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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
According to chabad it was around year 740 CE that the khazar ruling class, followed by members of the general population, decided to convert. But the whole jewish religion of course is a myth and big lie, and as for Wells what he said was and is true. In regard to your use of terms such as ”self absorbed idiot”, ”moron” and ”your worthless opinion”, I note a case of projection on your part.
Really? Because when I did some quick research on HG Wells and his statement that was quoted from his book, it indicated that he reversed his view after he learned that the holocaust was real. This suggests that your belief that the jewish religion being a myth and Wells' statement is true, is nothing but you expressing your opinion with anything to back it up. As for the terms I used and what you note of them, that is apparently just more of your unsupported opinion again with nothing backing it up.

So Hai

Well-known member
Really? Because when I did some quick research on HG Wells and his statement that was quoted from his book, it indicated that he reversed his view after he learned that the holocaust was real. This suggests that your belief that the jewish religion being a myth and Wells' statement is true, is nothing but you expressing your opinion with anything to back it up. As for the terms I used and what you note of them, that is apparently just more of your unsupported opinion again with nothing backing it up.
I don’t care how things may appear to you nor do I care if you consider my previous statement to be ”unsupported”, dimwit.

So Hai

Well-known member
All religion is a myth and a big lie.
Other religions at least try to explain the metaphysical significance of life while judaism serves only to sustain and promote the so called jewish race in their material well-being, nothing more.



Imagine being a non-jew sympathizing with this crap.

So Hai

Well-known member
Hard to make progress based on a myth and a big lie.

Do you attend church, @So Hai ?
No I don’t, and I do not see how it would be hard to measure such progress - it obviously wasn’t an issue in the pewresearch, or was it hard because you could not find a more resent survey than that?

Just do another survey and compare, that is how hard it is but hey maybe they did do another survey only to decide not to publish?


Well-known member
or was it hard because you could not find a more resent survey than that?
You mistake my curiosity for animosity. A myth and big lie are not exclusive to Judaism.

"church attendance statistics 2024"

How about Gallup?




Well-known member
Religion adjusts a lot of social issues to a better place.

Yes lots of bad things too, but the lack of any societal pressure to meet age old norms is eroding society. Pretty soon we’ll be mad max level if it keeps up, especially the war with Russia.

Currently single motherhood is “empowering”.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don’t care how things may appear to you nor do I care if you consider my previous statement to be ”unsupported”, dimwit.
Of course you don'r care what I think, that's why you spend so much energy trying to convince me of how little you care. :rolleyes:
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Other religions at least try to explain the metaphysical significance of life while judaism serves only to sustain and promote the so called jewish race in their material well-being, nothing more.

View attachment 19026542
View attachment 19026541

Imagine being a non-jew sympathizing with this crap.
Yeah that's why the first half of the Christian bible (Old Testament) that explains all the metaphysical existence of life in the Chrstian religion was lifted almost entirely from the Torah. :rolleyes:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah, imagine.
Yeah no kidding, according to the famous story, when given a chance to set Christ free from prison, the Jews choose to free Barabbas. I mean that's a real head scratcher as to why Christians blame the Jews for Christss death. Of course that also means they miss the whole bit about Christ being brought to earth was about him being put to death for their sins.


Well-known member
The Jews were especially pissed at Jesus for kicking the money lenders out of the temple. It was shortly after that event, and the cursing of the fig tree, that Jesus was arrested.

So Hai

Well-known member
Yeah that's why the first half of the Christian bible (Old Testament) that explains all the metaphysical existence of life in the Chrstian religion was lifted almost entirely from the Torah. :rolleyes:
You are correct in that the old testament is the christian bible, the jewish religion was created by the pharisees during the herodian (idumean) dynasty with the pharisee oral law tracts of jerusalem talmud compiled in AD 350-400 and babylonian talmud AD 500.

”Christianity did not come from judaism, rather judaism is a perversion of christianity”
- Ignatius Theophorus, AD 50 - 110

”Christ is the king of israel and christians are the israelite race”
- Justin Martyr, AD 100 - 165


Well-known member
HempKat said:
Yeah that's why the first half of the Christian bible (Old Testament) that explains all the metaphysical existence of life in the Chrstian religion was lifted almost entirely from the Torah

the bible is the bible hempkat.

some judean hebrews accepted jesus as the messiah , and some did not . the covenant was satisfied according to some , and not according to others .

So Hai

Well-known member
You mistake my curiosity for animosity. A myth and big lie are not exclusive to Judaism.
It is certainly true regarding myth, as for the big lie it is the term given by a certain german socialist to describe a jewish propaganda technique.

"church attendance statistics 2024"
What does this have to do with the supposed growth numbers of americans who believe that jews killed the christ?