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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
I brought up the flashback to Obama because we're seeing the same trend towards Harris. The young voters are going to show up and support Harris. She's up around 30 percentage points with that demographic. And they're going to vote.

The Harris campaign is flawless. It couldn't be a better run operation. But it's no surprise as the architect of the Obama campaign is running the Harris campaign. David Plouffe is the most brilliant political operative that's ever existed. He finds every small segment to target and has a ground game that's the best that has ever been.

The Harris campaign is a serious operation that's utilizing everything available. They have a significant amount of money. They are outraising trump 3-1. The trump campaign is being ran by a bunch of minor league morons that only have jobs because they tell trump what he wants to hear. Their fundraising sucks and they're siphoning off money to who knows where. There's likely some illegal stuff going on.

The RNC that typically helps support down ballot Congressional candidates is not giving anyone any money. It's all going to trump.

This is going to be a total blue tsunami. Harris is likely going to have control of both chambers of Congress. The Senate is a toss up but the Democrats are going to take back the House of Representatives. The Presidency is not an issue. trump is going to lose and he knows it. That's why he's using his time to grift and sell silver coins to make as much money as he can. He knows once he loses he's just nothing more than a bad memory. But while he's in the limelight it's free advertising to sell $30 worth of silver for $100. That's damn good profit that he can fleece from the magats before his free infomercial platform goes away.

The futures so bright. I have to wear shades.



Well-known member
important ? i'd have said "existentially critical for the nations future".

they know he will lose the vote. their hope, that they have already laid groundwork for, is to have election folks refuse to certify the votes and let the Supreme Court send it to the House of Representatives, where the GOP has an edge. that is what stands between us and our very own Mussolini & utter legal/political chaos for the foreseeable future. :mad:

It didn't work when trump had the power of the Presidency and it definitely will not work when they don't have that power.

I just can't wait for this to be over and trump is finally finished. He'll keep grifting for a few years but he'll fade away and America can move on from all the damage he's done.


Well-known member
"The economic gerrymandering I was referring to was a lot more recent than the Cold War and involved back-room agreements between the US and Saudis, et al, to create an oil glut, knowing that Russia's primary economy, like Alaska's, at that time, was oil.

I didn't perceive Russia at that point as 'being out to destroy us.'"

putin's speech in munich in 2007 basically re-introduced the cold war. although i agree that he did not say that he intended to "destroy us" he did make it clear that russia would rebuild it's military to competitive levels and resist the west's involvement in what he called "russia's sphere of influence". it is clear that he meant the former soviet republics which he had already lamented the loss of in his 2005 speech to the russian people. in which he stated;

"Above all, we should acknowledge that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. As for the Russian nation, it became a genuine drama. Tens of millions of our co-citizens and compatriots found themselves outside Russian territory. Moreover, the epidemic of disintegration infected Russia itself."

taken from;

and then, on february 21, 2022, the eve of his disastrous invasion of ukraine he said;

"Even two years before the collapse of the USSR, its fate was actually predetermined. It is now that radicals and nationalists, including and primarily those in Ukraine, are taking credit for having gained independence. As we can see, this is absolutely wrong. The disintegration of our united country was brought about by the historic, strategic mistakes on the part of the Bolshevik leaders and the CPSU leadership, mistakes committed at different times in state-building and in economic and ethnic policies. The collapse of the historical Russia known as the USSR is on their conscience."

taken from;

i think putin's statements are an open announcement of his intentions to regain the size, power, and glory of the former USSR. he has continuously threatened military intervention in most of these former republics, most of whom have declared that they do not want to participate in putin's plan.

so, should the west allow him to just do as he pleases or should he be resisted? i think that is the essential question. whether it's economically or militarily or a combination of both he must be stopped.

"Wanna' buy a WARM house on rural acreage?" thank you, but i already have one!

i want you to know, moose, that i think you are a good man with a good heart and mind and i wish you the best as you struggle through your last years.

i just turned 74 and i am struggling every day with various health issues also. people who are younger and healthy don't understand what it's like to have to force yourself to fight through the pain to get things done. all day, every day.
How about Russia arming Mexico to take back Texas and New Mexico? Would that be an act of war against the us by Russia?


Well-known member
I brought up the flashback to Obama because we're seeing the same trend towards Harris. The young voters are going to show up and support Harris. She's up around 30 percentage points with that demographic. And they're going to vote.

The Harris campaign is flawless. It couldn't be a better run operation. But it's no surprise as the architect of the Obama campaign is running the Harris campaign. David Plouffe is the most brilliant political operative that's ever existed. He finds every small segment to target and has a ground game that's the best that has ever been.

The Harris campaign is a serious operation that's utilizing everything available. They have a significant amount of money. They are outraising trump 3-1. The trump campaign is being ran by a bunch of minor league morons that only have jobs because they tell trump what he wants to hear. Their fundraising sucks and they're siphoning off money to who knows where. There's likely some illegal stuff going on.

The RNC that typically helps support down ballot Congressional candidates is not giving anyone any money. It's all going to trump.

This is going to be a total blue tsunami. Harris is likely going to have control of both chambers of Congress. The Senate is a toss up but the Democrats are going to take back the House of Representatives. The Presidency is not an issue. trump is going to lose and he knows it. That's why he's using his time to grift and sell silver coins to make as much money as he can. He knows once he loses he's just nothing more than a bad memory. But while he's in the limelight it's free advertising to sell $30 worth of silver for $100. That's damn good profit that he can fleece from the magats before his free infomercial platform goes away.

The futures so bright. I have to wear shades.

So if Harris is president and both houses of congress is blue America will be fixed? Or will it turn into whatever California is now?

Believing that the problem is that your side doesn’t have total control is fascist.


Well-known member
So if Harris is president and both houses of congress is blue America will be fixed? Or will it turn into whatever California is now?

Believing that the problem is that your side doesn’t have total control is fascist.

last chance to make some real changes

if not, fuck em


Well-known member
important ? i'd have said "existentially critical for the nations future".

they know he will lose the vote. their hope, that they have already laid groundwork for, is to have election folks refuse to certify the votes and let the Supreme Court send it to the House of Representatives, where the GOP has an edge. that is what stands between us and our very own Mussolini & utter legal/political chaos for the foreseeable future. :mad:
"important ? i'd have said "existentially critical for the nations future"."

i'm sorry, it was a temporary lapse on my part. i promise to do better in the future. 🤣
obama is a war criminal and a political failure. neoliberals like him are why you have a far right.
Absolutely. IMO like Harris, he was installed. Who created hmas again? And within who's presidency was that? Memory fade.
The futures so bright. I have to wear shades.
Somebody appears to have drunk their fair share of mockingbird media kool-aid. You align perfectly with mainstream media. You know the corporate shills, liars and propagandists? If you want never-ending wars, continued astronomical debt, and of course open borders - for sure just vote for the current DEI hire who has openly failed to secure the border and who doesn't really have an issue with it.

Her "plan" to fix it involves allowing around 5,000 illegals a day apparently. Yep, that will fix it real good. I hope she has those mobile phones, prepaid cards and tax payer funded accomodation ready for them each day! Thanks U.N for supplying the revolving door illegals. It's a big help to America huh?

What a pair of fake losers, putting illegals welfare before U.S citizens. I got an idea, why not CLOSE the border and open up ways to more quickly process the folks that do the right thing and apply legally? Or is it just, "let's let in thousands more chinese males of fighting age, more gangs and more terrists because we are so kind and loving"?


Well-known member
How about Russia arming Mexico to take back Texas and New Mexico? Would that be an act of war against the us by Russia?
that's kind of convoluted, man, and not very logical either.

first, the simple arming of mexico itself would not be an act of war. an actual attempt to take back the territories we stole from them would be.

then there is the temporal factor to consider. you are comparing an event that happened 189 years ago to one that happened in 2022.

and the difference is;

in 1836 there were no international treaties recognizing the sovereignty of other countries while in the case of the ukraine/russia conflict, there were existing agreements that had been in place for 32 years.

russia was one of the signatories of those agreements.

it is clear that russia violated those agreements, not only with ukraine but also other former soviet republics like georgia, chechnya, azerbaijan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, dagestan, armenia, and moldova.

all of the above conflicts occurred after putler came into power.

he has threatened, with military force, other former republics. like poland, latvia, lithuania, and estonia.

and, we are not arming ukraine to take back anything, we are arming them to keep what is rightfully theirs by signed international agreements, again, signed by russia.


Well-known member
Absolutely. IMO like Harris, he was installed. Who created hmas again? And within who's presidency was that? Memory fade.

Somebody appears to have drunk their fair share of mockingbird media kool-aid. You align perfectly with mainstream media. You know the corporate shills, liars and propagandists? If you want never-ending wars, continued astronomical debt, and of course open borders - for sure just vote for the current DEI hire who has openly failed to secure the border and who doesn't really have an issue with it.

Her "plan" to fix it involves allowing around 5,000 illegals a day apparently. Yep, that will fix it real good. I hope she has those mobile phones, prepaid cards and tax payer funded accomodation ready for them each day! Thanks U.N for supplying the revolving door illegals. It's a big help to America huh?

What a pair of fake losers, putting illegals welfare before U.S citizens. I got an idea, why not CLOSE the border and open up ways to more quickly process the folks that do the right thing and apply legally? Or is it just, "let's let in thousands more chinese males of fighting age, more gangs and more terrists because we are so kind and loving"?

Do you think that responding with more than a few sentences gives you any credibility? You prove the arrogance that embodies failure.

Your response is laughable.

I'm not going to waste any more of my time responding to your ignorant nonsense.

Have a good day..


Well-known member
Absolutely. IMO like Harris, he was installed. Who created hmas again? And within who's presidency was that? Memory fade.

Somebody appears to have drunk their fair share of mockingbird media kool-aid. You align perfectly with mainstream media. You know the corporate shills, liars and propagandists? If you want never-ending wars, continued astronomical debt, and of course open borders - for sure just vote for the current DEI hire who has openly failed to secure the border and who doesn't really have an issue with it.

Her "plan" to fix it involves allowing around 5,000 illegals a day apparently. Yep, that will fix it real good. I hope she has those mobile phones, prepaid cards and tax payer funded accomodation ready for them each day! Thanks U.N for supplying the revolving door illegals. It's a big help to America huh?

What a pair of fake losers, putting illegals welfare before U.S citizens. I got an idea, why not CLOSE the border and open up ways to more quickly process the folks that do the right thing and apply legally? Or is it just, "let's let in thousands more chinese males of fighting age, more gangs and more terrists because we are so kind and loving"?
you are way behind in this thread. nobody on this thread has said they want "open borders". and we have never had "open borders". our border laws and therefore policies were shaped by the US congress, not any president.

when congress acts in a bipartisan fashion to change the existing laws we will have greater border security.

what do you think about trump having maga mike shoot down the bipartisan border bill just so that he could take credit for it if he's re-elected. it looks to me that he's much more concerned about himself than fixing the border.

i have, in this thread, advocated for not accepting asylum claims at the border and instead processing them through our embassies in the countries where they originate.

this alone would stop the huge burden on our facilities and personnel at the border.

i am not for any illegal immigration and this rhetoric that democrats want illegal immigration is horseshit. it is just another made-up talking point to scare people into voting for the far right.

a president can't fix the border by decree. it must be done in congress.

the real underlying theme that propels the far right is racism. they don't want people who are not white to immigrate here at all. they fear the "dilution" of the white majority.

the haitians in springfield are here legally. yet trump and vance are saying to deport them. why?

vance has admitted, on the air, that he made up the stories about haitians eating pets to get the public attention on the subject. why would he attack legal immigrants if it were not based on racism?

what other reason could there possibly be?

you have jumped, very late and very ill-informed about what's been said on this thread, right into it as if you are bringing ideas we haven't heard before.


Well-known member
So if Harris is president and both houses of congress is blue America will be fixed? Or will it turn into whatever California is now?

Believing that the problem is that your side doesn’t have total control is fascist.

I don't have a side other than that of what's best for the majority.

It's you people trying to divide everyone.

The problem is you.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
the libs here have already decided that we're just going to invade Mexico.

fuck em
No worries. 8 cartel sikorskies flew over yesterday headed in @xtsho 's direction ;) 🇲🇽


moose eater

Well-known member
Optimism beats pessimism. 24/7
Optimists often ignore reality and have further to fall upon meeting disappointment. Pessimists, on the other hand, are typically pleased with even moderate victories or successes, and tend to have more realists present with them in their area of the Venn diagram.

Realism often looks like pessimism, more due to the reality of circumstances being what they are.

There are typically fewer delusions among realists and pessimists, too.

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