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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I run a business that provides a service that isn’t necessary, it’s more of a luxury service. For me to excel I need customers with disposable income.

My sales were higher under trump than Biden, a lot of people are hurting now in this garbage economy.

Are you doing better now than you were 5 years ago?
I am doing far, far better today than I was 5 years ago. But I do not attribute that to Biden or Trump, nor should anyone attempt to make the claim that whomever is President directly effects their income. Because unless they sign your checks, they have zero to do with how much money you make.


Well-known member
I am doing far, far better today than I was 5 years ago. But I do not attribute that to Biden or Trump, nor should anyone attempt to make the claim that whomever is President directly effects their income. Because unless they sign your checks, they have zero to do with how much money you make.
Yeah right. I guess my brothers business getting audited 2x in a row has nothing to do with bidens irs goons.

He’s 100% legit. When you pay accountants to do your taxes an audit is a waste of time and money for the irs.


Well-known member



Well-known member
Yeah right. I guess my brothers business getting audited 2x in a row has nothing to do with bidens irs goons.

He’s 100% legit. When you pay accountants to do your taxes an audit is a waste of time and money for the irs.

You're brother business getting audited is likely due to sloppy accounting that raised a red flag and would have happened under trump as well.

Stop the crap. Biden didn't screw you or your family out of anything.

If anything you benefited. Get real.


Well-known member
If I was she'd be five points ahead in every poll.

I'd be a better strategist than the morons that ran shillaries campaign. I've studied how Plouffe and Axelrod turned Obama into a two term President. Pure brilliance.

I never understood why clinton turned down the offer of that talent to help and chose to go with that kid that was way out of his league. clinton should have beaten trump. She won the popular vote. But when she should have been pounding on doors in the rust belt she was galivanting around in Georgia which she didn't need. It was painful to watch the mistakes her campaign made.

Bad strategy cost clinton the election. As much as she was disliked she still should have beaten trump.

I'd be an asset to any campaign. I understand the electorate more than these people stuck in a bubble.
I think her campaign is doing juuust fine.

The "Republicans are weird" thing is a genuine mind virus - a true statement, after all - and it has all the weird Rs writhing.

View attachment 19040769


It is so good.

The chair of the RNC is so weird



In my empire of dirt
Premium user
not everyone is making more money. and a bunch are making WAY more. in the '60s and '70s, CEOs made about 20 to 30 times what their average employee made. now, it's about 340 times. seems fair to me. i mean, they have aides & gofers to do their work while they are playing golf or "having lunch" with their secretary. they NEED their relaxation time so their guilt complex doesn't give them ulcers...ps- i'm lying about that last bit. those tone-deaf motherfuckers think they actually deserve it. :mad:
yeah ceo salaries are out of control, and most arent worth their weight in sht
but thats for the shareholders and board of directors to decide
but its like a lot of jobs, how many people are qualified to actually run a company?
a real free market values labor by the value you bring to the table
for instance, here in california if you work at mcdonalds you can make $20/hr min, so we are really putting the value where it belongs
/that used to be what people apprenticing a good trade would earn or a starting emt
but its just the burger flippers, the actual min wage is much less

thanks newsome


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Without the military there is no coup.
I never said coup, neither did Trump. The military is under the command of the civilian government (president) unless they rebel. The potential concept is just to restructure the laws. With congress and judges in one's corner ezzee peasy. Look at the patriot act, etc. Don't forget there were no term limits for pres before 1945. Everything and anything can become fluid.


Well-known member
here is steve forbes, a famous conservative, talking about the ukraine/russia war. i like his ideas here. in it, he sheds light on russia's long term goals and why trump attacked nato during his admin.

there are trump supporters who believe putin didn't attack during trump's admin because trump was such a strong leader. that putin was afraid to attack with trump in power.

nothing could be further from the truth! the real reason he didn't attack during the trump admin was that he was waiting for trump to disband nato. when trump's admin ended without achieving that goal, putin attacked.

this points to collusion between trump and putin. a traitorous collusion!

the russians, chinese, and iranians are flooding the social media platforms with fake accounts pretending to be americans. trying to influence people to vote for trump. why would they do that? maybe it's because trump is working for the russians!


So Hai

Well-known member
doing the twist and shout again i see, you pathetic loser!

you are still on the blame bus with the "genocide voter" shit!
Ah the supporter of american imperialist proxy war against Russia calling me a pathetic loser. Yep, still on the blame blame bus.

i don't see how you can come to the conclusion that if we vote at all we are supporting genocide. many of us want israel out of gaza and support a palestinian homeland. but we're all genocide supporters?
It is because you are an idiot. Your actions speak louder than your empty words concerning love, and I don’t need to do more than look at your voting to conclude it is all a bunch of bs tailored to make you people appear to be good and decent human beings.

You’re not.
your logic is irrefutable!

do you vote in your country? are you supporting genocide by voting? maybe you are supporting genocide by not voting?
I do not vote for zog-puppets that much I can tell you.

this shows insanity on your part;

"But yes, the summer of love was indeed a propaganda tool for fascism."

when the original context is "The Beetle has been featured in many movies, and has been a symbol of the Summer of Love, a propaganda tool for fascism, and a champion of the hot-rodding community."

it doesn't say shit about the summer of love being a propaganda tool for fascism!
And yet, it is what it was.

you know, i've never even gotten angry at you for your stupidity. i feel sorry for you! living a joyless, loveless, hate-filled life! filled with bitterness and resentment!
”He who do not love us american imperialists has no fun, and no friends + we try to do anger management here where we elect to send more bombs for Gaza and pretend to be against genocide.”

you know why i even respond to your bullshit? you know how weightlifters in the gym warm up with lighter weights before they start doing the heavy lifting? well, you are just one of my warm-up exercises!
Looking at #5,509 to #5,511 it is obvious. I think your funniest thus far was when you said to ”meet me on the battlefield at a time and place of your chosing, I have a good eye and a steady hand” lol.


Well-known member
Yeah right. I guess my brothers business getting audited 2x in a row has nothing to do with bidens irs goons.

He’s 100% legit. When you pay accountants to do your taxes an audit is a waste of time and money for the irs.

hold up...

isn't trumps accountant still in Rikers?

I'd never even heard of an accountant going to jail before that