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The Trump Bomber

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Active member
I've had enough dealings with the government to KNOW that they are incapable of administering something of this magnitude without totally fucking it up. The government has no skin in the game, and thus no motivation to do things economically or efficiently. They simply pass the expense through...

This is a frustrating attitude to deal with: "Government can't handle social welfare programs because someone will sabotage them or bungle them so I am going to vote for people who want to see them fail and work hard to make sure they fail"

Its self-fulfilling prophesy. Republicans openly sabotage these programs and Democrats covertly sabotage them and the public accepts their excuses and keeps electing them so they can keep doing it.


Still Learning
I'm in my 70s and go to the VA.
I have full no cost coverage at the VA but will this month go for a medicare supplement policy (plan G) and pay the extra 'out of pocket'.

Problem with 1 administrator is the issue of funding. Funding is at the whim of the party in control of the puppet strings.

The government blows at the administration of most tasks..

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Although its far from perfect - the National Health Service in the UK has seemed to work for me throughout my entire lifetime - and I am 58 years old.

Last year my National Insurance contributions were around 1.75k sterling - and they are linked to how much you earn....


But if you need some people vaporized by Hellfire missles from out of nowhere, you can count on us!

sadly there is truth in that, msm doesn't even report all the drone strikes taking place in the world anymore, when each one is a war crime, each one kills civilians and leaves behind hundreds of people with hate in the hearts. justified hate if you put yourself in their shoes.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
this is the great disparity - 'We' are not responsible for what our governments do - in fact you could just about say that most all members on this site do not agree with bombing the heck out of the people they target -

We cannot also be made responsible for what our nations did in the past either.


this is the great disparity - 'We' are not responsible for what our governments do - in fact you could just about say that most all members on this site do not agree with bombing the heck out of the people they target -

We cannot also be made responsible for what our nations did in the past either.

well how long will we keep electing war mongers and not holding them accountable? do we believe in the democratic system or not? if we do it means the voters who were for tony blair for example bare some responsibility for what he did. even worse we the people didnt march and protest till he was tried as a war criminal either. so while it's not directly your, or my fault, it is collectively our fault for sure. we put our comfortable lives and the welfare of our families, ahead of those being lost at the hands of bombs we make, dropped by our planes and paid with our money.

please dont get this wrong, i'm just as guilty as all the rest, the price for civil disobedience is so high now that one hesitates. if you do protest you are on a data bank ever after as someone to be watched and fucked with at every opportunity. just look at what is done to whistle blowers or activists of even small causes against the government, they are crushed with all means fair and foul. but yes if we live in a democracy we do bare some responsibility.
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St. Phatty

Active member
Yeah the banks earned the $700 billion dollar bailout because they created the financial crisis in the first place.

Coming up with a $Trillion+ to save the jobs of 10K New York bankers - mostly Jewish - no problem.

Coming up with $30 Billion to bail out GM & save the jobs of 300K mostly Gentile auto-workers at GM & their contractors - for the US Senate & House that was like having an impacted bowel. They did eventually get it done.

Pretty much shows the priorities of the US gov. $100 Million to save a Jewish person's job - no problem.

$100K to save a Gentile's job - BIG problem.

Of course the MSM was happy to pick up the baton & tell everybody that the 'systemic failure' of a few big banks threatened 330 Million Americans.


Well-known member
well how long will we keep electing war mongers and not holding them accountable? do we believe in the democratic system or not? if we do it means the voters who were for tony blair for example bare some responsibility for what he did. even worse we the people didnt march and protest till he was tried as a war criminal either. so while it's not directly your, or my fault, it is collectively our fault for sure. we put our comfortable lives above the lives and the welfare of our families, ahead of those being lost at the hands of bombs we make dropped by our planes and paid with our money.

please done get this wrong, i'm just as guilty as all the rest, the price for civil disobedience is so high now that one hesitates. if you do protest you are on a data bank ever after as someone to be watched and fucked with at every opportunity. just look at what is done to whistle blowers or activists of even small causes against the government, they are crushed with all means fair and foul. but yes if we live in a democracy we do bare some responsibility.

I would love to see any candidate come out and say they are absolutely against killing and bombing people. Period. I imagine they would have other smart things to say too.


Well-known member
I would like anyone who happens to be vaporized by the united state government to know my family tries very hard to not pay for or support this insanity.


Active member
I'll be the first to second that emotion. I can't help but think of how horribly ironic it is that our dependence on oil is what got us overly involved in the Middle East in the first place, that our establishment of military bases in their holiest land to guarantee our continued oil supply is what ultimately makes them hate us so much, and that our burning of said oil without regard for the consequences to our health and to the habitability of our planet is what likely will destroy us. It is quite the vicious circle we have created.

St. Phatty

Active member
I'll be the first to second that emotion. I can't help but think of how horribly ironic it is that our dependence on oil is what got us overly involved in the Middle East in the first place, that our establishment of military bases in their holiest land to guarantee our continued oil supply is what ultimately makes them hate us so much, and that our burning of said oil without regard for the consequences to our health and to the habitability of our planet is what likely will destroy us. It is quite the vicious circle we have created.

So, what do you think happened to Rudolf Diesel ?

He fell off a ferry boat going from Germany to England, and drowned.

He was strongly opposed to fossil fuels. His own development work was focussed on plant derived diesel, mostly peanut oil which has one of the highest energy contents of plant diesels.

Most creative types do not off themselves when they are on the verge of massive worldwide adoption of their technology.

Besides being an impediment to the Fossil Fuel industry, he was also helping the English to adapt diesel tech for their military industry.

So he could have had a mark on himself.



Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you elected a war monger - then let that be on your head - I have never elected anyone - nor voted in some faux-democracy - having never seen anyone to vote for that appealed to me. I never drank their Kool-Aid.

After I tried to move away from all this mega-city madness - I get bounced back - now the bastards are sticking all these bloody leaflets thru the door trying to get me to vote for 'em.

well how long will we keep electing war mongers and not holding them accountable? do we believe in the democratic system or not? if we do it means the voters who were for tony blair for example bare some responsibility for what he did. even worse we the people didnt march and protest till he was tried as a war criminal either. so while it's not directly your, or my fault, it is collectively our fault for sure. we put our comfortable lives above the lives and the welfare of our families, ahead of those being lost at the hands of bombs we make dropped by our planes and paid with our money.

please done get this wrong, i'm just as guilty as all the rest, the price for civil disobedience is so high now that one hesitates. if you do protest you are on a data bank ever after as someone to be watched and fucked with at every opportunity. just look at what is done to whistle blowers or activists of even small causes against the government, they are crushed with all means fair and foul. but yes if we live in a democracy we do bare some responsibility.


Active member
If you elected a war monger - then let that be on your head - I have never elected anyone - nor voted in some faux-democracy - having never seen anyone to vote for that appealed to me. I never drank their Kool-Aid.

After I tried to move away from all this mega-city madness - I get bounced back - now the bastards are sticking all these bloody leaflets thru the door trying to get me to vote for 'em.

Sometimes a vote begins as a vote for the lesser of 2 evils...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Whoever you vote for - the government gets in - and as you state - its all bleed'in evil - bombing the crap out of all and sundry - then we have to live with the recoil from that - and when it gets real shufty - they want us all to dress up as soldiers and go fight their wars - or bail out their banks with their own money which they loaned to us - to bail out their banks.

Sometimes a vote begins as a vote for the lesser of 2 evils...
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