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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Well-known member
I have wondered if big companies fund online clone sellers to sell HLVD/Fusarium infected clones to ruin peoples gene pools. About 4 years ago bought a number of excellent clone only plants, and one came in with spider mites and killed everything. Since then, ordered 25 clones from 5 vendors and all died from fusarium, within days of arrival to 2 months later depending on temperature.
Yup. Ive been noticing this too.
I first noticed it when Dark Horse went legal. All of a sudden people are getting every pathogen under the stars. Then DH publishes a 'scientific' paper on TMV and HLV and says theyre the only one's who can remediate your clones.
Now Humboldt Seed is selling triploids that are sterile.
Big farms ive worked for ordering large orders of seeds that come with mites.
10 yrs ago, it was pretty safe to take in clones. Nowadays there's many breeders who dont take anything anymore to prevent losing their stable.


Active member
"We" were bottlenecked for about 100 THOUSAND years, and by bottlenecked, I mean @1300 people at any given time in that 100 thousand years. Look at how 'diverse' that we became, after that! Just search for "Human bottleneck events".
Ah the Toba eruption.... But we are still learning how much we are also "outcrossed" from Denisovan's and Neanderthal's, and I do believe at least one more un-named ancestor discovered in 2019, seperate from all the rest including H. sapien.


ICMag Donor
Yup. Ive been noticing this too.
I first noticed it when Dark Horse went legal. All of a sudden people are getting every pathogen under the stars. Then DH publishes a 'scientific' paper on TMV and HLV and says theyre the only one's who can remediate your clones.
Now Humboldt Seed is selling triploids that are sterile.
Big farms ive worked for ordering large orders of seeds that come with mites.
10 yrs ago, it was pretty safe to take in clones. Nowadays there's many breeders who dont take anything anymore to prevent losing their stable.
Seeds that come with mites 😆 , that's funny , not physically possible as mites can't live without moisture.

But yes I agree on clones , many clone vendors send clones with bugs/mold/diseases wether they knew it or not.
Do research on the best clone vendors and vendors who never had these reports before.
I've never ordered a clone from a vendor and never will because of these problems, stick to friends you know well and know the clones well they work with


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Seeds that come with mites 😆 , that's funny , not physically possible as mites can't live without moisture.

But yes I agree on clones , many clone vendors send clones with bugs/mold/diseases wether they knew it or not.
Do research on the best clone vendors and vendors who never had these reports before.
I've never ordered a clone from a vendor and never will because of these problems, stick to friends you know well and know the clones well they work with
I know there are horror stories out there but I'm not one of them. I order clones all the time. A decent quarantine area , and some simple precautions and it's not as scary as some of these guys make it out to be. It's only getting better. More testing for diseases , wider selections and cheaper pricing .

I'll never stop buying clones personally. I have been having the time of my life collecting mother's lately.


ICMag Donor
I know there are horror stories out there but I'm not one of them. I order clones all the time. A decent quarantine area , and some simple precautions and it's not as scary as some of these guys make it out to be. It's only getting better. More testing for diseases , wider selections and cheaper pricing .

I'll never stop buying clones personally. I have been having the time of my life collecting mother's lately.
Yes I agree if a legit vedor is fine , but nowadays anyone and his dog can sell clones , so best to stick with well known reputable vendors and or plenty of research before ordering.

Broadmite or other extreme diseases can really hurt you financially if having to completely shut down.


Well-known member
omg. Recessives are easily bred out? You have obviously not tried to do that in real life. Dominant is easy to breed out, because you can see if it is there, or not. Recessives hide, and they hide for generations...and then pop out so unexpectedly. I come from generations of registered animal raising family, and i've seen this in many circumstances. Have purchased breeding stock that was calculated to be 99+% certain to be free of a certain disease...after importation of my new critter, an overseas sister to this animal turned up with progeny that had the disease. Suddenly, my stock was over 50% risk to carry the gene.
It's sooo much easier to breed out the 'brown eyes'...blue eye to blue eye is VERY rarely going to result in brown. Brown to brown is easily able to produce 25% blue. (We've found that in eye color, it isn't REALLY that simple, but it is the 'go to' for simple explantions.)

There's a phrase that's been in my circles for decades:"Recessives are forever!"
for me dominants and recessive are moments in time ,,they can become each other ,, yes dominant genes show and are easier to identify but recessives can be brought to the surface relatively simply with sibling matings they can then be isolated or bred to become dominant not easy but possible


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes I agree if a legit vedor is fine , but nowadays anyone and his dog can sell clones , so best to stick with well known reputable vendors and or plenty of research before ordering.

Broadmite or other extreme diseases can really hurt you financially if having to completely shut down.

I'm happy that just anyone can sell clones. That's my point. More and more quality vendors are popping up and more competition . No longer do you have to be in a certain circle to get hoarded clones and truly I think that bothers the old heads. Lab tests for diseases are getting cheaper. Want sharon white widow? You used to have to know someone. Now you can head over the breeders direct and buy it for a price tag. Rare, highly touted and tightly held genetics sold to the public. This happens everyday. Scammers exist but apply a little common sense to your purchases and you'll be just fine.

I emphasize a quarentine area and intake sop's. No bug should get past it. In the past year I've probably brought in over 40 clones and no signs of the devastation you guys speak of. Sulfur dunks have been my "silver bullet" for any incoming plant material.

I've had great success with your seedstock but my seed library has been rotting away lately because I've been much happier growing clones. You have good reason to promote seeds over cuts. It's your livelihood and source of income.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh and last thing. I've received more diseased, bug carrying and mislabeled cuts from old heads than vendors. Facts


Well-known member
Oh and last thing. I've received more diseased, bug carrying and mislabeled cuts from old heads than vendors. Facts
yeah. last time i recieved a cut from one of the "forum guys" it was a fucking shit show. those UK cuts like Livers and Cheese are absolutely fried lol.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
yeah. last time i recieved a cut from one of the "forum guys" it was a fucking shit show. those UK cuts like Livers and Cheese are absolutely fried lol.

Its a right of passage to get burned on a cheese clone. I've earned that badge myself 😂


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I've had nothing but success getting cuts from online buddies. Getting cuts from people you don't know what their garden looks like is a huge risk. You as the grower have to take responsibility for the health of the plants you share. Knowingly sharing cuts with problems is inexcusable. SAYING YOU DIDN'T KNOW IS BS.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've had nothing but success getting cuts from online buddies. Getting cuts from people you don't know what their garden looks like is a huge risk. You as the grower have to take responsibility for the health of the plants you share. Knowingly sharing cuts with problems is inexcusable. SAYING YOU DIDN'T KNOW IS BS.
Your clones were clean. Can't say the same for some others. What I can say is I've used no less than 10 different vendors this year for clones and everything has been on point. No horror stories , no mislabels . Quality plants. It's getting less scary in my opinion to shop around . Welcome to 2024


Well-known member
How is the state of the genepool? A picture speaks a thousand words.


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Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Seeds that come with mites 😆 , that's funny , not physically possible as mites can't live without moisture.

But yes I agree on clones , many clone vendors send clones with bugs/mold/diseases wether they knew it or not.
Do research on the best clone vendors and vendors who never had these reports before.
I've never ordered a clone from a vendor and never will because of these problems, stick to friends you know well and know the clones well they work with
Seeds can spread hlvd if either parent had it. Maybe 1 in 10 chance.

Should have given credit to Chat Gpt for the following info on spider mites -

"Spider mites can enter a dormant-like state called diapause when conditions are unfavorable, such as when there is a lack of moisture or extreme temperatures. During diapause, spider mites slow down their metabolic processes and stop feeding, which helps them survive until conditions improve.

While diapause allows spider mites to survive periods of drought or cold, they still need some moisture to eventually come out of this state and resume their activities. If the environment remains too dry for too long, they may not survive despite entering diapause."
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Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I've had nothing but success getting cuts from online buddies. Getting cuts from people you don't know what their garden looks like is a huge risk. You as the grower have to take responsibility for the health of the plants you share. Knowingly sharing cuts with problems is inexcusable. SAYING YOU DIDN'T KNOW IS BS.
The clones I got that wiped out my good clones from 3 years ago from Bens Nursery in CT, I went back and read reviews and someone else got them from him 9 months before I did. He is still shipping them 2 years later.

When I got them, I knew something was wrong, and scoped and found. He swore up and down they got into sealed bag in overnight shipping. Got replacements that had no living mites, but saw an egg on leaf checked, so sprayed with neem every 3 days for a month and survived since they created super mites resistant to everything.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The clones I got that wiped out my good clones from 3 years ago from Bens Nursery in CT, I went back and read reviews and someone else got them from him 9 months before I did. He is still shipping them 2 years later.

When I got them, I knew something was wrong, and scoped and found. He swore up and down they got into sealed bag in overnight shipping. Got replacements that had no living mites, but saw an egg on leaf checked, so sprayed with neem every 3 days for a month and survived since they created super mites resistant to everything.
You used zero discretion. No quarantine area and budget vendors , had bad experiences and now project that on an entire thriving market. How do I know this? You've found every thread on the net to share your three experiences lol


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The clones I got that wiped out my good clones from 3 years ago from Bens Nursery in CT, I went back and read reviews and someone else got them from him 9 months before I did. He is still shipping them 2 years later.

When I got them, I knew something was wrong, and scoped and found. He swore up and down they got into sealed bag in overnight shipping. Got replacements that had no living mites, but saw an egg on leaf checked, so sprayed with neem every 3 days for a month and survived since they created super mites resistant to everything.

Never heard of them. I wouldn't buy clones from places like that. Anyone who is only in it for profit is not who you should support. My stock is what I grow for myself. I take great care making sure I have healthy plants. Since I have a compromised immune system it's a must. Any garden that doesn't implement an IPM program is asking for issues. There are way better IPM products to use.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Neem is also shit for killing spider mites…
Once they spread, used everything, including no pest strips in closed tents for 3 days and were thriving. WHen neem is used, it must be used or thrown out. Only has 24 hour half life when mixed with water.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Yeah, it works well for some things, but it is a poor miticide. I haven't had them in a few years, but like most people growing for a while I have had some bad infestations. In those cases I used abamectin and it worked incredibly well, sometimes I needed a double or triple spray down, but when necessary it has always rid my rooms of them. I know people don't like it as it's not 'natural' but it does work. We're a bit off topic now though so I'll leave it at that.

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