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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
The super pacs are here to stay. They are not going away. Too many hands in the cookie jar.

I don't disagree with what many have to say. I'm just a realist. Things are what they are and it would be more productive to work within the system than try to tear it down and rebuild it.

I don't disagree that we need an engine replacement. But if you're being realistic, an oil change and a tune up is the most you can expect to happen in any of our lifetimes.
As long as the Super PACs and lobbyists can play the way they do, the Commoners will never have real representation again.

Burn it down and rebuild it before it burns what remains of the Peoples' nation down. And there's not much left of that as it is.
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moose eater

Well-known member
speak of the devil tom hill is back on the air😂

The cop who ordered the killing of the woman who complained against him got the death sentence. I don't know if that was carried out or not. But they got the other 26, as well as 11 former New Orleans cops.

The feds had intercepted/overheard the order given over a cell phone(?) to take out the woman, with that order given by the cop she'd complained against. The feds decided at that point they ought to pull the plug and shut down due to needing to intervene in the ordered killing.

Gary told the feds that the woman was as good as dead already, they wouldn't be able to stop it, and that if they kept going, they'd get maybe 75 bad cops instead of just 26.

Gary ended up being correct. The woman ended up dead anyway, and the feds only got 26 of the motherfuckers.

His payback and retribution by NOPD was to take him down during Festival/Mardi Gras with a SWAT team for having several joints in his vest pocket. Then they went after his law license on issues of moral turpitude. No bullshit. Almost like something straight out of Alice's Restaurant, but far more twisted and starker. I recall him winning that issue in the end, though.

We don't talk anymore, but I was very proud to have known him.

There are some true heroes in this world, and some of them do the right thing, even at the risk of personal cost.

"Life can be good in Amerika... Do as you should in Amerika..."


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Well-known member
Trump's always been a chameleon. He'll say whatever he thinks will get him votes, like most politician stuffed shi5rts, but more extreme and laughable for anyone who has the capacity to do side-by-side comparisons with his many statements that directly oppose his last statements. Most politicians are self-serving manipulators who routinely tell white fibs, or even bi9gger ones.. Trump's a true-blue sociopath... to the bone..

And there are some police forces in the US that desperately NEED to be defunded. No time to go into recent and distant past specific examples but being run or controlled by immunized gangs doesn't make ANYONE safer.
People with backbone and the bare minimum of principles, along with the second amendment make police unnecessary.

I get that we supposedly need them. But I’ve never seen the cops make any situation better with my own eyes in person.


Well-known member
some excellent commentary from all here yesterday and today especially. we are all very close about the idea of needing at least a third party. the recent voter registrations point to that also. it is clear the founders did not intend for there to be only two parties.

i'm for getting trump off the playing field for good and then going after both parties with boots on. we will have four years to build a viable independent party.

i think the platform should be based on term limits for the supreme court and congress. common sense immigration laws that reflect modern times and the conditions we face right now.

banning political contributions from super-pacs and corporations, banning lobbying.

i believe in the second amendment, but i think we should have some type of screening process to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and people with violent backgrounds. obviously, we are failing at this now.

creating a fair tax structure. and making governmental and military budgets more transparent and accountable.

there's more but i think these ideas are good starting points.

another thing i've been thinking about lately is that we need non-profit manufacturers of all drugs that have become generic because the patents have run out. it doesn't have to be the government but maybe something that these obscenely wealthy billionaires could do just to help mankind. this would help sick people so much.
One of my extreme libertarian/anarchist beliefs is that there should be no patents on drugs/chemicals.

If a company can innovate enough to put out several new products a year, they could stay 6-12 months ahead of the generic manufacturers. But we’re not into capitalism, the corporations running our country are afraid of fair competition.

Too big to fail is the biggest crock I’ve ever heard. It would only cost short term job interruption for workers as they’ll just work for a competitor. It’s the loss of pay and bonuses for executives that keep it from happening.

I’ve had jobs where our entire company lost the contract for the transmission line work we were doing. Two weeks later anyone that wasn’t upper management was on the same job, with different color trucks and shirts. They only fire the idiots running the previous company into the ground.


Well-known member
The cop who ordered the killing of the woman who complained against him got the death sentence. I don't know if that was carried out or not. But they got the other 26, as well as 11 former New Orleans cops.

The feds had intercepted/overheard the order given over a cell phone(?) to take out the woman, with that order given by the cop she'd complained against. The feds decided at that point they ought to pull the plug and shut down due to needing to intervene in the ordered killing.

Gary told the feds that the woman was as good as dead already, they wouldn't be able to stop it, and that if they kept going, they'd get maybe 75 bad cops instead of just 26.

Gary ended up being correct. The woman ended up dead anyway, and the feds only got 26 of the motherfuckers.

His payback and retribution by NOPD was to take him down during Festival/Mardi Gras with a SWAT team for having several joints in his vest pocket. Then they went after his law license on issues of moral turpitude. No bullshit. Almost like something straight out of Alice's Restaurant, but far more twisted and starker. I recall him winning that issue in the end, though.

We don't talk anymore, but I was very proud to have known him.

There are some true heroes in this world, and some of them do the right thing, even at the risk of personal cost.

"Life can be good in Amerika... Do as you should in Amerika..."


And NOPD still takes bribes. out in the open and anything. Not a lot of police still do that and i read they control some of the prostitution rings. Not sure how much of that is true though

Sorry about the tom hill haze notice buddy. That was actually meant for @Brother Nature . Was letting him know that crazy haze breeder was back on the forums

moose eater

Well-known member
People with backbone and the bare minimum of principles, along with the second amendment make police unnecessary.

I get that we supposedly need them. But I’ve never seen the cops make any situation better with my own eyes in person.
I developed my own policy, directly opposed to protocol, when I worked in MH. If attending to a suicide threat situation, DO NOT call the Popo. The odds of lethality as an outcome rise substantially if they're called..

moose eater

Well-known member
And NOPD still takes bribes. out in the open and anything. Not a lot of police still do that and i read they control some of the prostitution rings. Not sure how much of that is true though

Sorry about the tom hill haze notice buddy. That was actually meant for @Brother Nature . Was letting him know that crazy haze breeder was back on the forums
As Gary pointed out to the feds, using my own metaphor, when you only remove -maybe- 1/3 of a fungus from a petri dish, the petri dish is still infected, and it's going to grow.

The same goes for politics. An infected 'culture' (there's an appropriate double entendre) perpetuates itself until it gets its supply of food cut off or seriously changed.

I didn't describe what brought Gary's attention to these cops in particular, but it involved several different clients in his attorney/defense business, who didn't know each other, but had the same or similar stories involving cops shaking down young kids on the corner whom they knew had 2 strikes on them already. Cops would pull up, grab a 'kid', take them to the trunk of the police vehicle, show them a sawed-off shotgun, and tell the kid that, "This is yours if you aren't here tomorrow with $10k."

Whether that meant a third strike and life without parole, or we'll plant this on you and put a bullet in you, I don't know. maybe both.

In one cocaine case, they had a young man with previous conviction(s) on him, and they'd already placed the briefcase the kilo of coke was in into evidence. Nonetheless, when probable cause for the search came up, they insisted the kilo of coke had been on the dash of the car in 'plain view' as the guy drove down the street. AFTER they'd already lodged the briefcase it was in into evidence.

How many folks in a 3-strikes state, elevated enough into the distribution hierarchy to have a kilo of uncut, living in a seriously impoverished state, are stupid enough to drive down the road with a kilo on the dash? None that I've known.

A.) Imagine trying to be a good defense attorney in a place THAT corrupt. B.) Imagine how corrupt that legal system has to be for such limp-dick presentations by the cops to fly.

Before seizure and forfeiture was better sculpted by the SCOTUS, the rural parishes in Lousy--anna, even far from NOLa, were one of the many hotspots in the Nation for cops to pull over out-of-state plates, find as little as $100 or $200 in cash, allege it to be drug proceeds money, and seize it with a grin, and a "so sue me" attitude.

Lousy-anna is where Willie Nelson's bus was stopped, and cannabis was an issue.

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

And we now have a SCOTUS that just fabricated a baseless ruling stating that the Prez has immunity. This ought to be fun to watch..... if one is deservedly cynical and already headed toward the Grim Reaper.

My daughter did her Concealed Carry training in Lousy-anna. I'll leave those stories alone for now.
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Well-known member
I rode a custom motorcycle through 4-Corners, Flagstaff, Bryce Canyon, Breckenridge, Ft. Collins, Steamboat and that area in 1980 in May, when there was still 4 ft of snow on the shoulders going up the pass from Alma, Co. to Breckenridge.

I loved the desert just north of Flagstaff. Though I never make camp where there's lots of poisonous stuff.

There was a Navajo truck stop and cafe' on the rez there, somewhere near Page, that had really decent chili with beans for, I think, about .65 cents or $1.65/bowl. A welcome stop.

The only hassle in that area and SW Utah was the winds and the moguls; when the wind was howling from one side, and I was leaning into it, then I came up against a mogul or bluff on the opposite side of the road from that which the wind was coming from and the wind deflected, it would try and toss me the other way and I had to immediately balance myself against the reverse blast.

The rednecks in rural NE Utah, near Steamboat Colorado, that was another story. Had a tire put on the rear of the bike in Vernal, and the locals took a quiet but clearly unfriendly interest in a hippie on a bike with an extended front end, ape hangers, and a king/queen seat.

I drove through in the summer. It was so hot that a motorcycle ride would have been extremely unpleasant. But I could see it being a nice trip other times of the year.

It was very nice driving through Flagstaff though. Lots of trees. I almost forgot I was in Arizona.


Well-known member
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s ex-running mate, Nicole Shanahan, criticized Democratic attacks against Kennedy, saying members of the party have “lost their soul” during a Fox News interview Tuesday."

“They’ve lost their soul. They’ve lost their direction,” Shanahan said on Jesse Watters’s prime-time Fox News show."

Says the nobody grifter that's looking for a commentator spot on FOX Fake news.

And just how in the hell does a man that wanted to ban all fracking, and was at one time a proponent for the environment align himself with trump who's wants to drill everywhere, increase fracking, roll back all environmental protections so companies can just pollute as they want? Talk about losing your soul.

This tart is irrelevant and she knows it. The Democrats don't want her so she runs to maga hoping for a place to call home. These people have absolutely no shame. Shapeshifting nutcases all of them.


Well-known member
As Gary pointed out to the feds, using my own metaphor, when you only remove -maybe- 1/3 of a fungus from a petri dish, the petri dish is still infected, and it's going to grow.

The same goes for politics. An infected 'culture' (there's an appropriate double entendre) perpetuates itself until it gets its supply of food cut off or seriously changed.

I didn't describe what brought Gary's attention to these cops in particular, but it involved several different clients in his attorney/defense business, who didn't know each other, but had the same or similar stories involving cops shaking down young kids on the corner whom they knew had 2 strikes on them already. Cops would pull up, grab a 'kid', take them to the trunk of the police vehicle, show them a sawed-off shotgun, and tell the kid that, "This is yours if you aren't here tomorrow with $10k."

Whether that meant a third strike and life without parole, or we'll plant this on you and put a bullet in you, I don't know. maybe both.

In one cocaine case, they had a young man with previous conviction(s) on him, and they'd already placed the briefcase the kilo of coke was in into evidence. Nonetheless, when probable cause for the search came up, they insisted the kilo of coke had been on the dash of the car in 'plain view' as the guy drove down the street. AFTER they'd already lodged the briefcase it was in into evidence.

How many folks in a 3-strikes state, elevated enough into the distribution hierarchy to have a kilo of uncut, living in a seriously impoverished state, are stupid enough to drive down the road with a kilo on the dash? None that I've known.

A.) Imagine trying to be a good defense attorney in a place THAT corrupt. B.) Imagine how corrupt that legal system has to be for such limp-dick presentations by the cops to fly.

Before seizure and forfeiture was better sculpted by the SCOTUS, the rural parishes in Lousy--anna, even far from NOLa, were one of the many hotspots in the Nation for cops to pull over out-of-state plates, find as little as $100 or $200 in cash, allege it to be drug proceeds money, and seize it with a grin, and a "so sue me" attitude.

Lousy-anna is where Willie Nelson's bus was stopped, and cannabis was an issue.

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

And we now have a SCOTUS that just fabricated a baseless ruling stating that the Prez has immunity. This ought to be fun to watch..... if one is deservedly cynical and already headed toward the Grim Reaper.

My daughter did her Concealed Carry training in Lousy-anna. I'll leave those stories alone for now.
It can be a pretty scary place but the food there is to die for. Ever tried real Louisiana gumbo? :yummy:

moose eater

Well-known member
I drove through in the summer. It was so hot that a motorcycle ride would have been extremely unpleasant. But I could see it being a nice trip other times of the year.

It was very nice driving through Flagstaff though. Lots of trees. I almost forgot I was in Arizona.
My mother lived in Scottsdale (where it could reach 110 f. in the shade at times in the summer), with a smaller in-ground pool in the back yard. when I'd visit during the hot months, we'd make a point of leaving at about midnight to make it through/out of the desert, either west or north in the cool of night.

Got stuck next to a CHP north of Vidal in a flash flood in the middle of the night, headed up to Needles on our way to Suckramento one night, (another detailed humorous story, with us retreating to cactus outback to get high on a guy's very nicely done Acapulco Gold he'd grown outdoors).

With the 4-Corners, Colorado, Utah, and Az trip, for which I have old hardcopy photos some place in the basement archives still; heirlooms for one or 2 kids who deserve anything from my estate), I'd just flown down from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada with my dog/Norwegian elkhound, who I'd left in Whitehorse with an old acquaintance when I went to the Mid-West to bring some pounds of Colombian back up to Wrangell Island in SE Alaska, then, after that had finished, I went back to Whitehorse to get my pup (I tried to never take her on missions where the outcome might not be pleasant, as many shelters can euthanize after a mere 3 days, and she was my family at that time; always believed she shouldn't take the fall for my bullshit). and then flew down to Az on a student standby ticket out of Whitehorse. "Pockets were jingling..."

Had no idea the snow I'd encounter in the pass between Alma and Breckenridge.

Went up Wolf Creek Pass in the snow, with no guardrail, and I'm afraid of heights, so I ascended in the wrong lane on the shoulder, shrugging in half-apology to oncoming traffic.

Between Ft. Collins (where I visited friends from the Forest Cirus days in SE Alaska) and Steamboat Colorado, where I stopped to visit another former Forest Circus friend who was still working for them, constructing log cabins in their FS work yard for later placement in the outback for rec cabins, It was snowing on the highway, feeling my rear tire get squirrely, and, with the help of an early version modified throttle lock, alternating one hand at a time to the cylinder heads to warm my hands. Fun times.. Not.

moose eater

Well-known member
It can be a pretty scary place but the food there is to die for. Ever tried real Louisiana gumbo? :yummy:
Absolutely. And the outcome referenced in exaggeration MIGHT not be completely off the table or beyond the touch of reality, either. I'm a Cajun/Creole food fanatic at times.


Well-known member
My mother lived in Scottsdale (where it could reach 110 f. in the shade at times in the summer), with a smaller in-ground pool in the back yard. when I'd visit during the hot months, we'd make a point of leaving at about midnight to make it through/out of the desert, either west or north in the cool of night.

Got stuck next to a CHP north of Vidal in a flash flood in the middle of the night, headed up to Needles on our way to Suckramento one night, (another detailed humorous story, with us retreating to cactus outback to get high on a guy's very nicely done Acapulco Gold he'd grown outdoors).

With the 4-Corners, Colorado, Utah, and Az trip, for which I have old hardcopy photos some place in the basement archives still; heirlooms for one or 2 kids who deserve anything from my estate), I'd just flown down from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada with my dog/Norwegian elkhound, who I'd left in Whitehorse with an old acquaintance when I went to the Mid-West to bring some pounds of Colombian back up to Wrangell Island in SE Alaska, then, after that had finished, I went back to Whitehorse to get my pup (I tried to never take her on missions where the outcome might not be pleasant, as many shelters can euthanize after a mere 3 days, and she was my family at that time; always believed she shouldn't take the fall for my bullshit). and then flew down to Az on a student standby ticket out of Whitehorse. "Pockets were jingling..."

Had no idea the snow I'd encounter in the pass between Alma and Breckenridge.

Went up Wolf Creek Pass in the snow, with no guardrail, and I'm afraid of heights, so I ascended in the wrong lane on the shoulder, shrugging in half-apology to oncoming traffic.

Between Ft. Collins (where I visited friends from the Forest Cirus days in SE Alaska) and Steamboat Colorado, where I stopped to visit another former Forest Circus friend who was still working for them, constructing log cabins in their FS work yard for later placement in the outback for rec cabins, It was snowing on the highway, feeling my rear tire get squirrely, and, with the help of an early version modified throttle lock, alternating one hand at a time to the cylinder heads to warm my hands. Fun times.. Not.
Colorado is such a beautiful place. The problem is theyre running out of water fast and the colorado river just cant keep supplying 5 states. They get 70% of it from Wyoming and i dont think they plan to renew the contract after 2030 due to their own shortages.

Scary times coming. Forget political division. People will slaughter eachother over water


Well-known member
Colorado is such a beautiful place. The problem is theyre running out of water fast and the colorado river just cant keep supplying 5 states. They get 70% of it from Wyoming and i dont think they plan to renew the contract after 2030 due to their own shortages.

Scary times coming. Forget political division. People will slaughter eachother over water

There are people in California still trying to build a pipeline through Oregon to get water from the Columbia river. We're not going to allow it.

These states suffering from lack of water need to stop wasting it on golf courses and other uses that benefit a few. Hell, the Almond growers in California use 8 gallons of water to produce one pound of almonds and then export 80% of them to other countries. Same crap happens in Arizona and other states suffering from a lack of water. The Saudi's are growing their cattle feed, hay and alfalfa in the desert on leased land while pumping massive amounts of water out of the ground.

We're basically giving away water to other countries when we need it here.


Well-known member
I developed my own policy, directly opposed to protocol, when I worked in MH. If attending to a suicide threat situation, DO NOT call the Popo. The odds of lethality as an outcome rise substantially if they're called..
in eugene, or they have mental health intervention teams that are out patrolling at all times. they are law enforcement officers but are psychiatrically trained and their job is to de-escalate before the shooters show up.
And NOPD still takes bribes. out in the open and anything. Not a lot of police still do that and i read they control some of the prostitution rings. Not sure how much of that is true though

Sorry about the tom hill haze notice buddy. That was actually meant for @Brother Nature . Was letting him know that crazy haze breeder was back on the forums
i have seen cops beat an un-armed drunk almost to death with nightsticks so bad he was taken away on a stretcher on bourbon st back in the late 60's.

in san francisco during the 1968 halloween riots on haight st, i saw cops in full riot gear beat a very pregnant girl senseless and we later heard she lost the baby.

i watched uniformed officers steal thousands of dollars from a old chinese gentleman in the booking area of the hall of justice. "hall of justice", what a fucking joke! this was while i was waiting my turn to be booked.

there were these two undercover narcs in frisco that were famous for planting evidence and then taking bribes to let you go.

in memphis in the early 70's two more undercover narcs kicked in the door of a house i was staying at with no warrant. a big old run down victorian with 9-10 people living there.

they did it when nobody was home and stole all the tv's and stereos, watches, jewelry, and legal guns. and then left a note saying that they had found narcotics in the house and anyone who wanted to come downtown to claim their stuff would be arrested for it.

i could go on and on with instances of bad cops being bad if i could remember them all. oh, yeah, in the florida keys late 70's there were a bunch of monroe county deputies who, for the right price, would come down to the dock where you were unloading dope from a boat onto trucks. they would block the roads coming in and monitor radios and give advance warning if other cops were heading that way.

one night the coast guard caught a large sailboat stuffed with colombian weed, maybe 10-12 thousand lbs. they brought it to the dock at truman annex and had monroe county deputies "guard" it for them. the next morning the boat was gone and no one knew anything about it.

the evidence locker at the monroe county sheriffs dept. downtown got about 20 kilos of coke removed from it one night. one of the deputies and the key west fire chief, who were cousins, disappeared the same night.

the mayor's son got caught with a winnebago full of weed by the state highway patrol and the case never went to court, the local cops said they didn't find any evidence in it after it was impounded.

key west was a seething hotbed of criminal enterprise when i lived there from 75' to 80".

a travel writer from new york described the attitude of local law enforcement as one of "sleezy indulgence".
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Well-known member
There are people in California still trying to build a pipeline through Oregon to get water from the Columbia river. We're not going to allow it.

These states suffering from lack of water need to stop wasting it on golf courses and other uses that benefit a few. Hell, the Almond growers in California use 8 gallons of water to produce one pound of almonds and then export 80% of them to other countries. Same crap happens in Arizona and other states suffering from a lack of water. The Saudi's are growing their cattle feed, hay and alfalfa in the desert on leased land while pumping massive amounts of water out of the ground.

We're basically giving away water to other countries when we need it here.
California has more than enough water, they just let it flow back into the ocean rather than divert it. Sierra Nevadas get more snowfall than any range in the lower 48. You got it made man. Northeast and PNW will be some of the last places to have water down the road

And lay off the almonds buddy. Im a big fan:cool:
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moose eater

Well-known member
crayfish etouffee! blackened redfish, and fried frog legs!
I have one lb. of Lousy-anna crawfish remaining in the freezer that my daughter brought me, and etouffee is what I do with those as a rule.

Though I'm more partial to wild-caught shrimp, uncured andouille sausage, and dark meat boneless skinless chicken jambalaya, which we make a huge batch of to take into the bush in late winter for ice fishing in luxury eats.

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