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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


theganjaplanter said:
alright i let my plants veg alittle "third week in the ground" they are just now starting on the third leaf set. i want to switch them to 12/12 lighting but im afraid ill dwarf them. is this a reasonable concern or should they do fine and im just being paranoid. atmosphere, your buds looked great "the ones in the first page" you did a great job would you mind sharing a few pointers? i have them on 16/8 with my biggest under 2 100 wat heating lamps and the other 5 under a 4foot 32wat 2 bulb florescent. on the 8th im getting paid and i want to buy all the stuff i need. if someone would be so kind as to make "THE LIST" every gardener should have i would be ecstatic. im using sultz 10-15-10 fertilizer and they are all in five gallon buckets. after reading alot in this forum it sounds like i would be able to harvest in 2 months is this true? under 12/12.

sorry to those who dont like reading. i guess i kinda went off there.

hey there :wave:

the plants should be on 18/6, not 16/8. You should also try starting your plants in smaller sizes and transferring them after their roots fill out their pots.

as far as "THE LIST"..I don't know what every gardener should have..but here are a few things I picked up when I got started
fire alarm
garden scissors
rooting hormone for cuttings
Visqueen plastic
staples for my staple gun :)
PH tester
& microscope

:)). can't help with the question about 12/12..this is my first go at it also.
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there is nothing wrong growing under 16/8, and you will not dwarf them because they will stretch when you flip the lights....harvest time is strain dependent, but while it is possible to harvest in that time you should shoot for 3 month grows when doing 12/12 from seed
no this wasnt the mexican i cut that down a long time ago cause it was getting big and i couldnt get it to flower. I thought after about going down to 11/13 because i heard this could maybe do it for me. Oh well...That was a white widow lowrider cross i think there may have been other pollen in there as well.



New member
thanks for the help

thanks for the help

which root transplant solution should i use, i was thinking vf-12 or b-11 "i think thats the #'s after it it could be the reverse.


Hey guys, I'm just wondering how to minimize height of plants?
Will LST works well with 12/12? I heard something about growth hormones which aren't working when plant is flowering, so there is no side branching, only one bud... is it true?


no, you will get nuggs at the internodes if there are no side branches when you start to flower


I read 12 pages

I read 12 pages

I read the 1st 10 pages, and the last 2, this threads a bit long.

And so good to find!

We have a strain here we've been growing from 12/12 for a few grows. The seeds are all female, and producing more seed is as simple as stressing a plant to make it hermie (make it too hot, or too cold, or mess the light cycle up...)

From 12/12 we let em get to the 4th node then top them (severe height restrictions). The budding starts within days of the nodes spacing apart (rather than directly opposite each other on stem they become staggered)

For the height we have this grow method is ideal, and we get about 2 oz's per plant. This is only .5 gms per watt, but we're new to this, and grow a bit different to most as well.

Damn I'd love to be able to share this strain with you all but I'm in my country, and you are in yours....

It's an old school sativa crossed on big bud. All girls, several phenotypes, all potent, long lasting highs.

The original sativa stock that has the all female seed disposition is safe and sound with many seeds in several locations here.

To take this to the Dam, and work with another grower to reproduce the all female seeds quality we have managed to create, but in other strains that deserve the attention... What a dream!

One day, one day! I'll be in the Dam with genetic wonder beans hidden somewhere's on me person.

12/12, with the right strain, is a micro growers wet dream.

12/12 Aquaponic cabinet. 12/12 then reveg on right (great phenotype!), 12/12, straight 12/12 on left.
my plants are streaching this really chafes my balls haha. i don think these are gonna be big so i need to go grab some peat pucks and start some new girls. Im dissapointed but they didnt have a lot of light either. It also could be its genetics as well being indica dom. they dont have much tendency to do so. I dont know but oh well they smell good atleast. I defenatly think that u need to know what your growin first in these situations. With sativa dom. genetics i think you need 1 fem maybe 2 to make the most use with indicas you need like 4 to 5 females to fill the small space. With bigger setups you could either have a few sativas or a lot of indicas.




New member
i like this method....but i want to understood if there is a particolar strain that is good respect to all other......what is the better strain for 12/12?


im germing some williams wonder to go 12/12 from seed as i type

...pictorial to follow
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like i said in mine theres no better really. With sativa dominant strains your gonna have a bigger plant. You will get more stretch and probably have to train it to your space(for micro growers). Indicas like to grow into little spears with a single cola and pretty much no branching and really no stretch. Depending on the hybrid though some may stretch others may not. So basically your down to the decision. Should i grow multiple indicas or a couple sativas? Depending on your space as well some things may be better for you but this is what i found. If your looking for a particular strain by name your out of luck. Just remember how each grow you should be ok.

I'm growing a variety from seed, under a 600W HPS. They are about a week old (first "true leaves - 3 blades" showing up. They all look ok, initial seedling stretch has slowed, but they are all uniformly pretty pale green. Is this a characteristic of starting out under an HPS or should I be doing something? They are in soil, primarily peat/perlite/earthworm castings plus a mild organic mix. Temps are around 85 degrees...


alright lemme start off by saying "overgrow the planet". :rasta:
it's been a long time since i have typed those words. i remember a very ruff year, a lil jail time, some heart break, a few moves, hell even a raid. but none of it compared to getting out jail and picking up a issue of HighTimes and reading about 5-6 yrs of my life gone(I am a O.G. at O.G.). Not to mention all the friends i made. Well I'm beyond my paranoia and trepidations. Now for something new, After losing genetics that had survived in my mentors garden for 20 yrs. I ordered seeds from Nirvana ((AK-48 / Skunk#1 / Cali-O) free DPxSk#1) and some Karma seeds from a bag of so called GDP.

So in the spirit of it all I made a new setup :jump:

265cfm Dayton blower
200cfm Carbon filter
3'x3'x5' homemade box lined with panda film
very basic setup indeed.......

I kinda cheated, these guys were in cups for 5 days Veg, then into bags for Flower. I am also trying a new soil mix well actually an old one for me. I'm using moonshine mix in 1gal bags. Should work out great i used to make my own soil which is basically same exact thing.

popped 4 Mystery seeds(GDP bagseed) a day before my seeds came in mail i got impatient and wanted to test my setup. So the mystery seeds are a day ahead and are marked with pink, AK-48 is marked yellow, And SKunk#1 is marked Blue...

Plants are officially on day one (10-7-07)and i will switch to Hps soon.
Also i am popping 4 Cali-O and 4 DPxSK#1 since the 10 cali's i tryed to germ just wouldn't take off at all really bad seeds.But the genetics are there and if i can get a few i will be good. So out of 34 seeds i got 19 seedlings probably would have better results but i stop caring about any seed that takes longer then a day to sprout........... :muahaha:

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Hey guys, I have question about growing simply one plant using 12/12 from the seed. Will it be enough to grow with 3 23w CFL's?
Box is very small - 12" long, 8" wide and 24" high.