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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow

gorilla grow

New member
it may of been mentioned befor i have only read a few pages but why would you not clone ,veg for 3-4 days and then flip them you would have a constant size plant and could get in a real good routine !!just a thought .peace ps 1 gram per watt on you tube is a great video


because its a 12/12 from seed method, not clone, veg and flower. it produces a variety of results, you lose nothing in potency and what you lose in yield you make up for with an extra crop per year. you can do sog and get great results. however some strains perform better than others, way better. i did one and it was 12" when finished and yeilded 4 grams and had another female that was 18" tall when she started to flower but was culled so i never got to see her finish.


Smokin on that serious...
i came home from the gathering of the vibes to find my babys in the dark :(

it appears the cleaning lady knocked the plug out of the wall, im not sure how long they were in the dark but its possible they were in darkness for 3 days, what are the chances this will stress my plant to male?


Wow **** that cleaning lady dude, how do you accidentally knock a plug from the wall? You have to pull the plug out

I'd say fire her ass, why the hell do you have a cleaning lady when your growing anyways? That seems risky

But 3 days... they are probably in flowering now if they werent already but just put the light back on and see what happens. I've heard of people doing 1 to 2 days darkness to induce flowering so maybe thats all that will happen?!


Old School Cottonmouth
during the katrina blackout I lost an entire harvest from the power being out. I forget how long it was out for. but anyway it was right when I flipped them to flower and most of them didn't hermi, but they freaked out and all became runts


Smokin on that serious...
smelltheflowers said:
Wow **** that cleaning lady dude, how do you accidentally knock a plug from the wall? You have to pull the plug out

I'd say fire her ass, why the hell do you have a cleaning lady when your growing anyways? That seems risky

But 3 days... they are probably in flowering now if they werent already but just put the light back on and see what happens. I've heard of people doing 1 to 2 days darkness to induce flowering so maybe thats all that will happen?!

this cleaning lady has been coming to my house for well over ten years, i used to smoke weed with her in the afternoons after high school, shes way chill.

hopefully the plant wasnt tooo stressed, at least the light wasnt on for 24/0 or somethin crazy i did loose a couple leaves though :badday:


Reality said:
would a 12/12 grow be possible in a small space? (computer case)
I'm currently trying that with Nirvana Bubblicious. It sprouted on the 11th, so it will be awhile before I can post anything helpful. I'm going to LST the hell out of it. :fsu:


clorox said:
what are the chances this will stress my plant to male?
Maybe 50/50??When my last child was born it ended up being a C-section,I spent 5 days in the hospital with my wife.I came home to limp plants but after a watering they were fine and didn't even seem to suffer from shock,much less hermiation.Just watch'em and see.Good luck


Hitboss said:
I'm currently trying that with Nirvana Bubblicious. It sprouted on the 11th, so it will be awhile before I can post anything helpful. I'm going to LST the hell out of it. :fsu:

Please let me know man. Very interested :rasta:


Hitboss said:
I'm currently trying that with Nirvana Bubblicious. It sprouted on the 11th, so it will be awhile before I can post anything helpful. I'm going to LST the hell out of it. :fsu:

I think LST is a wise choice. I grew Bubblelicious a couple a grows ago, and for me it seemed real branchy and stretchy. But I was using a bunch of CFL's, I suppose that might have caused the stretchiness (but it hasn't on a few other strains I have grown the same way).

I'll be interested to see how your garden grows.


floppyfundanglr said:
anyone have some 12/12 sativas or have info on how long it took to show sex? Peace
Sorry I can't be more precise but these plants were placed in 12/12 as soon as I found them on our local river.They were only a few days old.It took 25 days for the 2 larger budded plants to show and the long flowering plant took about a week longer.I actually have 2 of the long flowering varieties from the same find.

(Edit) I should add that there are so many different sativas coming into my area that there really is no way to set a time frame for them to show sex.I have had them to show anywhere from 10 to 41 days after 12/12.But,this is only my 2cd try at premature 12/12,and I'm sure that the growing style makes all the difference.I have had a few that went longer than that but I jerked them before they showed.
I'm really not impressed with my sats under this 12/12 thing so far.
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killed the big bastard. Haha it was taken for ever and would outgrow my box but this is my other baby under this method. This seed could be from either nirvana ww or hindu kush with pollen from a lr male that escaped. Ive gotten different phenos from the seeds but decent product. This one seems to like the 12/12. Also i used a bed instead of pots which i think allowed it to branch like it did. No single cola. This is about 5 weeks old.



Active member
Neat looking good.... I just started some up medi style. I'll post pics soon. Mine are 12/12 from seed in my hybrid aero system... I'll post some pics in a couple of days. I finally got to rebuild my space and have legit paper.
gorilla grow said:
it may of been mentioned befor i have only read a few pages but why would you not clone ,veg for 3-4 days and then flip them you would have a constant size plant and could get in a real good routine !!just a thought .

For making clones you need room for one or more mothers . The time ,room and electricity that it takes might as well be spend on seedplants to yield from .
Thats more efficient. You only need a small space for about 3 weeks to prepare your seedplants !!
Besides that seedplants can be stable a have a constant size ,especially when you start on 12/12 . And once you have some experience in growing from seeds this way you will even yield more than with clones.
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floppyfundanglr said:
Also i used a bed instead of pots which i think allowed it to branch like it did.
So,if I allow my roots to spread as opposed to being in a small pot,it may cure my prob of not having branches untill AFTER flower?That has been keeping me puzzled.I hardly ever have branching before 12/12.


Smokin on that serious...
a little ove a month from seed my indoor plant showed HER sex today, about 45 minuets after lights on i opened up the case to inspect the plant and i noticed she was showing beautiful long white pistils

theres only one complication: im going back to college on friday and the plant is going to have to finish up outdoors on its own. :spank:

its been grown 12/12 from seed and its just about a week and a half from 12/12 naturally here, should there be any complications? :badday:

hardhat22 said:
So,if I allow my roots to spread as opposed to being in a small pot,it may cure my prob of not having branches untill AFTER flower?That has been keeping me puzzled.I hardly ever have branching before 12/12.

THis may have some to do with genetics but im completely sure that this is also due to the soil bed. the branches just keep stretching. Chlorox sorry dont remember the name um i think maybe over a couple days gradually increas her than i think there shouldnt be any problems. A few minutes here or there isnt a big deal cause that happens naturally. Heres last night.

my new babies hopefully a great indica female there.

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hard hat i started looking back on what you said. The branching really started after sign of flower than exploded and the side branches have continued to stretch to there current position. Maybe this is just a lucky bitch that likes to stretch. but my old grow in pots had veg time which still didnt affect the branching making it a single cola. But the branching does come after flower. I also did a minor lst by pulling the main cola stem to a 90 degree angle hoping to redistribute some growth hormones.


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