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2024 State of the genepool discussion.

H e d g e

Active member
The only way to preserve what’s left would be collaboration and affordable testing.

Most of the landraces I collected had hemp og or skunk in them when they were tested at phylos, I’m concentrating on the ones that didn’t in the hope that testing becomes available so I feel confident to collaborate with others.


Well-known member
The bottom line on this topic is most people don’t care about weed like we do. We’re all pretty obsessed. If you asked 100 people leaving a retail store who grew the flower they just bought 85 wouldn’t know who farmed it. I best 60 wouldn’t even remember what the flower was they bought. Most people shopping at a dispensary want the highest THC percentage and the lowest cost.

For me, I mostly ignore what is going on in the shops and with genetics. I’m blessed that friends have shared some amazing cuts with me and I’m happy just growing these and keeping them healthy in my little time capsule.


Not ICMag Donor
Jesus Dutch Runtz, Dutch Zoap, Dutch RS-11. Sounds like a bad dream.
Oh yeah it's bad over there isn't it. Don't forget too, most of this weed was probably hydroponically grown. Tourists falling in the trap is understandable but as a grower, going to Amsterdam and paying for that trash would be inexcusable lol.

If it makes you feel any better, both of those were fucked long before this thread. But this thread offers examples as to how and why we got here, and by whom.
He did the exact same thing in the Sam skunkman thread. Tried to bullshit everyone, got called for it, then left the thread.


Imagine announcing you're leaving a thread, like you're King Louis XIV or something 🤣


The Mad Monk
I’m glad the coffee shop menus were posted because I wanted to make a point about some of the older lines that people like kro have cited as examples that diversity is greater than some of us believe and older lines are still accessible.

You can’t make Skunk #1 or Northern Lights today.

The gene pools they originated from were not maintained properly. By the early 2000s most of those older lines were shells of their former selves. Once again prohibition played a part, but it was also greed and stupidity. The triple threat that continues to plague cannabis.

The Afghan, for example, that Sam used no longer exists in that same form. Subsequent generations have suffered from small populations and poor male selection. The range of expressions available has been reduced because the genetic diversity within the line has been reduced.

Skunk #1 as a seedline birthed a number of popular clones. The diversity in those clones is staggering. That line once upon a time had the ability to produce expressions ranging from Green Crack (green apple/mango) to Roadkill. Quite the diversity, no?

Poor preservation and maintenance of those older lines now prevents growers today from both experiencing that level of diversity and benefiting from it in their work. This is true with a whole host of lines, not just the ones I have mentioned specifically.

Anecdotal, I know, but when I first got on icmag I was astounded by the vast array of things people were growing. Everyone was growing something different. Stuff I had never seen or heard about. It was staggering.

Over the years that started to change. People started focusing on the popular clones of the time. Certain seed lines took center stage. Old stuff was being shed at a record pace. I saw it happen in real time. New clone pops up, people start running it and drop an older clone for it.

Few years later someone says “hey, where’s that older clone everyone used to have?” No one has it because they dropped it for the new clone. Then people go chasing after the old one to varying degrees of success. Rinse, repeat.

Give a quick glance at the grow journal section. You see a lot of the same stuff from garden to garden. No knock. People grow what they want. But actions have consequences. Blissfully going through life pretending that isn’t so is part of the reason we’re facing these kinds of issues.


Personally I think most people don't quite grasp how cannabises work generationally.
No such thing as a strain no consistency no two plants the same.
There are individual cuts that when used do better than others regards progeny and potency and if you lose those specific cuts you cannot reproduce, replicate or remake.........you can hope and wish and maybe come close but never gonna be the same.


Well-known member
Don't put words in my mouth, I never claimed all older lines were still available, you won't find this in any of my posts. I only talked about the wider gene pool than pictured by some here, that's two different subject who might interconnected but I made no claim about all old lines.


da boveda kid
if youre treating those elite polyhybrid clones right theyll segregate like crazy and theres your diversity in 2024.
acapulco gold and jamaican lambsbread/th are not available to the masses? boo hoo, tough shit.


Well-known member
Oh yeah it's bad over there isn't it. Don't forget too, most of this weed was probably hydroponically grown. Tourists falling in the trap is understandable but as a grower, going to Amsterdam and paying for that trash would be inexcusable lol.

He did the exact same thing in the Sam skunkman thread. Tried to bullshit everyone, got called for it, then left the thread.

View attachment 19052337
Imagine announcing you're leaving a thread, like you're King Louis XIV or something 🤣
Pathetic liar, it was elanius and johnny chicago who had some heated exchanges not me,.


The Mad Monk
if youre treating those elite polyhybrid clones right theyll segregate like crazy and theres your diversity in 2024.
acapulco gold and jamaican lambsbread/th are not available to the masses? boo hoo, tough shit.
Hey Kro, cheer up. This guy might have beat you for “dumbest post in this thread.”

The issue is much deeper than Acapulco Gold being available to the masses. But you knew that already, right?
Don't put words in my mouth, I never claimed all older lines were still available, you won't find this in any of my posts. I only talked about the wider gene pool than pictured by some here, that's two different subject who might interconnected but I made no claim about all old lines.
Who is really putting words in peoples mouth? I clearly said “some older lines”. Never claimed you said all older lines. What a useless post.

You’re an obtuse asshole with nothing of merit to offer to this discussion. Welcome to my ignore list.


Not ICMag Donor
Pathetic liar, it was elanius and johnny chicago who had some heated exchanges not me,.
The thread is there for all to read.

Unless you edited half your posts afterwards like you did in this thread. Surely that's not bad faith from you of course. Are you aware that the time of the edit and the time of the following posts are both displayed?

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