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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Well-known member
Lets start small with yoir swales shall we.
Land needs swales how do you build them?
Are you using machines,animals or a shovel?
How much cubic earth will you be moving?
Do the math and let me know what your costs are and I will compare them to mine.
Time is Added into the calculation as well so how long will you need
??? Just go see how it's made on youtube the same way I've found this system;
It's nothing fancy, just a shovel and time, with 2 person on a week-end it's possible to make a pretty decent sized field with half-moons, cost for this type of stuff is just the food and drink for the friend helping you, no major cost when you have a solidarity system like farmers have in my country.
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??? Just go see how it's made on youtube the same way I've found this system;
It's nothing fancy, just a shovel and time, with 2 person on a week-end it's possible to make a pretty decent sized field with half-moons, cost for this type of stuff is just the food and drink for the friend helping you, no major cost when you have a solidarity system like farmers have in my country.
That is a very non answer to a very specific question.
Let me try another one if you nave no idea how much dirt needs moving,by hand or how long that will take perhaps you should first assess the amount of annual rain you get.
Without enough rain to create surface water movement the swales will do nothing.......so now much rain does your land get annually and how does it get it,all at once or spread out over time?
You asked for help from a farmer and I am trying but you are being really vague.


Well-known member
That is a very non answer to a very specific question.
Let me try another one if you nave no idea how much dirt needs moving,by hand or how long that will take perhaps you should first assess the amount of annual rain you get.
Without enough rain to create surface water movement the swales will do nothing.......so now much rain does your land get annually and how does it get it,all at once or spread out over time?
You asked for help from a farmer and I am trying but you are being really vague.
If they work in Mauritania and other counties in the sahara region there is no reason it doesn't work in other part of the world, did you went to look for half-moon project on youtube or not , there is no huge amount of soil to move all is doable with simple tools, just check it yourself instead of asking useless question;
The annual precipitation were around 960mm last year in the region where I have my field.The half moons are effective in a climate with only 19mm of rain in a year.
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Well-known member
Swales and half moon are based on the same idea but are not designed the same way exactly, half moons can be done very easily without heavy machinery and are effective in places with low precipitations like the countries around the sahara desert<.


Well-known member
That is a very non answer to a very specific question.
Let me try another one if you nave no idea how much dirt needs moving,by hand or how long that will take perhaps you should first assess the amount of annual rain you get.
Without enough rain to create surface water movement the swales will do nothing.......so now much rain does your land get annually and how does it get it,all at once or spread out over time?
You asked for help from a farmer and I am trying but you are being really vague.
Where did I ask the help of a farmer?? I am from a farmer family if I had some questions relative to agriculture I would discuss them with my uncles and cousins .


Well-known member
I didn't ask for help for doing this, I asked to explain me why it's not doable to make a preservation project in country where it's legal.

You're still talking about this?

Have you thought about the latitude some people are at? You can't grow equatorial strains at 45°N. There will be snow on the ground before they start to flower. That limits what some can grow outdoors. The only thing many can grow outdoors is some fast flowering Chocolate Cherry Pineapple Cookie Kush that isn't worth preserving to begin with.

Here you have to have a commercial license to grow more than a certain amount of plants. They are not issuing any new licenses where I'm at and the same goes for other legal states. You can't just have a plot of land and grow as many plants as you want.

You'd only be able to grow one strain a year because you'd have no way to isolate individual strains outdoors. You do understand how pollen travels in the air don't you? You have to isolate different strains to avoid cross pollination. I wonder if you even understand important things like that.

You seem to have this idea that all we need to do is get a piece of land and plant some seeds. There is much more to it than that. People keep giving you reasons why but you just don't seem to understand.


Well-known member
Maybe read everything instead of taking the last post out of context. Last thing I asked about was creating a online financing and ask for a legal status to preserve XYZ worthy of preservation.
The rest is from OP hallucinations because I really don't understand where I asked for a farmer help


Well-known member
I don't think I have a narrow scope on the topic. I don't think too many people do in this thread, actually. But the people that have been actually conversing about the actual genepool and its nuances seem to come from where the world's largest cannabis market is. My state is the single largest consumer of cannabis so to say I have a narrow scope of things would be just a downright lie. If I was living in bumfuck Egypt, maybe. But alas I do not.

Kromag, you've made your point, don't be a dead horse because people don't agree with you.


The Mad Monk
??? Just go see how it's made on youtube the same way I've found this system;
It's nothing fancy, just a shovel and time, with 2 person on a week-end it's possible to make a pretty decent sized field with half-moons, cost for this type of stuff is just the food and drink for the friend helping you, no major cost when you have a solidarity system like farmers have in my country.
Have you done it before? Because it sounds like you haven’t.

I didn't ask for help for doing this, I asked to explain me why it's not doable to make a preservation project in country where it's legal.
This is part of your problem. You don’t understand. It’s not legal nationwide. Some states are still just as bad as wherever you live, if not worse. But you assume everyone here disagreeing with you lives in NorCal with 5 acres to play with. You’re not being reasonable at all.
Where did I ask the help of a farmer?? I am from a farmer family if I had some questions relative to agriculture I would discuss them with my uncles and cousins .
When someone says “I’m from a family of (blank)” what I hear is my daddy used to do that, I don’t, but he did. Do you farm? If I asked your uncles or cousins if you’re a good farmer that can keep up the pace on a long day, what might they say?
Maybe read everything instead of taking the last post out of context. Last thing I asked about was creating a online financing and ask for a legal status to preserve XYZ worthy of preservation.
The rest is from OP hallucinations because I really don't understand where I asked for a farmer help
If you read twice as much as you posted we would all, you included, be better off.

The seed savers exchange model could work, just to be fair. But it isn’t an apples to apples comparison if for no other reason than the fact that a hobbyist tomato breeder can grow 100 plants in their yard without any legal concern. I don’t think I need to point out the obvious here, do I?


Well-known member
Ok guys I've read page 24 wish I could jump in now then. I wanted to say to trust us the males are important too and provide one x to the females also from the male not just carriers. Same for femenize/breeding practices we can take each others word for it. What they sell at our dispensaries are just soooo awful smoke experiences even the edibles taste nasty like can't stomach it. My first grow ever produced flowers miles better, I've only tried main commercial shops including medical, if we could have a nice homegrown shop the island sweet skunk was amazing (whatever clone I had got). My brownies were better. I gotta make more sometime.

Also what you should do is get and or pay a guy like me to farm your seeds, I'm not offering but if you don't have and can't afford it. But I'm only lucky because the fam let's me grow plants here, 45n. Only problem is I cannot mail you seeds haha. But I think we'll see legalization sometime soon like the farm bill. The intersex hemp mixing in.
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Well-known member
Have you done it before? Because it sounds like you haven’t.

This is part of your problem. You don’t understand. It’s not legal nationwide. Some states are still just as bad as wherever you live, if not worse. But you assume everyone here disagreeing with you lives in NorCal with 5 acres to play with. You’re not being reasonable at all.

When someone says “I’m from a family of (blank)” what I hear is my daddy used to do that, I don’t, but he did. Do you farm? If I asked your uncles or cousins if you’re a good farmer that can keep up the pace on a long day, what might they say?

If you read twice as much as you posted we would all, you included, be better off.

The seed savers exchange model could work, just to be fair. But it isn’t an apples to apples comparison if for no other reason than the fact that a hobbyist tomato breeder can grow 100 plants in their yard without any legal concern. I don’t think I need to point out the obvious here, do I?
I never said I had made half moon just I had discovered this method recently and I find it interesting for low precipitation areas. OP talked about swales thinking they are the same thing but it's not the case, the half-moons are very easy to do with simple tools.
I know there is different states who are still illegal, never said to try something in a illegal state.
About farming I've worked long enough on my family's farm to earn the title of farmer, by the way not my father's farm my grand-father, I've made many long days of work for years there.
I read the posts before answering if I misunderstood something I have no problem to reconize it unlike many here.
That's to avoid legal problem I suggested to create an entity who could campaign to have the right to preserve whatever is seen as preservable. It was clearly written in proper english , no?
I don't think I have a narrow scope on the topic. I don't think too many people do in this thread, actually. But the people that have been actually conversing about the actual genepool and its nuances seem to come from where the world's largest cannabis market is. My state is the single largest consumer of cannabis so to say I have a narrow scope of things would be just a downright lie. If I was living in bumfuck Egypt, maybe. But alas I do not.

Kromag, you've made your point, don't be a dead horse because people don't agree with you.
You live in the state who consume the most cannabis legally and yet the cannabis is not to your taste. Are you maybe too difficult like a spoiled kid?
This big legal market you consider flooded with just a few crosses does not represent the global market or gene pool, that's just a part of it. All other markets in the world, legal or not are not flooded with cookie, zkittles and gelato, I can say most smokers in my country have not even experienced those 3 crosses yet.
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Well-known member
You're still talking about this?

Have you thought about the latitude some people are at? You can't grow equatorial strains at 45°N. There will be snow on the ground before they start to flower. That limits what some can grow outdoors. The only thing many can grow outdoors is some fast flowering Chocolate Cherry Pineapple Cookie Kush that isn't worth preserving to begin with.

Here you have to have a commercial license to grow more than a certain amount of plants. They are not issuing any new licenses where I'm at and the same goes for other legal states. You can't just have a plot of land and grow as many plants as you want.

You'd only be able to grow one strain a year because you'd have no way to isolate individual strains outdoors. You do understand how pollen travels in the air don't you? You have to isolate different strains to avoid cross pollination. I wonder if you even understand important things like that.

You seem to have this idea that all we need to do is get a piece of land and plant some seeds. There is much more to it than that. People keep giving you reasons why but you just don't seem to understand.
I have already answered about the different lat needed for different strains , the different ways you can deal with males but it seems you only see what you want.


The Mad Monk
Preservation is only one part of this puzzle. Far too much time and attention has been focused on that one aspect.

One of the things I would like to see happen is people using larger populations when making seeds.

Plant counts are a major hurdle to this, I know. This has been one of the more damaging elements of prohibition that is often overlooked. A lot of potentially useful genetic material has been lost simply because people couldn’t risk keeping more than they’re allowed.

F2 seeds made with only one male are not just a bad idea, they’re irresponsible. I know that might seem harsh but it is hard to understate how much has been lost not just to prohibition, but questionable breeding practices.

Selecting a male based on a stem rub, or structure, without progeny testing is not selection. It’s gambling. I’ll give a recent example.

Mean Gene from Freeborn Selections mentioned that a male he selected was “a trip” because he wasn’t super loud in veg like other Lime males he’s had, but it passes crazy lime funk on to everything it touches.

Here is a textbook example of how progeny testing is the only way to properly evaluate male plants. If Gene relied on a stem, or even leaf, rub he wouldn’t have selected this male. And his work would be the lesser for it, as well as for the growers running his seeds.

Load the P gen. Don’t unnecessarily cull males. Don’t add selection pressure where it isn’t needed. Keep the pool wide open from the start. If you take a wrong turn at the F3 gen, you have the original pool to go back to or to use otherwise. Progeny test. Progeny test. Progeny test.


Well-known member
I know there is different states who are still illegal, never said to try something in an illegal state.
About farming I've worked long enough on my family's farm to earn the title of farmer, by the way not my father's farm my grand-father, I've made many long days of work for years there.
I read the posts before answering if I misunderstood something I have no problem to reconize it unlike many here.
That's to avoid legal problem I suggested to create an entity who could campaign to have the right to preserve whatever is seen as preservable. It was clearly written in proper english , no?

You live in the state who consume the most cannabis legally and yet the cannabis is not to your taste. Are you maybe too difficult like a spoiled kid?
This big legal market you consider flooded with just a few crosses does not represent the global market or gene pool, that's just a part of it. All other markets in the world, legal or not are not flooded with cookie, zkittles and gelato, I can say most smokers in my country have not even experienced those 3 crosses yet.
lets see.

Amsterdam. Go to any shop and it's nothing but Z crosses and lemon cherry gelato.

Go to Barcelona, same thing,

Go to Thailand, same thing.

UK, same thing.

I don't know where you decided that your opinion trumps everyone else. You obviously sit in your own world and do not have your finger on the pulse. At all. Sit in your corner and do whatever it is you do. Grown people are trying to talk. You're really annoying the shit out of everyone in this thread and you don't get the hint. I've tried being really mellow with you. You would think you would be a little more chill with all the weed you supposedly smoke. Maybe the stuff you are smoking isn't working. That's genepool related. Haha. I'm a couple posts away from just muting your posts. Grow up my dude.
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Well-known member
Citing the places with cannatourism as examples don't make it true on places where this doesn't exist.
Even today in Amsterdam or Barcelona you can find other flowers than the 3 main names you cite and also many types of resin made from all types of flowers. If I look for menu from coffeshops right now they will have some hazes crosses and other genetics. There is more choice than you make it believe; I'll try to find some menu from different legal markets to see what they really offer and not what you claim they do.
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