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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
blue maga suggesting the russians (assumingly on the behalf of trump) are beaming signals into biden's head to make him seem incompetent lmao



Well-known member
so biden can now (according to the supreme court) have the republicans in scotus and congress arrested and executed without trial? that's what the ruling means, right?

asking for a friend
I think ultimately it will reduce to constitutionally legal actions will be immune from prosecution
also believe this is an understanding in constitutional law, i.e this something Captain Obvious would write up as a legal opinion
but it will require time/court cases to establish the obvious, which is the desired outcome for the obvious


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Exactly how far do you go back for each scrap of land in the world then? Just until the group you favor has a “right” to the land?
As far back as necessary for the discussion I'm replying to. I have no favorite in this discussion. I've known Jewish people I like and I've known ones I dislike. As for Palestinians, I can't recall having ever met any but since I've found people of most any given nationality that I've met have some I like and some I don't, I see no reason why I would feel any differently about Palestinians. For the purpose of this discussion I'm speaking purely from the perspective of how I understasnd things to be historically. I've not even gotten into the technical, legal aspects of it yet. If I were to do that I would have to consider that since the fall of the Ottoman Empire up until 1948 the land in question was considered under the rule and ownership of the British Empire and around 1948 presumably due to how the Jewish people were almost wiped out by the Germans in WWII, they felt sorry for them and gave control/ownership of the land to the Jewish people at that time. However I don't care much for the idea of Empire building by taking over lands of conquered people so i didn't really include that in my view of things. I'm just looking at the fact that the bible documents the Jewish people ruling that land originally and the fact that the city of Jerusalem was originally built by the Jews and predates, Christians, Muslims and presumably Palestinians. Which shows it was their land first and they're just trying to reclaim what was once theirs.

Now keep in mind, I'm not saying that makes how they treat the Palestinians today as being okay. I would much rather see both people's work out some reasonable arrangement that gives both groups a place they can claim as theirs and live in peace, aka a two state solution. Unfortunately neither side seems to want to go that route and so they continue to attack one another ongoingly as they have ever since the days the Jews tried to return to Israel. Given that historic back and forth both groups have a certain right to retaliate against one another but given how long that has been going on and it's not really improved the situation for either side, to continue that seems pretty stupid in my opinion. Alas it's not up to me. Each group in my opinion has certain sovereign rights to determine for themselves how they want to respond to each other. Which seems to me to be the view of just about every other country including the US. Sure the US provides military aide to Israel since they are long established allies of the US but that aide is given so that they have the means to defend themselves against the hostile forces that have continually attacked Israel ever since the jewish people have tried to return there. The US however does not approve of what the Israeli government has been doing though as far as attacking innocent civilians. As such we've been trying to encourage the Israeli government to seek a more peaceful solution but both sides have resisted that. The only way the US could force that would be to go in there with boots on the ground and try to defeat both sides in order to force a peaceful resolution. That however would turn Israel against us and be seen as an invitation for other nations to get involved with the most likely outcome being the battle of Armageddon as describe in revelations which nobody wants and would probably be the worst possible situation for the Palestinians. Even without us being there Lebanon in the form of Hezbollah is already threatening to turn what is going on there into a full scale war, which has the potential of getting the US involved whether we want to or not.

The best possible soluton for everyone involved is for other countries to stay out of the conflict and for Israel and palestine to work out some mutually agreeable solution. Unfortunately given the attitudes on both of those sides that doesn't seem terribly likely right now.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
my great grandma had a house in germany before leaving for America..... that means the house is mine then right? i just gotta go over there and claim it from the squatters.
Only if she never relinquished ownership which more then likely she did, probably in exchange for cash. of course you know all this and are just being riddiculous now.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No way dude, the US is the most benevolent country ever. Don’t you know they scout the earth for other countries in need and help them to achieve freedom and democracy, free of charge! Just look at the shining examples they’ve left in South and Central America, south east Asia, the eastern bloc, and the Middle East. Uncle Sam is just a class act all around.
Oh great now there are two people being sarcastically riddiculous. Nobody has ever claimed that the US hasn't had it's share of bad acts historically


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thanks Obama

Huh I thought if you have an older claim to the land than the current occupant, it's yours?!?!

But I'll be in the right cuz my grandma lived there first. Everyone who lived in her house after her are squatters!
Not if you're Granma sold it too them you moron. Now if someone came in there against her will took her off elsewhere into slavery and at some future point let her go or she was freed by someone ese, then yeah in that circumstance you would have a claim.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
so biden can now (according to the supreme court) have the republicans in scotus and congress arrested and executed without trial? that's what the ruling means, right?

asking for a friend
A least according to one dissenting opinion he would. of course you know as well as I that he would never go that rout. Even though that might be the best thing to preserve the US government as we've known it to be until now. If he did decide to go that route it would probably be best if he also included everyone who openly supports the MAGA movement.


Well-known member
As far back as necessary for the discussion I'm replying to. I have no favorite in this discussion. I've known Jewish people I like and I've known ones I dislike. As for Palestinians, I can't recall having ever met any but since I've found people of most any given nationality that I've met have some I like and some I don't, I see no reason why I would feel any differently about Palestinians. For the purpose of this discussion I'm speaking purely from the perspective of how I understasnd things to be historically. I've not even gotten into the technical, legal aspects of it yet. If I were to do that I would have to consider that since the fall of the Ottoman Empire up until 1948 the land in question was considered under the rule and ownership of the British Empire and around 1948 presumably due to how the Jewish people were almost wiped out by the Germans in WWII, they felt sorry for them and gave control/ownership of the land to the Jewish people at that time. However I don't care much for the idea of Empire building by taking over lands of conquered people so i didn't really include that in my view of things. I'm just looking at the fact that the bible documents the Jewish people ruling that land originally and the fact that the city of Jerusalem was originally built by the Jews and predates, Christians, Muslims and presumably Palestinians. Which shows it was their land first and they're just trying to reclaim what was once theirs.

Now keep in mind, I'm not saying that makes how they treat the Palestinians today as being okay. I would much rather see both people's work out some reasonable arrangement that gives both groups a place they can claim as theirs and live in peace, aka a two state solution. Unfortunately neither side seems to want to go that route and so they continue to attack one another ongoingly as they have ever since the days the Jews tried to return to Israel. Given that historic back and forth both groups have a certain right to retaliate against one another but given how long that has been going on and it's not really improved the situation for either side, to continue that seems pretty stupid in my opinion. Alas it's not up to me. Each group in my opinion has certain sovereign rights to determine for themselves how they want to respond to each other. Which seems to me to be the view of just about every other country including the US. Sure the US provides military aide to Israel since they are long established allies of the US but that aide is given so that they have the means to defend themselves against the hostile forces that have continually attacked Israel ever since the jewish people have tried to return there. The US however does not approve of what the Israeli government has been doing though as far as attacking innocent civilians. As such we've been trying to encourage the Israeli government to seek a more peaceful solution but both sides have resisted that. The only way the US could force that would be to go in there with boots on the ground and try to defeat both sides in order to force a peaceful resolution. That however would turn Israel against us and be seen as an invitation for other nations to get involved with the most likely outcome being the battle of Armageddon as describe in revelations which nobody wants and would probably be the worst possible situation for the Palestinians. Even without us being there Lebanon in the form of Hezbollah is already threatening to turn what is going on there into a full scale war, which has the potential of getting the US involved whether we want to or not.

The best possible soluton for everyone involved is for other countries to stay out of the conflict and for Israel and palestine to work out some mutually agreeable solution. Unfortunately given the attitudes on both of those sides that doesn't seem terribly likely right now.
So only far back as suits your purpose?


Well-known member
Unfortunately given the attitudes on both of those sides that doesn't seem terribly likely right now.
Arafat turned down the best offer The Palestinians will ever get for an independent nation years ago, fearing that his right wing would turn on him. ever since, it has been a steady stream of "DEATH TO ISRAEL!" how's that working out for the Palestinian people these days ? any progress ? :shucks:


Well-known member
Arafat turned down the best offer The Palestinians will ever get for an independent nation years ago, fearing that his right wing would turn on him. ever since, it has been a steady stream of "DEATH TO ISRAEL!" how's that working out for the Palestinian people these days ? any progress ? :shucks:
good post

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Oh great now there are two people being sarcastically riddiculous. Nobody has ever claimed that the US hasn't had it's share of bad acts historically
Oh great now we have another pretentious non-pot growing boomer wash up masquerading as a liberal telling us whats what on a pot growing site like their opinion is still relevant…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Arafat turned down the best offer The Palestinians will ever get for an independent nation years ago, fearing that his right wing would turn on him. ever since, it has been a steady stream of "DEATH TO ISRAEL!" how's that working out for the Palestinian people these days ? any progress ? :shucks:
No progress for anyone, just lots of death and destruction on both sides.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Oh great now we have another pretentious non-pot growing boomer wash up masquerading as a liberal telling us whats what on a pot growing site like their opinion is still relevant…
Wow some self absorbed idiot who thinks you're only relevent if you are currently growing cannabis. i'm sure all of those with knowledge and experience of growing but for one reason or another can't but still helps new growers when they can, would love to hear your worthless opinion. Oh wait, they'll likely never hear your opinion since i never see you showing up in the threads where new growers ask for help. :rolleyes:
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So you can steal a car from someone if the title is too old?
No obviously not since the title only comes when you buy the car and take ownership. But come on, I'm sure you can come up with an even more riddiculous and irrelevent attempt to make an analogy. On the chance though thaat's about as deep as yourr mind works, I suppose that mmeans you think that if you find a car parked somewhere and the owner happens to not be there at the momnt, then it's okay for you to steal it? :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Arafat turned down the best offer The Palestinians will ever get for an independent nation years ago, fearing that his right wing would turn on him. ever since, it has been a steady stream of "DEATH TO ISRAEL!" how's that working out for the Palestinian people these days ? any progress ? :shucks:
how generous of them to ethnically cleanse palestinians, then make them such a nice offer which would have claimed 70-80% of the total land lmao even though before 1948 and british colonialism, jews comprised of 10% or so of the palestinian population.

So Hai

Well-known member
Oh well if HG Wells (a world reknowned writer of science fiction) said it then it must be true. :LOL:

You maybe should research your "evidence" before you go quoting it. Both groups mentioned in the quote were groups of peopllle that converted to the jewish religion. As such they are not even remotely evidence of the history of the entire Jewish religon. In fact the second group, the Khazars was part of a theory of jewish people that was often refered to as The Khazar myth and the theory was eventually abandoned. The quote above was from a book Wells published called "The Outline Of History" which drew much of it's content from theories rather the actual known facts.
According to chabad it was around year 740 CE that the khazar ruling class, followed by members of the general population, decided to convert. But the whole jewish religion of course is a myth and big lie, and as for Wells what he said was and is true. In regard to your use of terms such as ”self absorbed idiot”, ”moron” and ”your worthless opinion”, I note a case of projection on your part.

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