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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


New member
i have a few questions...
i just put 8 seeds into the ground, most of them are sativa-train wreak mix. i wanted to know how deep i should put the seed right now they r less then a inch deep. im keeping them in a green house under a 32wat florescent bulb. on 22 hour light.
another question i had was if i should even try this late in the year, see it freezes in the winter here about 2 months away, will they get big enough to handle the cold. or should i cover the whole thing with a tarp and put a heater in it?
i should have pics of it tommarow


floppyfundanglr said:
id say so thats how ive managed to get my plants to grow in a small space and a mini scrog all with 12/12.
I had forgotten yours are 12/12 from seed,floppyfun.Man,they are chunking up nicely.Looking great man.
Hey guys. This thread is like many threads rolled into one, so I apologize for not peruzing through the initial sixty pages. I have however, followed this thread because I like the idea.

Onto the good stuff-
I just cracked a few seeds
(1) Female Seeds Cinnamon
(3) Nirvana Seeds AK48
(3) Nirvana Seeds BUbblicious

and I was wondering who, if anyone, has had any experience with these strains the 12/12 route. I have but a small 150watt hps light supplemented with a couple of 24 watt cfls. I don't plan on having all 7 plants under such lighting, but at the very most, there will be 3.
With the equipment and strains that I have, would I see good things from 12/12 from seed?


New member
atmosphere said:
I'm back ,and will be giving answers to those who had questions for me, soon

Hello atmosphere, what is your take on cloning from 12/12? When is the best time to take the cuttings and is it ok to have the clones in the same chamber as the other plants that are more matured? Thanks man.


Active member
It shouldn't be a big deal. I've grown clones out of a 150 and gotten 3-4 ounces. You should do fine. I love micro setups. They are fun. YOu can setup several and do different little experiments.


New member
chosen said:
It shouldn't be a big deal. I've grown clones out of a 150 and gotten 3-4 ounces. You should do fine. I love micro setups. They are fun. YOu can setup several and do different little experiments.

Thanks man, have you seen my case?


Active member
Yep, I thought of doing a case at home for the fun of it. Yet, my girl would freak out...
tell ur girl to deal with it haha just kidding but try and express your true feelings about it to her and tell her...that youll dump her ass if she doesnt let you. kidding again. Sorry i cant help myself. Heres a recent pic of some 12/12 bitches.



Active member
I might have to put that in a pre-nup. Maybe having all those girls will be more like a harem.


I've been thinking of using this technique using 18gal rubbermaids ala red_greenery and using 2-Liter plastic bottles as my container until sex is shown - then transplanting into 3-Liter plastic bottles (usually sold at the dollar store around here). I can easily fit 6-8 2-Liters in the tub. Well, empty at least. 4-6 of the 3-Liters would easily fit, too. A mini SOG if you will. Anybody have any experience with something like this??
heres a little something for you i feel a little overkill with my pics but heres my attempt at a 12/12 mini scrog and the big one got some lst.

some of the bands broke on my screen but its still workable.
also different strains behave differently as you can see one has other buds shooting through the screen the other is taking a little more time. its more like an lst than a scrog because it doenst get the time to build up dense folliage under the screen but separates and holds down the shooting branches allowing other branches to catch up.
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this wouldnt be the best thread to look. Try a search and try searching titles only as well. The growers forums have a lot of stuff on it.
hey here is a question.
When you start 12/12 from seed, how should you go about your nutrients? I have high phosphorous flowering fertilizer, but should I feed it light nitrogen to start out or just hit it with the big P after a short while?

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