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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


Active member
Not sure how all do it. I've always just done it once I switch into flowering. Yet, with the 12/12 I just started doing it once I see hairs. Kind of trip when you aren't positive of when your flowering started...


Old School Cottonmouth
@dank- when they are babies as soon as they are losing geen and going yellow in the cotyledons they need nutes. You do not want to use as little N in this sort of grow as a normal flower cycle because you are dependant on the plant reaching a size that will yield anything. ie in the beginning it needs more N than a normal flower cycle yes.


New member
When do you guys introduce CO2 into your 12/12 grows?
I am 5 days into a 12/12 with a 600W HPS and a mix of bag seed, Biggie Smalls, m5pk, northern lights/big bud and white lady.


Active member
im been readin threw this thread now for a few weeks,
and i must say i have currently 14 seeds poppin..
with the intent of testin this 12/12 for myself

have been growing for quite some time now,
all with good results,
my set up. 2footx4foot dwc. and 2x 400w MH/HPS

my 12/12 seeds are going to be
4x skunkspecial <<friend
4x bubbleicouse <<nirvana
6x Master Kush x Northern Lights <<friend

but im still going to give em 18/6 for the first 5-7 days,
for the single reason of gettin the roots going before i do the 12/12 switch
wish me lucky guys n gals.


New member
Interested in trying this method, but one thing i'm unclear on -
Do the plants stay in the same container throughout their life? If so, would you plant them into their 'final' containers from the start? If not, would you transplant like normal?
Dunno if this has already been answered, i don't have time to trawl through 61 pages :redface:


Active member
well from reading threw would seem most that do this 12/12 are soil growers
some transplant and quite a lot just plant at the start
and keep em in the same container,

since its 12/12 from seed the roots dont get really big.
for my grow its going to be under a cfl untill 2-3 weeks then put em into
6litre pots. since i start mine in 4inch rockwool cubes. that should last em untill
i move em to the 2x 400watt


Active member
No, everyone isn't doing it in soil. I'm using aero myself. I had 64 plants. True to form though I now only have 32. All looks good. We will see how it works. I have ditched the males.


size of pots

size of pots

What size pots are you using for soil?Do you transplant when sexed?Thanks im very intrested in trying this.Thanks in advance.PS im growing under a 250hps.


CannabisCrazed said:
Anyone have any good links to read up on ScROG? I'm still not for certain on the exact mechanics of it, help would be appreciated!
I made a new post just for your beniefit my friend.It's basic stuff,simple.Have fun in the learning process,I know I did.
Styr said:
Yeah, I'm probably just going to do scrog anyhow. Seems to be worth it. :)
I've been scrogging for a couple of years and enjoy it alot.The one thing I've had to learn to deal with in scrog is that,with bagseed genetics,I have plants stretching at different amounts.I move plants alot and have to plan ahead.My plants are allowed to grow though the screen,but instead of continuously winding the stem and branches through the screen,and back under,I lay everything down on top and tie down,leaving myself room for movement.If you allow to grow through,pull under then back through,the plants stiffen up and you can't move anything.You'll have to figure out your own style.Top or not to top.I don't,though I will try it.I've experimented with 12/12 from seed recently,though not impressed,I will use it in a limited fashion.I'm even going to try a SOG trial during my current grow,removing all branches in a section and crowding as many plants as possible next to each other allowing only the main colas to grow.My drawback is that I'm using unknown genetics (currently)so I can't place plants according to their growth rate and I'll probably suck at it.
DankSwazzee said:
hey here is a question.
When you start 12/12 from seed, how should you go about your nutrients? I have high phosphorous flowering fertilizer, but should I feed it light nitrogen to start out or just hit it with the big P after a short while?
I really think that is going to be a gut reaction.
I use a nute named bud blood that is only supposed to be used in the first week of flower.After that,I use big bud.This 12/12 thing is confusing me as far as when to consider a plant in flower.I've always counted days of flower from the first calyxes growing in the very tip top of the plant.So my plants only got their flower nutes at that time.The results are mixed because the plant genetics are mixed.The first plants I grew under this premature thang didn't do well.But the 2 remaining plants responded well and did what the bud blood claims to do,but they are small,sativa dominate and will not produce much.So,I think it is a genetical thing.You need to read back through this thread and find the varieties that seem to produce well under this light regimine.
Mataco is dead on with his advice.You have to have some veg as the flowers grow,but with some of my more sat dom stuff,the extra N was too much as I'm sure I gave it at the wrong time and caused colas to stretch when they should be beefing up.I'll have to snap a Pic later as an example.
Unknown said:
.Do the plants stay in the same container throughout their life?
Thats another gut reaction.Some incrementally change pot size,some start and finish in the same pot.Thats why some of us use 2 and 3 litre bottles.We can see when a plant becomes rootbound and act accordingly.I change incrementally,with some experimentation with rootbound plant,Lol.But as you dig around here you'll find more detailed scientific stuff as to why you should or should not allow plants to be rootbound.
Mr.Gr33n said:
im been readin threw this thread now for a few weeks,
and i must say i have currently 14 seeds poppin..
Thats great.It'll be interesting to see how the different varieties respond to premature 12/12.But,with the weeks worth of veg,some may cry foul.As far as root size is concerned,I've been surprised.For some odd reason,the end product hasn't had anything to do with the size of the rootball.The 2 plants that produced the least for me under premature 12/12 has had nice root systems as compared to my previouse grows,which were allowed to veg for at least a month.Strange to me....but again,that could be a genetical thang.And,I use a 150hps so your results with different genes and different lighting etc...may be totally different.


Active member
thx hardhat22 for the great responce K+ for the time.
so far all my babys popped, all now on there first set of true leaves.
day 2 of 18/6. another 3 days and im going to go to 12/12

for me the first 4-5 days without 12/12 wont do much damage, since by 5 days old
they will only have the first set of true leaves,
but they will be just ready to start growing..

anyways i will keep posting as this grow gets on.
no point postin pic's yet. since we all know what young babys look like

peace and pot my friends


Active member
I'm at day 49 from seed. I've got to trim up and clean up the bottoms a little. They did spread a little more than I though. I'm running a 1K light. So, penetration isn't a problem.

These are the remaining females. All the males are gone.


Active member
can i ask, the one at the very back,

seems much taller than the rest.
diffrent pheno or diffrent plant?

and how tall is it...
im only askin cuz i got 14 started n wanna know how big to expect em to get

i though 12/12 they wouldnt grow tall like that.

well i got all this to look forward to, if they do grow lanky like that,
i def think im a scrog em as well


Active member
On page 2 of this thread some of Hal's plants finished out at about 30"-37". These strains are some different phenos. It is a seed experiment gone wild. I ended up with several 100 seeds from 3 or 4 small plants. They are crosses between Mango, top44, Morning glory(I think), and one other.


Active member
my co2 is comming in with the fresh air..

just by using good ventilation i can get my humidity down to 34%
and temps to 72c

if u have plent of fresh air u wouldnt need to spend
loads of money for co2 suppliments.

cant wait to see how my 12/12 turns out :)
first off mr. green is that ur girl cause that view is giving me bad thoughts...My apologies. Second its crazy after not being here for a while the grows have exploded. Especially you chosen. Yours is interesting cause of the aeroponics. I love experimentation. heres mine at there current state the big one is getting the chop tomorrow. 50/50 red hairs a good amount of amber trichs and its the harvest moon(sep 26). my little girls are kinda slow because i broke them inhalf kinda on accident and i over watered them. Mostly i was trying to flush the big one and it affected these babies. Also they arent getting full light but tomorrow they will. Already trichin up...much earlier than my big girl.

where is everybody...echo echooooooo echoooooo echoooo. Anyways my small crowded plants are now seeing the light and they love it. THey seem much healthier now that they have their space. these ladies look and smell great. These have been snapped above the third node on accident when lsting. These seem mostly indica so i hope i get some stretch here cause the auxins spreading and the blast of light, about 60% more than previously. THe big plant i had really shaded these early in their lives so now they are in the open getting all the lumens. Sorry if this is choppy but thats how my brain feels i love my weed. Im gonna stop the nitrogen because my others didnt seem to flush so i dont care if they yellow through life. I couldnt really flush much before. Its all organic...yumm. The smells are great the one on the right by the vent is a coffee skunk smelling indica and the other is more tangy passion fruit. They have frost all over and have had it for a while. These should be great pain meds. I have lsted them a little since i took the scrog thingy off. Im feeling better about everything getting good light. 180 watts in 2 sq ft is pretty efficient. Im now reading that kelp causes stretch so ive been giving it some so these lower branches shoot for the stars. They look like their really having fun now.
Before with the crowding:

After the chop:



I've got a bagseed in 12/12. Around 1 month in I started nutes. 1/4 grow big & 1/4 big bloom. She's responded very well. I'm in fox farm ocean forest cut with 30% perlite under 400w (closet grow).


New member
alright i let my plants veg alittle "third week in the ground" they are just now starting on the third leaf set. i want to switch them to 12/12 lighting but im afraid ill dwarf them. is this a reasonable concern or should they do fine and im just being paranoid. atmosphere, your buds looked great "the ones in the first page" you did a great job would you mind sharing a few pointers? i have them on 16/8 with my biggest under 2 100 wat heating lamps and the other 5 under a 4foot 32wat 2 bulb florescent. on the 8th im getting paid and i want to buy all the stuff i need. if someone would be so kind as to make "THE LIST" every gardener should have i would be ecstatic. im using sultz 10-15-10 fertilizer and they are all in five gallon buckets. after reading alot in this forum it sounds like i would be able to harvest in 2 months is this true? under 12/12.

sorry to those who dont like reading. i guess i kinda went off there.


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