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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Ha that is true, there is still some amazing information in those threads though, kind of like these, there’s some gems but you just have to wade through the shit a bit…


Well-known member
Yes but people push it as a factor in voting and they shouldn't. Both parties just use minorities for votes.

I like xtsho. He makes his case without resorting to aggression or childish name calling. A rare thing on these forums

Well I like you too. :huggg:

I try and act respectful to people even if I disagree with them. That's part of what's great about the United States of America. You're free to openly express your views and opinions. You can even go out on the street with a bullhorn and talk trash about the sitting President and nobody is going to round you up, potentially jail you, maybe torture you, or even kill you.

I have no problem with people voicing their opinion. Making personal attacks because of their opinion is petty and in my opinion diminishes credibility.

Many people have valid points about the state of things. Say what you have to say and don't attack others for their views regardless of whether you agree with them or not. There's no need for aggression in a civilized discussion. Hating on each other does absolutely nothing to change anything. In fact it's what these so called boogeymen in power want because it keeps people occupied while they continue business as usual.

Realistically though, I might not have any power to change things but I have everything I need. Do I want more? Of course but so do the billionaires supposedly running the world.


Well-known member
Dang man. That's a detailed list. I need to do one of those DNA things. That would be interesting. I've got about half the same ancestry as you do so we're not that much different after all, lol. I really meant nothing by it. I actually think it was the Depeche Mode that got me curious. :)

Rights for everyone.

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moose eater

Well-known member
I fully expect lots of vote blue no matter who people to vote for Kamala. What’s fake is when they all pretend to like her now and in the past. I get it, she’s not trump, but don’t pretend she’s this awesome candidate.
I knew what Kamala represented well before Joe picked her for his VP.

I don't vote for corporatists, racists, nationalists/fascists, or anti-civil liberty types.

Partisans on both sides will support their favorite 'star', groupies one and all. Those supporting Trump won't care that he's a sexual offender, a thief, a chronic compulsive liar, and a psychopath.

Those supporting Joe won't care that he's a serial mass murderer, anti-justice and equity on the global scale, or any of the rest of it.

They're the same people that think something special will change in their life's outcome if they touch Steven Tyler's or Jesus' robes. Groupies desperate for someone else's fame or power..

Or that cheering for a winning team somehow makes them a winner too, even though they had nothing to do with the outcomes.

Serious inadequacy in the personality, identity, boundaries, and assessment skills departments.
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Well-known member
You can support your country and vote for Harris. You can support your country and vote for trump. You can do either and still be aware of what's going on in the world and not like it. You can also support either candidate and not be satisfied.

We may have choices but it's possible that neither of them is what you really want. You just have to choose the one you think is the best choice for yourself.

Once you understand that you can't always get what you want and learn to take what you can. Life is much more enjoyable. I was driving from Phoenix to Page Arizona years ago. It was hotter than shit. While I was in Phoenix the grocery stores had a large variety of products. When I was in the middle of the desert on my way to Page the sparse small convenience stores along Highway 89 had only a few products. I chose the best beverage out of the limited options they had and kept driving.

I got to Page, checked into the hotel, turned on the air conditioner, and made the best of things. Had a good meal at some steakhouse down the road, grabbed a sixpack on the way back to the hotel, and browsed the internet on my laptop for a couple hours before going to bed. Did that for a week and then drove back to Phoenix and flew home.

The point I'm making is that you have to keep going on and living your life regardless of how you think the world around you is unfair. The world is very unfair. Just grab what you can, take care of yours, and do whatever you can for anyone else. Other than that, what can any man do? No need to dwell on things or disparage your country. We all understand the flaws in the system.


Well-known member
You can support your country and vote for Harris. You can support your country and vote for trump. You can do either and still be aware of what's going on in the world and not like it. You can also support either candidate and not be satisfied.

We may have choices but it's possible that neither of them is what you really want. You just have to choose the one you think is the best choice for yourself.

Once you understand that you can't always get what you want and learn to take what you can. Life is much more enjoyable. I was driving from Phoenix to Page Arizona years ago. It was hotter than shit. While I was in Phoenix the grocery stores had a large variety of products. When I was in the middle of the desert on my way to Page the sparse small convenience stores along Highway 89 had only a few products. I chose the best beverage out of the limited options they had and kept driving.

I got to Page, checked into the hotel, turned on the air conditioner, and made the best of things. Had a good meal at some steakhouse down the road, grabbed a sixpack on the way back to the hotel, and browsed the internet on my laptop for a couple hours before going to bed. Did that for a week and then drove back to Phoenix and flew home.

The point I'm making is that you have to keep going on and living your life regardless of how you think the world around you is unfair. The world is very unfair. Just grab what you can, take care of yours, and do whatever you can for anyone else. Other than that, what can any man do? No need to dwell on things or disparage your country. We all understand the flaws in the system.
I used to ride part of that route on motorcycles. Usually out to yarnell and up to Sedona. Absolutely beautiful country.

The people were always very nice too. 99% of cars/trucks will pull over for a bike coming up fast in the twisties.

Usually I would bring a fishing pole and fish oak creek. Then I’d cut across the state towards globe and hit some small ponds.


Well-known member
I knew what Kamala represented well before Joe picked her for his VP.

I don't vote for corporatists, racists, nationalists/fascists, or anti-civil liberty types.

Partisans on both sides will support their favorite 'star', groupies one and all. Those supporting Trump won't care that he's a sexual offender, a thief, a chronic compulsive liar, and a psychopath.

Those supporting Joe won't care that he's a serial mass murderer, anti-justice and equity on the global scale, or any of the rest of it.

They're the same people that think something special will change in their life's outcome if they touch Steven Tyler's or Jesus' robes. Groupies desperate for someone else's fame or power..

Or that cheering for a winning team somehow makes them a winner too, even though they had nothing to do with the outcomes.

Serious inadequacy in the personality, identity, boundaries, and assessment skills departments.
Her and Biden were two of the dems in 2020 I didn’t like at all. But with trump being such a bad candidate the dems thought (rightly so) that they could go full establishment and still win.

I didn’t like her record as a prosecutor. Then, when she flipped to team defund the police I knew she was way worse than a hard nose prosecutor. She’s an empty shell.

She still stands a good chance of beating trump, but I think a non establishment dem would smash him. The only big thing that sticks out about trump is how badly the establishment hates him. For people fed up with the establishment, they hold their nose and pull the trump lever. This doesn’t include the super trumpers what can’t articulate what exactly they like about trump.

Take away the establishment vs non establishment dynamic, and trump loses a lot of the voters who are real swing voters.

moose eater

Well-known member
I used to ride part of that route on motorcycles. Usually out to yarnell and up to Sedona. Absolutely beautiful country.

The people were always very nice too. 99% of cars/trucks will pull over for a bike coming up fast in the twisties.

Usually I would bring a fishing pole and fish oak creek. Then I’d cut across the state towards globe and hit some small ponds.
If you don't like something, and that something represents evil actions that kill innocents, then there are other choices.

When a dog sits on your lawn, the best hope is that it fertilizes the grass without burning it. but it's not going to get turned into a wholesome dinner.

There are other choices, and if everyone who knows the current slate is filled with despicable losers with seriously absent compassion and a lust for ego-born power, and voted for something a bit closer to ideal, then imagine what that world might look like?

The voters continue to vote for those who are fucking up the world and seem to be trapped in a bizarre 2-dimensional world. The world has more than that to offer.

I'll reply to your longer reply to me earlier a little bit later, maybe even a day or so. I'm getting ready for a trip to Los Anchorage tomorrow with a detour into Fairbanks in the AM to pick up my new prescription bifocal shades and top off the van's tank at the cheapest place I can get premium fuel.

In the meantime, as to your earlier question about what you could do? As long as you're supporting Biden's/Harris' policies, and you are by voting for them, really, not too much in opposition to those policies.

But there are many things you could do; hundreds, even.

You could educate your neighbors via your local paper, writing guest opinions (I've done MANY of those throughout the years).

You could raise funds for legal representation for those who are getting busted at protests or for attorneys for refugees.

You could go on air, as a guest on local radio shows, and address some of the same stuff.

You could make sure you're buying fair trade items.

Boycott manipulative, opportunistic corporations... as often as possible.

encourage others to do the same.

Research specific histories of such businesses' infractions/sins and placard the streets and intersections near you with that info.

Boycott Israeli goods and those companies based in Isrrael or investing in Isrrael, to include investment brokerages that make a percentage off of such exchanges.

You could talk to your local assembly about divestment.

You could write at least a letter a day or sign numerous petitions per day letting the administration know that they have now set themselves up to be righteously and deservedly prosecuted for war crimes should they ever step on the right soil and be served with an indictment for their crimes.

If you get really ballsy, you cold chain yourself to a buildi9ng that represents the many offending parties.

Again, there are hundreds of options to take up and make happen.


And stop voting for baby murderers.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Her and Biden were two of the dems in 2020 I didn’t like at all. But with trump being such a bad candidate the dems thought (rightly so) that they could go full establishment and still win.

I didn’t like her record as a prosecutor. Then, when she flipped to team defund the police I knew she was way worse than a hard nose prosecutor. She’s an empty shell.

She still stands a good chance of beating trump, but I think a non establishment dem would smash him. The only big thing that sticks out about trump is how badly the establishment hates him. For people fed up with the establishment, they hold their nose and pull the trump lever. This doesn’t include the super trumpers what can’t articulate what exactly they like about trump.

Take away the establishment vs non establishment dynamic, and trump loses a lot of the voters who are real swing voters.
Trump's always been a chameleon. He'll say whatever he thinks will get him votes, like most politician stuffed shi5rts, but more extreme and laughable for anyone who has the capacity to do side-by-side comparisons with his many statements that directly oppose his last statements. Most politicians are self-serving manipulators who routinely tell white fibs, or even bi9gger ones.. Trump's a true-blue sociopath... to the bone..

And there are some police forces in the US that desperately NEED to be defunded. No time to go into recent and distant past specific examples but being run or controlled by immunized gangs doesn't make ANYONE safer.

moose eater

Well-known member
Certainly you're not referring the the good folks at New Orleans P.D. 🧐
A former friend, an attorney who ran for DA in NOLa on the legalization and stop the drug war platform years ago, C. Gary Wainwright, put 26 of those scumbags in prison with the help of the feds, for everything from escorting drug shipments to extortion, to racketeering and murder for hire. So yeah, they're on that list. And while their phones were wired, they killed a woman who'd merely filed a complaint against one or two of them.

As is Foothills, Rampart, and others near LA, parts of NYPD, Chicago PD, and many more.

I posted a fairly in-depth story in Gry's thread the other day about a couple of Soldotna, Alaska State Troopers who didn't even bother to ID a guy, but in the process of inflicting their excessive force, they fractured his shoulder, separated muscles in his shoulder, left him with open dog bite wounds from intentionally releasing and encouraging their K-9 patrol dog on him, sent him into immediate emergency surgery, put their foot on his head and neck holding him to the ground while congratulating their Gsd K-9, had him walk barefoot through the glass they'd broken out of his rear driver's side window, and AFTER they'd fucked him up in serious ways, they bothered to ID him and found he wasn't who they had thought he was.

And even if he HAD been that guy they'd thought he was, the crime the -other- guy was wanted on was 'failure to appear' on a charge of driving with a revoked license. Not quite Al Capone-level shit.

They were charged with 4th degree misdemeanor assault. For crimes that would have easily gotten anyone else a 2nd degree felony assault. Fuckers ought to be floating in a river.

I'm supposed to be writing an article on this incident. It'll focus on the theory of equal protection under the laws, and what happens when you immunize sociopaths.

Edit: The case I just described up here happened very recently, both cops were in their 40s, one a sergeant, one 42 and the other 49 years old, and one had his body cam on (thankfully). The other wasn't even wearing his.
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Well-known member
some excellent commentary from all here yesterday and today especially. we are all very close about the idea of needing at least a third party. the recent voter registrations point to that also. it is clear the founders did not intend for there to be only two parties.

i'm for getting trump off the playing field for good and then going after both parties with boots on. we will have four years to build a viable independent party.

i think the platform should be based on term limits for the supreme court and congress. common sense immigration laws that reflect modern times and the conditions we face right now.

banning political contributions from super-pacs and corporations, banning lobbying.

i believe in the second amendment, but i think we should have some type of screening process to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and people with violent backgrounds. obviously, we are failing at this now.

creating a fair tax structure. and making governmental and military budgets more transparent and accountable.

there's more but i think these ideas are good starting points.

another thing i've been thinking about lately is that we need non-profit manufacturers of all drugs that have become generic because the patents have run out. it doesn't have to be the government but maybe something that these obscenely wealthy billionaires could do just to help mankind. this would help sick people so much.

moose eater

Well-known member
some excellent commentary from all here yesterday and today especially. we are all very close about the idea of needing at least a third party. the recent voter registrations point to that also. it is clear the founders did not intend for there to be only two parties.

i'm for getting trump off the playing field for good and then going after both parties with boots on. we will have four years to build a viable independent party.

i think the platform should be based on term limits for the supreme court and congress. common sense immigration laws that reflect modern times and the conditions we face right now.

banning political contributions from super-pacs and corporations, banning lobbying.

i believe in the second amendment, but i think we should have some type of screening process to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and people with violent backgrounds. obviously, we are failing at this now.

creating a fair tax structure. and making governmental and military budgets more transparent and accountable.

there's more but i think these ideas are good starting points.

another thing i've been thinking about lately is that we need non-profit manufacturers of all drugs that have become generic because the patents have run out. it doesn't have to be the government but maybe something that these obscenely wealthy billionaires could do just to help mankind. this would help sick people so much.
Nationalize the DoD contractors and weapons manufacturing YESTERDAY already.

Make pre-emptive use of the military an offense punishable by life in Leavenworth or The Hague.

Push Ray Metcalfe's anti-corruption legislation at the federal level and prosecute anyone in an elected or appointed position, -any- public servant who uses that position to benefit family, friends, etc.

Pass -serious- ethics rules with TEETH onboard for -all- people in government or government contractor positions, elected or otherwise.

Submit to the ICJ's jurisdiction as arbiter in international and even domestic issues if they involve violations of international laws and treaties.
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Well-known member
The super pacs are here to stay. They are not going away. Too many hands in the cookie jar.

I don't disagree with what many have to say. I'm just a realist. Things are what they are and it would be more productive to work within the system than try to tear it down and rebuild it.

I don't disagree that we need an engine replacement. But if you're being realistic, an oil change and a tune up is the most you can expect to happen in any of our lifetimes.


Well-known member
I used to ride part of that route on motorcycles. Usually out to yarnell and up to Sedona. Absolutely beautiful country.

The people were always very nice too. 99% of cars/trucks will pull over for a bike coming up fast in the twisties.

Usually I would bring a fishing pole and fish oak creek. Then I’d cut across the state towards globe and hit some small ponds.

Further north once you pass Flagstaff and get down around Gray Mountain there's nothing beautiful about it. I think that's the land that the Navajo here allowed to have. The land nobody else wanted. I think it's part of the reservation.

I can't believe people actually live out there. Driving for miles with just dirt and rocks and all of a sudden there's a trailer off the side of the road. I couldn't imagine living out in that desolation. You could film a Mad Max movie out there. I couldn't wait to get back to the PNW and the trees and rain. Page Arizona might have Lake Powell but it still sucks.

moose eater

Well-known member
Further north once you pass Flagstaff and get down around Gray Mountain there's nothing beautiful about it. I think that's the land that the Navajo here allowed to have. The land nobody else wanted. I think it's part of the reservation.

I can't believe people actually live out there. Driving for miles with just dirt and rocks and all of a sudden there's a trailer off the side of the road. I couldn't imagine living out in that desolation. You could film a Mad Max movie out there. I couldn't wait to get back to the PNW and the trees and rain. Page Arizona might have Lake Powell but it still sucks.
I rode a custom motorcycle through 4-Corners, Flagstaff, Bryce Canyon, Breckenridge, Ft. Collins, Steamboat and that area in 1980 in May, when there was still 4 ft of snow on the shoulders going up the pass from Alma, Co. to Breckenridge.

I loved the desert just north of Flagstaff. Though I never make camp where there's lots of poisonous stuff.

There was a Navajo truck stop and cafe' on the rez there, somewhere near Page, that had really decent chili with beans for, I think, about .65 cents or $1.65/bowl. A welcome stop.

The only hassle in that area and SW Utah was the winds and the moguls; when the wind was howling from one side, and I was leaning into it, then I came up against a mogul or bluff on the opposite side of the road from that which the wind was coming from and the wind deflected, it would try and toss me the other way and I had to immediately balance myself against the reverse blast.

The rednecks in rural NE Utah, near Steamboat Colorado, that was another story. Had a tire put on the rear of the bike in Vernal, and the locals took a quiet but clearly unfriendly interest in a hippie on a bike with an extended front end, ape hangers, and a king/queen seat.
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