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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
20kw dreams said:
I don't even understand how you people outside of Cali deal with it. It would drive me crazy. Ya'll just need to move out.:abduct:

Don't think it hasn't been discussed in my house :D


Active member
LOL Yah man 6 is early! You didn't have to go to those extremes though. I figure if the car is parked in front of SR then you got first dibs right? Maybe not if #2 is a dick, most people understand though. I do feel bad when I'm ahead of the guy that drove 3 hours to get there, but that's how it goes.

Back in July and June when people are getting clones for outdoor there is more competition. That was last July that the #2 guy showed up at 610 with me being at 6.
Seems like this time of year no one gets there till 7 or later. Sorry bout that, but hey that's how you get first pick. LOL

20kw dreams

Hey HerbGlaze:wave: It should be. These Sour D's are stackin it up.

True that Med. I don't really mind being 2 or 3 though really. I'm not so picky as other people. I can't believe I even woke up at 5:40. Friday night I ate a Tylenol PM and drank a few beers at 7:30 so I would pass the **** out. I did too. The main reason I wanted to be there so early was because it was Saturday. I figured every Stoner that had to work during the week was going to be there waiting. I was right, and there were like 20 people in line, but most of them didn't show up until like 9:30

What state you in Nite, if you don't mind?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Right in the buckle of the Bible Belt - Tennessee

So, I'm only 3,000 miles away :biglaugh:
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20kw dreams

Tennessee is nice, actually. I liked it anyways. Only time I was there was for Bonnaroo...4 years ago? I heard it went all MTV since then.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, Bonnaroo has gotten away from its roots, that's for sure. Still a good time though I hear, I've never been.

And yeah, I really like TN. Of course, I'm a bit biased. No shops to pick up clones though :D

Although, I'm working to change that. We've had a MMJ bill floating in committee for 4 years now. Finally passed the sub-committee this session, but the chairman of the committee didn't pass it to the floor for a vote :rolleyes:

20kw dreams

That's bullshat, both about the bill and the no shops:smile:. You monetarily support local pro MMJ organizations though, I'm sure:smile: The laws in other states never come close to Cali's though. If they did, I might just have to get out of here so I could afford to buy a house.

We spent about a week or more there before Bonneroo. That was the summer right before my wife got knocked up by some drunk asshole, and I started growing. It was very nice and everyone we met was really nice, bu 90F with 90% humidity sucks balls. I love fireflies too. I could easily move to someplace that had fireflies just for that fact...or maybe just a vacation during firefly season. Now I'm just rambling...

AAAAnyways..I'm bored...prob should be studying that chemistry....chemistry is a beeatch by the way...and I'm supposed to be a botany major:rolleyes:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Aren't those a happy looking bunch :D

And I do support them, and not just monetarily. Hopefully we'll get this thing going, but like you say, I doubt it will come near equaling Cali's.

In Vino Veritas

Shit 20k they look great, super ****ing healthy.. I'm going to go back over what you're giving them...

Nite, good luck with that.. Rather not go into details, but there isn't shit of the sorts around me. Sorta working on it, in a different way. :)


shit 20k those girls are looking healthy and happy!! nite tiger hey i love tennessee! some of the best outdoor i've ever had come from around your way. ya'll get them laws straightened up and i'll be there with ya. it sux we have to stay so underground like we're freaks or somethin. keep up the good fight. 20k great pics and mad props bro.

20kw dreams

Their getting the AN 2+ line using Sensi 2 part + Cutting Edge Plant Amp(chelated Ca) and Mag Amp(chelated Mg) instead of Cal-Mg, so I don't get the 2%N in Cal-Mg, with foliar of Barricade, Floralicious, Nitrozyme, and Purple Maxx. I think it's just a solid base nutrient in coco that makes them so happy. Floralicious Bloom is a better foliar, and I would use the Nitrozyme if I had the FL blood, but I have a sample bottle of FL Plus I've been using, which has a 2.5-0-0 NPK, so I use the Nitrozyme to balance the NPK to a 1-4-4 ratio. FL Bloom is 1-1-1, so it's a better balance for flower.

That prob I was getting was a slight burn. It started looking more classic burn on some of the leaves, although they are few and far between. So, I just cut back to the "light" feeding schedule from the "medium" feed schedule.

I would have gone with Monkey Juice for Bloom, but my hydro store said they got a notice from Advanced saying there was a mix up in the Bloom B, so they pulled it from the shelves. Well, since then I have been to 3 other hydro stores that had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned the recall. Meduser also bought a bottle of the supposed "recalled" batch, and isn't having any probs with it at all. Basically, I don't know WTF is going on with it, but it is great shat.

I think I have decided to switch to Cutting Edge though. I do love advanced, but Cutting Edge is also a good thing, I have heard alot of good things, and they are a more local company, and the guys over there are very open with how they make their products and what they put in them, why they put what in them, etc, and are down to...talking shop...when I've met them. Really though it just coomes down to using a local product, so I'm wasting as little energy as possible(not that I don't grow with 1000w lights or anything:) but it's a step anyways.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the original Hogsbreath and Bubblegum both from Tennessee?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hogsbreath originally came out of our northern neighbor, Kentucky, if I recall correctly.

Bubble gum I'm not sure about. I know I heard about it around here long before I ever came to OG, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

20kw dreams

Kentucky, Tennessee, same difference..lol...you both get to play with fireworks, eh? That's the one shitty thing about Cali: No fireworks. Too many fires cause it doesn't rain here in the summer. Some counties don't even let you have the "safe and sane" ones.

Oh, so Bubblegume is from Indiana
Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, what's the difference? lol..j/k.

What is Tennessee good for then?


Oh, and HOG is from Tennessee
Our latest Indica, the Hog, turned lots of heads this year taking 1st place in the Indica category of the High Times Cannabis Cup. Originally from Tennessee this fat little girl made her way to Amsterdam via Southern California where she had gained a strong following for her knock-out punch. With a short stature and an above average yield the Hog is a perfect plant for experts and beginners alike. Get your hands on one of these little piglets today, and soon you'll be "makin bacon" and living "high on the Hog."


20kw dreams said:
Kentucky, Tennessee, same difference..lol...you both get to play with fireworks, eh? That's the one shitty thing about Cali: No fireworks. Too many fires cause it doesn't rain here in the summer. Some counties don't even let you have the "safe and sane" ones.

shiiiiiiit 20k! i go to glamis for t-day and thats the place for some fireworks! at night i keep my ridin goggles on to keep safe from stray bottle rockets, "gas bombs" its nuts. anyway i can remember gettin the dankest outdoor nugs at least 15 years back. back in the day if somebody said tennessee was around i was there money in hand! northern bama is nice too. national forest freakin beautiful. and legal fireworks! and dry counties still! :badday: so where ya runnin on your ec now? i'm @ 32 days 12/12 and 1.8 on the hungry girls and 1.6 on the nl5xhaze. nitetiger, not the most ideal conditions for outdoor this year huh? it was devastating round here. :joint:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
20kw dreams said:
Kentucky, Tennessee, same difference..lol...you both get to play with fireworks, eh? That's the one shitty thing about Cali: No fireworks. Too many fires cause it doesn't rain here in the summer. Some counties don't even let you have the "safe and sane" ones.

Oh, so Bubblegume is from Indiana
Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, what's the difference? lol..j/k.

What is Tennessee good for then?


Oh, and HOG is from Tennessee

Ok, KY and TN I can see, but Indiana? Totally different :asskick: :spank:

I knew Hog came from TN, but I thought Hogsbreath was a pheno or cross from KY. Maybe I'm just high :D

And yeah, outdoor was tough this year. I don't run outdoors, but I know some guys around that did, and that drought hit hard. One guy had a nice plot near a year round stream, and made use of that and didn't have any trouble. The exception, not the rule. :spank:

In Vino Veritas

Hogsbreath is a stinky single cola killer pheno found in a shit load of HOG beans. It was all the rage near the end of OG.. I had received a cut of it and lost that a bunch of other fun genetics to a bad business deal. This dude MedicineMan had it down tight, he was passing it around like mad and was doing REALLY well with it. Like 1.5lb a 600 grown SOG, no veg. Sick.. but you know how those claims go..

No fireworks? Ouch. Deal breaker right there.....err just kidding. Quite honestly i'm an accident prone (enthusiast really) bastard. I've almost lost my hand a couple of times, heh.. I think I can make do without a bottle rocket or roman candle for the next few years.

I got soo much work to do.. I want to re-frame the door I put up, the frame is straight but the door is a little crooked and looks funny - i'm a perfectionist. Then I need to seal with with poly and zipper. Still have about 10 holes to patch up from the running of the cables.. Still have to build my load center.. Then I need to set up ventilation.. I found a new thing I can do here, I can pretty much push it all outside safely....problem is I have contractors re-doing my roof and I think that work will take at least another month! I may be forced to veg these seedlings out under flouros until it's ok to cool the lamps... Really has me bugged, but I can't risk shit so I'll work up to that. I think the 1000 MH would have done the seedlings wonders in terms of rapid growth.. They show sex really early (ive worked with this for a while) so I shouldn't have to worry about it in flower.. Anyways thinking out loud for the sake of not putting up a pointless thread.. Camera needs some batteries too, gotta shine ya know? But I don't really feel like doing shit, i'm tired. On friday I got some buds that are ****ing amazing. Makes me wish I could talk to the grower sometimes...

EDIT: :joint: lol, the point is this weed has me being extra lazy.. I've tried it out of the vaporcannon, the bowl, a few tokes from the joint...no matter what I sober up and I feel like drinking a glass of milk and hitting the sack..heh..
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I was going to get some cutting edge, but they were having some issues. There was a bunch of algae? type stuff growing in there. I think it was the micro but dont remember. They probably got it figured out, it was last year


hey 20k thought i'd give a lil update on my girls, hope thats ok. i think my pics make yours look a lil better anyway! these are @ 32 nights. still havin a few humidity issues but the dehuey is on the way. 100 bucks with shippin on the bay, its a refurbish but has warranty, we'll see.. this reuse coco is really stayin damp on me and bummin me out. posssible c/mag defs. too but not out of control. my camera sux and i'm a stoner and can't remember the full pic thumb thing help! give us more pics 20k!! :headbange
a full screen

incan spirit (hemcy)

they really seem to like the mh

this is a cross of the two

she is tric'ed out and smells like apple haze?


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