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The Trump Bomber

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ICMag Donor
Maybe this helps. :tiphat:


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
The President who capped the world trade center wacko or the orange baby stealer.

I can see why you chose Cheeto. Great idea puffing him up for riding the coat tales of Obamas economic turn around,

The idea that Obama had ANYTHING to do with getting bin Laden aside from saying "go" is utterly absurd. The 3-letter agencies and the armed forces had been after him since the git, and it was simply a matter of time regardless of who occupied the Oval Office. Obama then made a big deal about how fucking difficult the decision was because if the mission had failed, it would blow back on him. No concern whatsoever for the operators actually doing the job, but the narcissist-in-chief was afraid of the political cost. What a buffoon...

You are correct about the Obama economic turnaround, however. All it took was seeing that his ass was headed out the door and the economy picked up overnight.
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Active member
Back on topic...

Fake bombs.

Fake...as in not a real threat of violence. You know..not like shooting at Senators during baseball practice.... So fake...it's already passed the two day media cycle.




ICMag Donor
This is like your trump back patting on the economy. :moon:

The World Trade Center was hit in 2001. Obama started in 2009 and got the job done. The economy, bin laden and the middle east debacle too. And you want to wiz on his parade? Obama was Summa Cum Laude at Harvard Law. Racist America put their hoods on while the rest of the world admired him. Oprah is out there campaigning in Georgia. They say she's a sure thing if she runs. Ol Oprah, she'll take care of Cheeto. This is better than the WWF.

Tuesday - Surf's Up

The idea that Obama had ANYTHING to do with getting bin Laden aside from saying "go" is utterly absurd. He then made a big deal about how fucking difficult the decision was because if the mission had failed, it would blow back on him. No concern whatsoever for the operators actually doing the job, but the narcissist-in-chief was afraid of the political cost. What a buffoon...

You are correct about the Obama economic turnaround, however. All it took was seeing that his ass was headed out the door and the economy picked up overnight.


Active member
The World Trade Center was hit in 2001. Obama started in 2009 and got the job done. The economy, bin laden and the middle east debacle too. And you want to wiz on his parade? Obama was Summa Cum Laude at Harvard Law. Racist America put their hoods on while the rest of the world admired him. Oprah is out there campaigning in Georgia. They say she's a sure thing if she runs. Ol Oprah, she'll take care of Cheeto. This is better than the WWF.

Tuesday - Surf's Up

Is this real ?

I mean really. I gotta know.

'Summa Cum Laude'


btw...that so called "Racist America" is who elected him.


Active member
Obama got Binladen. Kind of happy about that one. Obama and the cia also brought the arab spring. Nothing like a great covert that takes on an identity of its own. Beats the hell out of putting our people in there.

Did he really? They supposedly dumped the body in the Indian Ocean and didn't release any pictures of him dead. They put pictures of Uday and Qusay Hussein all over the place and even showed video of Saddam getting hung, but the most hated man in America dies and they throw the body into the ocean and don't show anyone? I'm not buying it.

Bin Laden was probably already dead before that. We're talking a 7 foot tall bearded Arab who had to travel with a kidney dialysis machine. Could he have really kept his location so secret for so long? Bin Laden was also a long-time stooge of the CIA.

Don't forget that Qtub, the "Grandfather of Al Qaeda" was a Freemason before he went back to Egypt to engage in regime change efforts.


Active member
Since this thread is about some TRUMP BOMBER...and the story is all about dead....

Let's look back to when America was Great !

without all this liberal political correction bullshit



Active member
I think Andrew Jackson was the worst president in history.

Well defining "the worst" is always hard because most US presidents have some area in which they are truly monsters and yet other areas in which they shine. Andrew Jackson was a duelist, a genocidal native killer, and just kind of a cantankerous asshole; Despite all of which, he also took on the people trying to create a centralized US banking system and beat them. It literally says on his tomb: "I broke the bank".

I'm trying to think of something Nixon did really well to offset his war crimes of Operation Rolling Thunder, and his implementation of the fiat-based Petrodollar system, but nothing is coming to mind.


Active member
It's not accurate to say the "worst" President...but rather the "worst two" Presidents....

Theodore and Woodrow

read a book you lazy soymen...


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Since I'm supposed to be the word-cop around here - occasionally I come across a word I need to research - because its part of my job - and someone might get their panties in a bunch if I don't know a hard expletive from a mild semi-hidden insult - or a word that could enrich all of our vocabularies - so here we go:

What Does SOYMEN Stand For? - after reading this chapter you might want to go and hug a tree - or buy a telescope.

Meaning of SOYMEN numerology analysis. One is the start of all beginnings and of creation, ambition, a leader with strong will, who loves independence and seeks authority. But it is also the symbol of selfishness, of solitude, of individualism and isolation in success.

The esoteric meaning of this path is related to creation. Astrologically it is governed by the Sun and relates to the sign of Leo. Having all the qualities needed to be a born leader. Always insisting on their right and thereby creating a personal and exclusive view of things. You need freedom of thought and action. You have motivation and determination. Never letting other interfere in the realization of their objectives once real goals are set.

You assume responsibility and know how to protect those whom you love. This vibration is creative, unique and original, with a taste for the unusual. His approach to problems is unique because there are no fears of new perspectives. He can be impatient with its own shortcomings and those of others. Social status and the appearance of success is important for him. Willing to work for success and the good things of life. However, attention should be given to not succumb to its defects such as egoism, selfishness, anger, arrogance, vanity and a too strong attachment to his outer image. If these aspects are not under control, they can become excessively authoritarian and vindictive.

One way to feel better is to simply give more freedom to yourself. One way of doing this is having your own business and being your own boss. Never let go of your dreams for personal life and work. Use determination to achieve all objectives. However leave some room to breathe in order to not get too stressed with your own nature. On the physical plane you are person who should pay attention to your diet and strive to maintain a regular program of sports or physical exercise.

*oh there is more of it - via the link - never knew a word could cover all that - jeez.

no offense....:comfort:
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