, it's sounds like it's going to go alright. Everything was just kind of sloppy.

Another thing though was: You know the paperwork that I said wasn't valid? Well, it turns out that my roomy found the posted copy of his caregiver form UNDER THE HOUSE. It was on the wall with the rest of the paperwork stapled up through plastic, so it wasn't coming off by itself. You know who the only people that were under the house? The Pigs! They tore off a piece of the panel on the outside to crawl under to see if there was anything stashed or some shit, and there was the paperwork. You know what else is funny? His paperwork was the only other paperwork that was local. If they had "found" that paperwork, they should have NOT cut the plants down...legally.

Back to the grow though. I'm going to get some pics and foliar tonight...or maybe set the dehumidifier up and take pics...either way I'm takin pics, but I don't want to foliar and set up the dehumidifier, because I turn the lights off to spray, and then I won't have good time to make any necessary adjustments to the room. The CO2 tank may be out though, so that'll mean I can't use the dehumidifier anyways cause I'll have to run the room cooler and vent.

Gdawg! Hell if I know....If you are trying to find good mothers, I would grow out one strain, sex them, ditch the males, clone them, then keep one of each mother and flower multiple cuts off each mother. Then when your done, you'll most likely find a good clone mother. I don't know what some of the letters mean. iss? dsd? What is the lineage on all those, except the nlxhz?


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
If I'm not mistaken "dsd" refers to double sour diesel and "iss" refers to island sweet skunk.

let us know how your dehuey works out. i'll be in the market for one shortly, i think.

gl with the law. she's a mean mother, but it sounds like you'll get it all dismissed. ASA could refer you to a lawyer if you wanna sue them for destroying your property afterward.


Peace, Love & Coco


hey 20k good luck with your buddy, sounds like ya'll got a solid case. are you gonna try to vent the dehuey? my room feels so much better since i put mine in. the strains in question were double strawberry diesel, and federations island sweet skunk, also chimeras mountain jam which is a cross with dj's blueberry male. ya it sux kinda i got to start over with seed but i'm moving like 6 hours away and can't really get my babies down there safely. on the bright side i'll be runnin some new genetics cuz i've had the same two for a couple of years now. have you smoked or grown out any of these? the iss was requested by a friend in need medically. oh and the sweettooth#3 i'm really excited about. anyways lookin forward to some sour d pics, peace

In Vino Veritas

gdawg, sprout the beans... Veg em under strong lights and transplant often. This will keep em stout. 4-6 weeks you should have some signs of sex or at least know which the desirable plants would be, they should still be in 2gal pots.

I sprouted 30 calioXbb, 26 are alive and well, giving them a few weeks veg, plucking anything thats lanky or has balls.. ive worked with these for years so I know they show sex in veg - i pretty much know the phenos I want already..

don't get rid of anything until you have something you're sure you want to replace it with.

you guys with access to clones are at an advantage and a disadvantage.. you don't have to do the whole song and dance - great since 'time IS' an issue. But then again you're always stuck on what the people giving up those genetics want to give up..i'm still jealous.

hey 20kw, you staying safe out there? hot hot hot... and I ain't talking 'bout the porkers.


ya no joke those fires are horrible! hope you and all our friends are ok. no tellin how many grows have been evacuated and left alone. we had a big fire a few hundred miles away in my state that lasted for months and no joke the smell was sooo bad in my house, so really i felt like the filtered air leavin my grow was actually helpin the environment haha. just tryin to my lil part folks!! didn't really have to worry bout odor control for a while though, that was nice. In Vero are you sayin pop all my beans now, cuz theres an issue there, or are you sayin pop em all when i get to the new spot and have like a free for all cage match deal? i will be tryin to bring a couple of babies but its gonna be hard, ya ya'll are lucky out there on that issue. but i'm workin on some experiments with em that might make it easier on me. be safe 20k hope you and your buddies are ok! gdawg

20kw dreams

Those fires don't get up to the bay that often. That's usually San Luis Obispo and south, especially by LA and San Diego.

I can't vent this Dehumidifier. I don't even know if you can vent a dehumidifier really. I had just said that before because my AC has a dehumidify function, so I don't know WTF. The dehuey is workin alright, but it's not really big enough. I'm going to go ahead and keep it though. I think it's more where it's at in the room. I'm stil trying to figure out if I can put it in a better place, instead of against the wall like in the pic. It is drying the air out enough though that there is no moisture on the plastic like there was in some spot, and it feels cooler, so I actually bumped the temps up to 88.

Just send me the Strawberry Diesels, then do whatever you want with the rest:biglaugh: What's the finish time on those anyways?

You get the wrong idea though IVV. You can find whatever genetics you want around here really. Not in the numbers like at the clubs, but you can get just about anything if you look hard enough. There are alot of "pro" cloners out and about, you just have to find them. They all want orders ahead of time though, and sometimes that's hard.

So, I've got a grip of pics coming up. I'll tell you what though, I've never had buds this big, and with 4 WEEKS LEFT! OMG! I'm going to try my hardest to reign them in to 9 weeks though. 10 is just TOOOOOOOO long. A little Gravity, PK 13/14, and Overdrive should do the trick:smile:

20kw dreams

How many pics can you fit on a post? 56...nevermind

How many pics can you fit on a post? 56...nevermind

Here's to you gdawg:friends: Apparently you can't fit 56 on 1 post


20kw dreams

Actually that last pic from last week, is one of the buds in the cig picks.

All I see when I look at these pics though is the probs:sad: That one light has a bunch of heat stress on it, which is obvious, but actually it's not that bad. I can't raise that light anymore, because the fan is holding it down. Actually, they are all up all the way, but that light has to stay 6" shorter then the rest. The Critical Mass just doesn't seem to be performing, it surprised me last time too, so we'll see. I've got some slight tip and vein burn, but nothing too bad. At the same time I have some lower leaves yellowing, so I think the nutrients are good, but the different leaves have different micro-climates which make them act different.

I've been pulling alot of fan leaves, but not so many as to stress them out. After I hit them with PK next week, I'm going to really pull the leaves off, as the buds dense up. This crop is a bud-rot mess waiting to happen, especially pushing these temps. I'll prob cool it down in a week and 1/2 too, and maybe pull the CO2. This Sour D does go purple ont he fan leaves, and I think if I let it go really cold the last week or so I may be able to pull some purples out of the bud leaves. I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice yield for purple, but purple would be pretty fockin cool to see on a crop this nice:biglaugh:

In Vino Veritas

20, that shit is looking lovely in there! Damn dude, really nice work. And you're right with 4 weeks left those things are going to be impressive. What's your humidity at? The plants release a lot of moisture so I bet within the thick of the bush you will have higher humidity. Why not drop the ambient into the 30's? Should still be 40 between the branches... My rooms are always dry due to the way I ventilate (well used to).. This space is a little different than my previous.. Center the dehumidifier in the room, same height or around that height..

g, didn't know you were moving man.. you headed to where I think you're headed? I wouldn't take anything, but my trip would be long..figured I'd pick up what I need there.

nah not a free for all, unless you know what you're working with. i'd do 10-20 of the same genetics at a time. make sure you are ready to label, and keep shit organized. you need to be really on top of them and watch for balls.. each plant needs a complete look over so you know there aren't any hidden balls, or females going hermie early and pollinating.. if you're working with flouros for seedlings be patient. HID's make the world go round.. I got 28 in 8oz cups, 3" high, wider than the mouths of the cups, under 4x 40w cool tubes.. This weekend they go in 1gal bags, and hopefully by the following weekend I got a 1k up. I would wait until you are situated and see about taking something with you if you can't be sure you'll find any when you get there..

Can't find the damn cable for the camera..think I'll have to buy one today..
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gooot dang 20k!! and 4 weeks to go??? thanx bro i drank a beer just scrollin through and tryin to imagine the smell of them sour d's. i feel ya i the light issue, my incan girls are starting to get the spear type colas but i can't raise my lights any more. so all in all ya happy with the dehuey? how much did it set ya back? i could possibly vent my dehuey by backin it up to a doorway i have sealed with black plastic but i don't think i'll have to cuz its startin to cool off here finally. i see you got a hose to drain from it. i need to start collectin mine because of the extreme drought we're havin here. In Vero ya i'm movin for sure bro. its a 6 hour drive too so you can imagine the complications for my babies. i'm workin on it though.. not sure if i'm headed where ya think, place i'm goin is has some f'd up laws but i ain't goin to get rich or nothin, just want to pay my bills and be happy, which @ the time includes smokin the best i can grow! but ya until recently i was gonna double my watts when i moved but now i'm just gonna stay with what i got and try to better my g/per watt yield. get some kind of part time job at the quickie mart or somethin, where i can quit or not have any real responsibilities. i'm mid 30's now and been livin in the hills secluded for too long. i love skatin and surfin and the new spots' got both for me. i'm already half f'd up from past injuries (severe dislocated shoulder 2 mths ago @ sk8park) and i figure i only got 5 years tops of sk8in bowls left in me so i better start livin. or should i say grindin! thanx for the pics 20k!


this is the cross between my two strains. it is the most triched out i have grown yet. apples bro, the green granny smith kind of apples :joint: