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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 33 55.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 44.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” -- John Adams
That was early on in our Republic, and it was as true then as it is today.
Great quote.


Well-known member
"each arranged under its leader" except only ONE of the parties has a "leader" whom aspirants to office must kneel before & pledge loyalty to.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Thast why we vote. They are supose to be represting there discticts. Both parties are fruads. Its way pased time to take differant path. Its clear they cant do whats best for us peasents.. Unfortantly nothing changes so stupidity continues its cycle.


Well-known member


Well-known member
All the people whining about a system that while not perfect is still one of the best in the world.

If you think you can do any better and actually make a change then get off your butts and run for President.
The requirements are simple. If you're a US citizen all you have to do is raise $5000. If people agree with you and think that you would make a good President then it shouldn't be hard to raise $5000 or you can self fund that amount yourself and donate it to your campaign.

The U.S. Constitution states that the president must:

Be a natural-born citizen of the United States

Be at least 35 years old

Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years

Anyone who meets these requirements can declare their candidacy for president. Once a candidate raises or spends more than $5,000 for their campaign, they must register with the Federal Election Commission. That includes naming a principal campaign committee to raise and spend campaign funds.

Complaining about things while doing absolutely nothing except ranting on an online forum does absolutely nothing to change anything. Hell, you don't have to even run for President. Run for Congress where you can have a pulpit to voice your opinions, plans, visions, etc... Run for local government. Do something productive other than going on and on about how America is bad when it's not. America is great.

People enjoying the privilege of living in the greatest nation on earth and denigrating it daily. The people some are complaining about being oppressed don't feel the same way because most of them would gladly choose to live here and would be thankful not scornful.

And the 2024 election is an American election. Let the Israelis and Palestinians who elect their leaders stand up and elect new leaders as they have failed their people in spectacular fashion. Blaming the United States for that conflict is ridiculous. Both the Palestinians and Israelis chose to elect leaders that don't want peace. The United States has worked for decades to bring them together with a peaceful solution and every time one side or the other blows things up and walks away.

Also, using the "American made weapons" argument is just silly. We supply Israel with weapons for their self defense. If we didn't then they would just align with Russia or China for their weaponry. European countries put out some advanced weaponry and would have no issue selling to Israel. Some already do. Germany provides 1/3 of their weapons imports. Israel is going to get weapons regardless if they come from the United States. Blaming the United States is like blaming Ford for supplying the vehicle used by a drunk driver that caused a fatality. If he wasn't driving a Ford then he's be driving a Chevy or some other brand. He'd still be driving a car.

Just in one city on one day. 1000 people from 91 countries being sworn in as US citizens. The happiest day in their lives. Every one proud to become an American.

Approximately 878,500 immigrants became U.S. citizens in 2023.


moose eater

Well-known member
I guess some would, given a choice between leasing a room to a serial rapist, versus a garden variety rapist, opt to lease to a mere rapist.

Better let your daughters and wives know that.

I vote in every election, by the way, full well knowing it's a scam/sham at the federal level, and sometimes at the state level, too.

As far as "You/I did all that I could do" is concerned, or all of the other (frequently little more than) happy horseshit, one of the most amazing and cursed gifts that humanity has is the ability to justify or rationalize their own self-serving nonsense. I can think of numerous settings where I've observed folks standing around a coffee pot or other gathering area, commiserating with each other after participating in situations where many times their efforts had assisted in another's/family's/individual's failure, but with no real skin off their own noses, clasping hands and sharing in some unearned status of implied trauma, telling each other those very words. Self-exoneration comes easy for weasels incapable of real self-assessment. Sometimes, for some, that ego can pose an unbeatable barrier..

Separately, if you're conditioned such that you've erased any inherent internal interface in the emotional state between external stimuli and your emotional states or reactions, there are clinical terms for that; few of them positive or flattering. Look it up.

More often than not, when I hear someone say, "I/we did all I/we could do" I know that there's a person or people who has/have such a weak but inflated ego that truth with themselves goes away beyond difficult.

I've also come to see and know that there are some who talk of hanging their heads in shame, but who, in reality, based on very clear observations, have egos that leave feeling true shame as something they're virtually incapable of. There are a variety of substances that lend to such knee-jerk self exoneration and absence of shame. I've known such folks like that up close and personal. It's ugly at its core. Really.

Carry on with the self-aggrandizing delusions of innocence. But they taste pretty bad from outside any circles of groupthink glad-handing.

At some level, both parties' candidates are funded, directly and indirectly, via their national orgs and oligarchs, by the same people. THAT'S who your person you voted for is ultimately representing, and when those people phone YOUR supposed representative, they take that call personally. When YOU phone your supposed representative, if you're really lucky, you MIGHT get an aid who is better than others at pretending to give a shit.

Your elections (especially at the federal level) are an illusion of choice. The national orgs and deep pockets have decided in advance who you can choose between, and any purported interest in your quality of life was/is, more often as not, C-grade theatrics from a used car salesperson with their pockets full of corporate dough and the ethics of Gollum.

Now y'all just continue doing that hollow "All that I could" stuff, even if the reality of that bullshit is a bit more brusque to swallow.
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moose eater

Well-known member
All the people whining about a system that while not perfect is still one of the best in the world.

If you think you can do any better and actually make a change then get off your butts and run for President.
The requirements are simple. If you're a US citizen all you have to do is raise $5000. If people agree with you and think that you would make a good President then it shouldn't be hard to raise $5000 or you can self fund that amount yourself and donate it to your campaign.

The U.S. Constitution states that the president must:

Be a natural-born citizen of the United States

Be at least 35 years old

Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years

Anyone who meets these requirements can declare their candidacy for president. Once a candidate raises or spends more than $5,000 for their campaign, they must register with the Federal Election Commission. That includes naming a principal campaign committee to raise and spend campaign funds.

Complaining about things while doing absolutely nothing except ranting on an online forum does absolutely nothing to change anything. Hell, you don't have to even run for President. Run for Congress where you can have a pulpit to voice your opinions, plans, visions, etc... Run for local government. Do something productive other than going on and on about how America is bad when it's not. America is great.

People enjoying the privilege of living in the greatest nation on earth and denigrating it daily. The people some are complaining about being oppressed don't feel the same way because most of them would gladly choose to live here and would be thankful not scornful.

And the 2024 election is an American election. Let the Israelis and Palestinians who elect their leaders stand up and elect new leaders as they have failed their people in spectacular fashion. Blaming the United States for that conflict is ridiculous. Both the Palestinians and Israelis chose to elect leaders that don't want peace. The United States has worked for decades to bring them together with a peaceful solution and every time one side or the other blows things up and walks away.

Also, using the "American made weapons" argument is just silly. We supply Israel with weapons for their self defense. If we didn't then they would just align with Russia or China for their weaponry. European countries put out some advanced weaponry and would have no issue selling to Israel. Some already do. Germany provides 1/3 of their weapons imports. Israel is going to get weapons regardless if they come from the United States. Blaming the United States is like blaming Ford for supplying the vehicle used by a drunk driver that caused a fatality. If he wasn't driving a Ford then he's be driving a Chevy or some other brand. He'd still be driving a car.

Just in one city on one day. 1000 people from 91 countries being sworn in as US citizens. The happiest day in their lives. Every one proud to become an American.

Approximately 878,500 immigrants became U.S. citizens in 2023.

Who is this who did "absolutely nothing"?

And that group of "among the best countries in the world", which countries share that glorious esteem to be in THAT group, and which ones are they?

You might want to re-examine quality of life, healthcare, military engagements and other factors in some other places. There' a major difference between sentimental or nostalgic attachments and actually being better than another place where those criteria are concerned..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Usually, when I do something wrong I don't do the same thing again lol. Politics doesn't follow the same rules.

The United States Spends More on Healthcare per Person than Other Wealthy Countries. Its only about profits..​


moose eater

Well-known member
Usually, when I do something wrong I don't do the same thing again lol. Politics doesn't follow the same rules.

The United States Spends More on Healthcare per Person than Other Wealthy Countries. Its only about profits..​

It's about your and my 'representatives' at whatever level in the upper end of the hierarchy kissing the asses of the lobbyists', no matter how many of the Lilliputians still, to this day, file bankruptcy for the inability to pay for medical expenses.

And if you examine closely who it is that made out well via the ACA and what the ACA considers 'Cadillac insurance', it becomes a bit more clear whose permission was required to pass that set of laws.

Like the Wizard of Oz and the guy telling you to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
How many times do we make the same mistakes before change happens?. We are going on 70 years now. You won't find many if any MAGA dummies that think there's better than Trump. If that's the best you have to represent on your behalf you have a problem.

moose eater

Well-known member
How many times do we make the same mistakes before change happens?. We are going on 70 years now. You won't find many if any MAGA dummies that think there's better than Trump. If that's the best you have to represent on your behalf you have a problem.
The System is now full-blown mercenary, absent any stringent ethics, ethics enforcement with teeth, etc. It's sold to the highest bidder, day in and out, cycle after cycle, with the munchkin partisans and gullible giving it far greater esteem as a matter of some twisted perceived level of patriotism than it deserves, as though there's some inherent pride in volunteering to get snookered all over again.

Stockholm Syndrome on a huge scale.

"I'm patriotic, and I'll prove it to you by letting you rape me, my family, and others all over again." And then they send YOU the bill for the lube, providing they were courteous enough to use any.


Well-known member
Who is this who did "absolutely nothing"?

And that group of "among the best countries in the world", which countries share that glorious esteem to be in THAT group, and which ones are they?

You might want to re-examine quality of life, healthcare, military engagements and other factors in some other places. There' a major difference between sentimental or nostalgic attachments and actually being better than another place where those criteria are concerned..

My quality of life is excellent. Nothing sentimental about it. Where are all the better places? Sure some may be better with one thing or another but overall the United States is great and a great place to live.

There is a reason so many work so hard to get to the United States. And once they do get to the United States the vast majority take advantage of the opportunity, work hard, and live a life that was not achievable where they originated from.


moose eater

Well-known member
My quality of life is excellent. Nothing sentimental about it. Where are all the better places? Sure some may be better with one thing or another but overall the United States is great and a great place to live.

There is a reason so many work so hard to get to the United States. And once they do get to the United States the vast majority take advantage of the opportunity, work hard, and live a life that was not achievable where they originated from.

View attachment 19055204
YOUR life is good. So much for humanitarian awareness of others' plights.

And refugees often come to the US AFTER we've fucked up their countries for the last 50 years, committing unprosecuted war crimes (and other violations of human rights and international law/treaties), denying the World Courts jurisdiction while sending/referring others there.

And for most refugees from Central or South America, Canada and the US are all that's within physical reach. They're typically unable to catch a ride to Europe or elsewhere. We've been through all of that.

Have you considered why you're able to buy fresh bananas here for .79 cents/lb.?

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol, comparing our lives with someone who has nothing is a false narrative. If you were in their shoes you would go anywhere you could get in. The easier it is to do that + the perks attracts more people. The USA is hardly the best place to live. There are far more people who can't afford to live here than you might think. Your demographic matters. Profits matter most in the USA.

moose eater

Well-known member
Oh, and it's now no longer simply a matter of refusing the ICJ and ICC jurisdiction. We NOW deny jurisdiction over administrations in the US courts, as a matter of expanded and exaggerated 'separation of powers', and 'immunity' without there being ANY reference to immunity for ANYONE in the Constitution for any leadership or individual.

Fucking money-based, mercenary monarchy, essentially...

And while Biden tried to up his poll numbers by promising on camera to abide by the limitations of power within the Oval Office/position after the SCOTUS immunity ruling, he was simultaneously ALREADY in violation of US and international laws and treaties involving arms shipments to a nation actively engaged in violations of human rights, international law, and war crimes. How's THAT for smarmy and cute while addressing a country too ignorant and nationalist-minded to even know what they were seeing?
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Well-known member
Who is this who did "absolutely nothing"?

And that group of "among the best countries in the world", which countries share that glorious esteem to be in THAT group, and which ones are they?

You might want to re-examine quality of life, healthcare, military engagements and other factors in some other places. There' a major difference between sentimental or nostalgic attachments and actually being better than another place where those criteria are concerned..
The quality of life in America is declining because our politicians serve special interests instead of general interests. The smaller the demographic, the more they are catered to. The most important demographic are the 10’s of folks who pay billions to “further the message”.

moose eater

Well-known member
The quality of life in America is declining because our politicians serve special interests instead of general interests. The smaller the demographic, the more they are catered to. The most important demographic are the 10’s of folks who pay billions to “further the message”.
Mercenary representation. "The best government money can buy."

So, there's still representation. They simply omit the 'rest of the story' as to who it is that's actually being represented.

*And the more gullible Commoners still buy into participation in the sham as a 'patriotic duty'. Bwahahahahahahahaha!!

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