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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


20kw dreams

Those are looking good gdawg. Let me know how that dehumidifier works. Does it need to be vented?

The OG Hogsbreath was the name of the clone that HOG came from. The Hogsbreath from seed is basically just looking for the original clone, from my understanding. I grew out HOG a while back...when I first started growing. I wasn't looking for mothers back then though, just females:smile:

And Ohio Nite, definately Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee:biglaugh:

That's wierd Jimjay. I could see the something going bad if it got hot or something, but it was just a contaminated batch? Wierd

Another thing I forgot to mention I like about Cutting Edge's nutes, which I think may have been a factor into me really deciding that I'm actually going to switch...again...is that their Plant Amp(chelated Ca), which I picked up with Mag Amp instead of Cal-Mg, practically acts as a ph down. It's really wierd, but it's great at the same time. It really seems to buffer you solution.

20kw dreams

Lol..def Ohio

gdawg, just edit out the "-thumb" part of the pics when your adding them. You did a damn good job trimming them out. Mine tables ended up getting way fuller then I expected, and I've been debating cutting more undergrowth out. I just hat to do it this late into flower. Then again, I have like 5 weeks left.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
An easy way to do the large pics thing is to go to your gallery and pull up the image full size, then copy the image code at the bottom of the page.


You will not be forgotten
i have really been missing out here! everything is looking healthy and happy as usual 20Kw, really love watching your grows progress. just wanted to stop in and say hello and that im along for the ride. now back to cleaning the scissors... Peace


20kw dreams said:
Did you notice the 30 some pics on the last page gdawg?
ya i seen em.... but i still aint get enough! thanx on pics tip. still waitin on the dehuey, will i have to vent the heat, thats a good question and we;ll see. i gotta build a new setup pretty soon and i love gettin ideas from others, especially "pro" setups. i get an almost high when tweakin out my system and i'm always lookin to improve. my next room is going to be as sealed as i can get it. maybe 4k, i will try to take pics of the progress. :joint:

In Vino Veritas

20kw dreams said:
Their getting the AN 2+ line using Sensi 2 part + Cutting Edge Plant Amp(chelated Ca) and Mag Amp(chelated Mg) instead of Cal-Mg, so I don't get the 2%N in Cal-Mg, with foliar of Barricade, Floralicious, Nitrozyme, and Purple Maxx. I think it's just a solid base nutrient in coco that makes them so happy. Floralicious Bloom is a better foliar, and I would use the Nitrozyme if I had the FL blood, but I have a sample bottle of FL Plus I've been using, which has a 2.5-0-0 NPK, so I use the Nitrozyme to balance the NPK to a 1-4-4 ratio. FL Bloom is 1-1-1, so it's a better balance for flower.

That prob I was getting was a slight burn. It started looking more classic burn on some of the leaves, although they are few and far between. So, I just cut back to the "light" feeding schedule from the "medium" feed schedule.

I would have gone with Monkey Juice for Bloom, but my hydro store said they got a notice from Advanced saying there was a mix up in the Bloom B, so they pulled it from the shelves. Well, since then I have been to 3 other hydro stores that had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned the recall. Meduser also bought a bottle of the supposed "recalled" batch, and isn't having any probs with it at all. Basically, I don't know WTF is going on with it, but it is great shat.

I think I have decided to switch to Cutting Edge though. I do love advanced, but Cutting Edge is also a good thing, I have heard alot of good things, and they are a more local company, and the guys over there are very open with how they make their products and what they put in them, why they put what in them, etc, and are down to...talking shop...when I've met them. Really though it just coomes down to using a local product, so I'm wasting as little energy as possible(not that I don't grow with 1000w lights or anything:) but it's a step anyways.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the original Hogsbreath and Bubblegum both from Tennessee?

I like rockwool slabs, but I think I'm going to give coco slabs a try. Compared to rw, how wet does it stay? I like feeding often. AN seems nice, any other company? I'm a simpleton, been using Lucas for years now. I'd like to do something similar in coco..or at least keep it down to a small number of products? Heh..you sound busy with all that foliar feeding, supplemental goodness.

That Tennessee cave story is nuts.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, that cave was stupid. I was so upset when I heard that story. What kinda idgit spends a mil plus, and doesn't bother even putting furniture in the cover house?! And hello, they had a commercial transformer installed for that empty house (that won't raise eyebrows :rolleyes:) Then, not only do they install the commercial transformer, but they keep blowing it, so they bypass and steal power.

Who the fuck spends a mil setting something like that up and doesn't drop 75k down for a huge generator???

Idiots, that's who :biglaugh:


hey nitetiger ya i remember seein that on the news. impressive setup but ya bad call on the power huh. well 20k just got the call the dehuey is in so tonight will do the install and take some pics of the unit. i hope its not a piece of baycrap. not sure if i will run the drain through the floor yet. well see how often i gotta empty the thing. its 45liter i think, 5.1amps i'm wantin to say 500 watts maybe. i'm anxious to see if its goona add a lot heat to the room, i don't want the dehuey and the a.c. havin an all out war against each other. i hit my incan girls last night with 2.0 i hope they took it good, but they've been @ 1.8 for the past 5 days and still looked hungry. no signs of burnt tips but theres some kind of def. maybe. i don't know how i did it without the truncheon before. gonna flush tonight, start with the grandmas mollases program, thanx krome! big work night!! i wish my girls were as heathly as yours 20k!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Grandma's Molasses @ 1Tbsp/gal, love it! been doing it for quite a while now, and the girls seem to love it! :yes:


ok 20k it was a big day @ the safe addy. got some nutes, beans :laughing: and the dehuey. this was 97 bucks including delivery. looks brand new, i meant to order the low temp model but as usual, i toked before orderin and this is what i got. i think it will be ok low temps aint usually a problem round here. the beans werre sweettooth #3 for me and some outdoor stuff the ol man. i,m excited bout the ^ i've never tried it. gotta wait till dec. to pop em and some others. last night reminisin over my ISS and mountain jam packs i left em out and woke up this mornin and dont know which pack is which. now i take a sharpie and mark the bags :nono:


oh ya it looks like a pretty sweet model. its the lg brand model lhd45el. its got a present % and the set % display and a timer that is 4on/off or 2hron/off. the drain hookup is a plastic piece that looks kinda sketchy i'll take better pics tonight.


Hindu Kush x Sknk1 just finished and lower pic is of the Sugar Shiva (nl5 x sknk1) which doesn't seem to be nearly as gifted in the spice & resin dept as the HK and rather dull results on this try . Have some other Shiva testers in 3wks that are getting the royal treatment (3gals coco , looking fine) but don't think they'll really surprise too much .

* nep was right , the HK is about as trouble free and non-finicky a girl as can be found and produce excellent results everytime . Took nutes from 700 to 1400 without any problem & will perform well with any nutes used probably even miracle grow , lol, and still be spicy . No hint of mold or any other problems while stacking up which developed on a few other strains like Odyssey ....great all around cut & held its weight without netting
(nice plus)

Haven't got to sample cured HK yet
but should be great numero uno
all around daytime smoke :

HinduK x sknk1 (grown E&F in r/w hugos w/flora nova nutes & f'licious)


Sugar Shiva ...just so so :

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20kw dreams said:
Tennessee is nice, actually. I liked it anyways. Only time I was there was for Bonnaroo...4 years ago? I heard it went all MTV since then.

Just met a young fellow who had grown up on "The Farm" back in tennessee who had just got back late into town the other night and needed a ride home (his mom's ) . Have met a few others from out there & all were pretty smart , gifted kids & trustworthy ....

Hey 2k , like the way that SD is stacking up and gettin smelly too ? ;o)

* have you tried cloning her ?

Looks like it might be an easy cloner too , a big plus ....


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:wave: dang 20k its been a long night and it ain't over. good thing i got some fresh outdoor to keep me goin. so far i am happy as hell with the dehuey. ya it was like 80% in there before. its puttin off some heat but i don't think it will be an issue here during the winter months. summertime.....anyway flushed my girls good tonight with some grandmas added then cleaned the rez'ss and got the nl5xhaze solution to 1.8. its been between 1.6-1.7 for the past 5 days and swellin nicely. the incans i'm gonna leave @ 2.0 for a few days and see how they do. what do you suggest i shoot for max? the nlhaze stuff is done @ 60-62days(i know its killer) and the incan spirit seems to be more like 70-80, and a real heavy feeder. i'm on the pbp with the calmag. thanx 20k and ya most folks from the south are good peoples, but we get a bad rap sometimes out west.....

wires everwhere again

i use that closet to dry. all my exhaust goes out into the attic from there

and i was just about to cull this strain :nono:


20kw dreams

Damn G, those sure look healthy. Can you get some pics up without the lights on though? How far in are you anyways, I'm guessing 4-5 weeks or so? You look about right where I'm at. I wouldn't bump up the nutes anymore. If your just using PBP and Cal-Mag I would stay put with the EC. I never ran over 1.4 or something with PBP, I think because it's organic and you don't pick up all the organic nutrients with the meter. So, your already over what I would have considered the danger zone, but if it's working for you then go with it. Def start pulling back around 3 weeks before harvest though.

You have 5 lights running? If that Dehumidifier doesn't heat your room up too bad, and it's not too loud, I'm running to sears to get me one tomorrow. I would be stoked if I could run the room at 40% humidity. How long/often does it run for to get the humidity down? I think I would go with a smaller one that ran more often then a bigger one that ran on/off all the time.

This Sour D is a REALLY easy clone T. All these clones came off one of my outdoor plants. It's one of the fastest roting clones I've ever seen. I got 150 or so to root in 5-7 days, no prob. The Critical Mass is kind of a bitch though.

Where did you pick that Sugar Shiva at? Did that come from SR? Is it the same as the Candy Shiva I picked up?


hey 20k thanx for gettin back to me on the nute question. i will cease bumpin them for while and see what happens. they are @ 37 days i think. the dehuey was a good buy for me def. i am still tweekin things out but i am very pleased with the results. and ya i think a smaller model would be a better choice, though this one seems quiet, a smaller one may put out less heat. but it does eat the humidity up quick. i'm tryin not run mine too much during my lights off so i can keep temps down without the window ac runnin full time. very pleaseed with ebay on this one, it got to me in 5 days i think. i'll take a couple more pics tonight. how things over there?