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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you're really interested, I can post research that links an overabundance of pain/opioid receptor sites in the brain with the excessive use of and vulnerability to opiates.

Having been very close to the operation of a well-regarded, ethical, harm reduction model methadone clinic for over 20 years, and an accompanying needle exchange, I can attest to errors in judgement and perceptions by many commenters here.
Yes, some addicts share some attributes, but the explanations given are simplifications and generalizations.

And the Liverpool Project was, indeed, successful. Right up until Uncle Sam leaned on the UK gov to shut it down.

edit: But the fact remains that addicts, as well as anyone else, will make changes based on THEIR reality, not someone else's schedule or expectations.
I'm not interested in anything done by the GOV about drugs. Go talk to some street addicts. Ask them if free opiates would stop them from using more to get them the high they want.. A free dose is only to curb their sickness not to get them high.

Being a cancer survivor I've taken Opiets for decades. I've never hurt someone or stolen anything to get high or stop withdrawals from Opites. Brain chemistry has a big impact on what a person will do. I didn't care how sick I got..Harming or stealing from others was never a choice no matter how much pain I was in.

legalizing all drugs sounds a lot easier

Yes, this is the only thing that will work. Let people make their own decisions. If they OD that was their decision. They should carry a card that says do not resuscitate when I OD. They know the risk.
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Well-known member
I'm not interested in anything done by the GOV about drugs. Go talk to some street addicts. Ask them if free opiates would stop them from using more to get them the high they want.. A free dose is only to curb their sickness not to get them high.

Being a cancer survivor I've taken Opiets for decades. I've never hurt someone or stolen anything to get high or stop withdrawals from Opites. Brain chemistry has a big impact on what a person will do. I didn't care how sick I got..Harming or stealing from others was never a choice no matter how much pain I was in.

Yes, this is the only thing that will work. Let people make their own decisions. If they OD that was their decision. They should carry a card that says do not resuscitate when I OD. They know the risk.
it's hard to stop people who want to die. once they've lost their interest in the spark of life there's not much anyone can do to help them. addiction is slow suicide.

bob dylan; "he not busy being born is busy dying".



Well-known member
Harming or stealing from others was never a choice no matter how much pain I was in.

and Cannavore said "legalizing all drugs sounds a lot easier."
Yes, this is the only thing that will work. Let people make their own decisions.
what? let people decide what is best for them? i'm all for it, but the government ? they are terrified that we'd figure out just how LITTLE "governing" we can actually make do with...


Well-known member
what we need to do is the hardest thing to do and that is to fix the root causes of people giving up on life.

we can attack the supply lines, give out free drugs, engage in counseling to try to turn people around and want to live again, and other superficial band-aids, but until we fix the societal causes nothing is going to work.

attacking the cartels in mexico won't solve anything. in fact, it will only compound the problem.

the cartels are structured like shark's teeth. sharks have multiple rows of teeth constantly growing out towards the front of their mouth. when one of the front teeth is lost another one comes forward and replaces it.

a never-ending supply of new teeth. and that's the way cartels function.

the only cure for the cartels is what has happened in el salvadore.

This is the Project 2025 book. Very Dry read.
oh god! not without lubricant!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
People who use drugs know the risks. Those who are willing can seek help. A high % of people recovering from drugs will return to using them. They made their choice. Pretending we can save most is foolish. I blame unethical doctors, the Sackler family, and the GOV the most. They caused the problem. Saying that Oxy was not adictive was pure BS.

In a 2023 decision the Sackler family wins immunity from opioid lawsuits
Just pay a 6 billion dollar fine and you're good to go

Opiate misuse has impacted people with legitimate reasons big time. Most people with serious health issues are not getting adequate pain management anymore. Dr are so paranoid they won't prescribe a dosage for proper pain management.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
what we need to do is the hardest thing to do and that is to fix the root causes of people giving up on life.

we can attack the supply lines, give out free drugs, engage in counseling to try to turn people around and want to live again, and other superficial band-aids, but until we fix the societal causes nothing is going to work.

attacking the cartels in mexico won't solve anything. in fact, it will only compound the problem.

the cartels are structured like shark's teeth. sharks have multiple rows of teeth constantly growing out towards the front of their mouth. when one of the front teeth is lost another one comes forward and replaces it.

a never-ending supply of new teeth. and that's the way cartels function.

the only cure for the cartels is what has happened in el salvadore.

oh god! not without lubricant!
Someone gets it. It would take good intelligence gathering and a motivated presidente. AMLO said hugs not bullets. The new presidente is highly educated so we'll see what happens.


Well-known member
A high % of people recovering from drugs will return to using them. They made their choice. pretending we can save most is foolish. - not sure WHY this is together as if it was part of Hammerheads quote ??? -
ibogaine, a psychoactive alkaloid, has shown great promise in defeating addiction/recidivism, but no states are as yet on board doing trials here in the US. it is NOT, by all accounts, something one would want to do recreationally. and as testing in other countries has shown, it CAN cause heart issues unless precautions are taken during your trip.


Well-known member
People affected by the epidemic are very passionate about the issue.
I used to believe in legalizing all drugs, until I seen it in action in Portland and the west coast.
Invading Mexico I don't know about that. We could stop dope at the border overnight with a policy change

Yes people are passionate. But you're right about a changed perspective once you've seen it up close. Many have not so I understand that they have a different opinion than I might have.

What I do know for a fact is that it's gotten so out of hand that people are prisoners in their own cities. They can't go shopping without coming back to their car window smashed. They can't go out to eat without being accosted by some deranged drug addict. They can't take their kids to the park to play because a bunch of homeless drug addicts are camped out with piles of trash and used needles laying everywhere next to piles of human feces.

I'm done as are most Portlanders. The moderate Democrat candidate leading the polls and is sure to win is running on cleaning up the city, increasing the police force, cracking down on filthy homeless camps, and zero tolerance for open drug use in the downtown part of the city. I'm voting for him because shit has gotten out of hand.

Far left ultra-liberal policies do not work. Neither do far right policies. You can be a Democrat and not be for the extremes. Just like you can be a Republican and not be maga. It's time we all silence the extremists. They are not the majority but they're the ones screaming the loudest. It's time to drown out their noise.

Just walking down the street to get some exercise can be dangerous. Enough is enough. I care more for the people like me that worked for what they have and live their lives honorably. Not stealing, causing havoc, and wasting their lives doing drugs.

I don't care about the drug addicted homeless. I care about my neighbors, their children, and our quality of life that is being ruined by a small minority of people that have decided to toss their lives in the trash and do nothing but infringe on the quality of life the rest of us want to enjoy.

This woman was attacked by dogs belonging to homeless drug addicts and lost an arm.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
@armedoldhippy Something wired with your post. It won't let me reply to it. You can edit the post and remove what's not supposed to be there. When replying to someone and you don't hit enter to move the cursor out of the box your post will get mixed into the post you replied to


Well-known member
Back to the 2024 election. Here's an interesting interview with Mark Cuban where he talks about Harris, her tax plans, and focus on small business. It's a little over six minutes but worth a listen.

He speaks with the Harris team multiple times a week. He's a good asset for Harris to have. I can see a role for him in her administration. He's a very smart individual that understands the issues facing the shrinking middle class. He praises Harris for her policies that will help small business and make it easier for entrepreneurs to be successful.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'd rather have Mark advising me. TRUMP is the biggest dumbass I've seen in my life. Trump's lost more money than he's ever made. Id love to see if a trump supporter would let him manage their finances.


Well-known member
I have to agree with this post .What you said here makes a lot of sense.
Yes people are passionate. But you're right about a changed perspective once you've seen it up close. Many have not so I understand that they have a different opinion than I might have.

What I do know for a fact is that it's gotten so out of hand that people are prisoners in their own cities. They can't go shopping without coming back to their car window smashed. They can't go out to eat without being accosted by some deranged drug addict. They can't take their kids to the park to play because a bunch of homeless drug addicts are camped out with piles of trash and used needles laying everywhere next to piles of human feces.

I'm done as are most Portlanders. The moderate Democrat candidate leading the polls and is sure to win is running on cleaning up the city, increasing the police force, cracking down on filthy homeless camps, and zero tolerance for open drug use in the downtown part of the city. I'm voting for him because shit has gotten out of hand.

Far left ultra-liberal policies do not work. Neither do far right policies. You can be a Democrat and not be for the extremes. Just like you can be a Republican and not be maga. It's time we all silence the extremists. They are not the majority but they're the ones screaming the loudest. It's time to drown out their noise.

Just walking down the street to get some exercise can be dangerous. Enough is enough. I care more for the people like me that worked for what they have and live their lives honorably. Not stealing, causing havoc, and wasting their lives doing drugs.

I don't care about the drug addicted homeless. I care about my neighbors, their children, and our quality of life that is being ruined by a small minority of people that have decided to toss their lives in the trash and do nothing but infringe on the quality of life the rest of us want to enjoy.

This woman was attacked by dogs belonging to homeless drug addicts and lost an arm.

i guess it couldn't have been trumps own rhetoric that triggered the attacks? his divisive, hate-filled, racist, misogynistic rhetoric?

the US is a democratic constitutional republic but how would you know, being from another country?

you join on wednesday, have 11 posts, 9 of them in the political area, one in the cannabis breeders section, and your use of the language shows that you are not an american. and, the way you structure the language is eerily familiar, as if you've been here before under a different handle.

i wonder if the ip address would match another members account?
The fact that you are accusing me of being someone else, because of what and how I post is a little concerning, do you want me to be someone else? A new (non posting) user who has been lurking for years can't finally decide to join up and put a voice out there? Yeah I prob had an account like years ago with another email I don't use anymore but so what. Check my IP all you want.

What you don't seem to get Mr USA is that the Dems (probably reps too) use catch phrases when speaking to the the public. In my view they are using democracy as a keyword and for a divisive end, not a unifying one.

It's funny how you don't comment about anything related to the dems trying to squash constitutional rights, hmmm. Nothing to see there right?


Well-known member
I'd rather have Mark advising me. TRUMP is the biggest dumbass I've seen in my life. Trump's lost more money than he's ever made. Id love to see if a trump supporter would let him manage their finances.

How could you not? Mark Cuban actually earned his money. He's 100% down with billionaires paying their share and 100% small business which drives the middle class and leads people to success or failure.

Harris has plans to help normal people that actually want to work their ass off and start a business. trump is just about making it easier for corporations to make more money.

I'm hopeful that Cubans weekly interactions with the Harris team help shape policy that benefits people like me instead of just benefitting multi-billion dollar global corporations.

Cuban has been an advocate for the small guy for years. It's 100% real. He's like Obama. Someone you could sit down and have a beer with and talk shit.

If Cuban had run I would have voted for him. He's not but I'm extremely pleased that he's speaking into Harris's ear.

He'll get a cabinet position and he's qualified for many. I'm looking forward to a Harris administration that is focused on the middle class.