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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


Stoner4Life said:
I've done the 12/12 from seed and potency suffers, I say this as the 12/12 grow was same strain I'd just grown and I had a side by side comparison available there.
Could you give us a little more info on your side-by-side comparison please?Did you grow 2 different plants from seed or was it rooted clones?Thanks


Stoner4Life said:
I've done the 12/12 from seed and potency suffers, I say this as the 12/12 grow was same strain I'd just grown and I had a side by side comparison available there.

a mature plant is a mature plant whether its had veg time or not, and the potency will remain unchanged. the only thing that suffers is yield, but that can be made up in the extra harvest you get per year
Time for an update. Our two 12\12 plants are doing great, one is now on day 56 of flower, the other is a little over a week behind. This picture is of the top cola on the day 56 plant, things are shaping up nicely. The buds aren't terribly big since we're just flowering with a bunch of CFL's, but it just goes to show you don't need great lights to get lots of trichs. These are just bagseed and I'm thinking mostly sativa cause they still aren't showing amber trichomes.



give it some time and they will bulk up for ya, even if they are under cfl


Finagleabud said:
The buds aren't terribly big since we're just flowering with a bunch of CFL's...
So far,I've grown out,I think,8 different bagseeds under 12/12 from seed and they have all had small buds.But,even when I veg for a couple of weeks they are mostly small,though there is much more to harvest.Most I've had on a single stalk under premature 12/12 is about 1/8th,guestimated.
I'm using a 150 hps.On all but 2 the potency was very high,and none had time to cure so it could have been much better.The flower times seemed about average.I'm still trying to get the hang of it though....
Veeerrry nice trich shot.My bagseed rarely produces that many,though it doesn't seem to affect potency for some odd reason.


hi all :wave:
i've got 6 seeds germinated atm just waiting for them to show
3 x blueberry 3 x shiva shanti2
i've got a 250w m/h and a 400w hps(also 70w hps for side lighting) room size 3 x 2.5 ft
i'm thinking of going 12/12 with this grow and i was wondering would it be better to start the plants of in the m/h and switch later or just go with the 400 hps from the start?
thanks folks


gizmo said:
hi all :wave:
i've got 6 seeds germinated atm just waiting for them to show
3 x blueberry 3 x shiva shanti2
i've got a 250w m/h and a 400w hps(also 70w hps for side lighting) room size 3 x 2.5 ft
i'm thinking of going 12/12 with this grow and i was wondering would it be better to start the plants of in the m/h and switch later or just go with the 400 hps from the start?
thanks folks
OMG,man.If I had your gear (seeds and lights) I wouldn't waste it on premature 12/12.IMHO,premature 12/12 is good for micro gro or mini grows,such as my own.Depending on your space,it sounds like you've got enough fire power to grow out some nice plants.Veg em for a few weeks before 12/12 and you'll thank yourself after a nice harvest.Just my 2.8 cents worth...
Go waaayy back to the beginning of this thread and read before you decide on 12/12 from seed.Also,check out the ultimate sativa thread so you can compare the results of different ways of growing Sativa doms.


yea i know what your saying
this is not my first grow
i've grown the monster cola
done the topping and lst
and just vegged for 3 and grew normally
this is just for a quicker turnaround and basicly more on the learning road
i've just had a harvest of white widow,jack herer and dutch passion(curing atm)so i just decided to do a quick grow
thanks :joint:


gizmo said:
this is just for a quicker turnaround and basicly more on the learning road
In that case,Id go with just the hps.Then,next go 'round I'd go with the mh and compare results.( I'd put my money on the hps )


Old School Cottonmouth
that jack herer would be alot more suited to this method of growing. I'm sure you know that but I'd just mention it. shiva shanti and SOME blueberries are pretty indica structured and can be pretty dissapointing yield wise like that. but if you need the quick turn around than such is life.

@hardhat. you say you're using a 150 and trichs aren't developing more than that? Fin's bud is good for bagseed cfl but with a 150 you should be doing better than that.

I looked through your gallery and I didn't see a good pic of the actual light setups.
what is your light distance and air flow? One thing that will cause trichs to under-develop is what I call radiant heat. That is probably not the correct term for it but its what I always called it. Especially with good airflow it just helps it be decieving sometimes.

If you put your wrist under the light at the plants tip height keep it there for more than just a few seconds. wait 2 minutes or so and see if your skin is feeling more burned than what the sun feels like.

Its something you see in microgrows if there is no glass pane between the light and the plants. The airflow makes it feel cool but the actual light itself has a way of maintaining a steady heat (thats why I always called it radiant heat, it seems to radiate from the light beams themselves). The glass diffuses it or something I think, but anyway it makes the light safer at a closer distance and it really isn't killing the lights effectiveness, its raising it since its helping plant performance. even if its got to be raised higher than what is technically considered heat damage.

Anyway long story short to me it sounds like you're experiencing radiant heat problems, not to be confused with an actual temperature problem. Do you have a thin pane of glass sperating your light from your plants?
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Motaco,my flourolux has a lense( about 3/8" ).Does that count?I use an oscillating fan that cuts about 10 degrees of heat from my space.I've done the skin test and at around 8" from the plant tops,it doesn't seem hot at all.I have been assuming that the lack of trichs was genetical since I have had some that sugared up as good as any I've seen.Usually the longer flowering types are the ones that has few trichs,which is mostly what I get around here.Thanks

Edit:On a side note,Some of the herb that I've grown has been very potent even though they aren't very sugary.Then again some of the herbs that had alot of trichs didn't seem anymore potent that the others.Makes no sense to me.
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Old School Cottonmouth
oh thats probably not it then. I don't know. might just be the genes.

the real sure sign to tell if its radiant heat is if your lower buds are more resinous than the top buds.


yeh yeh, my first post, iv been reading this site very much, specially the security & legal section, so with my proxy program fired up, im now ready to fire away with my first post.

i have just read this thread from start to finnish, it took a long time, very long time.
i remember Hal saying he was going to compile the list of strains & there details?

i dont recall seeing such a list, just a couple that have been posted along the way..

Hal, do you have the list anywhere?

cheers fella....

buzzed day

hello all,here are a few pics.more at my postthey are 7wk 5 days.they are purplecrush/blackdomian and they might be mixed with nl/ww peace



Active member
Day 34 most of the males have started to show. I've pulled out about 12 males so far. There will probably be another couple. I'm starting to get some females as well. Mostly even growth, but I cheated and threw a few in later than others to fill in some gaps.

They range in height from roughly 5" up to 10". I'm kind of surprised that some of these spread out as much as they did under 12/12 but that's no big deal. I pull my bottom leaves for airflow usually.


New member
Sorry if this has been answered before, I'm still reading this thread so I haven't found my answer yet.

Is it possible to take clones of plants that are in 12/12 from seed? If so, when is the best time to take the cutting of the 12/12 plant? Is there anything special you must do once you have the cutting of the 12/12 plant? Once my plants show their sex I was planning on taking a cutting and putting it in the same cab as the 12/12 light cycle, will this present any problems?

Thanks all.


CannabisCrazed said:
Sorry if this has been answered before, I'm still reading this thread so I haven't found my answer yet.
Is it possible to take clones of plants that are in 12/12 from seed? If so, when is the best time to take the cutting of the 12/12 plant? Is there anything special you must do once you have the cutting of the 12/12 plant? Once my plants show their sex I was planning on taking a cutting and putting it in the same cab as the 12/12 light cycle, will this present any problems?

Thanks all.
I can't see why not.Try to take it before it shows sex or begins flower.If taken after flower,you may have trouble getting it to revert to veg.You want to take it as soon as you have enough stem for rooting.The longer it is in flower,the harder it will be to revert to veg.

@Pirate138 Again,I can't see why not.It would sure give a boost to the branches,which can probably use a boost under 12/12 from seed.Give it a try,I would like to see the results.