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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow



Those look sweet milkman!

That one second from the left looks like it will be especially pretty. All have that pole shape that really helps to fit a bunch of plants into a small space. I can't wait to see how these girls develop with time.


New member

I found out about the 12/12 method by a thread of atmosphere on wietforum.
Since I'm restricted with the height of my grow unit ( 1,2 meter) I thought this is right for me.
This is my first grow. The strain I grow is Killing Fields (mostly indica).
I planted 8 seeds and got 2 females. Funny thing is they all showed their sex on day 21.
I'm into week 8 of flowering so 2 more weeks before harvesting.
Here are some pictures.

yes that 2nd one is my favorite...i think it will finish the best...the strain is unknown so that sucs, but wh knows it may be some fire....2 of my ladies are bogglegum, and 3 are from a mystery pack...
hey guys, i like this thread.
Can someone tell me roughly how much yeild id get from 6 cinnamon-(female seeds.co),-
under 400w, in soil, and from 12/12. I kinda need some quick advice cos im thinking of doing it tonight. Theyv jus popped through the soil, so roughly how much yeild.
Oh and can you tell me in ounces, like maybe 2 ounces a plant ...roughly sorta thing.

thanks if you can help.


Thats a tough one green machine...

I think atmosphere gets close to 1 gram of dried bud for every watt of lighting he uses...you might want to confirm that with him, but he gets superb yields. Your final yield depends on a lot of factors, including how adept you are at growing cannabis.

If you want to take me as an example, I don't have much experience, have only grown a few times, and I use CFL's as the light source. I got over an ounce a plant on my first grow, and it was grown in a very small space. My second grow wasn't as successful, only got a little more than 1/2 ounce per plant. Part of the success of this method depends on using a plant that responds favorably to this lighting regimen...I'm guessing that most indica/sativa crosses should do well.

Atmosphere has the most experience with this method, you should PM him and get his advice directly. Good luck with your garden.


I'd say 1 ounce may be closer to it, 2 ounces per plant would be very good going especially 12/12 from seed. If you need 2 ounces per plant I'd say you need to veg them some first. Or perhaps consider going coco instead of soil for greater yield.


Active member
My mr.nice ssh plants were grown under 10/14 from seed . They yielded 3oz per plant.... 1g per watt....

With 12/12 youll hear someone say ... "You won't get more than one oz per plant blah blah"

Everyone can yield 5 oz of a vegged plant , even a newbie ... but how many can yield 3 oz per plant ( or 1gram per watt ) from a 12/12 from seed grow ?

Lesson : Flowering 12/12 from seed shows how good a grower is ( or how good setup he has ) . Grow it bad and will turn into lowryders .. grow them good and they will yield very acceptable .

Here you are ... mrnice super silver haze grown 10/14 from seed ... day 86... :joint:

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Active member
Nice job... Is that 1-600 watter with those plants? HOw many plants do you have under that light?
Very impressive..


l33t said:
Grow it bad and will turn into lowryders .. grow them good and they will yield very acceptable .

Friggin awesome garden L33t! Regarding the plant potentially turning into lowryders....isn't that caused more by the strain's genetics, and how they respond to the light regimen, and less the specifics of the gardener's abilities?

I would love to know the specifics of your set-up...it sure as hell is working!
just a quick updates, mine are nothing like l33t's but with time i can only hope to achieve that...looks real nice man...i cant believe those were 12/12 from seed, how big is the whole plant? those colas are huge...



Active member
I used 2x600watters and one more 600w for 20days. So lets say 1500w for 15 plants.

hal: ofcourse , if you plant a mostly indica(more than 80%) , you will get lowryder plants no matter what you do , that is why we always choose at least 30% sativa in the genetics to end up with decent sized plants . But I have seen some growers grow even mostly indica genetics and get 5g per plant ... I never get less than an oz more or less even with pure indicas . But then again , I have yielded like an ounce and half from lowryders :p

I used organics with soil . Earth juice/biobizz/maxicrop ferts . Biobizz allmix / Canna coco 50%/50% .

The cola of the plant in the centre of the pic is 3feet/1meter . Thats it I think.
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l33t said:
My mr.nice ssh plants were grown under 10/14 from seed . They yielded 3oz per plant.... 1g per watt....

With 12/12 youll hear someone say ... "You won't get more than one oz per plant blah blah"

Everyone can yield 5 oz of a vegged plant , even a newbie ... but how many can yield 3 oz per plant ( or 1gram per watt ) from a 12/12 from seed grow ?

Lesson : Flowering 12/12 from seed shows how good a grower is ( or how good setup he has ) . Grow it bad and will turn into lowryders .. grow them good and they will yield very acceptable .

Here you are ... mrnice super silver haze grown 10/14 from seed ... day 86... :joint:


Very, Very Nice.



I guess good things DO come to those who wait....And then the cure,OH SUCH TORTURE TO LOOK BUT NOT TOUCH!

Just 7 weeks from the first signs of flowering :

One of those fat ones might deliver me 100 grams , we will see

The conditions /climat have a lot to do with how big and succesfull your plants are going to be. Starting on 12/12 there is no time to make mistakes, you need decent to grow decent roots . It helps a lot when your plants are able to start in a large and wide container. for example use 5 plants in one container with 50 liters of soil . This will grow larger plants than with 5 pots each containing 10 liters of soil.


Active member
hey atmo

is this your strain ( the cold resistant ) you used to grow on OG ? I think you used to use beds at some point...right ? Yes 100grams per plant is very achievable if the genetics are 50% sativa and more .

have fun my friend


I've done a few plants 12/12 from seed as an experiment. Some strains are much better suited than others. I just chopped one plant that was only 6" high, with all the leaves of a 15" plant. Smelled wonderful, but I'm sure it wouldn't make it through a reveg. The other 3 that I have left look a lot like Milkman's. They are just bagseed, normal sativa-dom mexi stuff. I think this method works great with the right strain, and you must absolutely have your shit together, because any deficiency in the plant will directly affect your yield.
here are some new pics...resin is starting to form and they are starting to smell...2 bogglegums, 3 mystery....and hopefully one proud mom....tried pollenating one so we will see what happens...ended up causing some heat burn yesterday, left one of my bigger plants towards the middle and it got a lil burnt...should i worry? sorry so many pics...



Active member
WOW l33t!!! Those are some impressive plants you have there. lol. You said a 10/14 lighting schedule huh? Why did you opt for that. I had read here on these forums that any less than 11.5 hours decreases THC.. Anyways, congrats on them plants! I am just starting up my first real grow... a micro grow in a box 24x21x12inches, using a 70w HPS in cooltube and two 23w daylight CFLs. I am trying a low profile DWC tub with 3, 4" net pots. 12/12 from seed is the method that I am going to shoot for... I read about it a little late so they had 4 days of 18/6, but I think I should still qualify for this thread...
Oh BTW, I told my local Hydro supplier of this method and he told me that I was just wasting time, money, energy and that the yeild will not be worth a damn... I argued on our defense, but to little effect.

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