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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
I wonder what colorful fabrications the nationalists and racists fabricate in SE Asia when they want to cast doubt on the wholesomeness of immigrants, where eating dogs and/or felines(?) is more normal?

"They ate my kids", maybe?

This could lead to a contest of one-ups-manship among such types.

moose eater

Well-known member

12,000,000 Americans and one French.
Both sad and frightening, really.

I think it was the perfect storm in occurrences that combined a virus that was initially killing millions worldwide and no one initially understood it (helplessness and stress from it leading to cultivation of rampant delusions) and blindered, lockstep partisanism on steroids, in a Country where the government, more so than the People, often see themselves as not having to honor their own laws, and where some of the reps are more nuts than the average person on the street (Bobert and MTG as examples).

But since reading about some of the social results that came from 'War of the Worlds' being aired on radio, I can't recall such a storm of group psychosis in our history. Seriously.

Airdrops of Thorazine helpful, maybe? Community water supplies dosed with the stuff? :)
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Well-known member
"republicans aren't racist"

*republicans proceed to concoct a new racist made up story every week*



Well-known member
I wonder what colorful fabrications the nationalists and racists fabricate in SE Asia when they want to cast doubt on the wholesomeness of immigrants, where eating dogs and/or felines(?) is more normal?

"They ate my kids", maybe?

This could lead to a contest of one-ups-manship among such types.

They're smarter than maga. They don't believe in the ridiculous conspiracy nonsense that maga falls for.

As an American it's embarrassing that these maga crazies are starting to define our nation. A majority of Americans and the entire rest of the world are just shocked at the level of ignorance.

maga doesn't think they just follow. If trump says it's true then it is no matter how ridiculous, no matter how much proof against, now matter what. trump said it so it's fact.

maga is a cult in every way.

Why Do People Join Cults?​

People join cult movements for various reasons, most of which revolve around a desire for meaning and community. Many who become part of such organizations have troubled backgrounds and difficulty fitting into society. They might also feel mainstream culture has no place for them and nothing of spiritual value to offer either.

Former cult members often describe the long-lasting sense of loneliness and nihilism they felt prior to becoming part of something bigger than themselves. This encourages them to put down their defenses and accept the stranger elements of their new communities.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Many people with weak minds would lose it if another life appeared in our skies for all to see. Human nature would be to kill what we don't understand. Look at what we do to each other. Who would want to contact us? Until Humankind matures enough to see the errors of our ways nothing will change. The odds are not in our favor we will survive ourselves.

So Hai

Well-known member
As an American it's embarrassing that these maga crazies are starting to define our nation. A majority of Americans and the entire rest of the world are just shocked at the level of ignorance.
To most of the us ignorance is a symptom of being american, it is one of the things that define you as a ”people” along with obesity and so on. So this ”entire rest of the world are just shocked” talk from you just goes to show the level of ignorance on your part.

What makes you think the entire rest of the world are shocked over ignorance on part of americans? Ignorance is what we expect from you people because you are american. Most of us get shocked when we find or come across the few exceptions who are not!

moose eater

Well-known member
Many people with weak minds would lose it if another life appeared in our skies for all to see. Human nature would be to kill what we don't understand. Look at what we do to each other. Who would want to contact us? Until Humankind matures enough to see the errors of our ways nothing will change. The odds are not in our favor we will survive ourselves.

I had a political science prof in undergrad at UAF who had worked on Capitol Hill, RL Smith, who stated that in his opinion, the only real hope the human race had on this planet was if an extraterrestrial invaded the planet, as we seem to only come together when we perceive a common foe, and even that only lasts but so long.


Well-known member
She's as sleazy as the rest.

  • Jill Stein's campaign paid over $150,000 to a man who created deepfake robocalls of Biden's voice.
  • He's facing 26 criminal charges in New Hampshire and a potential $6 million fine.
  • The campaign says he helped with petitioning in NY and that they were unaware of the scandal.
Jill Stein's presidential campaign hired a political consultant who infamously created deepfake robocalls using President Joe Biden's voice.

The Green Party presidential candidate's campaign paid $150,015 to consultant Steve Kramer in May, according to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday.

Stein campaign manager Jason Call told Business Insider via text that Kramer only did petitioning work in New York, and that he was hired on contract by the campaign between April 16 and the end of May.

"We did not know anything about his activities… regarding the robocalls until the petitioning period was almost over," said Call. Of course they didn't :rolleyes:

During the New Hampshire presidential primary this year, voters received bogus AI-generated robocalls purportedly from Biden instructing them to "save your vote for the November election."

moose eater

Well-known member
She's as sleazy as the rest.

  • Jill Stein's campaign paid over $150,000 to a man who created deepfake robocalls of Biden's voice.
  • He's facing 26 criminal charges in New Hampshire and a potential $6 million fine.
  • The campaign says he helped with petitioning in NY and that they were unaware of the scandal.
Jill Stein's presidential campaign hired a political consultant who infamously created deepfake robocalls using President Joe Biden's voice.

The Green Party presidential candidate's campaign paid $150,015 to consultant Steve Kramer in May, according to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday.

Stein campaign manager Jason Call told Business Insider via text that Kramer only did petitioning work in New York, and that he was hired on contract by the campaign between April 16 and the end of May.

"We did not know anything about his activities… regarding the robocalls until the petitioning period was almost over," said Call. Of course they didn't :rolleyes:

During the New Hampshire presidential primary this year, voters received bogus AI-generated robocalls purportedly from Biden instructing them to "save your vote for the November election."
But she hasn't been complicit in killing millions over the years, and she hasn't driven the economy into a deep well paying massively inflated money for DoD contractors to afford caviar.

And she's a Doctor, too! :)

moose eater

Well-known member
She would fall in line like the rest of them. Anybody leading this country is going to fund foreign wars
How'd Jimmy Carter do on that front? I mean, other than when the 1st publicized hostage rescue effort failed, he stood at the podium and took full responsibility.

Been YEARS since we had a President who was willing to say loudly in public, "This was MY responsibility, I fucked up."


Well-known member
No surprise there. All the self proclaimed socialists i met in Austin were loaded to the gills financially. One of them was a member of one of those elite royal families in Saudi Arabia. go figure


Well-known member
But she hasn't been complicit in killing millions over the years, and she hasn't driven the economy into a deep well paying massively inflated money for DoD contractors to afford caviar.

And she's a Doctor, too! :)

So was josef mengele


And yes I know stein is Jewish. I'm just saying being a doctor means nothing.