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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
Harris is as much of a corporatist partisan as Biden is and was. There'll be no changes in her character or qualities, other than to become even more beholding to the DNC and the corporatists who remain free to do as they please.

Anyone have a prospective Dem or Independent candidate in mind who -doesn't- follow the pro-Wall St. (fuck the commoners) stance that the 2 parties primarily subscribe to?

If not, then the name of the object might change, but the object itself will remain the same.
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Well-known member
here is a beautiful piece by a young lady with an incredible voice. so pure and yet powerful. just her and the piano she's playing. she was 16 when she recorded this. she is now 24 and a successful recording artist.

"make love your goal" i'm in love with all of you, even the haters!

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moose eater

Well-known member
thank you! a stunningly eloquent speech that echoes my own feelings about humanity. all of you should take 21 minutes of your life to listen to this speech!
And though to lesser degrees in the past, it's the 'lesser of 2 evils' argument that has occurred every election cycle for at least 2.5 to 4 or more decades, which keeps the commoners re-electing or electing those who still screw them, albeit to (sometimes) a lesser degree.

The flu shot hurts when you're a kid, but it likely keeps you healthy more often than not.

The Country is overdue for a flu shot, and the only way to stop getting screwed by our own fear-driven (thus coerced) choices is to refuse to play the 'lesser of 2 weasels' partisan fear game.

Some of us simply will not vote for another war-mongering corporatist who belongs to Wall St. and the DoD, (to name but 2), and only lends disingenuous lip service to the Commoners while kissing the asses of the oligarchs at the expense of the Commoners they pretend to represent.

Thus, this has not been a government 'by, for, and of the People' in a VERY long time.

Getting that back on track, if it ever was, may entail some painful moments... perhaps even a couple decades, but it's the only way I see to end this cycle of having loathsome representatives whose only virtues are that they are simply (maybe, sometimes) less loathsome than the other guy'...

Edit: Anything else is merely kicking the proverbial can down the road, and we've already been doing that for... how long? And it hasn't worked out really well at all, has it?
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Well-known member
And though to lesser degrees in the past, it's the 'lesser of 2 evils' argument that has occurred every election cycle for at least 2.5 to 4 or more decades, which keeps the commoners re-electing or electing those who still screw them, albeit to (sometimes) a lesser degree.

The flu shot hurts when you're a kid, but it likely keeps you healthy more often than not.

The Country is overdue for a flu shot, and the only way to stop getting screwed by our own fear-driven (thus coerced) choices is to refuse to play the 'lesser of 2 weasels' partisan fear game.

Some of us simply will not vote for another war-mongering corporatist who belongs to Wall St. and the DoD, (to name but 2), and only lends disingenuous lip service to the Commoners while kissing the asses of the oligarchs at the expense of the Commoners they pretend to represent.

Thus, this has not been a government 'by, for, and of the People' in a VERY long time.

Getting that back on track, if it ever was, may entail some painful moments... perhaps even a couple decades, but it's the only way I see to end this cycle of having loathsome representatives whose only virtues are that they are simply (maybe, sometimes) less loathsome than the other guy'...

Edit: Anything else is merely kicking the proverbial can down the road, and we've already been doing that for... how long? And it hasn't worked out really well at all, has it?
you know, moose, i like you. i respect your opinions. but how do you think doing nothing is the right thing? how do you propose to change the thinking of the masses if you don't even have their attention?


Well-known member
you know, moose, i like you. i respect your opinions. but how do you think doing nothing is the right thing? how do you propose to change the thinking of the masses if you don't even have their attention?
i wrestle with that myself. voting for the lesser of two weasels is still voting for a weasel. but NOT voting for the lesser is pretty much guaranteeing the the worse option gets into a position of power. who really thinks that is a good idea ? esp when the "worse option" wants to illegally seize/hold power from then on. despots do not voluntarily cede power... ever. no dictator throughout history ever said "i must have shit for brains, i can't believe i did this, i'm sorry. we'll hold free elections tomorrow after i resign..." :rolleyes:


ICMag Donor
i wrestle with that myself. voting for the lesser of two weasels is still voting for a weasel. but NOT voting for the lesser is pretty much guaranteeing the the worse option gets into a position of power. who really thinks that is a good idea ? esp when the "worse option" wants to illegally seize/hold power from then on. despots do not voluntarily cede power... ever. no dictator throughout history ever said "i must have shit for brains, i can't believe i did this, i'm sorry. we'll hold free elections tomorrow after i resign..." :rolleyes:
Just add on career criminal, sexual molester and raper, buddies with Epstein so add children to the list, 7X bankruptcies screwing many small businesses, long trail of associates trashed and serving prison terms, Americas famous Mayor - bankrupt and lost law license, screwed family out of their inheritance, married to a Russian speaking hooker, draft dodger bone spurs, cheated to get into college, tax cheater, stolen top secret documents, buddies with Putin, Orbán and Kim.

This man is total shit. Nobody could possibly come close.

So Hai

Well-known member
yep, i did! … it was a vote against trump.
It was a vote for delivering arms to babykilling jews who massacre palestinian women and children in the hundreds of thousands and a vote for the death of well over half a million ukranians.

and you have declared yourself proud of this to add.

so, where do you live? and how old are you? simple questions that won't hurt you in any way. are you ashamed of where you live?
It is none of your business.

i'm almost 74 and i live in the deep south of the united fucking states of america and i'm proud of it. are you proud of your country?
You would not be a match in a confrontation then would you, but you deserve all that is coming regardless.

you didn't come to icmag for the cannabis did you?
I have been on IC since a few months after you as it appears, and that for my own reasons which also are none of your business.


Well-known member
from general john kelly, a lifelong republican and trump's own pick for chief of staff:

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

moose eater

Well-known member
you know, moose, i like you. i respect your opinions. but how do you think doing nothing is the right thing? how do you propose to change the thinking of the masses if you don't even have their attention?
You set an example, you write letters to the editor, try to arrange interviews, make a point of voting for a third party that shows respect for real needs across the board, not minute buzzword talking points. You build coalitions that can and have beat big money politics (a friend who ran a gig against private prisons on the Kenai Peninsula some years back, and won, had Troopers, the Prison Guards Union, and civil liberties folks all on board; people who often/sometimes detest each other's goals, but James built a coalition wherein they all had an investment in success and, thereby, a reason to work together.. And they were up against huge money. Not as big of money as we encountered with the major oil producers up here in the 2 rounds of trying to undo the oil credits giveaway a corrupt Governor had put in place, in which the first effort saw my crew up here win 5 of 6 districts and nearly the 6th, though we lost State-wide in the end).

And in the first, earliest SB21 referendum for that oil gig, we were literally up against $20 million in oil-sponsored ads. My crew raised, from start to finish, $14,000+, a lot of it our own money in the beginning, and we weren't wealthy people, most of us. We had a core group of life-long Alaskans, newbies, seniors, youngsters, and in between, of various political affiliations, all of whom could agree on the reason for what we were doing and we did better in the end with our hand-painted signs and radio appearances with high caliber speakers than the folks in Anchorage who were aligned with us, and who had well over $250,000 of yuppie partisan money to play with.

Get on the air, get on the street corners, print your own materials and make them clearly fact-based, foot-noted, biblios, because the opposition, which will include both primary parties, will try their hardest to make your candidates and positions into Twilight Zone stuff if you even approach seeming serious as contenders.

It takes commitment, time, tenacity, and taking off the gloves sometimes. You don't go at Godzilla in lily white driving gloves. ever. Anchorage did that with the first SB21 referendum, mainstream Dems that many of them were, and they lost the Hillside, Nikiski, part of the Mat-Su Valley and more, and essentially, for not playing hardball with the kings of hardball, we lost a lot of our kids' futures here.

But up here we kicked some serious, dishonest, corrupt oily ass. And I'm PROUD of that to this day!!

Find the alliances and the reasons for potential opponents to work HARD together. The two primary parties only want the larger numbers to gather around their tainted flags (they both work for the same primary oligarchs), and they can and do sink their own sometimes when they don't march to the commands of the National org's desires, and they use the coercion fear game to perpetuate our current circular quagmire.

By playing along, we guarantee them that future. And I certainly don't want that. There's already been far too much, and it's growing abysmally, not shrinking. Each passing election cycle brings us even more unbelievably 'beige' candidates lacking in vision or dreams for the Country. They're bought and paid for.

And if the White Christian Nationalist (blatantly fascist) Project 2025 nonsense goes into real time, then maybe things get less than comfortable in serious ways. If it's time, then it's time.

How much discomfort or activity are people really willing to engage in, aside from what often appears, including in these forums, to be little more than polite cocktail party talk around the punch bowl, more reminiscent of academic chit-chat than the real need for changes that we've had before us for decades?

What I'm proposing is voting one's conscience, refusing to play the coerced 'lesser of 2 evils/weasels' game that perpetuates corporatism, and investing the very serious levels of energy necessary to make it happen.

And no, there are no guarantees of outcomes in whatever form revolution takes, whether with muskets, or leaflets, but the Founders, for all of their racist and chauvinist imperfections, truly had no real idea of what they would form when the dust settled. They simply knew that what they had was intolerably wrong and had to change, and they drew a hard line in the sand.

In my opinion, as kids get bombed to smithereens every day in Gaza, and the political elite make themselves less and less subject to the laws than we the People, we're in that same place of an intolerable reality. Period.

No, I'm hardly proposing doing nothing. The question is, "How much are people really willing to do besides talk online?"
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Well-known member
It was a vote for delivering arms to babykilling jews who massacre palestinian women and children in the hundreds of thousands and a vote for the death of well over half a million ukranians.

and you have declared yourself proud of this to add.

It is none of your business.

You would not be a match in a confrontation then would you, but you deserve all that is coming regardless.

I have been on IC since a few months after you as it appears, and that for my own reasons which also are none of

You would not be a match in a confrontation then would you, but you deserve all that is coming regardless.

I have been on IC since a few months after you as it appears, and that for my own reasons which also are none of your business.
i would meet a coward like you on the field of battle anytime, anywhere. at 74 my eyesight is excellent and my hand is steady. i was born an upper primate with opposing thumbs. an adept and proficient tool user.

you, apparently, have not noticed that every post i have made as greyfader has "aka delta9nxs" on it. a quick look will show you that i have been here since sept 30, 2006.

you do not want people to understand how you have gotten to be the hate filled person you present to the world. you just want to spew hate.

i actually feel sorry for you because you have missed out on the most valuable things in life, which are love and compassion. while you are sitting around stewing in your own misery filled with hate i am enjoying life.

it's the best revenge!


Well-known member
Harris is as much of a corporatist partisan as Biden is and was. There'll be no changes in her character or qualities, other than to become even more beholding to the DNC and the corporatists who remain free to do as they please.

Anyone have a prospective Dem or Independent candidate in mind who -doesn't- follow the pro-Wall St. (fuck the commoners) stance that the 2 parties primarily subscribe to?

If not, then the name of the object might change, but the object itself will remain the same.
Harris is worse. She’s the worst type, a prosecutor. She’s knowingly locked up innocent men.

By holding on to Biden this long the dems haven’t cultivated any new blood. They could have won with rfk jr.


Well-known member
You set an example, you write letters to the editor, try to arrange interviews, make a point of voting for a third party that shows respect for real needs across the board, not minute buzzword talking points. You build coalitions that can and have beat big money politics (a friend who ran a gig against private prisons on the Kenai Peninsula some years back, and won, had Troopers, the Prison Guards Union, and civil liberties folks all on board; people who often/sometimes detest each other's goals, but James built a coalition wherein they all had an investment in success and, thereby, a reason to work together.. And they were up against huge money. Not as big of money as we encountered with the major oil producers up here in the 2 rounds of trying to undo the oil credits giveaway a corrupt Governor had put in place, in which the first effort saw my crew up here win 5 of 6 districts and nearly the 6th, though we lost State-wide in the end).

And in the first, earliest SB21 referendum for that oil gig, we were literally up against $20 million in oil-sponsored ads. My crew raised, from start to finish, $14,000+, a lot of it our own money in the beginning, and we weren't wealthy people, most of us. We had a core group of life-long Alaskans, newbies, seniors, youngsters, and in between, of various political affiliations, all of whom could agree on the reason for what we were doing and we did better in the end with our hand-painted signs and radio appearances with high caliber speakers than the folks in Anchorage who were aligned with us, and who had well over $250,000 of yuppie partisan money to play with.

Get on the air, get on the street corners, print your own materials and make them clearly fact-based, foot-noted, biblios, because the opposition, which will include both primary parties, will try their hardest to make your candidates and positions into Twilight Zone stuff if you even approach seeming serious as contenders.

It takes commitment, time, tenacity, and taking off the gloves sometimes. You don't go at Godzilla in lily white driving gloves. ever. Anchorage did that with the first SB21 referendum, mainstream Dems that many of them were, and they lost the Hillside, Nikiski, part of the Mat-Su Valley and more, and essentially, for not playing hardball with the kings of hardball, we lost a lot of our kids' futures here.

But up here we kicked some serious, dishonest, corrupt oily ass. And I'm PROUD of that to this day!!

Find the alliances and the reasons for potential opponents to work HARD together. The two primary parties only want the larger numbers to gather around their tainted flags (they both work for the same primary oligarchs), and they can and do sink their own sometimes when they don't march to the commands of the National org's desires, and they use the coercion fear game to perpetuate our current circular quagmire.

By playing along, we guarantee them that future. And I certainly don't want that. There's already been far too much, and it's growing abysmally, not shrinking. Each passing election cycle brings us even more unbelievably 'beige' candidates lacking in vision or dreams for the Country. They're bought and paid for.

And if the White Christian Nationalist (blatantly fascist) Project 2025 nonsense goes into real time, then maybe things get less than comfortable in serious ways. If it's time, then it's time.

How much discomfort or activity are people really willing to engage in, aside from what often appears, including in these forums, to be little more than polite cocktail party talk around the punch bowl, more reminiscent of academic chit-chat than the real need for changes that we've had before us for decades?

What I'm proposing is voting one's conscience, refusing to play the coerced 'lesser of 2 evils/weasels' game that perpetuates corporatism, and investing the very serious levels of energy necessary to make it happen.

And no, there are no guarantees of outcomes in whatever form revolution takes, whether with muskets, or leaflets, but the Founders, for all of their racist and chauvinist imperfections, truly had no real idea of what they would form when the dust settled. They simply knew that what they had was intolerably wrong and had to change, and they drew a hard line in the sand.

In my opinion, as kids get bombed to smithereens every day in Gaza, and the political elite make themselves less and less subject to the laws than we the People, we're in that same place of an intolerable reality. Period.

No, I'm hardly proposing doing nothing. The question is, "How much are people really willing to do besides talk online?"
ok, i agree with most of what you say and i make a counter proposition that i think is more constructive. why don't we go ahead and vote for the lesser of the two evils right now, because that is what is upon us, and then try to form a third party movement? a party not aligned with the corporatist and the military industrial complex. this is the most dangerous moment in our history. we can't afford to do nothing to affect the outcome of this election. we have to mitigate for our own good. and our chances of forming a better government.

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