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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


My 1st 12/12 from seed

My 1st 12/12 from seed

Hi Everyone,

Here's my 1st attempt. I'm working in a Homebox 31.5"x31.5"x63" with a verticle HPS 400 all the way through.

These are Nirvava White Widow. #1 was 23" tall. #2 was 19". Used Fox Farm soil & nutes.

I'm going to get a scale today and will post dry weight when known.


Nam myoho renge kyo
looking beautiful wilson, nice fucking job! i got a quick question, i haven't got my fluoro side light on a timer yet, and yesterday i was in a hurry leaving the house and pulled a stoned act up, i didn't unplug it, and so it got accidentally left on during the 12 hr dark period!! how bad will this fuck things up?? will they just get stunted and be ok or is this really fucking bad??? i'm worried! help me!! hhaha, i hope i didn't fuck my whole garden up! i'm just gonna continue like normal and pray...



Active member
Nice report here. How does it work with hazes. I was thinking of going 12/12 from seed with one of those pure hazes.


GKN-Some strains can be unforgiving and others seem to enjoy a rough ride. No knowing how it will go. They are hardy plants. Seems to me that many smother 'em with love. I would just keep the cycle going as before. You'll probably be fine.



wilson! you shoulda hung the bulb horizontal you might have got more.
dbfr3sh-maybe or not. I'm partial to verticle. Spent too much time horizontal. I think that lighting the entire plant from dirt to top adds to the weight of the bottom nugs. Reflected light is not more luminious than direct light imo. Pure light emmitting out to all the plants makes sence to me. Show me what your results have been horizontal/reflected.



dbfr3sh-maybe or not. I'm partial to verticle. Spent too much time horizontal. I think that lighting the entire plant from dirt to top adds to the weight of the bottom nugs. Reflected light is not luminious imo. Pure light emmitting out to all the plants makes sence to me. Show me what your results have been horizontal/reflected.


how high is your light from your tops? because if you light is higher that your tops your method isnt working. are you using a reflector? if not your wasting alot of light. i have been using t5s to grow and flowering recently and i dont waste any light. ill show you some of my snow whites that yeilded a little less than 8oz in 97 days from seed with only 300w of t5s.


you stuff still looks great but i think youd get more off a horizontal light IMO.


bdfr3sh-I still contend that reflected light is not more luminous than direct illumination. I think there must be some lumen loss from the top side of your lamp that is emmitting light into a reflector rather than directly onto a plant. My lamp, if centered, is about 12" from my plants and is usually just slightly above the tops.

My White Widow took just 79 days from seedling above soil to chop. There's an extra cycle or two in a grow year that adds to net gain. Also I have only one lamp one grow space. No chambers no extra lighting, this all saves space, time & money.

And an added benefit is rather than relying moms and clones I am crusing for new strains sampling a wonderful world of variety, and really enjoying it. I'm also preparing to seed a few branches here and there along the way.

And in a 31.5" footprint that big reflecctor horizontal will take out lots of ceiling space crowding my filter and ventilation. I'm reducing the size of the finishing pots from 3 gal to 2 so I can turn a few more babes per cycle. I'm germing seeds the 1st of every month. So I'll be chopping every month as well once dialed in completley.

Thanks for the cheer on the plants. For my 2nd grow ever I'm happy with what I'm learning. The 1st outing was 4 Northern Lights. I got 4oz of some dank smooth smoke.
I'm reducing the size of the finishing pots from 3 gal to 2 so I can turn a few more babes per cycle. I'm germing seeds the 1st of every month. So I'll be chopping every month as well once dialed in completley.
I like your plans! I think I will try doing the same once I have a single grow/harvest under my belt.

Have you considered using grow bags instead of pots? Seems like a good way to reduce floorspace of individual containers without reducing volume. I've never tried it though and do not know anything about this site, but for example:



I like your plans! I think I will try doing the same once I have a single grow/harvest under my belt.

Have you considered using grow bags instead of pots? Seems like a good way to reduce floorspace of individual containers without reducing volume. I've never tried it though and do not know anything about this site, but for example:

I used bags in grow 1 and did not like em. They are a little sloppy.


so my entire grow is about two weeks longer than yours and how much did you yeild off your bulb? what was your gpw? i just wanna see how a vertical light above plants produces better yeild, or how it even gets in between the plants above the tops of the plants. now ive seen horizontal hps and then those 105w floroescent in between plants to help with vertical growth. im open to ideas on anything but i just dont see how this improves anything jus my opinion


dbfr3sh-Without getting lost inside the many nuanced differences between your set up and mine, I like your results! If I wanted to maintain a mom/clone/veg & flower spaces, I do something like you've got. I could expand my space but I don't want to. I'm getting what I need. An ounce per plant is a good start. If I can pull 3 a month, and that's my goal, 2 1/4 lbs a year is way more than I need. So I'll help a few friends and find someone too sick to grow that I can help too.

I got 4oz from my 1st verticle grow from 4 plants from a 400 hps. The top of my lamp is just a touch higher than the tops of the plants usually. I spin the pots a 1/4 turn each day.

Also the time difference adds up. You get about 3.9 grows a year. I get 4.6 I think your yeild will improve with an extra 3/4grow per year. But that's why people split hairs. Chopping more plants a year is a good thing.


yea i didnt mean any harm by it just voiceing my opinion. but if i get 4 harvest a year at 8oz +/- that is 2lbs a year and thats working from seed each time if i used clones i could get more with only a week veg. and then be able to get another 8oz a year, bringing it to 2 1/2 a year. now thats good plus im only using 300w of t5 floros - organic and 5000*K spectrum for quality. so in turn im saving money as well.

if your getting 4oz per grow times 4.5 grows a month is only 18oz so even say 20oz= 1lb 4oz a year and your spending more money on electricity and my setup should be inferrior to yours.

if you like your setup keep it. i just upgraded to a 400w hps for flowering and got a air-cooled hood so i can place it closer which should cancel out the fact that its reflected and cooled. that should produce way more than 2 1/2 lbs a year. just food for thought. and that last grow was my first one indoors and my first time with the strain, i usually grow outdoors with better results but security is getting sketchy.

hope to see more from you wilson! happy growing


yea i didnt mean any harm by it just voiceing my opinion. but if i get 4 harvest a year at 8oz +/- that is 2lbs a year and thats working from seed each time if i used clones i could get more with only a week veg. and then be able to get another 8oz a year, bringing it to 2 1/2 a year. now thats good plus im only using 300w of t5 floros - organic and 5000*K spectrum for quality. so in turn im saving money as well.

if your getting 4oz per grow times 4.5 grows a month is only 18oz so even say 20oz= 1lb 4oz a year and your spending more money on electricity and my setup should be inferrior to yours.

if you like your setup keep it. i just upgraded to a 400w hps for flowering and got a air-cooled hood so i can place it closer which should cancel out the fact that its reflected and cooled. that should produce way more than 2 1/2 lbs a year. just food for thought. and that last grow was my first one indoors and my first time with the strain, i usually grow outdoors with better results but security is getting sketchy.

hope to see more from you wilson! happy growing
so much banter. cool. my set up will give me 3 plants a month x 1oz per plant=36 oz a year=3lbs. Every 30 days I'll plant seeds, transfer seedling to sexing pots and girls to finishers and chop those that are ripe each month. A 30 day rotation. I'll have these 3 stages going all the time in my one tent. It will also increase as I move the finishers from 3gal to 2. Hopefully I won't lose net with the pot size reduction. But this is all supposition. I am moving in this direction. I'll continue updating as I go. Your upgrade to HPS is another increase in $. I didn't see the size of your space. What is that?

Oh and thanks for "letting" me keep my set-up. All lot of people think their set-up is best. Mine is best only for me. I like your results but their yours in different circumstances.

What I shared was my 2nd grow. I'm happy with what I'm learning and am sure to improve.



my size of my 1st grows space was under a 4ft 4 bulb t5 light system, other than that it was in a 6x2x7 closet or something like that. the new space is a 3x3x6 enclosure. i didnt pay for my hps system, it was $325 that a buddy bought for me in turn for some nice headstash for seasons to come. discount hydro really comes through.

enjoy your hard work to come wilson! im sure its goin to pay off. and im sure your "leaning and sure to improve" but you shouldnt dismiss other peoples suggestions. i hear you on your work every month to sow plants or clone or whatever your going to do to make plants every 30days. but what i still dont get is your set up...do you use a reflector at all? if you have a 400w hps above the canopy of the plants i see you using most of your "lumens" on the walls above your plants. and if you have that parabolic (sp?) hood thats a bigger waste than any enclosed reflector. im not bantering nor do i care if you change your system but i think everyone can improve yeild by listening to others. if you improve by .2gpw per harvest it will add it in a years time.

mayb you should build a bookcase and do a collisium kinda thing.

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