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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Which drugs should we blame? Opiates? Many of the top surgeons of the world confessed to opiate use/addiction throughout their careers. I have used and been addicted to opiates since the 90s and have used off and on prior to that since childhood. I have accomplished much in my life to date.

Meth? There are many users who have steady jobs and families, especially noted where I live. Psylocybe, mescalin, cannabis? Perhaps the problems arise 'mostly' from ease of access to the drugs and the reason for taking/needing them. I have been guilty of writing someone off as a dopey pothead, yet it seems we exclude this drug from the bias for the most part.

Maybe a lot has to do with people having a quality of life where they would not seek so much medication. Perhaps many could function fine in what is supposedly acceptable fashion if these drugs were easy and safe to obtain. I can't say I know much about programs which have been attempted but I do know these drugs are cheap to produce; heroin = aspirin
How does your theory explain people that were born into privilege becoming homeless drug addicts?

So Hai

Well-known member
Yep, just like your country does
We can debate which country give the most gay awards, but you seem to like talking about Donald Trump and from what I hear he is a threat to your democracy. We hear alot about this democracy, its human rights and rules based world order. And we see all of what it is worth in Gaza and elsewhere. Not to mention that it seeks to have the opposition leader assassinated. And all this while your country has been shown to be a military paper tiger in the world.

Funny enough, it would not be the first time that the OUN attempted to have one of your presidents assassinated.


Well-known member
Which drugs should we blame? Opiates? Many of the top surgeons of the world confessed to opiate use/addiction throughout their careers. I have used and been addicted to opiates since the 90s and have used off and on prior to that since childhood. I have accomplished much in my life to date.

Meth? There are many users who have steady jobs and families, especially noted where I live. Psylocybe, mescalin, cannabis? Perhaps the problems arise 'mostly' from ease of access to the drugs and the reason for taking/needing them. I have been guilty of writing someone off as a dopey pothead, yet it seems we exclude this drug from the bias for the most part.

Maybe a lot has to do with people having a quality of life where they would not seek so much medication. Perhaps many could function fine in what is supposedly acceptable fashion if these drugs were easy and safe to obtain. I can't say I know much about programs which have been attempted but I do know these drugs are cheap to produce; heroin = aspirin

A combination of fentanyl and xylazine called tranq. The stuff on the streets is more powerful and more addicting than anything that's ever hit the streets. It's extremely cheap and plentiful. It's what's caused the extreme spike in homelessness over the past five years.

Some want to blame the government, liberals, conservatives, etc... It's everything but the actual cause which is today's modern synthetic drugs. People have been using meth, cocaine, and heroin for decades. But none of those have had such a devastating effect as the drug cocktails on the streets today.

The shit is nasty. You can't compare traditional opiates or meth to what people an the streets are using today.

I've been talking about this for years since I first started noticing that things were different. The addicts were like zombies. People are using this crap just a few times, get addicted, and then never leave the streets. It's going to get worse. It's not a homeless issue it's a drug issue. Homelessness is just a by-product of the drug use.

I've literally walked by people doing drugs on the sidewalk with bandages wrapped around one or more extremities soaked with bodily fluids from the open sores they're covering. And yet despite the serious health issues it's causing and the high probability of actually losing a limb these people continue using. The only thing keeping them alive are the selfless people out there everyday trying to help them and get them off the street. They have to want to get off the streets but they choose the drugs that have complete control over their lives.

This isn't just a couple cities. This has already spread to every large city in America and even small cities are being overwhelmed by the spike of addicts as this crap floods the streets.



Well-known member
I am not worried, I am amused and amazed to be honest that someone can actually reach such levels of stupidity as you.

The ukranian armed forces are being destroyed on an industrial scale and there is nothing that you can do to prevent or stop this process. And you will continue support with whatever diminishing lots that you can provide regardless of which puppet you chose.
you ignore all the evidence that shows russia losing massive amounts of equipment and manpower.

see https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html

by the way, oryx only lists proven losses documented with photo evidence so the actual losses will be higher.

"Our list showing destroyed and captured Ukrainian vehicles and equipment can be found here.

(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual captured or destroyed vehicle)

Russia - 17856, of which: destroyed: 13087, damaged: 805, abandoned: 1000, captured: 2964​

Losses excluding Recon Drones and Trucks - 13843, of which: destroyed: 9956, damaged: 709, abandoned: 951, captured: 2227​

Losses of Armoured Combat Vehicles [Tanks, AFVs, IFVs, APCs, and MRAPs] - 10037, of which: destroyed: 7271, damaged: 366, abandoned: 873, captured: 1527"​

tanks alone;

Tanks (3376, of which destroyed: 2322, damaged: 157, abandoned: 365, captured: 532)​

Armoured Fighting Vehicles (1569, of which destroyed: 1166, damaged: 36, abandoned: 96, captured: 271)​

Infantry Fighting Vehicles (4548, of which destroyed: 3402, damaged: 150, abandoned: 375, captured: 621)​

Aircraft (128, of which destroyed: 113, damaged: 15)​

Helicopters (144, of which destroyed: 112, damaged: 30, captured: 2), this is interesting because 66 of these losses were ka-52 attack helicopters and russia only had 135 before the war.​

Naval Ships and Submarines (28, of which destroyed: 21, damaged: 7)​

the captured equipment is especially poignant as this makes russia itself the largest contributor of equipment to ukraine.

they use incredibly antique tactics coming from senile commanders.

because of the huge equipment losses that are occurring faster than they can be replenished, the russians are sending meat waves instead. their human losses are staggering.

over a million men have fled russia to avoid conscription. putler desperately needs another mass mobilization to replenish losses but is faced with increasing political resistance at home.

the graveyards in russia have new areas dedicated to the war dead. every little town is feeling the losses.

the ukrainians have been striking deep into russia with drones. destroying arms production facilities, oil refineries and storage complexes, and parked bombers.

they've sunk half the black sea fleet. the russians have just removed all ships from crimea to try to get them out of range.

they cannot bring new ships into the black sea because turkey, a nato member, won't let them pass through the straits of bosphorus.

meanwhile, the ukranians are getting aid, both financial and arms, from all of the 32 members plus other countries like japan, who has recently begun supplying ukraine.

and, if you think that trump getting re-elected will stop aid to ukraine, think again as the rest of nato's contributions are now greater than the US's.

putler's recent rip to north korea begging for aid from a shithole little dictatorship shows just how desperate he's getting.

half of the korean artillery shells either don't explode on target or explode in the gun barrel.

drones hitting the electrical grid and high rise buildings in moscow. making it impossible for vladof putler to lie to the people.

the ruble is rubble. 1 Russian Ruble today equals 0.011 United States Dollar or 1.1 cents american. on feb 22, 2022 it was worth 79 cents.

i could go on all day long but i don't need to. it's obvious that russia has been stopped and they're ability to wage war is being diminished.


Well-known member
Statistically, only 50% of the homeless in the cities with the worst levels of homeless encampments have drug issues, and in at least 2 of those cities, a lot of the issue revolves around completely non-functional approaches to decrim or medicalization/legalization of drugs.

Homelessness in the US was a major problem well before those 2 cities experienced the moth-to-the-flame aspect of their poorly implemented decrim projects.

Their decrim was set up in a way that it was guaranteed to fail, and one might wonder why they might do that.

Homelessness is and has been primarily a result of economic conditions.

There's nothing in Cannavore's critiquing of the problem that isn't spot on, and I was pleased that he took the time and effort to so methodically and succinctly lay those facts out.

We have now, between the two parties that are both subservient to Wall St., Right, and further Right, where related policies are concerned.

To look at one and only one aspect of this truth, look at the current REAL spending power of the dollar, and look at the spending power of the average wage-earner's pay, then look at where corporate money goes when regarding CEOs, who are often paid more in less taxable bonuses than wages or salary, and who have enjoyed a greater distance between CEO pay and wage earner pay since the Great Depression, and they've enjoyed that niche for well over a decade now..

There's the picture, in reality, supported by hard numbers, of this 'hopeful Amerika'. Blaming the poor and disenfranchised is hardly a new look. They remind us of our society's failures, and some find that repulsive, as many more should, but in the end, the fingers are pointing in the wrong direction.

The only feasible option I see that will make the upper-middle class and 1% happy is to manufacture an end product of Soylent Green from the oppressed and economically disenfranchised.

You're using old statistics. It's much more than 50% today. The recent spike in homelessness is primarily from drug use.

It's also more than just 2 cities. It's all across America. These modern and inexpensive drugs are flood in the streets of all cities red or blue. It should be a bipartisan issue to deal with the root cause which is drugs.

Drugs are the main drivers of crime and homelessness.


Well-known member
Ok, so Russia blames nazis and nukes Kiev. What does the us do?

This question stumps the short minded vision of this wars supporters in the west.
they can't and won't because it would be complete and utter annihilation for russia. it would be suicide. moscow and st peterburg hold 20% of the entire population and most of the wealth and command and control centers.

also, the russia elite are just a bunch of gangsters who are enjoying their privileged lifestyles and don't want to give that up over one man's ego. i think the oligarchs are getting tired of putler and the burden he has placed on russian society.


Well-known member
I question Russia's capability to launch anything more than a short range dirty bomb. Unfortunately they could reach Kiev with that. But their military capabilities are exaggerated. Their invasion into Ukraine has proven how weak they are. Their 1980's technology is no match for the modern weapons the United States has in it's arsenal.

Russia sure as hell isn't a nuclear threat to the United States using their ICBM's.



Well-known member
they can't and won't because it would be complete and utter annihilation for russia. it would be suicide. moscow and st peterburg hold 20% of the entire population and most of the wealth and command and control centers.

also, the russia elite are just a bunch of gangsters who are enjoying their privileged lifestyles and don't want to give that up over one man's ego. i think the oligarchs are getting tired of putler and the burden he has placed on russian society.

Russia might claim to have a bunch of nuclear warheads but much of that is propaganda. Then there is the fact that their delivery systems are as antiquated as the rest of their weaponry. A successful nuclear attack would only be successful short range. If they hit Kiev there would be nuclear fallout that would harm Russia.

Russia is not a superpower. There is only one superpower and that is the United States of America. We could eliminate any nuclear threat Russia could launch well before it got close.

We're just a few years away before Russia collapses and undergoes a significant internal realignment.

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