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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
Harris is worse. She’s the worst type, a prosecutor. She’s knowingly locked up innocent men.

By holding on to Biden this long the dems haven’t cultivated any new blood. They could have won with rfk jr.
No arguments from me on those points. The mainstream DNC Dems never wanted change. They wanted to continue to appease the large-pocket funders of the DNC and maintain party supremacy in the government, just like the RNC does..

Candy-coasted fascists with lesser spinal fortitude than the more outright fascists of the RNC.

Both parties answer to the limited list of Oligarchs.

As a poli sci professor I had 40-some years ago (who'd worked on Capitol Hill before coming north) pointed out, you look through the lists of funders and lobbyists for each group or party, and when you find the funders who give to both sides in large figures, and have enjoyed the liberty to flaunt laws and proceed with business as usual, you've found the people who are actually running the Country.

I posted a link earlier, a couple days ago, to an org called OpenSecrets.org It's been years since I spent a lot of time at that url, but it (if as good as it once was) draws some clear lines re. who is playing for whom, who is funding what, who is giving to whom, etc., Typically a afar more honest picture (albeit implicit or circumstantial) than listening to c-grade theatric rhetoric written by paid speech writers who've consulted with partisan poll readers with the presentations by the stuffed shirt candidates on the take to campaign and national party org donors..
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moose eater

Well-known member
ok, i agree with most of what you say and i make a counter proposition that i think is more constructive. why don't we go ahead and vote for the lesser of the two evils right now, because that is what is upon us, and then try to form a third party movement? a party not aligned with the corporatist and the military industrial complex. this is the most dangerous moment in our history. we can't afford to do nothing to affect the outcome of this election. we have to mitigate for our own good. and our chances of forming a better government.
I understand the concerns, but for those of us who've sworn off voting for amoral criminals, and Joe and Donny are both criminals, it's simply the difference between kicking the can down the road a little way or a long way.

No more bought-and-paid-for corporatist criminals.

Granted, with 4-5 months before the election, there would have to be some serious groundswell of volunteerism and cooperative organizing across state lines to get a 50-state network of grassroots people on air and on the streets, but sometimes miracles still happen when the energy is right.

I'm not even sure right now if the deadline for ballot access is passed, so it might mean going with one of the third-party candidates who already has such, and that might complicate things just a tad (understatements).

But I wouldn't ever let a serial rapist move into my house just because the other potential renter is a serial mass murderer.

Yes, Donny's list of verifiable pathology is extensive and clearly outweighs Joe's, but Joe is also a serial mass murderer who has flaunted our laws and international treaties prohibiting transferring arms to a country that has engaged in genocide and other human rights violations/war crimes.

Can't vote for either poison. A choice between arsenic and cyanide is no choice at all, despite the cyanide being clearly more lethal and faster acting.

The people of this country often discuss our economic and other policies as though they're the only issues, and as though there's no awareness of the butchering and game-playing/'regime change' 'we' do elsewhere in this world. An implicit statement that we/they agree with our leadership in all of its callousness that 'those others' don't matter nearly as much as how much we pay for fuel at the pump, or the price of grain. Shame on all of us who engage in that dissociative stance and hyper-nationalism.

moose eater

Well-known member
i see what you are aiming at here, but rape is survivable, mass murder... ? not so much.
In our case, in this election, both The Donald and Joe have more or less stated that they fully intend to continue arming Israel in violation of both US and international laws.

Remember just a bit ago, after the bogus fabrication of a SCOTUS ruling declaring that Presidents are immune to criminal (or other?) prosecutions (despite there being no reference to any such privilege in the US Constitution), and Joe, in trying again to appeal to the masses during a tight race, stated that he would respect the limits of his position in the Oval Office and its limited authority? Irony of ironies, he was actively engaging in violation of the laws at the time he said that!!

So, yeah, of course we can trust his judgment!!


And my guess is that he's so caught up in not being able to adequately assess himself for being so full of himself, like way too many people, that the obvious contradictions in his statement didn't even occur to him!!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
ok, i agree with most of what you say and i make a counter proposition that i think is more constructive. why don't we go ahead and vote for the lesser of the two evils right now, because that is what is upon us, and then try to form a third party movement? a party not aligned with the corporatist and the military industrial complex. this is the most dangerous moment in our history. we can't afford to do nothing to affect the outcome of this election. we have to mitigate for our own good. and our chances of forming a better government.
there is no third party in the us
you might as well cast your vote for a dog
/a sweet fluffy dog

there is a lot more at stake here then just the us, but i guess the "next up" dem is ready
the game gets harder as you go along but they will work it out


Well-known member
In our case, in this election, both The Donald and Joe have more or less stated that they fully intend to continue arming Israel in violation of both US and international laws.

Remember just a bit ago, after the bogus fabrication of a SCOTUS ruling declaring that Presidents are immune to criminal (or other?) prosecutions (despite there being no reference to any such privilege in the US Constitution), and Joe, in trying again to appeal to the masses during a tight race, stated that he would respect the limits of his position in the Oval Office and its limited authority? Irony of ironies, he was actively engaging in violation of the laws at the time he said that!!

So, yeah, of course we can trust his judgment!!


And my guess is that he's so caught up in not being able to adequately assess himself for being so full of himself, like way too many people, that the obvious contradictions in his statement didn't even occur to him!!
Funding wars is a business. Any standing president in this country will assist israel, including ones from the far left. Even if they claim otherwise. Not how it should be but thats a fact

moose eater

Well-known member
Funding wars is a business. Any standing president in this country will assist israel, including ones from the far left. Even if they claim otherwise. Not how it should be but thats a fact
I know that, and any President who funds Israel, specifically supplying them with arms after numerous ICJ rulings punctuating what many NGOs and human rights orgs already knew, is committing actionable war crimes in violation of both US and international law. It's that 'exceptionalism' that makes us the hypocrites we are in the eyes of the rest of much of the world. And then when shit ends in blowback, the munchkins who don't pay attention act like idiots and ask stuff like, "Why would they want to do that to us??!!"

Maybe like Bibi, they don't care, and believe that we can subsist as some sort of Island on the planet, but when they spend my tax dollars on such illegal actions, I do care.

I personally look forward to any of them who continue to behave thusly, being indicted and arrested when visiting any country that is party to the Rome Statute and Accord.

The State Dept has had us investing in despots around the world whose values are often appalling, and they have done so for most of the last century. It has ALWAYS blown up in our faces to one degree or another.

The opportunists seem to have a very short view of life and the world, and maybe see themselves as being above consequences or karma, but every dog has their day. 'American Exceptionalism' be damned.
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moose eater

Well-known member
And on that note, my vehicle and I are headed to the Border. Albeit about 9 hours later than planned, or so, and that would've been 2 days late this morning at 10 AM Alaska time, had I left this morning. I tend to do things even -more- slowly than I once did. Shit happens. And I tend to be a night-time guy behind the wheel anyway.

moose eater

Well-known member
I know that, and any President who funds Israel, specifically supplying them with arms after numerous ICJ rulings punctuating what many NGOs and human rights orgs already knew, is committing actionable war crimes in violation of both US and international law. It's that 'exceptionalism' that makes us the hypocrites we are in the eyes of the rest of much of the world. And then when shit ends in blowback, the munchkins who don't pay attention act like idiots and ask stuff like, "Why would they want to do that to us??!!"

Maybe like Bibi, they don't care, and believe that we can subsist as some sort of Island on the planet, but when they spend my tax dollars on such illegal actions, I do care.

I personally look forward to any of them who continue to behave thusly, being indicted and arrested when visiting any country that is party to the Rome Statute and Accord.

The State Dept has had us investing in despots around the world whose values are often appalling, and they have done so for most of the last century. It has ALWAYS blown up in our faces to one degree or another.

The opportunists seem to have a very short view of life and the world, and maybe see themselves as being above consequences or karma, but every dog has their day. 'American Exceptionalism' be damned.
Edit, by the way, there are numerous third-party candidates who've specifically stated they wouldn't fund Israel or arm them. Bibi is losing popularity and support around the world at an accelerating rate and has been for a while. He's headed to prison if he ever gets booted from office. There'll be a party at our house when that happens. A big one. And I'm typically asocial.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
jew gun.jpg

ever shoot a desert eagle?
hamas?! ala akbar
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moose eater

Well-known member
Yes, I'm familiar with the Desert Eagle, and they come in various calibers. Not just .44 mag.

But it's clear that with all of those guns (wink, wink) they shouldn't need all of those US M-4s they're handing out to the criminal 'settlers' and arming the IDF with, nor should they need all of those tank shells and bombs.

They're self-sufficient, right?

Edit: and the Galil is a fine weapon, though if I had my druthers, I'd have an old school FN FAL or a modified Volmer HK Model 51 with a 10" barrel, select-fire, and a gas accurizer on the muzzle.

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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Yes, and they come in various calibers. Not just .44 mag.

But it's clear that with all of those guns (wink, wink) they shouldn't need all of those M-4s they're handing out to the criminal 'settlers' and arming the IDF with, nor should they need all of those tank shells and bombs.

They're self-sufficient, right?
every israeli is trained in at least basic infantry skills that goes for the chicks too
/i might be wrong, and if you are all the smerts you might get a pass on this but idk
im not talking about the "criminal 'settlers'"
im talking about the israeli military fighting hamas
/you know those guys? the ones who killed civilians?
how about gaza and their aid pier relief?! shut off because of ...

moose eater

Well-known member
every israeli is trained in at least basic infantry skills that goes for the chicks too
/i might be wrong, and if you are all the smerts you might get a pass on this but idk
im not talking about the "criminal 'settlers'"
im talking about the israeli military fighting hamas
/you know those guys? the ones who killed civilians?
how about gaza and their aid pier relief?! shut off because of ...
Yes, I had a friend who fought in the 6-day war. A dual Israeli-UK citizen who worked with me in Homer, Alaska in the later 1970s.

The pier was a joke, came apart in the first storm on that coast, and was a waste of all of those tax dollars everyone seems so worried about, aside from the allegations that it was never really intended to deliver aid for Palestinians in the first place.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Yes, I'm familiar with the Desert Eagle, and they come in various calibers. Not just .44 mag.

But it's clear that with all of those guns (wink, wink) they shouldn't need all of those US M-4s they're handing out to the criminal 'settlers' and arming the IDF with, nor should they need all of those tank shells and bombs.

They're self-sufficient, right?

Edit: and the Galil is a fine weapon, though if I had my druthers, I'd have an old school FN FAL or a modified Volmer HK Model 51 with a 10" barrel, select-fire, and a gas accurizer on the muzzle.

View attachment 19036451
what are you some kind of revolutionary!? why would you need so many bullets?
here in the communist state of california we are limited to single shot guns
why would you need something like a sig516?
f'hamas; i dont support terrorists
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moose eater

Well-known member
what are you some kind of revolutionary!? why would you need so many bullets?
here in the communist state of california we are limited to single shot guns
why would you need something like a sig516?
f'hamas; i dont support terrorists
Showered, dressed and heading to fill up the boat tanks.

California permits a 10-round or less mag. Like a number of other states.

Sometimes refuting armed boundary violations requires more than the 4-shot pump shotgun.

I've owned a number of selective fire and other class III weapons in the past, though very limited now. If you behave responsibly with them, it's not an issue. And Alaska is one of the 31 or more states that permits selective fire weapons and 'destructive devices' with proper paperwork, or on the sly if one isn't making oneself a target for intervention.

Hamas was formed in 1986 or '87, and Bibi helped to fund Hamas, believing that if they were a force in Palestine, then a 2-state solution would never be permitted, even by third parties.

And Hamas, as well as any Palestinian, has a legal right under international law to engage in self-defense of their home turf. Israel, as an illegal occupying military and force doesn't have that right in Palestine. Them's the rules, even for the guys who wear great big white cowboy hats who've convinced themselves that the rules don't apply to them. They do apply. Such as the ICJ recently ruling that Israel's land theft and illegal settlements in the West Bank are illegal. Not that we didn't already know that.

And I'm off to give about $100 bucks to the local petrol company for the grand kick-off of Canadian lake trout slaying and meditation in remote places. Maybe even with long-time surrogate family from the 1970s, if they make it that far, and aren't too saddled with their home and work obligations.

With any luck, for both me and the other, there won't be any IDF folks taking part in tourism where I go.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
in new mexico you own full auto! only some state restrict your access to guns
you know the ones with no crime or gun violence
gas is cheap here in california! only like $5-6/g, stop by if you are in the neighborhood
bring your guns too!

hey man, have a safe drive and get all the fish


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
"WASHINGTON—In what was widely regarded as a misfire by the 81-year-old as he formally bowed out of the 2024 election, President Joe Biden repeatedly flubbed his exit speech today, saying he would “rule the country with an iron fist for one thousand years.” “Tonight, I, Joseph R. Biden, vow to take back my rightful throne atop the nation and continue my violent reign of terror until the end of time,” said a visibly shaky Biden, who, despite his best efforts to string together a coherent resignation, let out bloodcurdling screams..."


Well-known member
"WASHINGTON—In what was widely regarded as a misfire by the 81-year-old as he formally bowed out of the 2024 election, President Joe Biden repeatedly flubbed his exit speech today, saying he would “rule the country with an iron fist for one thousand years.” “Tonight, I, Joseph R. Biden, vow to take back my rightful throne atop the nation and continue my violent reign of terror until the end of time,” said a visibly shaky Biden, who, despite his best efforts to string together a coherent resignation, let out bloodcurdling screams..."
what is this, pop_rocks, satire? he said no such thing in real life.

"The Onion is a satirical American newspaper and digital media company that publishes articles about local, national, and international news. The Onion is known for its parodies of current events, which it presents in a straightforward manner."
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