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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Took a drive up into Washington to pick up some fresh caught Columbia river salmon a friend had for me. Drove past a trump event. A whole 2-3 magas.

You would think that these maga patriots would know how to display the American flag. It's not to be flown touching the ground yet these clowns had it laying on the ground in the second photo. The only thing keeping it off the ground when I snapped the photo was a gust of wind.

U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag​

(b) The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.




Well-known member
Hey @xtsho I've heard you talk about being a person of color a handful of times. I've been curious what race you are. I'm white but you know that.

Care to share or would you rather us not know?
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Well-known member
YOUR life is good. So much for humanitarian awareness of others' plights.

And refugees often come to the US AFTER we've fucked up their countries for the last 50 years, committing unprosecuted war crimes (and other violations of human rights and international law/treaties), denying the World Courts jurisdiction while sending/referring others there.

And for most refugees from Central or South America, Canada and the US are all that's within physical reach. They're typically unable to catch a ride to Europe or elsewhere. We've been through all of that.

Have you considered why you're able to buy fresh bananas here for .79 cents/lb.?

You're not telling me anything I don't already know. But what do you expect me to do? I can't save the world and neither can you. I have one life and I'm living it. I'm very well aware at the injustice and suffering going on across the world.

I'm not going to sit here dwelling on all the bad stuff and be miserable like so many apparently are. I'm going to take advantage of what I have and enjoy every bit of it. That doesn't make me cold hearted or ignorant to the plight of others.

Like I have said more than once, mankind has been killing each other since mankind has existed. Blaming the United States for what mankind has been doing for thousands of years is ridiculous. If the United States didn't exist people would still be going to war with other people. And if the United States did not have the military strength it has more people would be dying daily. China would have invaded Taiwan, the USSR would never have been defeated and the people of those countries that were under the Soviet umbrella would be living in much worse conditions than they are today.

Hate the United States if you want but the world would be a worse place without it.

I remember going to the West Point Museum up the Hudson river in New York. It has the history of weaponry made by man for killing man going all the way back to the stone age. This is not some new phenomena caused by the United States or billionaires, big corporations, etc... This is the way of the world. If you have a solution to change it other than elect other leaders then lets hear it. And just who are these leaders you would elect? History has shown that power corrupts so you can elect new leaders but all you do is end up with the same thing just different leaders.

My concern is the United States and I don't want to see trump and his maga cult in charge of the country. The title of this thread is 2024 US Presidential election. There are two candidates, Harris and trump. I'm supporting Harris. I don't have to like her or think she's some kind of savior. What I know is that I'd rather have her and the Democratic party in charge. People talk about the lessor of two evils. Well yes, that's what I'm voting for. In my opinion that's Harris. I'm a realist with optimism. I'm not a pessimist with unobtainable dreams. You take what you can get and move on with your life.

I'm never going to change things and neither is anyone else unless they give up their life and devote it entirely to righting the wrongs. Even then, all you'll end up doing is throwing your life away. I'm not doing that. Look at what Nelson Mandela did. For what? South Africa is a shithole. He gave his life and the people he was fighting for have destroyed the country. Apartheid was despicable but nobody there cares about his sacrifice. They're all just following in the same path with different people in charge.

I'm going to fire up the grill later, put some salmon on, gather some produce from the garden, and enjoy what I have while sipping on a glass of single malt scotch. I wish everyone on the planet could do the same but they can't. That's the reality of the world.

I'm going to be happy for what I have and not dwell on the negative going on around me. That's too depressing and I refuse to spend my life in a state of depression.


Well-known member
Hey @xtsho I've heard you talk about being a person of color a handful of times. I've been curious what race you are. I'm white but you know that.

Care to share or would you rather us not know?
I guess that answers that :D

I married outside my race and im tired of people using it to justify voting stance. It is so lame


Well-known member
I guess that answers that :D

I married outside my race and im tired of people using it to justify voting stance. It is so lame
I'm just curious. It has nothing to do with voting stance. We're both in the music section a lot and have some similar tastes in music but also some very different tastes. I'm just a curious person. It really doesn't matter to me.


Well-known member
I'm just curious. It has nothing to do with voting stance. We're both in the music section a lot and have some similar tastes in music but also some very different tastes. I'm just a curious person. It really doesn't matter to me.
Yes but people push it as a factor in voting and they shouldn't. Both parties just use minorities for votes.

I like xtsho. He makes his case without resorting to aggression or childish name calling. A rare thing on these forums


Well-known member
Yes but people push it as a factor in voting and they shouldn't. Both parties just use minorities for votes.

I like xtsho. He makes his case without resorting to aggression or childish name calling. A rare thing on these forums
I have no problem with him either. I know him from RIU. I was just curious because he's mentioned it a few times.


Well-known member
No doubt. Sunni has lost her mind. Hard to believe she was once normal, lol. Xtsho and I were both banned around the same time.

I never joined but someone here told me the mods there are very crooked and ban anyone their friends request them to. There was something similar to that going on here when i joined but its gotten a lot better.

You cant debate something without allowing a difference of opinion


Well-known member
I never joined but someone here told me the mods there are very crooked and ban anyone their friends request them to. There was something similar going on here when i joined but its gotten a lot better.

You cant have a debate without allowing a difference of opinion
Ya they don't want any opinions other than the far left. She banned me because I called her out for the bias. So be it. That place is dead now anyways.


Well-known member
Ya they don't want any opinions other than the far left. She banned me because I called her out for the bias. So be it. That place is dead now anyways.
And for those of us on here that actually grow it is a treasure trove of useful information. You cant even look up a strain on riu without people shitting on eachother. Sad


Well-known member
Hey @xtsho I've heard you talk about being a person of color a handful of times. I've been curious what race you are. I'm white but you know that.

Care to share or would you rather us not know?

I'll answer your question but I find it irrelevant. Why does it matter? Some of my ancestors have been here since they started bringing slaves from Africa to the Americas. My ancestry in America goes back centuries and generations.

Looking at these DNA results what race would you call me? Black, White, in-between? What would you prefer? Take your pick. I just consider myself a man of the world. It's rare these days but occasionally someone will ask me what race I am and I just tell them I'm American. They'll stand there with a bewildered look on their face for a few seconds before they realize that their question was irrelevant because it doesn't matter. But just to satisfy their curiosity I'll tell them.

Ancestral regions
Your DNA looks most like DNA from these 13 world regions

Germanic Europe 32%
Nigeria 21%
Cameroon, Congo & Western Bantu Peoples 8%
Ivory Coast & Ghana 7%
Sweden & Denmark 7%
England & Northwestern Europe 7%
Mali 6%
Eastern Europe & Russia 6%
Benin & Togo 2%
Senegal 1%
Maritime Southeast Asia 1%
Wales 1%
Ireland 1%



Well-known member
Vote for ME, ME, ME!!! And my party too, of course...

But whatever you do, please keep those sizable corporate campaign contributions coming!!
I fully expect lots of vote blue no matter who people to vote for Kamala. What’s fake is when they all pretend to like her now and in the past. I get it, she’s not trump, but don’t pretend she’s this awesome candidate.


Well-known member
I fully expect lots of vote blue no matter who people to vote for Kamala. What’s fake is when they all pretend to like her now and in the past. I get it, she’s not trump, but don’t pretend she’s this awesome candidate.
And thats what i find so fascinating. Not only did she bomb her own presidential run four years ago but they didn't even like her as a VP. Now they give her god status because shes not trump. Idiocy at its finest

This country deserves better than this election


Well-known member
I'll answer your question but I find it irrelevant. Why does it matter? Some of my ancestors have been here since they started bringing slaves from Africa to the Americas. My ancestry in America goes back centuries and generations.

Looking at these DNA results what race would you call me? Black, White, in-between? What would you prefer? Take your pick. I just consider myself a man of the world. It's rare these days but occasionally someone will ask me what race I am and I just tell them I'm American. They'll stand there with a bewildered look on their face for a few seconds before they realize that their question was irrelevant because it doesn't matter. But just to satisfy their curiosity I'll tell them.

Ancestral regions
Your DNA looks most like DNA from these 13 world regions

Germanic Europe 32%
Nigeria 21%
Cameroon, Congo & Western Bantu Peoples 8%
Ivory Coast & Ghana 7%
Sweden & Denmark 7%
England & Northwestern Europe 7%
Mali 6%
Eastern Europe & Russia 6%
Benin & Togo 2%
Senegal 1%
Maritime Southeast Asia 1%
Wales 1%
Ireland 1%

View attachment 19055300
Dang man. That's a detailed list. I need to do one of those DNA things. That would be interesting. I've got about half the same ancestry as you do so we're not that much different after all, lol. I really meant nothing by it. I actually think it was the Depeche Mode that got me curious. :)

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