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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


Active member
Hey, Hal and Atmosphere... I talked a friend into doing 12/12 from seed.Here are pics at day 7 and day10

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Active member
It's a system called an aquamist. It's an aeroponic hybrid system. The plants rest above the reservoir. The roots grow right down into it. So, it's an aeropnic/dwc type setup. I grow tomatoes and peppers with mine. This time it's going to be running Floranova in one unit and Maxsea in the other. I haven't seen many people go 12/12 in hydro. The temps run a little high but I'm modifying the system to hold 50 gallons of water per unit. When you buy them they only hold 20 gallons. I'm hoping to learn to do 12/12 from seed sea of green over time.


Smokin on that serious...
chosen said:
It's a system called an aquamist. It's an aeroponic hybrid system. The plants rest above the reservoir. The roots grow right down into it. So, it's an aeropnic/dwc type setup. I grow tomatoes and peppers with mine. This time it's going to be running Floranova in one unit and Maxsea in the other. I haven't seen many people go 12/12 in hydro. The temps run a little high but I'm modifying the system to hold 50 gallons of water per unit. When you buy them they only hold 20 gallons. I'm hoping to learn to do 12/12 from seed sea of green over time.

wicked, thanks for the info! :headbange :joint:


floppyfundanglr said:
...But the branching does come after flower. I also did a minor lst by pulling the main cola stem to a 90 degree angle hoping to redistribute some growth hormones.

Thanks man.That's what I was asking about.I thought my lack of branch during veg was the result of my lack of knowledge,genetics or whatever.I think I've only grown out about 15 or so different sativas with my little 150 hps,I can't remember any that allowed the branches to pull away from the stem before 12/12.

Also,the 90 degree angle thing works like a charm at inducing branch growth ( after 12/12 ),at least in my raggedy 'ol scrog.A few times my sats produced branches that were almost all equal in size to the main cola.

Actually,I haven't tied down any of this 12/12 from seed experiment,they stretched so fast that the stem hardened before I realized it was time to tie,Lol.But they stopped stretching and crowned off low without running wild.You know,with the right genetics that could be a good thang.
any pics heres mine currently it just keeps stretching into my heatshield...i tie it down it comes back up. I think im gonna say scratch that and let them grow along it. ITs plenty cool at touch so im not to worried. I hope this doesnt affect my growth. Anyone have info.


This is my 12/12 grow from seed. For better or worse I have three strains going. All were germed the weekend of August 5th. The Satoris (Blue stakes) are turning into monsters. The Thai-Tanics(red) are half the size but have more nodes(4-5) than the Satoris. The Cali-Orange(yellow) are the runts in this group. Pale and pathetic looking, two have shown sex as of today, Day 15. I plan to grow out a max of maybe 12( if i have that many females). I'm open to suggestions on how many of which I should grow out. I can kill off girls if I have to do that for a better grow.

My light is a 430W Hortilux. All the details are in my grow diary thread in my signature.

Click on pic to enlarge



Just cut my Northern Lights, one plant under a 250W HPS and a 125W envirolite blue.. and 126 grams wet.



Atmosphere- I stumbled across your 12/12 method on Overgrow and can i say ever since it has been an inspiration. I have grown this method before and quite simply it just makes sense! Ignore the bad vibes you may get from other people, its good to see people daring to try different things:). Ive just got a few questions if you dont mind, im sure youve covered them in this thread but as ive joined it late it is too big to read from the start-

Does it matter if you start plants in smaller pots to sex then transfer to the big container or do they need the space straight away?

Earlier on you said your friend searched some mountains to find untouched strains, i was wandering if you could tell me more about this.

I see you mentioned not many people grow from clone in the Netherlands,how popular is this growing method in the Netherlands?

Sorry for all the questions, its just i find this method fascinating, keep it simple! YOu said you had some spare seeds to give away, are they still on offer?

And just an idea... If you were to set up dripper system so that the soil is kept at a constant 'wetness' instead of the soil being wet then drying out, im pretty sure this would further increase yeild, what do you think?

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Man, that's a good thread. I've found mostly all the info I needed. It's good way to grow a plant while growing in 60cm tall growbox! :)


spreadin da love
I just started a 12/12 from seed grow to keep me occupied in my spare time.. I have 5 bagseed, and 5 ice x killaqueen by Bag Appeal. I'll get some pics once they start goin... they are soil and under 600 watts of light 400mh, 4 40watt tubes warm spec, and 2 27 watt 6500k spiral floros... I'm bored so this seemed fun :) and until my cool tube arives I guess this is what i got.


Active member
i guess in some situations 12/12 would be good, eg for thai.
my superskunk clones however.. start flower in like 3 days. and superskunk seed plants start flowering in 2 weeks, so id be lucky to see 3 weeks veg and more than a 1/4 as the main cola!


I'm going back to veging plants but I will keep adding seedplants into the mix as hole fillers.I like the way the 12/12 from seed method has kept my Sats from taking over my small space.But I don't like the small amount of bud I'm getting so far.But I have a good bit of bagseed that I don't mind using as hole fillers so I'm going with both methods at the same time and see how it works out.


hardhat22 said:
I'm going back to veging plants but I will keep adding seedplants into the mix as hole fillers.I like the way the 12/12 from seed method has kept my Sats from taking over my small space.But I don't like the small amount of bud I'm getting so far.But I have a good bit of bagseed that I don't mind using as hole fillers so I'm going with both methods at the same time and see how it works out.

hole fillers is right...as soon as any males show in my current grow they will be replaced with 12/12 from seed plants


Old School Cottonmouth
that is what I had settled on the method for. as well as testing stability and potency of my own hybrids quickly, and of course for sativas.

but mostly yeah, as hole fillers you got it right. I always feel like a goof that I could go to jail over a plant that yielded 1/8 ounce.


motaco said:
I always feel like a goof that I could go to jail over a plant that yielded 1/8 ounce.
ROFL,me too also.But as I pack this last bowl from this little 1/8th,I'm starting to eyeball the next little bud thats finishing up,knowing I prolly won't let it finish out.Then there are the 2 long flowering sats that seemed to like this early flowering thing.....


Well it's Day 20 of my 12/12 from seed grow. Finally I have 12 girls. Five Satori, 4 Thai-Tanic, and three puny-ass Cali-Orange that appear to be suffering from a Mg deficit...yellowing with the veins remaining green.

How they could be so shitty and the other two strains so nice is a mystery. Apparently they didn't like my me and my soil or they were crappy genetics.

I mean Geez!! Look at the Satoris! In the top pic you can easily see the size of the plants relative to each other and a tape. That back right Satori has grown to 14" from being about 9" on Friday. And the Satori have had no nutes(other than what's in the soil) until Sunday. Mandala is right on so far about their claims of hybrid vigor....at least I think so.

Just a matter of watching them grow now.

Anyone have any suggestions, I'd like to hear them. Any guesses on yields for these strains? Anyone think I should kill off those 3 crappy Cali-O so the space can go to the 9 healthy Thais and Satoris? I'm leaning towards killin them right now. No offence to those sickly girls, but my space is limited.

I hope all is well with everyones grow!!!!!!!!


I meant to post this in my grow diary. I had to omant pages open. If it is against the rules I will remove it.OK?

All these seeds were germed at the same time. All sprouted with in days of each other. The Cali-O were actually looking best of the three strains at about day 3. Those Satoris make me think of mutant killer plants in a horror flick. Monster plants!! And I do rotate them around to keep them from bending too much in one direction.

You can see how crappy looking those Cali-O girls are :cuss: Mg def? Hard to see but veins, and area immediately around veins, are very distinctly staying green. I already gave them MgSO4 last watering.

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