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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


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Update... 3 (GHS Cheese x (ECSD x G13 Haze)), 1 Quick Mist Diesel, and 1 DSD and ChemdogDD..
One QMD and one (GHS Cheese x (ECSD x G13 Haze)) started flowering 4 days ago..
DSD was started 2 weeks later then other plants and is a little stunted cuz compost tea was too strong at first..


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Hey, I've got one question, in the thread there are many experienced growers that say no veg time is not only lower yields, but also less potency. What do you think?

Read through the first couple pages of the thread, your answer awaits...

That has to be the key to any grower Hal. I think just about any seed that some gets from some smoke they like has the possibility to be a winner. Dialing in the environment for that strain is what everyone has to do. Even with the most expensive genetics. We have to learn from whatever genetics we have to produce a good crop. Good genes is good head start for sure, but it is not the only thing.

That is very true , even more than most of us realise . There are so many things in the plants environment that will effect it. The more we understand what those things are the more control we will have on the plants development.
Cannabis can adapt very fast to its environment, thats is why even Indica dominant strains can be grown 12/12 from the start and end up being 30 inches tall.

How ? example :
- if you sow your seeds directly in thier large final root environment without ever repotting them.

-avoid the build up of unused salts in the medium , a very large underestimated problem especially among soil growers.
i've got a multi strain 12/12 from seed grow goin right now, 1st one this method, and so far it's goin fucking awesome!! i have 15 females and i forsure noticed a higher % of ladies with this style and they showed so fast..one strain i'm growin is greenhouse's himalayan gold, which is a pure indica, 2 of them are pretty short, 14 or so inches, but one is just an abomination, she is easily over 2 feet tall and i might just put her outside cause she's growing into the light, we'll see....


jeez this thread grows literally as i read it - head aches... :D

so is there no place for lst or scrogging here?


Active member
you can def LST.

If I work with 12/12 from seed and sativas (that still end up tall) I sometimes like to bend / tie em down as they grow so they will end up nice n short/bushy.


New member
Very good information....I have a tight space that doesn't have much room and this thread is perfect for what I am wanting to do! Thx to every1 for the info!! Keep it rollin'....
check it dudes, goin awesome...the ladies are getting taller and wider than i expected! why aren't mine growing like a "pole" like everybody else's?? i don't mind, i'm praying they yield over an oz per...enjoy



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New member
I'm on my third grow of AK48 clones putting them under the lights as soon as they have roots. I got a solid half oz dry from my first attempt.

I just harvested my second plant and had pretty spotty results. Possibly an unhealthy clone.

I'm trying this method with deep water hydro and a clone whose roots just broke out of the peat pot.

I have a very restricted grow space so this method rocks with me. Nice weed but small buds.


I am going to put a 4x8 bed of 50/50 coco perlite and fill it with like 100 seeds and put 3 x 600W lights over this bed.

1. Do you think I should get more seeds? I think if i end up with 40 plants they will have a lot of space to fill the grow... I think atmosphere when you put 38 females in a 1m2 they strech too much and have to compete for light or no? How many FINAL plants should I end up with in a 4x8foot bed?

2. How deep do I plant the seeds into the bed? Like 2 - 3 inches?


Mr. Stinky

1/2 inch deep. but i would recommend starting the seeds in a more manageable sized bed. something that can be controlled much more than a huge box-o-dirt:smile:


1/2 inch deep. but i would recommend starting the seeds in a more manageable sized bed. something that can be controlled much more than a huge box-o-dirt:smile:

what u mean start in more manageable sized bed? I want a big bed with lots of plants?


Active member
I think he means you could start the plants in pots then move em in the bed.

But you can grow straight in beds I see no problem with that. Actually one advantage with starting em in pots is that you can place them exactly where you want , even spacing etc etc , if you start seeds directly in the beds you might get a few males gathered in one area and after you cull them you might end up with some empty space .


that is true but I can always bend them sideways or something and I'm trying not to slow them down like atmosphere advises...

l33t can you advise me on something: Since i'm growing synthetically in coco/perlite there will be no nutes available compared to people growing in soil who have some kind of organic matter in there to get them going. From when should i start feeding them a weak solution and is 0.4 ec too much?


Active member
In my opinion use some fert from the first few days. Just go easy on the fert doses first couple of weeks and go up from there. I 've never grown in soiless systems so I dont have any experience and cant say much about EC . I never measure ph or EC , I grow organically myself in soil/coco/perlite medium and love the results.


that is true but I can always bend them sideways or something and I'm trying not to slow them down like atmosphere advises...

l33t can you advise me on something: Since i'm growing synthetically in coco/perlite there will be no nutes available compared to people growing in soil who have some kind of organic matter in there to get them going. From when should i start feeding them a weak solution and is 0.4 ec too much?

Cant tell u about Ec , but in my first coco try I started to fert the plant at day 3 (counting since the shell felt off) - certainly I decreased amount of nutes...
just awesome atmosphere!! you're one of the reasons i started a 12/12 from seed grow, thanks for all your help...can you show me some pics of those ladies when they were just starting to flower? im soo curios as to what i'm gonna yield, i'm prayin for an oz per plant...some might do more cause their gettin big...


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some more pics...enjoy


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