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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


Active member
Good idea. I like the colloidal silver thread. It talks about making fem seeds. I'm going to do fem seeds on a 12/12 grow home made. I'll keep you posted. I'm finishing up some stuff.

buzzed day

hello all,this is haze at 12 wks from seed and on 12 and 12 sinse the start.other plants pictures are on my post just follow link.peace

Kolobrzeski said:
Hey guys, I have question about growing simply one plant using 12/12 from the seed. Will it be enough to grow with 3 23w CFL's?
Box is very small - 12" long, 8" wide and 24" high.

A plant of what strain ? I believe it will become difficult because your light wont be very concentrated. They will start stretching
BongSong said:
We have a strain here we've been growing from 12/12 for a few grows. The seeds are all female, and producing more seed is as simple as stressing a plant to make it hermie (make it too hot, or too cold, or mess the light cycle up...)


Its not that simple! Just using your method will deliver you feminized seeds that are hermie sensitive .


hi atmosphere, thx for reply, I don't know exactly what strain it is (from some cross pack). As u said, they're stretching, but today I'm gonna make LST (now it's 19th day) - will it be ok?
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Old School Cottonmouth
chosen how are your plants coming?

@ atmosphere. so you said it was no mercy seed co. strains you were having good success with flowering from seed?


New member
hardhat22 said:
I made a new post just for your beniefit my friend.It's basic stuff,simple.Have fun in the learning process,I know I did.
I've been scrogging for a couple of years and enjoy it alot.The one thing I've had to learn to deal with in scrog is that,with bagseed genetics,I have plants stretching at different amounts.I move plants alot and have to plan ahead.My plants are allowed to grow though the screen,but instead of continuously winding the stem and branches through the screen,and back under,I lay everything down on top and tie down,leaving myself room for movement.If you allow to grow through,pull under then back through,the plants stiffen up and you can't move anything.You'll have to figure out your own style.Top or not to top.I don't,though I will try it.I've experimented with 12/12 from seed recently,though not impressed,I will use it in a limited fashion.I'm even going to try a SOG trial during my current grow,removing all branches in a section and crowding as many plants as possible next to each other allowing only the main colas to grow.My drawback is that I'm using unknown genetics (currently)so I can't place plants according to their growth rate and I'll probably suck at it.

I really think that is going to be a gut reaction.
I use a nute named bud blood that is only supposed to be used in the first week of flower.After that,I use big bud.This 12/12 thing is confusing me as far as when to consider a plant in flower.I've always counted days of flower from the first calyxes growing in the very tip top of the plant.So my plants only got their flower nutes at that time.The results are mixed because the plant genetics are mixed.The first plants I grew under this premature thang didn't do well.But the 2 remaining plants responded well and did what the bud blood claims to do,but they are small,sativa dominate and will not produce much.So,I think it is a genetical thing.You need to read back through this thread and find the varieties that seem to produce well under this light regimine.
Mataco is dead on with his advice.You have to have some veg as the flowers grow,but with some of my more sat dom stuff,the extra N was too much as I'm sure I gave it at the wrong time and caused colas to stretch when they should be beefing up.I'll have to snap a Pic later as an example.

Thats another gut reaction.Some incrementally change pot size,some start and finish in the same pot.Thats why some of us use 2 and 3 litre bottles.We can see when a plant becomes rootbound and act accordingly.I change incrementally,with some experimentation with rootbound plant,Lol.But as you dig around here you'll find more detailed scientific stuff as to why you should or should not allow plants to be rootbound.

Thats great.It'll be interesting to see how the different varieties respond to premature 12/12.But,with the weeks worth of veg,some may cry foul.As far as root size is concerned,I've been surprised.For some odd reason,the end product hasn't had anything to do with the size of the rootball.The 2 plants that produced the least for me under premature 12/12 has had nice root systems as compared to my previouse grows,which were allowed to veg for at least a month.Strange to me....but again,that could be a genetical thang.And,I use a 150hps so your results with different genes and different lighting etc...may be totally different.

Sorry it took so long for me to see this, but thanks for your help! I'll get to reading it. My plant has been 12/12 for about 3 1/2 weeks now and getting a good bud formation at the top going, can't wait to see it in another 2 months!


Active member
They're doing okay little by little. I'll take some pics. I can't wait to get some colloidal going. Then I won't have to wait for which ones are males and females. Maximum usage of space.
motaco said:
chosen how are your plants coming?

@ atmosphere. so you said it was no mercy seed co. strains you were having good success with flowering from seed?

Yes, thats correct

They have been working on a strain now with the goal of being suited to flower from seed . Its a 3/4 Indica strain that was stabilized . Since Indica's tend to stay too small for that ,the largest most vital female plant and a fast flowering male were used for producing seeds. They are not for sale yet.
I got some pics of her:

she was topped 3 times and still over 2 meters tall

One hell of a stem she had , especially for an indica dominant plant :

The strain is Double Fun wich already existed
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Kolobrzeski said:
hi atmosphere, thx for reply, I don't know exactly what strain it is (from some cross pack). As u said, they're stretching, but today I'm gonna make LST (now it's 19th day) - will it be ok?

Do you have pics of them ?

what hardhat22 says about roots : I have also noticed that some plants have only few roots but are real yielders , makes no sense but it happens.
u guys think i could do 1 feminized maroc from femsseeds this winter?
the only thing. i gotta use cfls and i want a single columnar setup in the backleft corner of a closet.

the closet is about 2 1/2' deep, 5' wide and about 5' tall.

Will maroc grow with CFLs, 12/12 from seed, and with this much space.

Look at the american flag. that is the diagram i am working with roughly. the blue box of stars represents my grow space while the stars and stripes are the rest of the closet.

i just want to keep it stout and produce nice central cola growth structure with nice stubby side branches.

i am worried it wont be worth the try and the plant will wilt and die within the first few days, be straggly and eventually die, or just be straggly and produce spiny bud structures and stuff like that.

how tall will the maroc get with 12/12 from seed? will it have nice growth and mature flowers (heard it needs veg time for flowers to mature nicely. i think not tho).

i am looking to do this real stealthy to enjoy some damn good smoke a lil bit before spring.

ANY HELP? thanks guys. lets get me started
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benny the jet, your gambling on a specifc phenotypical trait being expressed to make your grow a success, make a small cab with enough room to do some training while still fitting it in the space you want and you will have a successful grow
thanks rkrone. wut about the smell on her. real noticeable?
i was thinking these for materials originally.
cheap 6 socket vanity fixture, 6 cfls, more tall rather than wide tub, a couple mini fans blowing up from the bottom of plant and out of the tub from the top (to work with the rising heat). maybe another fan blowing across the top of the plant.
the seeds will be sent out tommorow tho and i will get em within a week. have much time to brainstorm.
people tell just gets some mini shop lights cuz ther cooler. ya think? they are cooler but are they just more expensive when u nedd only two 2 footers when a big one runs for half that? idk


her dankness
jonkanoo said:
i've some sensi skunk plants under a 70w hps. now they are at day 2.. my question is: are those plants stretched?
this is my first indoor... and is a micro stealth grow, so go easy on me
A'ight, the simple answer is, YES.
You want to get more BLUE light on them at this point- flourescents (even shop lights, cool white works fine) or daylight CFLs are better than a small HPS for that stage. Tube flouros can go right up to an inch or 2 from the plant tops and you will see a big improvement. CFLs can go up close too but be careful that you don't let the seedlings touch them, as they do run a bit warmer than T12 tubes.
And soil- that soil looks... used. What's up? What is it and where did it come from? If it's been previously used, expect pests and fertilizer residues- you want NEITHER.

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