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Tom Hill Haze


Chasing The Present
Jaggy got his Skunk from RCC in the late 70's fwiw, what a good soul Ol J is, he just had a huge gathering at his place in the SW USA, he's an amazing host I hear....

PS: This doesn’t mean Phylos/Mowgli used his skunk as their category archetype , though they probably should have

PPS: I had investor pitch calls with Mowgli / Phylos all the way back in 2014; it was obvious even back then what they were up to, no way SamS etc fell victim to them 5 years later or whenever that was, they were all knowingly in it for the almighty buck or grossly grossly naive; I think deep down we all know exactly what went on there

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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I'm of different opinion, i strongly believe both OH and OTH are early divergers from same Colombian genetic family.

And Sam made me understand once when we met in person at a fair that Oldtmer's Haze is Haze, and it comes from him. I replied him that this very old Haze came from Oldtimer.

Oldtimer's Haze is prior to Haze in Holland, and yes, should be related to Haze family Sam's knows.
He obviously is the person who preserved the Haze for the future.

But there's no accurate info of Haze development from the landrace lines to the peak hybrid generations, and the real people involved in breeding and growing of the strain. I'm sure there was much more people involved than the 3 Haze brothers than from currently 'accepted' Haze origin history.
Fyi, from a BCGA chat:

Time 15:15, 25 Dec 1998
From oldtimer1

Hi Dr Evil I didn't get a reply mail, I use 4 litre pots as a finished pot size Num 7
was mostly 4ís but the square ones hold 5 litres. Num 7ís grow was cut on week
11 on 12/12 My grow was cut from wk 11 and the last out were the es at week 13
but they could have gone 2 or 3 weeks longer but were cut for Christmas, bad
timing on my part. The varieties are mostly my own. There may be descriptions at
BCGA archive of this site Vic posts the addy from time to time. My haze was
brought here [uk] from the states during its development it was still being
developed field scale and may not represent the finished product. From what I
have gleaned the nearest to the real thing on sale in Europe was sold by
Wernard of Positronics. After he went bankrupt his stock and seed Co was taken
over by Dutch passion / Home grown fantaseeds. Both these seed banks are run
by relatives. The thing is that the spec for their haze has been changed from
posies one in a big reduction on the finish time on 12/12. I suspect they have
made a cross to a non dom indica. The thing is if you want to grow real haze it
takes 12 to 16 weeks on 12/12 the very best being the late ones. The only other
Haze that may have some of the original one in could be Nevils haze but
greenhouse haven't published its spec yet but once again I suspect it will have
indica added we will see. Most the other so called haze are lambs breath and Thai
crosses. In fact in Holland haze has become a generic term for a sat with a strong
up high.
Thanks for the mention on anti-social.com I now have an addy which is
oldtimer1@ . When you were talking about H2O2 what strength were you talking
Budm glad you had that bit of Christmas magic, kind of makes life worthwhile.
All the best Ot1.

Time 03:49, 26 Dec 1998
From oldtimer1

I don't have any pure haze mums any more I lost them 8 or 9 years ago to a Borg
attack. This is a point worth making all the sat vars that I have tried are very
susceptible to the two spot mite. So as far as growing sats are concerned a clean
house is needed. I did haveloads of h seeds but over the years have given
them away and Iím sorry to say no one made a go of it with them. In our climate it
needs dedication and to be a good gardener to boot. To grow with tropicals
indoors and under lighting, well totally different techniques are needed but to my
mind they are worth it. This year I have passed on most of what I had left of my h
seed stock to a friend and if he is successful the strain may carry on we will see. I
do have some mums from a series of crosses made between h and ss of which hd
is one, its my fav smoke and takes 9 to 10 w on 12 h. I have great respect for
Nevil and if the fastest is 14 weeks there isn't much nl in there. Small mottled
seeds sound like the right thing too, they sound like a good bet to me and well
worth trying. The main prob with haze is with so much inbreeding you only get 5 to
10% of really exceptional ones so loads need growing to get a really good one. I
suspect Nevil crossed h to a non dom nl then back crossed to h again the idea
being to remove the inbreeding depression without affecting the haze character.
This is only supposition but its the route I would take if I had the space and the
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Well-known member
There is a series on YouTube called "Kombi Life", seriously worth a watch of the first couple seasons. Some young Brit buys an old broke down Kombi in (I think) Chile, and from there proceeds to drive from there, to Alaska. The whole trip from South America to Canada is awesome, after that point it sort of goes off the rails. Highly recommend it.
View attachment 19060800
View attachment 19060801

Germany and Brazil some how we got some imported to the USA

love these old cars, remember a few guys could pick one up and move it :D
A buddy of mine he was building a Porche powered Karmann Ghia his was the convertible, sweet ride
Some random internet pictures good memories
Truly some hip cars when they are fixed up nice :love:
If I remember correctly people put the Porche engines in the bugs too :thinking:
Becoming quite rare,
View attachment 19060806
saw an old kombi for sale not long ago
View attachment 19060808

Hash Artist

Active member
We already did and released in 2009-2010 killer F1s between our still best Green and Purple Oldtimer's Haze mothers and Charlie's/CBG Meao Thai, called Green Haze Thai and Purple Haze Thai respectively. Those seeds were widely available in the subsequent years until about 2014 iirc. I have noticed that our OTH/Meao Thai genetics have been renamed and utilized by other "landrace" breeders, who claim they are their own sativa-landrace lines, disgusting.

I began producing F2s from these F1s in 2012, and the project continued in the following years using reasonably sized populations until reaching the F3 generation. Now, these Purple Haze Thai IBL lines are becoming more homozygous for the main and only PHT F1 phenotype: consistently dark purple-blue plants with red and pink colors at harvest time, exhibiting traits of dark wood, incense, berry liquor, violets, and a distinctly mentally accelerated clean introverted effect. Unfortunately, while the traits remain the same, they lack the vigor, yield, and potency of the F1 generation. Same for Green Haze Thai inbred lines, very close to the F1 phenotype, but losing peaks.

At F2s and F3s is much more fun effort to look for those really good outliers, that do not resemble main F1 phenotype (if it's a true F1, of course).

Best plants from Purple Haze Thai inbred lines resembled as much as possible the best selected females from the F1. The only freak found in the purples was a very low yielding, and late flowering F3 that smelled divine to rose petals.

In the inbred lines of the green version also found in F2 and F3 a couple of females that stood out for having super refined fruity floral terpenes, not found neither in parent plants or F1.

I am particularly looking forward to examining the offspring of these purple and green outliers when the time is right to continue the project.
@dubi apologies if this is off topic but in regards to your description “smelled divine to rose petals” I have a Bubba Hash selection from you that smells and taste predominately of sweet rose petals/geranium. I assume the plant is heavy in geraniol terpene. Of course there is classic bubba smell there too but overwhelmingly it’s roses smell. How common is this profile amongst bubba hash and different haze variety. I havn’t grown ACE hash plant S1 but is it safe to assume this terpene profile is coming from the S1 parent side when found in Bubba Hash?

Donald Mallard

el duck
No Yuannan its today Mongolia and South east Siberia Donald...you are sad and crayz Thai 3xpert.
What fungicides do you use still you dont tell us...
guess where the thai people came from before they were in thailand ,
you have a smart mouth mate ,
its a shame u dont have the smarts to back it up ...

also im not an expert im an enthusiast,
your input in this thread is not needed mate ,
go stir some shit somewhere else ,
your off topic, shit stirring posts will be deleted...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Indian cannabis is average. i don’t even like it that much. To claim that most cannabis on the market is based on indian genetics is an idiotic claim.

Mongolia, siberia. Bullshit. you’re never done showing your ignorance

Cannabis split from hops when himalayan mountain range and tibetan plateu got created. it went from there to mongolia, siberia not the other way around. Cannabis was highland plant in the begging not lowland

European and US hybrids sure. let’s have some. but i also smoke and grow landraces, heirlooms and my own hybrids.

All you do is grow western hybrids. boring

You don’t even know what landraces are. You can’t call drug cultivars grown by humans for decades to 200 years true landraces because these are being fed and selected by humans. Sure they climatize but you can’t say they start to live only by the food they get from local soil because most of their food has been provided by humans. Another ignorant idea from you.

Do you have anything else about cannabis i have to explain to you? Send me a PM

Give it a rest. you’re not even interested in talking about pure Haze genetics and what created it
there is a misconception between landraces and downright wild cannabis ,
landraces are domesticated and grown by man ,
this is an accurate description/definition of a landrace ...
A landrace is a domesticated, locally adapted,[2][3][4] often traditional[5] variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.[2] Landraces are distinct from cultivars and from standard breeds.[

Its a term that gets thrown around a lot , with many having no real understanding of the term ,
ive even had folks argue with me that its the very opposite of the very traits that makes landraces special ,
ie being diverse , able to adapt with many varying characteristics that enable its very survival , as well as what we value in them ...
When you take one of these landraces out of the environment it has adapted to , it changes quickly, adapting to the new environment it finds itself in ....
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Farmer John

Still alive.
I just got the best idea ever. Why wont someone make Roadkill Haze? Double trouble there so everyone could go really nuts. Two mythical unicorns of a million arguments combined.

I mean that by crossing Roadkill Skunk and any of the known hazes will probably start a new pandemic or world war by the looks of the conversation going on around those two cannabis varieties.


Well-known member
there is a misconception between landraces and downright wild cannabis ,
landraces are domesticated and grown by man ,
this is an accurate description/definition of a landrace ...
A landrace is a domesticated, locally adapted,[2][3][4] often traditional[5] variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.[2] Landraces are distinct from cultivars and from standard breeds.[

Its a term that gets thrown around a lot , with many having no real understanding of the term ,
ive even had folks argue with me that its the very opposite of the very traits that makes landraces special ,
ie being diverse , able to adapt with many varying characteristics that enable its very survival , as well as what we value in them ...
When you take one of these landraces out of the environment it has adapted to , it changes quickly, adapting to the new environment it finds itself in ....
Please correct me if I am wrong. An Heirloom was originally a landrace, but is now being bred/produced in a different geographical location, with the original landrace traits being passed down (Heirloomed) thru the generations. And isn't it a landrace has to be in the same location void of other populations for a considerable time before it would be considered a landrace (IBL)?

Farmer John

Still alive.
Please correct me if I am wrong. An Heirloom was originally a landrace, but is now being bred/produced in a different geographical location, with the original landrace traits being passed down (Heirloomed) thru the generations. And isn't it a landrace has to be in the same location void of other populations for a considerable time before it would be considered a landrace (IBL)?

Donald Mallard

el duck
Please correct me if I am wrong. An Heirloom was originally a landrace, but is now being bred/produced in a different geographical location, with the original landrace traits being passed down (Heirloomed) thru the generations. And isn't it a landrace has to be in the same location void of other populations for a considerable time before it would be considered a landrace (IBL)?
yea basically ,

Heirlooms are not necessarily bound to a locality whereas a landrace is. What landraces and heirlooms have in common is that they are all, of course, open pollinated types. Many heirloom varieties would once have existed in a seed catalogue, some of these go back at least 150 years.

heirloom plant, any plant cultivar that has been grown for a certain number of years and that breeds “true to type” from seeds, with each generation of the plant having the same combination of traits. There is no agreement on the precise criteria for heirloom plants.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
there is a misconception between landraces and downright wild cannabis ,
landraces are domesticated and grown by man ,
Excellent point! In high school, more than 50 years ago now :eek: , I used to pick wild hemp, there was actually located in graveyards, in Shelbyville Kentucky. KY used to be the number one hemp producing State in all of the US, in the '30s and '40s.

Back then, it actually gave me a bit of a buzz. :eek:

My tolerance is quite a bit different now.;)
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Tom Hill

Well-known member
What a guy. (y)

Ya, I have a question for his Royal Hiney Ho, have you done a nuclear genome sequence on the seeds you play with? Maybe you can 'weed' out that lambsbread in your collection, eh? ;) It's done in the plant world ya know, like with avocados to determine the background, genetic inputs, of a hybrid from start to finish. https://today.ucsd.edu/story/avocado-genome-is-at-the-center-of-new-study

It's the same old shit around here with the ol Pollen Chuckers Tease - "grow out a bunch and pick the best ones as parents".

Careful Ben I actually have taken the time to gain a modicum of understanding of what the hell I am doing. Plus I was around when you were slinging that dingleberry Smurf line of yours or whatever joke that was. I do not joke about cannabis you cull.