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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


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400 watt light needs advice

400 watt light needs advice

First off high all;
realy nice forum u all have goin. also its a very interesting method of growing
i cant wait to try. anyways i have a 400 watt light and it has 1 MH bulb or i can use the HPS. Im thinking the the HPS is the one to use. Also my grow space is 22'' wide x 28'' deep x 55'' tall {i'll post a pic or 2 when i can lol} basical what i would like advice on is A: what size pots should i use. B: How many can i fit in there w/o over crowding them C: can this method be used with established clones ? {I have been vegging and cloning for my friends for a couple months now...still learning...Gettin Pretty good tho 95% succes rate now } or does it need to be started from seeds ?? i have many strains available to try out

Clone Strains I have moms of

Choc. tye
Hindu Kush
Grand daddy perp
Rock bud
White widow
Heavy duty fruity
Purple Kush
Bubba Kush
Maui waui
ATF {Alaskin thunder fuck}
Silver pearl
Nothern Lights

Sheesh i didnt realise how many strains i had collected lol.
{Its Nice being a part of the cloners market here in N.cali gives me
access to a LOT of strains}

any ideas on what to run through first for a good fast result
{im sure il run them all through eventualy lol}

Any and all Advice would be greatly appreciated and i will post results of what strain i used and its results on the forum for those wondering how they came out :p

I have found that not only smoking marijuana is theroputic
But Growing it has more rewards that just a way to get high
w/o payin for it !!!

well thanks all for reading
and i look forward to your comments
OH 1 more thing how well does using mirriors work for reflecting
light around i was thinking all four sides and bottom ???
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Smoke68 said:
Atmosphere, L33T, :bow: Teach me of your ways!!! Atmos. I really like the new pics of your Lucky queen, they look oh-so-potent :yummy: All of your plants have a very high flower to leaf ratio, do you pick strains based on this, or do you just get lucky with phenotypes?
In response to stealthballer and Mr. Micro, if light is what packs weight back on, why not try to throw the girls into 14on/10off for the last few weeks, or 13/11? I wouldnt think this would reveg the plants, but merely work on producing a larger size of flower.

It can be helpfull to do 13 /11 , but not always. Revegging does not occur .

about the flower to leaf ratio : first of all this is an effect of growing without a veg priod . The lucky queen i've picked especially for that reason , the other strain was luck .


New member
seeds ????

seeds ????

atmosphere said:
Buying lots of seeds can be cheap if yo know where.
There is a reliable known company that supports growing 12/12 from the start for a number of reasons . When you order 200 seeds you will probably pay less than a dollar per seed .
I do not work for this company ,but i do support it in every way i can becuase he's one of the very few that has fair prices for good seeds(sells about 30 strains ,among those are very famous ones like Santa Maria ), and he's the inventor of the 12/12 grow technique we discuss here.

If you want the name of the company ,PM me

would ya mind sending me the info bro
i cant PM ya since im new to forum :(

also i know this is a 12/12 seed i was just wondering about usin clones since as i said i am a clone vender for some of the clubs around here and my main thing is providing people with the strains they want more than flowering out what i have. now having finally finished reading this whole thread i have my answer on usin clones {seems i posted my questins a bit premature :yoinks: } so i do appologise for that one.

ok so you have my dimentions listed and know that i have a 400 watt
my question is still. What size pots should i use and how many should i put into it. Or if i have read correctly a lot of people favor the "grow bed" instead of pots {if not its cause im either tired, stoned or just plain stupid lol }i realy want to try this method, since i have lost the ability to use the 1000w bath room method for flowering that i was doing....... :badday:

also i have listed all the strains i have moms of is there 1 or 2 in perticular that interests anyone and would like a report on when finished or would it be "tainted" since i would have to do them from established clones rather than from seeds {At least until i can find a realy good seed vender hint hint hahahahaha} and bag seeds sounds like fun. the whole what did seedman santa bring me for xmas lol
thnx again all
i realy would appreciate the
seed info atmosphere :kissass:
its beena couple days since i posted some pics, so here ya go....i figure i got about 2-4 more weeks...will have magnifying glass today....

this is my attempt at breeding....i hand pollinated the lower branches of this lady, not sure if you can see in pic but seeds are starting to form...wow my own breed...its SweetCindy99 x mystery seed...lol


Fruitbowl gets the axe!

Fruitbowl gets the axe!

Fruitbowl, Sunshine Seeds, day 61 from flower, parting is such sweet sorrow....

This bud is so dense, I was worried that I would have to deal with fungus or mold, but I didn't see any signs as I was trimming the leafage. I'll do a grow/smoke report when it finishes drying and has about a 3 week cure.


Hey gsavill90....

I grew Nirvana northern lights on my first grow using this method, I was very happy with the result. One of my NL plants looked almost the same as the pic I just posted of the Fruitbowl, the others were 16", 17", and 23" in height, and all yielded about 1 ounce of dried bud.

You should put a link to your grow diary in the signature section so we can just click on it to go visit. Also, I think if you ask one of the moderators to move the thread to where you want it they will be happy to help ya.
sweetleaf said:
would ya mind sending me the info bro
i cant PM ya since im new to forum :(

also i know this is a 12/12 seed i was just wondering about usin clones since as i said i am a clone vender for some of the clubs around here and my main thing is providing people with the strains they want more than flowering out what i have. now having finally finished reading this whole thread i have my answer on usin clones {seems i posted my questins a bit premature :yoinks: } so i do appologise for that one.

ok so you have my dimentions listed and know that i have a 400 watt
my question is still. What size pots should i use and how many should i put into it. Or if i have read correctly a lot of people favor the "grow bed" instead of pots {if not its cause im either tired, stoned or just plain stupid lol }i realy want to try this method, since i have lost the ability to use the 1000w bath room method for flowering that i was doing....... :badday:

also i have listed all the strains i have moms of is there 1 or 2 in perticular that interests anyone and would like a report on when finished or would it be "tainted" since i would have to do them from established clones rather than from seeds {At least until i can find a realy good seed vender hint hint hahahahaha} and bag seeds sounds like fun. the whole what did seedman santa bring me for xmas lol
thnx again all
i realy would appreciate the
seed info atmosphere :kissass:

When can I PM you ? I don't how much post you need before sending pm's becomes possible.
I have already mentioned the site of the breader i was reffering to , somewhere in this thread .


You will not be forgotten
sweet thread H4l, been reading through some of it and you all have some very nice pictures, ill have to remember to come back around and watch for this next indoor round in the winter. Hope you all have a successful year and pull some healthy plants.

Seasons Greetings Gents :joint:



New member
HEY l33t,

Great looking SSH. What size pots did you use, and did you ever transplant into larger ones. You've probably answered this question, but you know...

12/12 from seed, 200 watt flouro grow

12/12 from seed, 200 watt flouro grow

Hey everybody, Just thought I should update you now that I can actually see the buds on my plants. They are bag seed w/ cfl's and T5's so they wont look as good as the ones just posted on here, but check out this one plant I got, I think it is a sativa because of the way it is growing on the sides.

This is a pic of the big top, definitely my tallest plant. The sides have trichs coming up as if I vegged the plant.

These are the other three:

Just thought I would share,
THanks, DRKN_MNKY420


can anyone tell me aprox how tall will a pure indica get if started on 12/12?

i plant to do a grow under a 400watt hps 16 plants in 3 liter pots soil using biobizz nutes..now i know diffrent straines wil yeild more etc but can someone give me a ruff idea on how much id be likely to yeild this way with say a strain like afghani#1 or skunk#

cheers looks like a nice site here also :wave:


heres a fewe pics o found of my last grow 12/12 from seed nirvarna misty and nirvarna nlxbb under 250watt cfl








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Regarding when to chop...

The color of the trichome indicates ripeness, with the clear being the least, white (milky) being in the middle, and amber being the most ripe. The more ripe a trichome is, the more of a heavy, couch-lock type stone it will deliver. Everything being equal (which it isn't, of course...) a plant that is chopped with more clear trichomes will be the least couchlocky, and a plant with more amber will be more couchlocky. Now, that all happens within the particular strain's natural inclination toward a more indica (couchlocky) or sativa (more up buzz) buzz.

Most growers, after growing a strain a few times, will know just when to pick it so that it gives them the buzz they are after. If you don't know, the best thing to do is shoot for the middle, mostly white, with a few clear and a few amber. Then when you try it out you will know whether you hit it on your first try, or if you should let it go longer or shorter on your next grow with that strain.


Got Weight?

Got Weight?

Well, I just jarred my Fruitbowl after a 3 day drying period. That seems on the quick side, but my bud always seems to get to that dry point where it gets transferred to the cure jar in about 3 days. I'm always curious how people can wait 7 days, or even 10 on occasion. My bud would be dry as powder at that point.

Here is an important little ditty about the Fruitbowl I just harvested:

29.2 grams :woohoo: broke the ounce barrier again with a short plant!

Thats 29.2 grams with the main stem removed....
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